View Full Version : This is cute!

12-30-2003, 07:25 AM
This is cute....... just enter any name in place of SHERIFF (like below) and you will see the same results!!! :)

Once you click on the link, give it 5 or 6 seconds for the graphics and music to load.


2003 MIB
12-30-2003, 07:39 AM
Now that's funny!!!!!

12-30-2003, 10:52 AM
The sad part about it is my Pet Rock did bite me. :)

2003 MIB
12-30-2003, 11:17 AM
I used to follow your "exploits" on another site. Always thought you were funny and articulate. I'm glad you found your way here- it's a better fit.

12-30-2003, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by 2003 MIB
I used to follow your "exploits" on another site. Always thought you were funny and articulate. I'm glad you found your way here- it's a better fit.

Thank You! :)

My name became mud once I came right out and asked them all why they were intentionally trying to look like unmarked in-service police cars. From that point on they made it so much fun I couldn't go away. And from that point on, it was also all downhill. :D

The only mistake I ever made in life was not keeping my mouth shut.... while opening up an Internet business selling antennas, automotive laptop mounts, used Police Interceptor computers from junkyards, Pro-Copper consoles, black plastic Police Interceptor grilles, baby center caps, spotlights, steel wheels, the special lug nuts needed to install the baby center caps, Go Rhino push bars, and Police Interceptor emblems. I could have become a millionaire in less than 12 months. The market still exists, but none of them would ever buy anything from me. For a person with the right connections, a hell of a market exists in selling them Marauder parts too.

2003 MIB
12-30-2003, 11:57 AM
Why not change your name? Do business out of a PO Box...
It did get weird over there. I was more than happy with my 1996 P71 without becoming an "impersonator". Great, cheap and durable. Some of those kids (full grown no less) had some issues and habits that might result in a CV ride they won't like very much. The internet is strange forum. Everybody's ten foot tall and bulletproof. Lots of schoolyard bullies and I'd never want to participate in the sparring you did but you did it well, Sir. You did it well. I like this place a lot- it's different. When we had folks come to Ennis it was like a reunion...Not bad for a car nobody wanted and not bad for a site no one bothered to register.

12-30-2003, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by 2003 MIB
Why not change your name? Do business out of a PO Box...

That's a thought. :)

Originally posted by 2003 MIB
Some of those kids (full grown no less) had some issues and habits that might result in a CV ride they won't like very much.

They still do.

Originally posted by 2003 MIB
The internet is strange forum. Everybody's ten foot tall and bulletproof. Lots of schoolyard bullies and I'd never want to participate in the sparring you did but you did it well, Sir. You did it well.

Thank You! :)

I met a 12 foot bully about 2 months ago in an auto forum. He claimed to be a cop in Morven, Georgia, and he claimed he was coming to Virginia and dish out a dose of Georgia justice upon my buttocks. I invited him to do so, and even gave him my address. Once I called his bluff, he posted his alleged name (Kelly) and told me to feel free to talk to his police chief, listing his chief's name and phone number. I did as this "Kelly" requested..... I called his chief and asked if they approved of their officers threatening people over the Internet. Last I heard they have no "Kelly", it was not one of their officers, they found out who it was, and the person promised not to impersonate one of their police officers ever again. In the same forum another guy still insists "Kelly" is indeed real and is a cop in Morven, Georgia. The moral of the story.... I wasn't dealing with a mental giant in "Kelly", and I'm still not dealing with mental giants in the auto forum. Al Gore would be proud that I discovered so much entertainment value in the Internet he created. :)

Originally posted by 2003 MIB
I like this place a lot- it's different.

The difference is 1) maturity, 2) age, and 3) common sense. Like in the "other" place you mention, I don't think we have 11 to 16 -year-old kids participating. :D

2003 MIB
12-30-2003, 01:03 PM
Al Gore would be proud that I discovered so much entertainment value in the Internet he created. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I called his chief and asked if they approved of their officers threatening people over the Internet.

"Terrorist threats" is a crime in Texas. I would assume VA and GA too. I would think someone who truly means you harm would just do it, right? I think it's a Clint Eastwood quote from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: "If you're gonna talk- talk. If you're gonna shoot- shoot."

I invited him to do so, and even gave him my address.

That's just nuts, Bro. He could have been some psycho or shared your address with the other forum members etc... Violence? Maybe not but vandalism, signing you up with NAMBLA, identity theft....makes me shiver.

12-30-2003, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by 2003 MIB
"Terrorist threats" is a crime in Texas. I would assume VA and GA too.

The department finished their investigation. But it's still under investigation at the next level. :)

Originally posted by 2003 MIB
I would think someone who truly means you harm would just do it, right? I think it's a Clint Eastwood quote from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: "If you're gonna talk- talk. If you're gonna shoot- shoot."

Not these old blowhards. They are just keyboard heros. And they all disappear out of humiliation after you call their bluff.

Originally posted by 2003 MIB
That's just nuts, Bro. He could have been some psycho or shared your address with the other forum members etc... Violence? Maybe not but vandalism, signing you up with NAMBLA, identity theft....makes me shiver.

Nothing about me was ever private anyway in the Crown Victoria, Grand Marquis or Marauder online communites. The Administrator of one site lived a few blocks from me and shared everything about me with the other members in a "members only" section he set up. At one time 99% of the conversations in this "members only" section was about me and how they could attempt to get one up on me next. The really sad part about it all, before he turned on me, I prevented his butt from going to jail on several occasions.

I think the vandalism thing has already been attempted. I have a rather large fenced in back yard where my garages and carports are. I also have two German Shepherds back there. About a month ago I discovered blood in the driveway. The Shepherds either caught and ate a cat, or they took a healthy chunk out of somebody's butt (neighborhood is full of stray cats). I find the cat theory a little hard to believe, because there was nothing left. Unless a possum dragged off the remains later in the night. If it was a person, and based on the volume and trail of blood, I am sure they required stitches.

The Nambla thing, identity theft, etc.... it can all be traced. Most people with an IQ over 56 know there is no way to remain anonymous on the Internet.

UAW 588
12-30-2003, 05:25 PM
Hey the Osmonds are going to make a comeback you just wait and see. Can't wait to hear Crazy Horses once again. YEA!!!!!!

12-30-2003, 11:17 PM
I remember following some of your exploits, back during the days of my 00 Crown Vic, and it's great you've found your way onto this site as well. I also have to agree, that the maturity level of the members here, is what makes it so unique. We have some young members, but they also don't go around acting like a fool, as you often see younger people doing on other forums. I was always curious what came of you after everyone started flaming you, especially on that "other" forum................

2003 MIB
12-31-2003, 05:00 AM
At one time 99% of the conversations in this "members only" section was about me

Of course, you are aware that makes you the J. Lo of the Panther Platform community.:D

keyboard heros
I'm stealing that term and will use it often- Thanks!!

We have some young members, but they also don't go around acting like a fool, as you often see younger people doing on other forums.

Sometimes, I can't tell that they're kids until they tell you their ages. Good folks, good manners.

Hey the Osmonds are going to make a comeback you just wait and see.

I've hated those folks since Lee Harvey shot JFK. Wait, hmmm--- I might be confused...

The Nambla thing, identity theft, etc.... it can all be traced. Most people with an IQ over 56 know there is no way to remain anonymous on the Internet.

That's probably true. Still scary...

acting like a fool

This is Logan's house. He don't play that.

12-31-2003, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by junehhan
I remember following some of your exploits, back during the days of my 00 Crown Vic, and it's great you've found your way onto this site as well.

Thank You! But, you guys are making my typing finger blush now! :)

Originally posted by junehhan
I was always curious what came of you after everyone started flaming you, especially on that "other" forum................

I never posted another reply there under any name...... after they had their little "Coming Out Of The Closet" subject. I was totally shocked how many people came out of the closet. A lot of other people left too.

12-31-2003, 05:30 PM
That's actually right about the time I left that forum as it just made me sick...........

12-31-2003, 06:53 PM
I think Thor/Gordo left too, because of that subject. All the people we knew left since then. There's been almost a total turnover in membership since then, with kids as young as 11 years old now. If you look in briefly now there's subjects about kids just getting their driver's licenses, kids that failed the test to get their licenses, etc.....

Pop quiz. See if you remember this one? The kid who talked about changing his own oil and submitted a subject asking where the oil drain plug is. I think Ron told him if he didn't know where it is he had no business changing his own oil.

There's very few good auto sites on Al Gore's Internet right now. I rate MM.net in the top 3 right now. At least with a $26,000 to $30,000 car like the Marauder you don't have to worry about 9th graders being to interested. :D