View Full Version : Rave: Drivers in California

05-07-2011, 10:22 PM
I have been here only an hour and already we are talking about Rockabilly Music and Rat Rods. The rave is just that people seem to value their cars here more. Classics are all over the place and a lot of the older people are the original owners! We all know the weather doesn't age the cars anywhere near the rate of the midwest or east coast.

Still it seems like people actually love their cars here. Then again a car is needed here. No public transportation as good as NYC or Chicago. A car is really a necessity. Maybe they value their cars more. Just seems like a different take then in Chicago. Chicago cars are used and replaced. Plus they take a winter beating, but the the cars can be fixed and repainted... doesn't happen often, because its just makes more sense to get a different car every few years then to maintain one... still it proves to me the attachement isn't there.

Wish I had the Marauder out here. Someday, it'll get a vacation out here.