View Full Version : We adopted a new baby boy Sunday 4/3/2011

04-04-2011, 02:40 PM
We found Chad on-line through petfinder.com

He was found as a stray by the Huntington shelter on Long Island, NY and was there for 6 months he was about a year old when they found him.

No one wanted to adopt him because he was too full of energy and had not had any formal training what so ever plus he did not pay too much attention to anyone who came to see him.

For a dog that had never been in a car he took the 2 plus hour ride home like he had done it forever.

Bought him 3 squeaky toys and he totaled all 3 of them in no time LOL! Once he was here took him on a walk and he was pretty calm until he would see a cat or a squirl then it was like let me @ him LOL!

In the house he is a ball of fire and can leap almost 4 feet off the ground from a stand still hind legs and all and wants to play about 4 hours a day.

He still is not house broken unfortunately so we need to work on that and a lot more. But he is eager to learn and is trying hard even after only a day.

We took him to the vet's today to get a check up. He passed his blood tests and every thing else with flying colors. Got him all the shots he did not have yet and started his heartworm protection as well. Plus had a micro chip implanted just in case he ever gets away from us. Tomorrow I have to register him with our city as well.

Well here is the pics of him and will post a video as soon as we figure out how to format it to a Mpeg.











04-04-2011, 02:41 PM
Here are a few more pics of Chad.






Ms. Denmark
04-04-2011, 03:09 PM
Wow Dave....he's HANDSOME!!! What a great looking dog!. And best of all he looks right at home with you guys! Congratulations on your new Baby!!

04-04-2011, 03:28 PM
Awesome dog! Congrats. Brush brush brush and brush some more! They are very energetic dogs. Mine would always run after the rabbits and other critters. My neighbors huskey can climb the fence and escape! Smart dogs!

04-04-2011, 03:29 PM
Wow, you can sure tell he's your kid, he seems to have your nose and eyes....:D

That's a good looking puppy, I hope you have many years of friendship together. :)

04-04-2011, 03:50 PM
What a cutie!!! Love the BLUE eyes! Best of luck with your new son!

04-04-2011, 03:57 PM
congrats thats a nice looking puppy.

04-04-2011, 04:31 PM
Wow Dave....he's HANDSOME!!! What a great looking dog!. And best of all he looks right at home with you guys! Congratulations on your new Baby!!

Thanks Ms. D and yes he is already trying to take over the house LOL!

04-04-2011, 04:33 PM
Awesome dog! Congrats. Brush brush brush and brush some more! They are very energetic dogs. Mine would always run after the rabbits and other critters. My neighbors huskey can climb the fence and escape! Smart dogs!

Ya I heard they are total escape artists and will watch how people go in and out of places till they learn how to do it them selves.


04-04-2011, 04:35 PM
Wow, you can sure tell he's your kid, he seems to have your nose and eyes....:D

That's a good looking puppy, I hope you have many years of friendship together. :)

Thanks Spectragod and OMG LMAO!!!

I still miss my 2 babies but Francisco thought this would be the best way to help me get over their passing.

04-04-2011, 04:36 PM
What a cutie!!! Love the BLUE eyes! Best of luck with your new son!

Ya those eyes stand out big time but it is like the devil is behind them when the flash catches those eyes!
And he is full of the Devil personality wise. LOL

04-04-2011, 04:37 PM
congrats thats a nice looking puppy.

Thanks blackbeauty!

The Hampton in does allow dogs so we might see about bringing him to Carlisle with us if I can train him up enough in time.

Da Dark Jedi
04-04-2011, 04:38 PM
Congrats Dave! Great looking dog, wish the new edition to the familymbest of luck.

04-04-2011, 04:41 PM
Congrats Dave! Great looking dog, wish the new edition to the familymbest of luck.

Thanks for the wish's Dark Jedi!

I am glad he is healthy and that I was able to save him from the shelter. I do not mind working with a dog that needs training it builds a better bond between us both and his life is saved.

