View Full Version : The "other" box strikes again.

04-17-2011, 07:31 PM
Why has ripping your tires become such the criminal thing to do? How about cigarettes? Might as well be cocaine to some people nowadays.. Can't smack your kid around. Can't spit in public, can't cruize where posted, can't compliment your co-workers butt.. I don't recall normal day to day life in the 70's and 80's being so bad???

Infact, what I do remember was everything being A LOT easier and more chillaxed. Doing doughnuts with my dad in his impala and having the local sheriff merely wave hello as he passed by, sitting on the hood of fore mentioned Imp at the track 10 FEET away from the starting line!! The porn industry taking off, oops, I typed that one out loud... :eek: This wasn't one of my typical John Force burnouts thank god, just a small little blip for a second in an empty parking lot from a roll, seriously nothing to brag about, even if I was piloting the mighty Escort wagon. Just couldn't help but to think, what will it be like in 30 more years?? I'm scared to think about that.

Atleast he was a nice LEO and didn't give me too hard of a time. The warning ticket saved me $120.00 but still on my used to be spotless record. Almost wish I would have laid into it now.. I should have recorded the back up cam for ya, it was quite cool seeing the black stripes and smoke without having to turn around.:D

Disserved? Wouldn't deny it for a minute. Quilty.:burnout:

Any good memories of the past guys? Or modern day gripes of the "safety police" ruling everthing we do? Don't even get me started on OSHA!


04-17-2011, 08:05 PM
We should all enjoy our hot roding while we can cause the future doesn't look good.

04-17-2011, 08:11 PM
Why has ripping your tires become such the criminal thing to do? How about cigarettes? Might as well be cocaine to some people nowadays.. Can't smack your kid around. Can't spit in public, can't cruize where posted, can't compliment your co-workers butt.. I don't recall normal day to day life in the 70's and 80's being so bad???

Infact, what I do remember was everything being A LOT easier and more chillaxed. Doing doughnuts with my dad in his impala and having the local sheriff merely wave hello as he passed by, sitting on the hood of fore mentioned Imp at the track 10 FEET away from the starting line!! The porn industry taking off, oops, I typed that one out loud... :eek: This wasn't one of my typical John Force burnouts thank god, just a small little blip for a second in an empty parking lot from a roll, seriously nothing to brag about, even if I was piloting the mighty Escort wagon. Just couldn't help but to think, what will it be like in 30 more years?? I'm scared to think about that.

Atleast he was a nice LEO and didn't give me too hard of a time. The warning ticket saved me $120.00 but still on my used to be spotless record. Almost wish I would have laid into it now.. I should have recorded the back up cam for ya, it was quite cool seeing the black stripes and smoke without having to turn around.:D

Disserved? Wouldn't deny it for a minute. Quilty.:burnout:

Any good memories of the past guys? Or modern day gripes of the "safety police" ruling everthing we do? Don't even get me started on OSHA!


I do recall a late night after one of our hockey games. My buddy and I were drinking some beers in his car and a police officer came over and was Only concerned about the trunk being open on a car in the parking lot. That open trunk was mine that I had left open after dumping my hockey equipment in. He told us that there was some recent auto break ins so when he saw the trunk open and nobody in it. He thought there was another break in. He told not to worry that we were drinking beers in my buddies car. And he left.
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Go White Sox!!!

04-17-2011, 08:11 PM
Does that say "illegal screeching of tires"?!?!?!?


Was the cop 12 or something? How 'bout a "disturbing the peace" or something remotely professional?

04-17-2011, 08:18 PM
Parking lots are private property. They shouldn't bother you. Unless you do a DOOM in the lot. They could follow you to hell to see if you do it again.

04-17-2011, 08:36 PM
Why has ripping your tires become such the criminal thing to do? How about cigarettes? Might as well be cocaine to some people nowadays.. Can't smack your kid around. Can't spit in public, can't cruize where posted, can't compliment your co-workers butt.. I don't recall normal day to day life in the 70's and 80's being so bad???

justbob: We the people did this, not all of but but a few evertime something hit the news the people scream that something be done about it so our lawmakers pass a law to protect US from ourselves!!

