View Full Version : A/C Condenser

Marauder Rick
05-07-2011, 03:28 PM
Whats the easiest way to change the AC condenser out? Do i HAVE to take out my radiator or could i do it with the radiator in?

05-07-2011, 03:55 PM
The radiator will have to be removed Rick. Be careful with the trans cooler/PS cooler its sandwiched between the 2

Marauder Rick
05-20-2011, 05:36 PM
The radiator will have to be removed Rick. Be careful with the trans cooler/PS cooler its sandwiched between the 2

I must b pretty awesome because i was easily able to remove the condenser without removing the radiator. All you really have to do is unscrew the two bolts that are actually holding the radiator in place. From that point you can push the whole thing toward the engine about 4" clearing the condenser from the frame above it. Then just unscrew the two...thats right two screws that are connecting the condenser to the radiator. From there u just pull the thing up....carefully. This is assuming that you already have disconnected the condenser fittings next to the coolant res.. It took me about 5hrs for the whole swap, but had i already known that i could do it...i couldda cut it down to 3 easily. My only snag...since my alt is reversed, i had to drop my fan shroud down a little, which really isnt a snag...just an extra step for sc aplications. Removing the radiator is the safest way to do it but not the only one. Btw Passed vacuum test and holding refrigerant....blowing cold. This is one time my stubbornness payed off.:banana2:

05-20-2011, 05:47 PM
If there is a next time.... and hopefully there won't be, put a piece of cardboard against the radiator and tranny cooler, this way you won't damage any fins.... just remember to remove the cardboard! :lol:

Marauder Rick
05-20-2011, 05:53 PM
hopefully there is never a next time. But if.....and this is a big IF, there is a next time, or if im helping someone else i will definitely keep that in mind, thanx

05-21-2011, 07:44 PM
Nice wheels Rick, good to know we can use this short cut if needed.

Not sure how you sprung a leak, but every vehicle I have owned the first thing I do is put some nice looking chicken type wire from the hardware store in front of the condenser-radiator area to deflect grass hoppers, bugs and rocks. It really helps cut down on bent fins and pluggage.

You can paint the wire black, you can't even see it on my car, just galvinized quarter inch square stuff.:burnout: