View Full Version : Tornado - Hope all is well

04-28-2011, 08:08 AM
Lets hope all our members from the affected areas are ok and if possible maybe they could check in. Here in Dallas we sweat "The Big One" like that one in Tuscaloosa (or Jarrell or Moore/OKC). Saferooms dont help in those, you need basements and we dont have em here.

04-28-2011, 08:12 AM
Lets hope all our members from the affected areas are ok and if possible maybe they could check in. Here in Dallas we sweat "The Big One" like that one in Tuscaloosa (or Jarrell or Moore/OKC). Saferooms dont help in those, you need basements and we dont have em here.

I was awakened by my weather radio about 4:00 AM. Then another warning about 7:00 AM. Tornado warnings again til 8:00 AM but nothing but some pretty good winds came through. Pouring out now.

04-28-2011, 08:18 AM
Three in our area, two north of us and one south. Property damage only, thank God. Highly unusual for this section of upstate NY. Lots of flash floods and a 1st, our schools delayed opening this morning due to the severe storms. Prayers for the folks down south.

04-28-2011, 08:20 AM
I've had 7 in the last 2 days, I got hit twice but overall were good.

Alabama Members please check in.

04-28-2011, 08:31 AM
I just called relatives in Tuscaloosa. They said it is a real mess all over town and travel is hard. Lots of power out.

04-28-2011, 09:18 AM
Spoke with CWright up in Rome, GA this am........ Trampoline from the back yard is 40ft up in a tree, but other then that they escaped serious damage. Neighbors were not so lucky........:(

04-28-2011, 11:41 AM
My family was hit hard in St.louis, they r still trying get aid and insurance help.....

Here a blow off were we are fixing

04-29-2011, 05:06 AM
I'm OK, no damage, just got power back at 1:15am this morning. I would to thank Paul T Casey for arranging power to my house and not to work.;)so I have another day off. Thanks Paul.

04-29-2011, 05:27 AM
I'm OK, no damage, just got power back at 1:15am this morning. I would to thank Paul T Casey for arranging power to my house and not to work.;)so I have another day off. Thanks Paul.

He run a direct line from the nuke plant???:eek: We know Paul has mad skills but:D

04-29-2011, 05:40 AM
I saw the weather on the news last night.
From up here in Toronto, Canada...I hope all of you; your families; and friends are ok.

04-29-2011, 05:55 AM
All I can say is that we were blessed! The path comes across the street from me. All I lost was a playset and a trampoline. 100 yards in front of me a two story house exploded. Out neighbor had my son with her and had just left for downtown Rome when it hit. I got a call and rushed home to see the destruction of my neighborhood. Fortunately no one was hurt but all I can say I'd THANK YOU LORD for protecting my family and our friends. I've been in touch with cousin at Georgia State Patrol and Ringold Georgia is in bad shape with 13 deaths and 2 more just north of there. Please be praying for that town and the families. I'll post some Picts up later once I get on a computer. I'm sending this from my phone.

04-29-2011, 06:17 AM
Whoa, that's crazy.

04-29-2011, 08:24 AM
Scary, 165 Tornados one of them traveled a distance of a 100 miles, and the one in Alabama measured a mile long... :eek:

The power of Mother Nature... Wow!

04-29-2011, 08:35 AM
All I can sat is that we were blessed! The path comes across the street from me. All I lost was a playset and a trampoline. 100 yards in front of me a two story house exploded. Out neighbor had my son with her and had just left for downtown Rome when it hit. I got a call and rushed home to see the destruction of my neighborhood. Fortunately no one was hurt but all I can say I'd THANK YOU LORD for protecting my family and our friends. I've been in touch with cousin at georgia state patrol and Ringold Georgia is in bad shape with 13 deaths and 2 more just north of there. Please be praying for that town and the families. I'll post some Picts up later once I get on a computer. I'm sending this from my phone.

Chris, glad you & the family are safe.

04-29-2011, 08:58 AM
Thanks guys. Sorry these are sideways. I'll try to fix later on.

http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/data/500/medium/Trampoline.JPG (http://javascript<b></b>:;)
http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/data/500/medium/Playset.JPG (http://javascript<b></b>:;)

04-29-2011, 09:06 AM
Whoaaa..... :eek:

04-29-2011, 09:09 AM
Whoaaa..... :eek:

Thats down right scarey! Maybe I'll rethink my plans on moving south.

04-29-2011, 09:51 AM


Glad you and your family are OK!


04-29-2011, 03:51 PM
Thanks for fixing pictures.

04-29-2011, 03:55 PM
I fixed them in your gallery too....pics above are linked to the gallery.

04-29-2011, 07:09 PM
Thanks for fixing pictures.

Chris, I am really glad you and your family are safe. Very sorry to hear about the neighbors.

I spent the last two days in Birmingham Alabama on a scheduled work vist with my locations, and heard some horrific stories. I'm glad the members here are safe and my prayers go out to those that lost Family members and their homes.

White Knuckles
05-02-2011, 03:58 AM
My wife and I just returned from Alabama yesterday where we gathered with friends and family to help salvage personal belongings from my parents home.
My folks are in their 80s and had retired to Lake Guntersville. Thank God they were in the basement when the tornado hit. We are thankful no one was hurt and their house can be fixed.........unlike so many we saw throughout N.Alabama that were total losses. This will be a looooooooong recovery. Keep the people throughout the South in your thoughts and prayers.

http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r133/RUSA18/Guntersville%20Tornado%20damag e%202011/019.jpg

05-02-2011, 04:55 AM
Power starting to come on in Huntsville in spotty areas. Workplace still without power. Thanks Paul :rolleyes:

Paul T. Casey
05-02-2011, 05:06 AM
Power starting to come on in Huntsville in spotty areas. Workplace still without power. Thanks Paul :rolleyes:

I'll do my best to keep it on at your house and off at your work. You must have changed your cell number as it didn't work when I tried to call you. Glad to see that you're safe. I've been following the news in the area, as I have made many friends through the years. Seems they are all safe. Lots of damage. My car buds over at hsvracing.com have been working their butts off helping anyone who needs help. Makes me proud to be associated with such a good bunch. Jeff, please pm me your phone number.

05-02-2011, 09:45 AM
My wife and I just returned from Alabama yesterday where we gathered with friends and family to help salvage personal belongings from my parents home.
My folks are in their 80s and had retired to Lake Guntersville. Thank God they were in the basement when the tornado hit. We are thankful no one was hurt and their house can be fixed.........unlike so many we saw throughout N.Alabama that were total losses. This will be a looooooooong recovery. Keep the people throughout the South in your thoughts and prayers.

http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r133/RUSA18/Guntersville%20Tornado%20damag e%202011/019.jpg

WOW defiantly a scary situation but I am glad the house can be saved!

05-02-2011, 10:41 AM


Glad you and your family are OK!


Thanks man! Scary Moments!!

I fixed them in your gallery too....pics above are linked to the gallery.

Thanks to you as well Mary!

Chris, I am really glad you and your family are safe. Very sorry to hear about the neighbors.

I spent the last two days in Birmingham Alabama on a scheduled work vist with my locations, and heard some horrific stories. I'm glad the members here are safe and my prayers go out to those that lost Family members and their homes.

Thankfully we are all safe. We can put it all back together in time.

My wife and I just returned from Alabama yesterday where we gathered with friends and family to help salvage personal belongings from my parents home.
My folks are in their 80s and had retired to Lake Guntersville. Thank God they were in the basement when the tornado hit. We are thankful no one was hurt and their house can be fixed.........unlike so many we saw throughout N.Alabama that were total losses. This will be a looooooooong recovery. Keep the people throughout the South in your thoughts and prayers.

http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r133/RUSA18/Guntersville%20Tornado%20damag e%202011/019.jpg

I'm glad your parents are ok.

05-03-2011, 03:57 PM
Now that was a fun 6 days playing Fred Flintstone in Huntsville, Alabama. No phone, no cable, no tv, only the FM radio in the car and a fire pit to man 24/7. The GMQ was the base station for all charging and information. We lost trees and some minor stuff but survived better than others. I took advantage of all the "spare time" and installed the METCO Watts link. Then I was so bored without power I took paper towels and 409 and cleaned the undercarriage. At least Saturday is SCCA Solo #2 and a chance to put the entire METCO rear end to work.