View Full Version : Summer's here.

04-28-2011, 06:08 AM
Beautiful white snow...nice crisp air...the smell of pine needles...:bs::bs:!!

Maruader and Mustang out of storage this weekend! :banana2:

Couldn't wait to get back to drivin' them.

Hope everyone else will have a very safe and fun summer in thier rides too!!
:beer: everyone.

04-28-2011, 07:43 AM
Ya, we went from snow to violent thunderstorms with tornados and flooding. One of the reasons a lot people who leave here end up back is because we do not have the violent weather other areas of the US does. Schools were on a 1-2 hour delay this morning because of violent thunderstorms. Thats a 1st here as far as I know. Where the hell is Algore when we need him?