View Full Version : Could Have Been 13,200 Panthers...

05-04-2011, 11:33 AM
The New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission, the nation's largest cab fleet, has chosen Nissan Motor Co. to design and supply a cab starting in late 2013 — a deal city officials value at $1 billion over 10 years.

The Nissan taxi, a modified version of Nissan's NV200 compact commercial vehicle already available in Japan, Europe and China, will be built at Nissan's plant in Cuernavaca, Mexico.

The base model, with a sticker price of $29,000, beat out finalists from Ford Motor Co. and Karsan of Turkey. Ford, however, said Tuesday it will continue to work with the city to put more Ford taxis on the streets immediately.

Nissan will also work with the city of New York on a pilot program to study zero-emission, electric vehicles as taxis.

Nissan will provide up to six all-electric Leaf models to taxi owners for testing in 2012, along with charging stations.

Carlos Tavares, Nissan's top executive in North America, said Tuesday the automaker, "is proud to provide the next generation of taxis for the city of New York."
"It's going to be the safest and most convenient cab the city has ever had," New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Tuesday at a City Hall news conference with Tavares.

Not everyone, however, was pleased with the choice. Bill De Blasio, the city's public advocate, criticized Bloomberg for giving a contract to company based overseas "without seeking any commitments for investment in our local and national economies," according to an emailed statement from his office.

New York's cab fleet of 13,200 vehicles ferries 600,000 passengers a day. From 2013, Nissan will be the exclusive cab provider. The average New York City cab travels 70,000 miles a year.

The boxy new taxi will feature a transparent roof, passenger air bags, more legroom, charging stations for mobile devices, high fuel-efficiency ratings and built-in GPS navigation systems, and enough trunk space to handle the luggage of four people.
Seven companies responded to New York's request for proposals in December 2009.

The mayor sought input from among the 600,000 passengers who use New York yellow cabs daily. An on-line survey asked passengers to rate the importance of several categories, including fuel economy, interior room, accessibility and amenities such as electric outlets to recharge mobile phones.

Cabs have a life cycle of about three to five years, after which they must be replaced. The entire fleet would change over to the new vehicles within about five years, the city has said.

The current fleet is anchored by Ford's Crown Victoria. Yellow became the uniform color by law in 1967.


05-04-2011, 11:46 AM
Aah yes. I saw the report about this on the news this morning


I personally can care less about a panoramic transparent roof or more leg room. I'd much prefer a cab that SMELLS nice and doesn't reek of B.O. :shake:

05-04-2011, 12:08 PM
Thatsthe american way give the $ to a overseas company. This is a clear cut example of why the US in the next 10yrs will not be a top economy. we are so f***** stupid when it comes to taking care of american co's. Doesnt help FOMOCO has a bulls eye on the back from our goverment. Makes alot of sense the one auto manufacturer that didnt have there hands out waiting for gov funds (or should I say we the peoples funds) what6 a joke!!!!

05-04-2011, 12:17 PM
Thats really messed up. The GOV is digging its own grave. Hopefully someone with sense will step in and take care of this. I wouldnt even care if Chevy got the contract, just keep it in the US.

05-04-2011, 12:33 PM
I totally agree. Why would you give the business to overseas companies. Way to help out the economy!:mad2:

05-04-2011, 12:37 PM
It's a damn shame. With all the preaching Bloomberg does about bringing income and jobs into NY, you'd think he would have gone the other route and given us the opportunity. At least the NYPD got back on the Ford bandwagon but you still have the traffic cops riding around in the Priuses.

05-04-2011, 12:40 PM
Prius's??? Really??? I hope you're joking. I wouldn't be caught dead in uniform in a Prius. Heck that's an officer safety issue riding around in that death trap.

05-04-2011, 12:42 PM
Well realistically why do traffic cops need anything other than a prius in the city? More efficeient, but they should have kept it American too.

05-04-2011, 12:43 PM
Prius's??? Really??? I hope you're joking. I wouldn't be caught dead in uniform in a Prius. Heck that's an officer safety issue riding around in that death trap.

True story buddy. But it's (only) the traffic cops that ticket expired meters, hydrant parkers, etc.

At least the private/livery cabs are still all about the Lincolns and Cadillacs and Expeditions. And that 1 Marauder ;).

05-04-2011, 12:46 PM
Ohhhh Ok well I can see the meter maids in them. I thought you meant regular officers. Wow made me think better of my department there for a second lol.

05-04-2011, 12:46 PM
but you still have the traffic cops riding around in the Priuses.

Christ, now Top Gear won't be able to make an episode about how cool we have it here in the states with high speed police chases anymore (anyone remember the episode about their opel astra diesel police cars?)

If only Ford brought over the Falcon... :cool:

05-04-2011, 12:50 PM
Ohhhh Ok well I can see the meter maids in them. I thought you meant regular officers. Wow made me think better of my department there for a second lol.

Lol. Although, the NYPD were driving around in "GREEN" Altimas: http://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/html/pr/pr_2009_014.shtml

But someone knocked some sense into them and the Fusion is now their go-to green car: http://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/html/pr/pr_2010_ford_hybrid.shtml

05-04-2011, 01:23 PM
Ohhhh Ok well I can see the meter maids in them. I thought you meant regular officers. Wow made me think better of my department there for a second lol.

Meter maids were getting their asses kicked that they had to merge with the NYPD for protection.

We have some Crown vics running around for Highway Patrol and undercover as well as charger.
http://rpmedia.ask.com/ts?u=/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5e/NYPD_Dodge_Charger_Police_Inte rceptor_2909.jpg/100px-NYPD_Dodge_Charger_Police_Inte rceptor_2909.jpg

The city bought 40 Nissan Altimas and they were just absolute junk trying to hold up to police use.

Now we have Fusion hybrids running around the city


05-04-2011, 04:30 PM
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx

05-04-2011, 04:30 PM
FAIL!!! :down:

05-04-2011, 04:31 PM
Epic fail!

05-04-2011, 07:27 PM
Go to electric cars. Can't wait to see how well they work on a 0*F day :rolleyes: As far as NYPD, NYS tried putting us in K Cars in the 80's. Epic failure, more garage time than street time.

05-04-2011, 07:48 PM
It stinks, but we all know Ford has already decided they're not interested in the taxi/police market segment or they wouldn't have dropped the panther.

05-04-2011, 07:53 PM
this bothers me to no end to see u.s. dollars going overseas!when is the last time you seen mr miyogi driving a ford?, or anyother american made car, yet the u.s. cant wait to make other counties #1

05-04-2011, 07:59 PM
I really wonder why Ford walked away from a platform that was proven (I know it was "old") worked well and held high sales in 2 markets, police and taxi?

Guess we will never know.........................

05-04-2011, 08:41 PM
I really wonder why Ford walked away from a platform that was proven (I know it was "old") worked well and held high sales in 2 markets, police and taxi?

Guess we will never know.........................

It was simply a numbers game. The markup on fleet vehicles was getting bone-thin, and Ford knew that the fleet runs held up alot of space that could be used for other, more lucrative things. With all the fire-control stuff added to the CVPI, plus on-going lawsuits, the Panther was not deemed "worth it" anymore. Remember that "fleet" sales included rental car fleets. Who rents a CV from Hertz anymore? Just one more nail in the coffin.

05-04-2011, 08:52 PM
Bloomberg is a traitor. I'm so tired of people like him sending our jobs overseas.

05-05-2011, 03:27 AM
Bloomberg is a traitor. I'm so tired of people like him sending our jobs overseas.

We can't stand him in this city. He thinks Manhattan is a bike park and put up bike lanes all over the city. Plus he spent our tax money for flower beds in the middle of a busy street just to make it seem like a botanical garden instead of a city of commerce. :shake:

It makes getting through the city with a truck more and more difficult to the point that there is no way a oversize load can be moved through the area anymore. Proof of this is the new islands they put when you come off the 59th street bridge. I have pulled 75ft beams off the bridge a few years ago, those days are over.

05-05-2011, 03:39 AM
We can't stand him in this city. He thinks Manhattan is a bike park and put up bike lanes all over the city. Plus he spent our tax money for flower beds in the middle of a busy street just to make it seem like a botanical garden instead of a city of commerce. :shake:

Yeah I know what you mean, I use to like taking a group down Bradway to see the lights but thanks to the "botanical garden" it sucks! Big time!!

05-05-2011, 04:18 AM
Cars today are assembled like ground beef, parts from all over are mixed in. Mustang transmissions from Mexico, engines from Canada, I think Germany or Mexico again does the wiring harnesses. It's part of going global, people! Get with the :censor: program! Look at all the benefits we recieve in return from going global:



05-05-2011, 04:26 AM
Cars today are assembled like ground beef, parts from all over are mixed in. Mustang transmissions from Mexico, engines from Canada, I think Germany or Mexico again does the wiring harnesses. It's part of going global, people! Get with the :censor: program! Look at all the benefits we recieve in return from going global:


http://files.sharenator.com/i_see_what_you_did_there_RE_An yone_else_see_it_I_AM_NOT_DIXL ESIC-s450x545-95526-580.jpg

05-05-2011, 07:26 AM
Cars today are assembled like ground beef, parts from all over are mixed in. Mustang transmissions from Mexico, engines from Canada, I think Germany or Mexico again does the wiring harnesses. It's part of going global, people! Get with the :censor: program! Look at all the benefits we recieve in return from going global:


Your post was "funny" True to a point, we are in an global mix money wise.
While people try and water down the :argue:about what's made where to me it's where the profits go. With Ford & GM at least some of profits are invested in the USA.

05-05-2011, 07:39 AM
It'll look like this. http://inventorspot.com/files/images/Nissan-NV200-taxi-1-623x389.img_assist_custom.jpg

05-05-2011, 08:12 AM
Do want Cash Cab!!!

It'll look like this. http://inventorspot.com/files/images/Nissan-NV200-taxi-1-623x389.img_assist_custom.jpg

05-05-2011, 08:34 AM
Anyone wanna buy a auto plant?


Lists the cars built, ect.


05-05-2011, 08:38 AM
I really wonder why Ford walked away from a platform that was proven (I know it was "old") worked well and held high sales in 2 markets, police and taxi?

Guess we will never know.........................
Bloomberg shut the door on the NYC market!!! That's over 13000 cars cut from their fleet market.
He's the one who stopped the taxi/limo commission from using the panther platform. They are/were too big and "inefficient" for NYC. He's a little man with a complex!

05-05-2011, 08:44 AM
Do want Crash Cab!!!
Fixed it for you :D

05-05-2011, 08:56 AM
Bloomberg shut the door on the NYC market!!! That's over 13000 cars cut from their fleet market.
He's the one who stopped the taxi/limo commission from using the panther platform. They are/were too big and "inefficient" for NYC. He's a little man with a complex!

Yea, he has mental problems alright :rolleyes: