View Full Version : Silverstars installed

01-01-2004, 07:42 PM
Here's a pic of the high beams. I didn't do what everyone told me to do...sorry, those corner lamps are way to hard to get out. I just pulled the bulb out backwards, then angled it up and switched em out. It was really tight, especially on the left hand side facing the car, but it worked out and the bulbs never were touch, scratched or had a lot of pressure exerted on them. They're not a whole lot brighter, but they are a lot straighter, shoot a bit farther and don't have gaps between the middle of the road and the side where the light ends.


01-01-2004, 09:34 PM
While I'm at it, how about that little cup in front of the actual bulb? You'll see it at the close up picture I took. Can I take that off? Whould there be a bright/distance advantage to doing so? Would it be a good idea?:D