04-17-2011, 08:41 PM
justbob: We the people did this, not all of but but a few evertime something hit the news the people scream that something be done about it so our lawmakers pass a law to protect US from ourselves!!
I agree Jim. Maybe just be happy for the law so the 1% of idiots who don't let off don't get hurt?:shake:

OHH! Another thing! The whole signing for over the counter drugs!!!!!! "People are using it to make meth" GOOD! Let them weed them selves out, it was Gods plan!!! Just give me my damn medicines before I decide to sneeze on you!

Mr. Man
04-17-2011, 10:29 PM
Can you say revenue stop. Next time you get pulled over w/in a year you will get a ticket. Blame the drying up of tax revenue in local govt or maybe the guys wife gave him crap that morning or Dunkin didn't have the flavor he likes or maybe he's driving a CV and he can't chirp his weezer cop car tires or maybe Saturn is in retrograde or maybe he is projecting his hatred for his mother. Who knows just take it low and slow for a year and your golden and stay away from CBT or he'll shower you.:D

King of the run-on sentence.:banana::banana:

04-17-2011, 10:45 PM
The problem is the suburbs. No pun intended as much as you think I am poking fun at your area. You have to be really careful out there. They will write you up if your rear tag is dirty!

Come to Chicago! We don't issue speeding tickets, it's the State Troopers that do.

04-17-2011, 11:40 PM
The problem is the suburbs. No pun intended as much as you think I am poking fun at your area. You have to be really careful out there. They will write you up if your rear tag is dirty!

Come to Chicago! We don't issue speeding tickets, it's the State Troopers that do.

I don't think Chicago is the mecca of personal freedoms... :lol:

04-18-2011, 03:08 AM
Let them weed them selves out,

Someone say weed?

04-18-2011, 03:11 AM
Someone say weed?

No!! They said bend over and I'll show ya!!:)

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Go White Sox!!!

04-18-2011, 08:22 AM
Well it could be worse Bob, I seem to remember a similar instance with both of us screeching the tires from a green light when we spotted Johnny Law coming out a subdivision with his ticket book.

Of course he could have done worse to us, but it was still a year of "crontrolled" driving (meaning just don't get caught) :D

But you are right about the small freedoms being taken. If you think about it, smoking, driving a V8 and obesisity are the only acceptable forms of discrimination, when we live in times that no discrimination should be tolerated.

Meanwhile laws are enacted against smokers, taxes raised, hell, the way gas keeps going up, it's hurting everyone (i.e. the middle class) that is driving a V8

+1 on over the counter meds, and what the hell is with taxes on Cell phones?

Everything is out of control. But I have a plan. I figure myself, and few buds can roll into Aregentina one weekend and completely take over. From there we can build an army and start to take over all of South America, we can build the Maraudertopian society. :D

04-18-2011, 08:46 AM
You should have asked if there was a legal way of "screeching the tires".....lol

04-18-2011, 09:09 AM
All I have to say is think what you HAVN'T been caught doing. :)

04-18-2011, 09:16 AM
All I have to say is think what you HAVN'T been caught doing. :)\\

:neener::laugh::burnout::beer: :bows::bows::bows:

04-18-2011, 09:18 AM
Well it could be worse Bob, I seem to remember a similar instance with both of us screeching the tires from a green light when we spotted Johnny Law coming out a subdivision with his ticket book.

Of course he could have done worse to us, but it was still a year of "crontrolled" driving (meaning just don't get caught) :D

But you are right about the small freedoms being taken. If you think about it, smoking, driving a V8 and obesisity are the only acceptable forms of discrimination, when we live in times that no discrimination should be tolerated.

Meanwhile laws are enacted against smokers, taxes raised, hell, the way gas keeps going up, it's hurting everyone (i.e. the middle class) that is driving a V8

+1 on over the counter meds, and what the hell is with taxes on Cell phones?

Everything is out of control. But I have a plan. I figure myself, and few buds can roll into Aregentina one weekend and completely take over. From there we can build an army and start to take over all of South America, we can build the Maraudertopian society. :D

Where? I do not think I speak the langue.

04-18-2011, 09:18 AM
Where? I do not think I speak the langue.
It's near Uranus.

04-18-2011, 09:37 AM
I would go broke if I got tickets for screeching tires!!! :lol:

04-18-2011, 09:56 AM
Where? I do not think I speak the langue.

Thats the beauty of it, in Marauderville, English will be the language :D

04-18-2011, 10:00 AM
Thats the beauty of it, in Marauderville, English will be the language :D
Well, Kentucky Mike is out! :lol:

04-18-2011, 10:40 AM
Be happy you do not live in the great State of New Jesey:)

We are # 1 in ticket's

Maryland is # 2:)

04-18-2011, 10:50 AM
Be happy you do not live in the great State of New Jesey:)

We are # 1 in ticket's

Maryland is # 2 :)

Really??? Guess I'm one lucky bastard! :coolman:

04-18-2011, 02:24 PM
Ah yes, Section 8.8B of the local village's ordinance, Unnecessary Noise with Motor Vehicle Tires. The judge loved it, no surcharge for the state and the village kept all the fine money. Its all about the money...

04-18-2011, 03:24 PM
Really??? Guess I'm one lucky bastard! :coolman:

Careful if your ever up in my neck of the "woods" they love write ticklets to out of state drivers:P

04-18-2011, 03:28 PM
Thats the beauty of it, in Marauderville, English will be the language :D

Then we're coming with you.... not enough English spoken around here:(

04-19-2011, 08:33 AM
Thats the beauty of it, in Marauderville, English will be the language :D

Really? No one told that to Micky D's near the MV8 hotel last fall. How can you run a resturant where the employees no habla... :rolleyes:

04-19-2011, 04:33 PM
Really? No one told that to Micky D's near the MV8 hotel last fall. How can you run a resturant where the employees no habla... :rolleyes:

:lol: because they work cheap, also because they don't shower, and everyone can say "Uno Grande Mac"

But in Maraudertina, all MCD's have topless female personell straigh off the beach, but mandated to attend the V8 school for learning to learn english

So don't be suprised if the response to your order of a #4 supersized is...

"F'n headlights, why do they keep going out?"

04-19-2011, 06:05 PM
First, Stay out of Naperville!!! They even ticket thier own. Even making them pay for right turn on red light tickets while driving the company car. Been known to try and stop County Coppers while the are running Lights and Sirens to calls.

Second he gave you a warning ticket because he can't give you a real ticket when you are on private property. There is an exception if the property owner(s) have an agreement with the police AND it has to be posted on the property the traffic laws will be enforced.

Woodfield did several years ago, but prior to that the police only went there for emergencies and to do reports for fender benders for insurance purposes.

Third PM me the name of the pucker butt copper that had nothing better to do. Next time he rolls into the crap house with a bad guy I will double check his paperwork and if all the T's & I's aren't crossed he will have to drive all the way back to the station with the bad guy to correct his paperwork.

It is always fun to see the look on thier face when we don't accept thier criminal(s) because they are to lazy to to do the paperwork right.

Fourth, the Escort really, are you sure you just didn't hit a wet spot after surfing porn on your phone!!

Why has ripping your tires become such the criminal thing to do? How about cigarettes? Might as well be cocaine to some people nowadays.. Can't smack your kid around. Can't spit in public, can't cruize where posted, can't compliment your co-workers butt.. I don't recall normal day to day life in the 70's and 80's being so bad???

Infact, what I do remember was everything being A LOT easier and more chillaxed. Doing doughnuts with my dad in his impala and having the local sheriff merely wave hello as he passed by, sitting on the hood of fore mentioned Imp at the track 10 FEET away from the starting line!! The porn industry taking off, oops, I typed that one out loud... :eek: This wasn't one of my typical John Force burnouts thank god, just a small little blip for a second in an empty parking lot from a roll, seriously nothing to brag about, even if I was piloting the mighty Escort wagon. Just couldn't help but to think, what will it be like in 30 more years?? I'm scared to think about that.

Atleast he was a nice LEO and didn't give me too hard of a time. The warning ticket saved me $120.00 but still on my used to be spotless record. Almost wish I would have laid into it now.. I should have recorded the back up cam for ya, it was quite cool seeing the black stripes and smoke without having to turn around.:D

Disserved? Wouldn't deny it for a minute. Quilty.:burnout:

Any good memories of the past guys? Or modern day gripes of the "safety police" ruling everthing we do? Don't even get me started on OSHA!


04-19-2011, 06:37 PM
You crack me UP Jeff!!!! No, it was the Rauder.. I can't believe what your saying??? That's unbelievable! I figured all along on the private party thing. I'm certainly NOT an angel sent down to protect peace and harmony LOL BUT, I normally do not practice unsafe driving habits on public roadways, well okay, MOST of the time, I actually even use that blinky thing for crossing lanes and turning EVERY TIME, as most drivers fail to do..!

Can't we organize a street in Dupage for legal weekly Saturday night burnouts? It can't be that hard to enforce STRICT rules or ticket/arrest?

1. Must have a Dupage address
2. current tags, fairly street legal, and proof of insurance
3. two painted lines for start/stop
4. 30 seconds time limit for brake torques

Keep it fairly simple, weed out the bad apples for example purposes, and this could work! Talk it over with your boys! :)

PM sent brother.

04-19-2011, 07:05 PM
There was talk of doing burnout contests at the county fair before the demo derby, but I think it was nixed by the neighborhood south of the fair grounds.

I'll asked the police car pilots of a good place in unincorporated DuPage to see if that is doable. Heck some of them might even participate, (not in the company cars of course!)

04-19-2011, 07:07 PM

04-20-2011, 07:40 AM
For those reading this, know your state & local laws. In NYS if you did this in other than your own driveway, it does not matter if its on "private property" In NY the magic number is 5 parking spaces. I learned this while teaching SFST. The VTL applies in that lot. So you pull into say your frat house with 10 parking spaces and pass out drunk. You may get pinched and it is legal. There is also no ali ali oxen free I made it home before they caught me if the police were following you. Just common miss conceptions that often land people in jail out of ignorance instead of a ticket and being released to someone. Please remember the golden rule. For me the 1st 30 seconds of a field contact for minor infractions used to determine the outcome, pending what the computer said of course. Heck many, many moons ago I even gave drunks rides home, but then I was old school. Really do not expect that today, too much liability in doing it.

04-20-2011, 07:43 AM
For those reading this, know your state & local laws. In NYS if you did this in other than your own driveway, it does not matter if its on "private property" In NY the magic number is 5 parking spaces.
What does 5 parking spaces mean, it's considered a public place if it has over 5?

04-20-2011, 10:09 AM
What does 5 parking spaces mean, it's considered a public place if it has over 5?
It actually means that the Vehicle & Traffic Law applies to that parking lot. These usually are meant for large business parking lots, malls, employers, shopping plazas. There are other classifiers too, such as it connects two roads is one I can think of. (gas station on a corner) So if you cut through the lot to avoid a traffic control device you can be cited.

What is considered a public place can be a little trickier. If you had 5 designated parking spots on a private residence property, I would not consider that a public place. You could however be arrested for DWI there per the VTL. For instance the drunk passed out hanging half out of the car barely off the road and the car was obviously driven there. I have seen cases where a operator was arrested passed out in the vehicle under circumstances that could be argued that the vehicle was never moved. I actually had one of these, but the guy croaked himself before it went to trial. He would have lost. He was a alchy lieing to everybody that would listen, and I had it on video. Daddy had some influence and wasn't happy when I told him to get Jr some help before he killed himself, which as stated happened. Case Closed, Exceptional Clearance.

04-20-2011, 10:39 AM
It actually means that the Vehicle & Traffic Law applies to that parking lot. These usually are meant for large business parking lots, malls, employers, shopping plazas. There are other classifiers too, such as it connects two roads is one I can think of. (gas station on a corner) So if you cut through the lot to avoid a traffic control device you can be cited.

What is considered a public place can be a little trickier. If you had 5 designated parking spots on a private residence property, I would not consider that a public place. You could however be arrested for DWI there per the VTL. For instance the drunk passed out hanging half out of the car barely off the road and the car was obviously driven there. I have seen cases where a operator was arrested passed out in the vehicle under circumstances that could be argued that the vehicle was never moved. I actually had one of these, but the guy croaked himself before it went to trial. He would have lost. He was a alchy lieing to everybody that would listen, and I had it on video. Daddy had some influence and wasn't happy when I told him to get Jr some help before he killed himself, which as stated happened. Case Closed, Exceptional Clearance.

Crap, between my driveway and garage, squeezing 2 short jeeps in, I have 5 spaces...

The better half is not gonna like me relocating burnouts to the living room... :burnout: :D

04-20-2011, 11:45 AM
Back in the 70's........

Smoking pot in the car parked in a neighborhood, cloud rolls into cops face as window goes down and he says, "Just take it somewhere else".

Speeding down the road at 16 with 6 kids in my dad's Olds 98 and 2 cases in the car. Cop just took the beer.

Pulled over coming back from WI drinking all night with a tail light out in my VW Bus. Smacked it in front of the cop, it came back on and he let me go.

Not anymore. It's all about the money.

04-20-2011, 04:19 PM
Back in the 70's........

Smoking pot in the car parked in a neighborhood, cloud rolls into cops face as window goes down and he says, "Just take it somewhere else".

Speeding down the road at 16 with 6 kids in my dad's Olds 98 and 2 cases in the car. Cop just took the beer.

Pulled over coming back from WI drinking all night with a tail light out in my VW Bus. Smacked it in front of the cop, it came back on and he let me go.

Not anymore. It's all about the money.

Tom. You did not inhale correct? :)
Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

04-20-2011, 05:03 PM
Ah the good old days of officer discretion before the all mighty dollar took over. Or something like 6 dead teenage kids in a Mustang that hit a house blowing through a T intersection at 100mph, beer cans everywhere. They thought it was only 5 dead until the 6th was found under the dash the next day...

I stopped giving drunks breaks when my own little brother killed himself 2 hrs and 23 minutes after turning 19 years old drinking & driving. That was 32 years ago. My poor fathers hair turned white in less than six hours. He never got over it.

04-20-2011, 06:51 PM
Ah the good old days of officer discretion before the all mighty dollar took over. Or something like 6 dead teenage kids in a Mustang that hit a house blowing through a T intersection at 100mph, beer cans everywhere. They thought it was only 5 dead until the 6th was found under the dash the next day...

I stopped giving drunks breaks when my own little brother killed himself 2 hrs and 23 minutes after turning 19 years old drinking & driving. That was 32 years ago. My poor fathers hair turned white in less than six hours. He never got over it.
:eek: :shake: Holy........ that's terrible, hate to hear that about your brother.

04-20-2011, 09:01 PM
Ah the good old days of officer discretion before the all mighty dollar took over. Or something like 6 dead teenage kids in a Mustang that hit a house blowing through a T intersection at 100mph, beer cans everywhere. They thought it was only 5 dead until the 6th was found under the dash the next day...

I stopped giving drunks breaks when my own little brother killed himself 2 hrs and 23 minutes after turning 19 years old drinking & driving. That was 32 years ago. My poor fathers hair turned white in less than six hours. He never got over it.

Well, I wasn't saying it was right........But things are so overblown these days. The slightest indescretion and you're screwed. Even cops admit DUI's are doled out more often to help the bottom line in their departments.

Sorry about your brother. I had a nephew hit a telephone pole and was killed at 16. So I understand the need for punishment for offenders.

04-20-2011, 10:35 PM

Could this guy have been Smokin' And Tokin'?