View Full Version : Big Brother - - Steve Jobs??

04-21-2011, 09:00 AM
For you folks carrying an iPhone or iPad.

Quite certain you will have an interest in the below articles..

http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/04/20/secret_iphone_location_trackin g/



04-21-2011, 09:56 AM
You are so right. On Gizmoto.com in an article entitled
iSpy Conspiracy: Break Apple’s Secret Tracking with This App (http://gizmodo.com/#%215794369/ispy-conspiracy-break-apples-secret-tracking-with-this-app)
Interesting reading
Thanks for posting this

04-21-2011, 10:55 AM
Hahaha I don't have anything apple. Now I am glad I don't.

04-21-2011, 11:07 AM
meh, unless youre commiting a murder or trying to get away with something who cares?

04-21-2011, 12:09 PM
Or the wife is looking for you???????

RF Overlord
04-21-2011, 12:41 PM
I have no issue whatsoever with tracking software...

...what I DO have an issue with is when it's implemented without explicit permission or even the knowledge of the user and even more so when it can't be turned off.

If the US Gummint wants to know which adult bookstore I frequent, I don't care...they can even call me and I'll tell them. But when literally ANYONE can find out, and do so without my knowledge or consent, then I draw the line.

Black Dynamite
04-21-2011, 01:11 PM
I'm a privacy advocate myself so stories like this just piss me off. Just one more reason I don't want an Apple product. Although I can guarentee you this isn't the only item in the world that's tracking you without you knowing it.

04-21-2011, 01:12 PM
meh, unless youre commiting a murder or trying to get away with something who cares?

I agree that the easiest way to avoid getting in trouble is to not do anything wrong. . . .but

This is a bit frightening that our regular whereabouts can be tracked like this. Even though most of us don't have anything to worry about, protecting our privacy is something that we should all be serious about. iPhone users should be outraged and turning off their phones and tying up Apple's phonelines to get this crap removed. (Makes me glad I'm an Android user)

Becoming complacent to these things is dangerous because it makes it easier to add more tracking and spying to our cell phones and mobile electronics little by little. Each little step towards tracking may seem innocent on its own, but if you look at your privacy 10 years ago and now, it is a bit scary.

I don't like the "black boxes" in cars these days, I don't use Facebook "check-in" or Google's "Latitude." I'm of the opinion that if I want you to know where I am, I'll tell you.

"Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you."

Mr. Man
04-21-2011, 02:24 PM
Don't own either one and to be honest have never been interested in either one. The nieces and nephews on the other hand start to drool when a new version comes out.:lol:

04-21-2011, 03:00 PM
I have all I can do to operate my basic pos ATT phone.:P iphones and ipads don't look to be in my future.:shake:

04-21-2011, 03:12 PM
I agree that the easiest way to avoid getting in trouble is to not do anything wrong. . . .but

This is a bit frightening that our regular whereabouts can be tracked like this. Even though most of us don't have anything to worry about, protecting our privacy is something that we should all be serious about. iPhone users should be outraged and turning off their phones and tying up Apple's phonelines to get this crap removed. (Makes me glad I'm an Android user)

Becoming complacent to these things is dangerous because it makes it easier to add more tracking and spying to our cell phones and mobile electronics little by little. Each little step towards tracking may seem innocent on its own, but if you look at your privacy 10 years ago and now, it is a bit scary.

I don't like the "black boxes" in cars these days, I don't use Facebook "check-in" or Google's "Latitude." I'm of the opinion that if I want you to know where I am, I'll tell you.

"Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you."


Droid2 here.....

No Apple stuff.

Don't like technology that limits what I can do with a device.

04-22-2011, 03:50 AM
Ha...I do not have any of that *****, hate technology.

04-22-2011, 03:58 AM
Ha...I do not have any of that *****, hate technology.
......says the guy using a computer.....

04-22-2011, 04:08 AM
......says the guy using a computer.....

Does not mean I have to like it.

04-22-2011, 04:13 AM
Does not mean I have to like it.

That's what she said! :beer:

04-22-2011, 05:49 AM
Apple's silence is unusal. Most times they are right on things like this.
I know this may seem a little far fetched, Most Apple products are made in China as are most other computer systems, or components.
Who's to say that the Chinese are the one's installing this hardward ?
You may want to consider the CIA & NSA spying on Americans (which is an outrage) tie that to there wanting access to our search engine requests.
So this whole thing could be goverment involvement Who really knows???
Where are our protections under the law.

Now that Apple has wind of this they may be trying to create a work around.
Or even a new phone. I do know that the iPhone 5 is delayed, there was to be a June release but that has been pushed pack until October or November.

The worst thing to ever happen to this country is the outsourcing of Jobs.
Thank you Bill Clinton, and NAFTA. Didn't like it then, Hate it now.
Just look at the Medication that we are recieving from China and India. God know what is in some of that stuff.
I say bring the Jobs back to America, once here, we can afford to pay a little more for our toys, because there would be Jobs here.
We also need to keep a close eye on Wall Street, where all this begain.
Thank you Burnie Madoff and his friends. That are at it again, look at the cost of Gas.

Beleive me, I think we need to protect ourselves from foreign & Domestic intruders, but at what cost. It is a struggling act unprecedented in our history. I know I am getting off the subject.
I am not sure who is behind this iPhone, iPad deal. There is a leadership change at Apple so I am not sure what they are, planning. I hope they work it out..

God Bless America and our men and women in harms way.

04-22-2011, 02:46 PM
"Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you."

"Gotta find a way, a better way, I better wait!!!!"


04-22-2011, 04:51 PM
There is an article in Gizmodo today that says that most smart phones use this
tracking system because if you want to use the GPS APP it has to know where you
are in order to show you where to go. So it tracks you from tower to tower along
the route you are travelling. The good news is that it only stores so much infor
on your where abouts, so if it keeps updating it forget some of the past info.
As to data logging or Syncing up your data either by cellular or public wifi, it can be read by third parties so you need
to encrypt it. That is not to say the CIA NSA or FBI can't unencrypt it it they want.
I also know they scan all email traffic with computer scanners that look for key words and kick out
the ones they want to take a closer look at. This for both domestic and overseas.
So it's not just Apple, but Microsoft, Google & any email provider. No worrys
Just don't sell guns to the Iran and then have your private war with in South America.
The goverment will want to know about that.....

04-22-2011, 07:34 PM
Damnit, I just got an Iphone today, now they are going to track m candy ass. Well they kind find me on the corner of "know your role" blvd and " Shut your hole" lane