View Full Version : Is Karma paying me back? I am uncertian

04-29-2011, 10:04 PM
Maybe I had a good day, but this I gotta share with a few of you. Today was a nice day so I decided to get my car washed a a coin car wash. I got there and someone had left the powerwasher on. Not only that, but it wouldn't turn off. So I got a free car wash. I did the good deed by calling the number on the machine to tell them about the issue, but the number had been disconnected. :rolleyes: So I just told a family (that looked like they could use a payday) that the machine was broken if they wanted a free wash... then I had to explain in Spanish and they were really happy to hear that.

So I made someones day, but as I was backing out I nearly hit a pole. I mean I really thought I hit it, but nope. Soon as I got home I found a flashlight that I keep in the car and it had been missing for months, it just came back.

Finally a few weeks ago I went to a subway restaurant. My total was $9.02 so I paid with a ten dollar bill and two pennies. I get two fives back. I was really tired at the time and didn't figure it out until after I had finished eating. I was thinking.... so Karma pays you back when you are living? :confused:

Who knows? I don't believe in anything anymore, but this is strange. A friend said "No. You are reducing it by not speaking up for others costly mistakes." Ummmm well whatever. I do enough for those that matter and always stop to help a disabled car on the road if I have the time.

What a weird couple of days. Anyone else experience this? Ever?

04-30-2011, 04:06 AM
Finally a few weeks ago I went to a subway restaurant. My total was $9.02 so I paid with a ten dollar bill and two pennies. I get two fives back. I was really tired at the time and didn't figure it out until after I had finished eating. I was thinking.... so Karma pays you back when you are living? :confused:

That's sad. The poor subway worker who is working for barely above minimum wage probably had to make up that $9 shortage from the till out of their own pocket at the end of their shift. Maybe Karma will pay you back, who knows?

Joe Walsh
04-30-2011, 04:15 AM
If Karma was paying you back, you wouldn't be able to post on this website for 5 years.

04-30-2011, 04:28 AM
You justify keeping whats not yours because you helped someonelse by calling it Karma?

You are now in a club that's so rare you are the only member. It is called the Motorhead350 Ignore List.

SC Cheesehead
04-30-2011, 05:48 AM
Maybe I had a good day, but this I gotta share with a few of you. Today was a nice day so I decided to get my car washed a a coin car wash. I got there and someone had left the powerwasher on. Not only that, but it wouldn't turn off. So I got a free car wash. I did the good deed by calling the number on the machine to tell them about the issue, but the number had been disconnected. :rolleyes: So I just told a family (that looked like they could use a payday) that the machine was broken if they wanted a free wash... then I had to explain in Spanish and they were really happy to hear that.

So I made someones day, but as I was backing out I nearly hit a pole. I mean I really thought I hit it, but nope. Soon as I got home I found a flashlight that I keep in the car and it had been missing for months, it just came back.

Finally a few weeks ago I went to a subway restaurant. My total was $9.02 so I paid with a ten dollar bill and two pennies. I get two fives back. I was really tired at the time and didn't figure it out until after I had finished eating. I was thinking.... so Karma pays you back when you are living? :confused:

Who knows? I don't believe in anything anymore, but this is strange. A friend said "No. You are reducing it by not speaking up for others costly mistakes." Ummmm well whatever. I do enough for those that matter and always stop to help a disabled car on the road if I have the time.

What a weird couple of days. Anyone else experience this? Ever?

1. Surprised you didn't go back up to the counter after you realized the error and make it right, wouldn't call that karma, more like doing the right thing. ;)

2. Yup, have experienced this often, as have many others I suspect. We don't call it karma, though. We've got another term for them: blessings. :)

04-30-2011, 06:06 AM
If Karma was paying you back, you wouldn't be able to post on this website for 5 years.



04-30-2011, 06:13 AM
One day.... all your "karma" will catch up to you, it's called judgement day, you can explain to God how you were entitled to all you have taken.... i.e. stolen.

04-30-2011, 07:16 AM
Not to mention the bad Karma you placed on that poor, unwitting hispanic family. :mad:

04-30-2011, 09:23 AM
That's sad. The poor subway worker who is working for barely above minimum wage probably had to make up that $9 shortage from the till out of their own pocket at the end of their shift. Maybe Karma will pay you back, who knows?

Plus one, it's actually more harsh then that. Not only do they have to make up the $10, they get written up as well. If it happens a second time, same thing, if it happens a third, they are shown the door. This is how a lot of retail and fast food joints operate. So that poor kid now has one third of his foot out the door. Is that Karma? Yup. bad karma for the kid, and thats probably what will come around for you Dom

04-30-2011, 09:35 AM
In my younger days, whenever I did something not totally honest, I ALWAYS had something bad happen to me. Yes, I believe in Karma. So now, I am always honest in everything I do and my life is pretty good. I was rewarded with my awesome wife. Now if I could just start making more money, life would be perfect.

Baaad GN
04-30-2011, 12:38 PM
Hey guy's he thinks he's being good! And for Chicago people he is! enough said!

04-30-2011, 03:10 PM
At least he finally washed his damn car

04-30-2011, 03:23 PM
Hey guy's he thinks he's being good! And for Chicago people he is! enough said!

Ain't that where Obama is from?

04-30-2011, 03:43 PM
Nope. Hawaii, but everyone blames us.

Hey I called the car wash, they didn't answer I spread the wealth. The family got to keep more bread on the table. Yet I am the bad guy.

You justify keeping whats not yours because you helped someonelse by calling it Karma?

You are now in a club that's so rare you are the only member. It is called the Motorhead350 Ignore List.

Actually no, you are joined by Justbob. It's you two who are in the club, I do not ignore myself. I don't know what's wrong with you noggin today, but you won't be reading this anyway.

Yup. bad karma for the kid, and thats probably what will come around for you Dom

Wonderful. No matter what I am the *********. Love it.

Hey guy's he thinks he's being good! And for Chicago people he is! enough said!

That's kind of a backhanded complement, but I will accept. :D

At least he finally washed his damn car

:lol: engine too!

04-30-2011, 04:36 PM
LOL talk about thread backfire!

04-30-2011, 04:39 PM
Meh, just asking. I didn't know what to expect actually.

RF Overlord
04-30-2011, 05:01 PM
I think when you arrive at the Pearly Gates and St. Peter tallies up your life, as long as there's more in the good deeds column than in the bad deeds one, you're prolly OK.

04-30-2011, 05:13 PM

Wonderful. No matter what I am the *********. Love it.

Dom, not trying to make you the bad guy, but you blatantly stole 10 dollars from Subway and the kid had to pay for it. In this instance I didn't have to paint you as the bad guy, you did that all by yourself.

If you were looking for a "hey, it's great that things are going good for you" The story should have ended with I gave the guy the $10 back

04-30-2011, 05:34 PM
Hey I called the car wash, they didn't answer I spread the wealth. The family got to keep more bread on the table. Yet I am the bad guy.

I know no one will believe me, but Dominick is the most caring, genuine, person I know. He will go out of his way to help out anyone in need, including random strangers. That's why I'm with him. I know you all think I put up with him, but really he puts up with my b.s.

He also would never take anything from anyone. He would have corrected the subway worker had he realized sooner and wasn't at work and he did try to call the place to let them know but it was disconnected.

For all that Dominick gives, I think he is getting what is deserved. Call it karma, luck or common human error, but I'm sure all of you would have done the same thing as he did.

Go ahead and cast the first stone if you think you can.

04-30-2011, 05:36 PM
Dom, not trying to make you the bad guy, but you blatantly stole 10 dollars from Subway and the kid had to pay for it. In this instance I didn't have to paint you as the bad guy, you did that all by yourself.

If you were looking for a "hey, it's great that things are going good for you" The story should have ended with I gave the guy the $10 back

Actually it was $9. And in most fast food places, unless your drawer is short more than $20, the cashier doesn't have to pay for it.

04-30-2011, 05:40 PM
Actually it was $9. And in most fast food places, unless your drawer is short more than $20, the cashier doesn't have to pay for it.

That has not been my experience, when I was 15 and working at McDonald's it was two dollars and later in my teens at Blockbuster it was $3.

Either way Becky, I know Dom is a caring guy, and I know he will do anything to help out anyone. But in this case, he needed to take the money back. He said he noticed it while it was at the subway IIRC.

04-30-2011, 05:45 PM
That has not been my experience, when I was 15 and working at McDonald's it was two dollars and later in my teens at Blockbuster it was $3.

When I was working at Potbelly three years ago it was 20 now that inflation has caught up, it's probably around 12-20 in places.

04-30-2011, 05:53 PM
I've had people make a mistake and give me too much change. I tell them about it and give it back, it REALLY makes their day.

04-30-2011, 06:16 PM
for ten dollars
it is a great learning tool
maybe next time we think a little harder

Joe Walsh
04-30-2011, 07:20 PM
LOL talk about thread backfire!

No, not really.
It still accomplished what it was intended to do.....garner attention and comments, whether they be good or bad....:rolleyes:

Da Dark Jedi
04-30-2011, 07:55 PM
Some will say the "The worker paid a price for lifes lesson". Some say Dom "Stole the cash" or was blessed by "Good or Bad Karma". Either way another lonnng thread.

Da Dark Jedi
04-30-2011, 08:00 PM
No, not really.
It still accomplished what it was intended to do.....garner attention and comments, whether they be good or bad....:rolleyes:

Now his GF joins in. She went from "PotBellys" to buying him a new engine block in three years. I think it's his third engine in the same period of time. As we use to say "Don't hate the player Hate the Game".

04-30-2011, 08:35 PM
I've had people make a mistake and give me too much change. I tell them about it and give it back, it REALLY makes their day.

Good for you. Guess what? I do that too when my mind is working correctly. If you read the post correctly you will find out that I discovered the mistake after the transaction, not to the guys face.

Now his GF joins in. She went from "PotBellys" to buying him a new engine block in three years. I think it's his third engine in the same period of time. As we use to say "Don't hate the player Hate the Game".

So, what are you implying Leon? One cannot go from the bottom to the top in that period of time?

Da Dark Jedi
04-30-2011, 09:12 PM
Dude... I'm not "Implying" anything. If you read my line "Don't Hate the Player Hate the Game", it IMPLYIES that you are fortunate in life. So lets be REAL, you go to a private University (DePaul), you're parents buys you a $35000 when you were 16 years old, you went to a private High School. So when did you go from "The Bottom to the Top".

So quick question to everyone... How many of you started at the above type of "Bottom"?

Forgot to add... Dom every here likes you. Your threads should read "The Continual Adventures of Motorhead350 the Saga continues".

04-30-2011, 10:43 PM
Dude... I'm not "Implying" anything. If you read my line "Don't Hate the Player Hate the Game", it IMPLYIES that you are fortunate in life. So lets be REAL, you go to a private University (DePaul), you're parents buys you a $35000 when you were 16 years old, you went to a private High School. So when did you go from "The Bottom to the Top".

He was actually talking about me. Going from Potbelly to "the top" in three years.

Actually, I'm not at the top either. My father passed away in October leaving me and my sisters some money. I didn't need it that terribly, so I decided to do something fun and generous with it. I'll let Dominick correct all of your assumptions. Because you definitely have a few things wrong. But if you still want to consider me having a dead father as fortunate, be my guest cause I don't care anymore.

04-30-2011, 10:44 PM
Dude... I'm not "Implying" anything. If you read my line "Don't Hate the Player Hate the Game", it IMPLYIES that you are fortunate in life. So lets be REAL, you go to a private University (DePaul), you're parents buys you a $35000 when you were 16 years old, you went to a private High School. So when did you go from "The Bottom to the Top".

So quick question to everyone... How many of you started at the above type of "Bottom"?

Forgot to add... Dom every here likes you. Your threads should read "The Continual Adventures of Motorhead350 the Saga continues".

Ok I am sorry I misunderstood you. All is true except the schooling. De Paul wouldn't let me in and I actually left school to chase after my dream. I will return if I fail, but I am not sure I would want a plan B. Then lifes direction loses focus. Believe me I value life. The GF and my family have had our ups and downs. One year daddy buys me a new car, three years later I am the one buying medication to keep my mom alive. Two years later I can buy a blower with my own money, next thing there is a repo out on the Marauder. I have not always been on top, life is ups and downs. Like sex haha lots of different positions and you didn't know you could get into a few of them until you are older. :lol:

LOL tha saga continues. In the end I think I am too paranoid, not sure why.

Da Dark Jedi
05-01-2011, 01:11 AM
Long live Motorhead350 aka Dom!!!:beer::beer:

05-01-2011, 06:22 AM
I bet Dom actually gave back the money, and thought that this would make interesting reading.

05-01-2011, 06:25 AM
Another one closed.

Dom, do the right thing as I am sure you will.