04-04-2011, 04:54 PM
OMG!!! He's SOOOOOOOoooooo Cute!!! :D Dave, if you have ANY questions, just ask!!!
#1 Get your doggy brush ready, it's just about time for that winter coat to drop! And you WILL be able to make a rug or two...
#2 They're incredibly intelligent. Make sure you have strict boundries. If you give an inch, they will take a mile.
#3 Make sure that if you (or anyone) go inside or outside with him to make him wait until you have passed the threshold first.
#4 I can go on and on..... Just ask!
Here's Guiness btw:

04-04-2011, 05:22 PM
Cool looking doggie! Amy is at a training class with Daisy as I type this. (I hope Daisy is able to teach Amy something, lol.)

04-04-2011, 05:28 PM
He's absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Congrats!!!

I want one!

04-04-2011, 05:56 PM
That's a beautiful Husky man. Congrats and good luck!

04-04-2011, 06:10 PM
That Husky is one sharp looking puppy...:woof:

PS: If you think a husky can escape try a beagle:):):)

SC Cheesehead
04-04-2011, 07:26 PM
Wow! Beautiful dog, Dave!

Congrats on finding your new best friend!

04-04-2011, 07:39 PM
great looking son you have. Wife and I got a rescue dog and love her.

04-05-2011, 03:54 AM
Congrats Dave, Chris and I hope you have many years of enjoyment with Chad.

Egon Spengler
04-05-2011, 06:53 AM
Good luck with the pooch buddy! He's a handsome pup!

04-05-2011, 12:35 PM
OMG!!! He's SOOOOOOOoooooo Cute!!! :D Dave, if you have ANY questions, just ask!!!
#1 Get your doggy brush ready, it's just about time for that winter coat to drop! And you WILL be able to make a rug or two...
#2 They're incredibly intelligent. Make sure you have strict boundries. If you give an inch, they will take a mile.
#3 Make sure that if you (or anyone) go inside or outside with him to make him wait until you have passed the threshold first.
#4 I can go on and on..... Just ask!
Here's Guiness btw:

Thanks Racer X for the compliment and the advice!
Yes we are quickly learning he is an opportunist and knows how to play the game naturally trying to test his limits and what he can get away with.

He woke me up @ 6 a.m. this morning jumped on the bed to snuggle between us and slowly pushed further against me till I was on the edge of the bed and had to try and snooz in the living room. He eventually came in there asking to go outside. It took more than 2 hours of walking to get him to go poo outside and it was his first time he was only doing it in the kitchen up until then.

But when he is in trouble with Francisco he quickly runs to me for protection and this is only day 3 with him LOL!

04-05-2011, 12:37 PM
Cool looking doggie! Amy is at a training class with Daisy as I type this. (I hope Daisy is able to teach Amy something, lol.)

That is what made Franky easy to teach I already had Molly and she knew it all so between her and myself Franky fell into line easy even though he was 7 years old then.

But Chad will take a bit longer without the extra help. ;)

04-05-2011, 12:38 PM
He's absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Congrats!!!

I want one!

Thank You!

04-05-2011, 12:40 PM
That's a beautiful Husky man. Congrats and good luck!

He learns fast on most stuff already knows how to catch a ball and return it to toss it again for him. @ least easy to teach with play time other stuff still a bit slow.

But it is fun working with him and keeps me on my toe's.

04-05-2011, 12:42 PM
That Husky is one sharp looking puppy...:woof:

PS: If you think a husky can escape try a beagle:):):)

LOL have a neighbor with Beagles it is crazy when they start to bark and howl. But I did not know they like to take off.

04-05-2011, 12:44 PM
great looking son you have. Wife and I got a rescue dog and love her.

It's the best thing to do so many dog's need to be rescued it is not funny!

And I am glad you did the same thing and love each other as well. :beer:

04-05-2011, 12:48 PM
Wow! Beautiful dog, Dave!

Congrats on finding your new best friend!

Thanks! I am looking forward to bringing him to the car shows with the Marauder after I get him use to loud cars and people.

It will be nice to have company @ the car shows. I could not bring Molly with her epilepsy and it was not right to bring Franky out without her seeing she was with me first. So this time I will have a friend hanging out with me.

04-05-2011, 12:50 PM
Congrats Dave, Chris and I hope you have many years of enjoyment with Chad.

Thanks Haggis and tell Chris I said hello!

I hope I can bring him to Carlisle but not sure yet. If not I have someone to watch Chad in the house so I do not have to worry about him seeing Francisco wants to come this year.

04-05-2011, 12:51 PM
Good luck with the pooch buddy! He's a handsome pup!


And did you get your brake problems solved? I never did talk to you again about it so figured I would ask.

04-05-2011, 01:01 PM
I hope I can bring him to Carlisle but not sure yet. If not I have someone to watch Chad in the house so I do not have to worry about him seeing Francisco wants to come this year.

I HOPE SO TOO!!!!!!! :puppy: :)

04-05-2011, 01:04 PM
:D We let Guiness on our bed for a week... Now he's not allowed in our bedroom and he won't come in even with the door open. He's not allowed on couches and boy will he try! He'll put a paw up... then two... then his chest on your lap... Little stinkers! They love to dig in places you don't want them digging! Our flower beds and vegetable garden have little garden fences around them (ornate, barely visable and very functionable). They typically will go #2 within 15 minutes of being fed. We found ours is very particular and if I switch food, he literally will go on a hunger strike for a couple days! Always empty your trash can/put food outside in bins or garbage disposal. We mix wet food with dry, half and half. They LOVE anything with bacon flavor! Oh yeah, boy do they love to talk! Rawr, rawr, rawr...

Oh yeah, be careful if you leave him alone. You may want to cage/crate train him. They can be very highstrung when left alone. Mine has been cage trained from a pup and when we first got him we left him alone one day in the house and he destroyed the shades in all the windows. Yes, they can run like the wind if they escape! Is he snipped? They're more docile whithout testosterone!!!

04-05-2011, 01:08 PM
Lol, he definitely looks ready in the 5th picture... Doggie has nice eyes too!

04-05-2011, 01:15 PM
:D We let Guiness on our bed for a week... Now he's not allowed in our bedroom and he won't come in even with the door open. He's not allowed on couches and boy will he try! He'll put a paw up... then two... then his chest on your lap... Little stinkers! They love to dig in places you don't want them digging! Our flower beds and vegetable garden have little garden fences around them (ornate, barely visable and very functionable). They typically will go #2 within 15 minutes of being fed. We found ours is very particular and if I switch food, he literally will go on a hunger strike for a couple days! Always empty your trash can/put food outside in bins or garbage disposal. We mix wet food with dry, half and half. They LOVE anything with bacon flavor! Oh yeah, boy do they love to talk! Rawr, rawr, rawr...

He doesn't talk unless it is to talk back when he is not happy with the results he got from us reaction wise! Then he runs away and peaks around the corner to see if all is okay and no one is mad @ him LOL!

We have to mix plain rice and chicken with his dry food right now. He had intestinal parasites and was treated for it just before we got him. They said it was to help make his stools harden up more they are a bit loose right now.

But when ever we switched food with Molly and Franky we did it slowly so there would be no issues and plan to do the same with Chad.

@ the shelter he always went to the bathroom in his kennel so it is what he is use to and will take a bit to teach him only outside to do this. I started to teach him to touch bells hanging on the door knob to let us know he has to go out. I hope this helps a bit with the transition.

04-05-2011, 01:17 PM
Lol, he definitely looks ready in the 5th picture... Doggie has nice eyes too!

He just doesn't have much eye expression like Molly and Franky did! I could see things in their face feelings wise with Chad it is his body that gives away what he is feeling and how he carries himself.

I hope he gets more expressive as he gets more use to being here than in the shelter.

Egon Spengler
04-05-2011, 01:21 PM

And did you get your brake problems solved? I never did talk to you again about it so figured I would ask.
LOL! YUP! All set buddy! Thanks for thinking of me. I actually removed rust that was built up under the sliders in the caliper bracket and sanded them down and reinstalled the sliders and made sure they were a tight fit in the pocket and they worked fine after that! New pads and rotors too after the damage that was caused.

04-05-2011, 01:26 PM
LOL! YUP! All set buddy! Thanks for thinking of me. I actually removed rust that was built up under the sliders in the caliper bracket and sanded them down and reinstalled the sliders and made sure they were a tight fit in the pocket and they worked fine after that! New pads and rotors too after the damage that was caused.

Cool glad to hear you got it all fixed up and braking evenly!

I am dieing for good weather so I can do the paint work for the new brake's going on her. The only thing that is holding me up right now. Have all the parts siting and waiting.

04-05-2011, 04:55 PM
Just saw this...how awesome for you! Congrats!


04-06-2011, 02:47 PM
Just saw this...how awesome for you! Congrats!


Here is a video of the 2 of us playing together his first day home!

Our first time using the new video camera so Francisco did his best the next one should be better.


05-05-2011, 11:53 AM
Here are some new pics of our boy!

Still full of the devil but learning more and more bit by bit.











05-05-2011, 11:58 AM
He's so beautiful!!! LOOOVE his eyes.

He looks like he's guilty of something in the second pic.

I can't wait to meet him at Carlisle!!! You can consider me his babysitter. I don't think I'll be able to keep away from him! :D

05-05-2011, 12:09 PM
He's so beautiful!!! LOOOVE his eyes.

He looks like he's guilty of something in the second pic.

I can't wait to meet him at Carlisle!!! You can consider me his babysitter. I don't think I'll be able to keep away from him! :D

LOL he is always guilty of something! Those eyes do not glow red in the light for nothing LOL!

Did you see the video of him playing with me in the post before the new pics?

05-05-2011, 12:17 PM
IS that him driving?
Wife and adopted (she adopted us) about a yeas ago. I have my other friends pass and we missed the cold noses around us. Great feeling and a lifelong friend. Congrats and nice looking son you have. Wait til he asks you for the car keys. ha

05-05-2011, 12:22 PM
LOL he is always guilty of something! Those eyes do not glow red in the light for nothing LOL!

Did you see the video of him playing with me in the post before the new pics?

YES! I watched it! Love @ 55 seconds when he freezes and peeks around the corner then attacks and I love the leap at the end. So freakin cute! He's a furry ball of energy!!

05-05-2011, 12:26 PM
YES! I watched it! Love @ 55 seconds when he freezes and peeks around the corner then attacks and I love the leap at the end. So freakin cute! He's a furry ball of energy!!

You have no idea he can play for hours on end and wants to do it every time he comes in from a walk. :eek:

And that is after he tries to rip your arm out chasing every single squirl he sees while he is walking :lol:

But he is quick to roll over onto his back and have his belly rubbed when he wants attention.

05-05-2011, 12:30 PM
You have no idea he can play for hours on end and wants to do it every time he comes in from a walk. :eek:

And that is after he tries to rip your arm out chasing every single squirl he sees while he is walking :lol:

But he is quick to roll over onto his back and have his belly rubbed when he wants attention.

Sounds like my friends Jack Russel - he's literally on the otherside of the room in a blink of an eye. But J.R.s are known hyper pups. I never knew huskies were too! Lol

05-30-2011, 02:34 PM
Spoiled boy just got a couple of new toys today.

They were suppose to be just for the trip to Carlisle but one he insisted on having right away as you will see.

Francisco took them with his phone so not the largest or best. It did have a squeaky in it but he busted the squeaky in the car driving back home UG!! :mad2:





05-30-2011, 04:41 PM
SOOOO CUTE!!!!! I can't take it!!!

Very excited about meeting you guys this weekend!

05-31-2011, 06:27 AM
Great looking dog.I too am a dog lover..I currently have a Walker coon hound,strickly an outside dog...He will not come in the house..He braas and howls as he should..My other dog,strictly inside dog,is a pitbull...Scary looking but,really a ***** cat...I had a Husky many years ago.They are fiercely independant and given the chance will run away...Wish you many years of fun and happiness with your new family addition.:)

05-31-2011, 10:45 AM
SOOOO CUTE!!!!! I can't take it!!!

Very excited about meeting you guys this weekend!

Thanks and I got a confirmation from both the Carlisle event director and the Hampton INN making sure all was okay for him to come to the show field and Hotel.

So the full family will be there. :banana2:

05-31-2011, 10:47 AM
Great looking dog.I too am a dog lover..I currently have a Walker coon hound,strickly an outside dog...He will not come in the house..He braas and howls as he should..My other dog,strictly inside dog,is a pitbull...Scary looking but,really a ***** cat...I had a Husky many years ago.They are fiercely independant and given the chance will run away...Wish you many years of fun and happiness with your new family addition.:)

You can not beat the love an affection you get from dog's!

Chad is coming along nicely and is even a good boy @ the 2 dog park's we have taken him to. When it is time to go back on the leash for the drive home he is very good about it seeing all that energy has burned off playing with the other dog's.

05-31-2011, 10:49 AM
Thanks and I got a confirmation from both the Carlisle event director and the Hampton INN making sure all was okay for him to come to the show field and Hotel.

So the full family will be there. :banana2:

:woohoo: :banana:

06-07-2011, 08:21 AM
Francisco loved taking pics of him more than the mustangs can you tell?

25084 25085 25086 25087 25088 25089 25090 25091 25092

But I have to admit I was impressed with him he did not make a single mess in the room when he was alone nor tear anything apart.

And never once did he try to jump onto a car.

So I guess he is good to go @ any event I go to now. Just a little hard for him to handle the heat.

06-07-2011, 08:55 AM
His eyeballs look like some kind of Hollywood special effect, very cool.

06-07-2011, 09:04 AM
His eyeballs look like some kind of Hollywood special effect, very cool.

Omg you should see him in person! They're like crystal clear! And he so darn playful! Before we left Carlisle we were saying goodbye to Dave and Chad was jumping all over Paul and then came up by my leg and just pressed his little head up against it for a good 30+ seconds and just stood there then jumped up at me. He so freakin lovable!!

06-07-2011, 09:28 AM
Omg you should see him in person! They're like crystal clear! And he so darn playful! Before we left Carlisle we were saying goodbye to Dave and Chad was jumping all over Paul and then came up by my leg and just pressed his little head up against it for a good 30+ seconds and just stood there then jumped up at me. He so freakin lovable!!

He trid that BS with me on Sunday and I just smacked him upside the head.

06-07-2011, 09:31 AM
He trid that BS with me on Sunday and I just smacked him upside the head.

Someone should smack YOU upside the head!


Love ya Gordon!

06-07-2011, 09:32 AM
Someone should smack YOU upside the head!


Love ya Gordon!

Chris does all the time....and she loves me too.

06-07-2011, 09:53 AM
Chris does all the time....and she loves me too.
She should smack you up side the head more oftener.

06-07-2011, 10:03 AM
Chris does all the time....and she loves me too.

You were grumpy because you wanted to sleep on the table!

But Chad did this after words under his breath :argue:

06-07-2011, 10:28 AM
She should smack you up side the head more oftener.

She smacks me so often, everytime she is near I wince.

You were grumpy because you wanted to sleep on the table!

But Chad did this after words under his breath :argue:

Not grumpy tired, Chad was really a good boy and if you had not pulled him back when he did jump I would have just petted him.

06-07-2011, 10:32 AM
She smacks me so often, everytime she is near I wince.

Not grumpy tired, Chad was really a good boy and if you had not pulled him back when he did jump I would have just petted him.

Considering how much energy he had pent up I was shocked he did not try and get every single person near him to play with him to be honest.
Normally here @ the house he needs many hours a day of serious play time and lots of long walks.

I try to keep a close eye on him though all the time because he is quick to do things and with little or no warning.
We expected him to be bouncing off the inside doors of the Marauder on that 5 hour trip each way but he did not do any thing except play with his toys
and sleep until he had to go to the bathroom then we got a wake up call thank god LOL!!

The worst part was @ a toll booth he dropped his squeaky toy outside the window rolling up to it. Francisco got out and ran back to get it for him or
we knew there would be trouble.

06-07-2011, 10:35 AM
It's ok I have two 6 1/2 month old puppies at home that are already his size.

Dr Caleb
06-09-2011, 10:01 AM
Handsome puppy!

You may have noticed, he likes to 'pull'. He may also like to chew. Coffee tables, sofas, cats . . .

There are a couple owners at the dog park that encourage their natural tendency to pull, by getting them a harness and a cart (or snowboard in winter) and letting them be pulled by their dogs all around the park. It's the only way to stop them chewing. And the dogs are just in heaven!

Dr Caleb
06-09-2011, 10:09 AM
It's ok I have two 6 1/2 month old puppies at home that are already his size.

My friends doggie just had a second litter of pups, and at 6 weeks they are taller than a Husky. :eek:

She's a champion pure bred Irish wolfhound. When she sits, she is at chest level on me. 130 pounds of tongue and wagging tail, but I've never seen anything prettier or scarier than her and 3 or 4 of her puppies (first set) running as a 'pack'. The owner brings them out one or two at a time now. Her first male puppy's owner, (2 years old) is in deep doo-doo for the dog chasing and bringing down a deer near one dog park.

06-09-2011, 10:21 AM
My friends doggie just had a second litter of pups, and at 6 weeks they are taller than a Husky. :eek:

She's a champion pure bred Irish wolfhound. When she sits, she is at chest level on me. 130 pounds of tongue and wagging tail, but I've never seen anything prettier or scarier than her and 3 or 4 of her puppies (first set) running as a 'pack'. The owner brings them out one or two at a time now. Her first male puppy's owner, (2 years old) is in deep doo-doo for the dog chasing and bringing down a deer near one dog park.

I think I dated her back in the day.....

Dr Caleb
06-09-2011, 10:25 AM
I think I dated her back in the day.....

I think it was more recent than that. I heard you won't take your girlfriend to a dog show because you're afraid she might win.

06-09-2011, 10:40 AM
Handsome puppy!

You may have noticed, he likes to 'pull'. He may also like to chew. Coffee tables, sofas, cats . . .

There are a couple owners at the dog park that encourage their natural tendency to pull, by getting them a harness and a cart (or snowboard in winter) and letting them be pulled by their dogs all around the park. It's the only way to stop them chewing. And the dogs are just in heaven!

Ya we are constantly taking him out to walk and run as well as playing in the house he often pulls on our hand to go play with him. He destroys squeaky toys in minutes but so far has been good with furniture and clothing.

I already got a leather harness for the winter time that is made for hooking up a sled and the kids upstairs are eager to help train him pulling them on a sled LOL!!

Thanks for the info though. :beer:

06-09-2011, 11:15 AM
I think it was more recent than that. I heard you won't take your girlfriend to a dog show because you're afraid she might win.

She is a cute b!tch...

Ya we are constantly taking him out to walk and run as well as playing in the house he often pulls on our hand to go play with him. He destroys squeaky toys in minutes but so far has been good with furniture and clothing.

I already got a leather harness for the winter time that is made for hooking up a sled and the kids upstairs are eager to help train him pulling them on a sled LOL!!

Thanks for the info though. :beer:
Oh man, that would be fun, take pics if it happens. Is he full grown yet?

06-09-2011, 11:40 AM
She is a cute b!tch...

Oh man, that would be fun, take pics if it happens. Is he full grown yet?

I think he has a bit more filling out to do muscle wise. Husky's usually are not full grown till 2 years old and he is about a year and 8 months now @ best guess from how long he was in the shelter and what they thought his age was when he was found as a stray.

His teeth are still closing in on each other in the rows which says still not grown to me.

There is one around the corner from us and he weighs in @ 55 lbs and Chad is only 41 lbs but he could have been the runt of the litter for all we know.

He is about Molly's size when she was alive our female Lab/Chow mix her brother Franky was much larger and weighed in @ 70lbs.