View Full Version : Blows my mind

Mr. Man
04-14-2011, 10:18 PM
There are people who worked at this guys retirement home who talked to him about whatever. He in turn talked to his grandfather who fought in the Civil War! Think about this. If you said to him "How's it going" and he said "Fine" you just spoke with a guy who actually spoke with someone who fought in the Civil War. Kind of mind bending.

http://www.centurylink.net/news/read.php?rip_id=%3CD9MJP1R00%4 0news.ap.org%3E&ps=1011

04-15-2011, 03:57 AM
Kind of mind bending.

Doesn't take much to amuse you does it? ;)

"How's it going?"

04-15-2011, 03:59 AM
Doesn't take much to amused you does it? ;)

"How's it going?"

Was thinking the same thing..............

04-15-2011, 06:02 AM
Doesn't take much to amuse you does it? ;)

"How's it going?"

Just think, we responded in this thread to a guy who spoke to a guy who spoke to a guy who was in the Civil War!
My mind is blown! :rolleyes:

04-15-2011, 06:49 AM
To your point I know what you mean about our perception of time with historical context. Though not quite the Civil War my grandfather chased Pancho Villa and I thought that was pretty cool (and he was in the Navy!) Hell, my nephews think that about me (Im an oldster to them) I tell him when I was a kid we flew to Germany on a propeller plane (there were no jets!) and the town I lived in had no downtown per se, just empty city blocks with rubble (courtesy of the 8th Air Force).

SC Cheesehead
04-15-2011, 06:52 AM
Just think, we responded in this thread to a guy who spoke to a guy who spoke to a guy who was in the Civil War!
My mind is blown! :rolleyes:

And now there are several of us who know the guy who spoke to a guy who spoke to a guy who was in the Civil War!

Whoda thunk it when we all got up this morning?

04-15-2011, 07:46 AM
To your point I know what you mean about our perception of time with historical context. Though not quite the Civil War my grandfather chased Pancho Villa and I thought that was pretty cool (and he was in the Navy!) Hell, my nephews think that about me (Im an oldster to them) I tell him when I was a kid we flew to Germany on a propeller plane (there were no jets!) and the town I lived in had no downtown per se, just empty city blocks with rubble (courtesy of the 8th Air Force).

Oh, you took a trip to the Bronx.

Mr. Man
04-15-2011, 07:51 AM
Well at least Jim (Vortex) gets it. The rest of your are just savages:P;)

04-15-2011, 07:52 AM
Oh, you took a trip to the Bronx.

If you saw half dressed 400lb women dancing to extremely loud spanish music pumped out of a toyota corrolla with a custom paint job then I think you were no doubt in the Bronx. :D

SC Cheesehead
04-15-2011, 08:38 AM
If you saw half dressed 400lb women dancing to extremely loud spanish music pumped out of a toyota corrolla with a custom paint job then I think you were no doubt in the Bronx. :D

Just got a text message from PonyUP, wants to know if you can send him the GPS coordinates...