View Full Version : Ok fellow MM owners, here is one that just makes me furious

05-18-2011, 05:41 PM

Not a big fan of Coburn but hes absolutely right on this one. Ill trade this slob and his hag for any 2 illegals from Mexico.

WI Fordguy
05-18-2011, 05:48 PM
That weirdo needs a good old fashioned smacking around. The way we cater to this kind of crap is ridiculous.

05-18-2011, 05:58 PM
How does this kinda scam slip through the cracks. Obviously, there is a doctor involved somewhere who diagnosed the disability and a government SSI supervisor who OK'd the payments. Discipline in the system appears to be non-existent to the point that it is easy to collect your "Free Money". :mad:

In an email response to The Washington Times, Mr. Thornton threatened to kill himself if his Social Security payments are taken away, and said the television episode showing him doing woodwork oversold his abilities.

“You wanna test how damn serious I am about leaving this world, screw with my check that pays for this apartment and food. Try it. See how serious I am. I don’t care,” the California man said. “I have no problem killing myself. Take away the last thing keeping me here, and see what happens. Next time you see me on the news, it will be me in a body bag.”

Time to call this guy's bluff ^^^^^^. But you better get two or three bags ready ..... just one ain't gonna do it. :P

SC Cheesehead
05-18-2011, 07:42 PM
How does this kinda scam slip through the cracks. Obviously, there is a doctor involved somewhere who diagnosed the disability and a government SSI supervisor who OK'd the payments. Discipline in the system appears to be non-existent to the point that it is easy to collect your "Free Money". :mad:

Time to call this guy's bluff ^^^^^^. But you better get two or three bags ready ..... just one ain't gonna do it. :P

^^^^^ That's what I'm thinking... ^^^^

05-18-2011, 07:47 PM
SSI Disability a/k/a "Crazy Money" is one of the most abused Gov't Programs.

It is very sad that parents coach their children on the handful of questions and then cheer when they get deemed a "retard". These children are branded the rest of their life and have no future.

Mean while I get my statement from SS telling me my future benefits will be cut 26%.:mad:

Per the SS Admin
•In 2011, nearly 55million Americans will receive $727 billion in Social Security benefits.

December 2010 Beneficiary Data Retired workers 35 million $40.7 billion $1,175 average monthly benefit
dependents 2.9 million $ 1.7 billion
Disabled workers 8 million $ 8.8 billion $1,068 average monthly benefit
dependents 2 million $ .6 billion
Survivors 6.4 million $ 6.3 billion $1,134 average monthly benefit

SC Cheesehead
05-18-2011, 07:50 PM
SSI Disability a/k/a "Crazy Money" is one of the most abused Gov't Programs.

It is very sad that parents coach their children on the handful of questions and then cheer when they get deemed a "retard". These children are branded the rest of their life and have no future.

Mean while I get my statement from SS telling me my future benefits will be cut 26%.:mad:

Well, SOMEBODY's got to pay the entitlements for the rest of them folks, Billy... ;)

05-18-2011, 08:12 PM
I have a close relative who has a disability. She collected SSID and her life revolved around collecting it. In the end it contributed to her being irresponsible and doing all the wrong things.

In my opinion it did nothing to help her, it only made her a slave to her disability.

SC Cheesehead
05-18-2011, 08:15 PM
I have a close relative who has a disability. She collected SSID and her life revolved around collecting it. In the end it contributed to her being irresponsible and doing all the wrong things.

In my opinion it did nothing to help her, it only made her a slave to her disability.

That's the biggest problem with entitlement programs in general, IMO, they are often countre-productive.

FWIW, I've got a B-I-L with the same situation...

05-18-2011, 09:00 PM
This makes me sick! My mother, God rest her, had to fight them tooth & nail for SSI when she could not walk or breath and was in a wheelchair. :mad2:

05-18-2011, 10:06 PM
More reasons we need to clean out DC next election.

05-19-2011, 07:56 AM
There is all sorts of fraud being committed here. These azzhats will probably be prosecuted because a senator mentioned them but Im sure there are boatloads of scammers out there. Though I generally support the idea behind the program, I am sick to death of people scamming the system. Unfortunately the responsible agencies (HHS here) need to hire more investigators to go after these criminals and then you need to convince the various US Attorneys offices that individual cases meet "prosecutorial guidelines" (you dont even want to know).

05-19-2011, 08:00 AM
Maybe by busting them, it will lead to other busts:
"Well so-and-so is doing it!" Oh really? And where do they live?
Get the snowball rolling, you know?

05-19-2011, 08:17 AM
Maybe by busting them, it will lead to other busts:
"Well so-and-so is doing it!" Oh really? And where do they live?
Get the snowball rolling, you know?

Exactly^^^^^!!! Better than government doing NOTHING to stop this

05-19-2011, 08:19 AM
I used to work with SA's from HHS and they were swamped back then going after Medicare fraud. I bet in their district that covered all of north and east Texas and Oklahoma they had like maybe 20 Special Agents. 20 SAs for maybe an area of 5-10 million people. All federal agencies have been and continue to be under the gun to cut staff and not hire new staff. Additional staff, ha ha. (In my agency we didnt hire a single new SA in 5 years once). The SAs in HHS I know are hardworking folks, they just need their leadership to explain effectively why they need more staff in this age of budget cutting.

05-19-2011, 08:33 AM

Not a big fan of Coburn but hes absolutely right on this one. Ill trade this slob and his hag for any 2 illegals from Mexico.

I'm inclined to agree--at least illegals will work.

And what, this jerk was on a tv show? Well then, he's not disabled, he can be an actor!!!!!

He should also be confined to the house. Shouldn't be allowed to go out if he's so "disabled". What a liar and scammer:mad2:

Vortex, you really got me going with this one:mad::mad::mad:

05-19-2011, 08:47 AM
I am always confused when I see what appears to be a healthy person driving an expensive vehicle with handicap placards hanging from the rear view get out of the vehicle and walk better than I do. What is the criteria to get rock star parking everywhere you go? What IS thier handicap other than poor taste in vehicles? I even look to see if they have an emergency medical info bracelet on, something, anything, to justify being considered handicapped. I know people who are handicapped, a lot of them. Most are too proud to even take advantage of the darn thing. And another thing, I have noticed a whopping ONE vehicle out of hundreds around here that park in the handicapped spot with the rear view mirror placard that actually have a license plate with the wheel chair symbol on them. WTF?

05-19-2011, 09:01 AM
I can't believe what I just read in that article?? Is that a joke? Someone should call his bluff....

05-19-2011, 11:04 AM
Screw elections.

President - chosen at random from the US population. Black motorcade rolls up to 1332 Avalanche Drive, Tulsa and some guy painting a house gets whisked off to DC for his turn at being prez. 2 year term, then lottery again.

Legislators: Conscription. Everyone must submit their name for the lottery drawings for municipal, county, state, and federal service. 2 years service terms for each.

The reason I say conscription is because the really intelligent people in this country would never want the job, and those who do want the job don't deserve it. Declaring that you want to be a politician should automatically disqualify you from serving.

05-19-2011, 11:05 AM
No, it is real. I saw the TV show (Taboo on Nat Geo or History or some cable channel). This is his FETISH and he is making a living off it.

I agree, call his bluff.

I can't believe what I just read in that article?? Is that a joke? Someone should call his bluff....

SC Cheesehead
05-19-2011, 11:47 AM
Screw elections.

President - chosen at random from the US population. Black motorcade rolls up to 1332 Avalanche Drive, Tulsa and some guy painting a house gets whisked off to DC for his turn at being prez. 2 year term, then lottery again.

Legislators: Conscription. Everyone must submit their name for the lottery drawings for municipal, county, state, and federal service. 2 years service terms for each.

The reason I say conscription is because the really intelligent people in this country would never want the job, and those who do want the job don't deserve it. Declaring that you want to be a politician should automatically disqualify you from serving.

^^^^^ Best set of ideas I've heard in a long time! :2thumbs: