View Full Version : Left-lane Slowpokes face tougher times in Illinois

01-04-2004, 10:43 AM
New Illinois law prohibits motorists from running in the left lane on limited access highways for more than half a mile IF they are holding up traffic. They have to move over for faster moving traffic or face a $75.00 fine.
I am so glad Illinois passed a law that makes sense.I hope people realize that the left lane is for passing not for cruzing at 55m.p.h. And it's not your job to enforce the law by sitting out in the left lane.In effect your keeping law enforcement from providing the state with needed revenue.

01-04-2004, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by chapel1

I am so glad Illinois passed a law that makes sense.I hope people realize that the left lane is for passing not for cruzing at 55m.p.h.

Amen.....I wish Florida would pass the same law.

And it's not your job to enforce the law by sitting out in the left lane.In effect your keeping law enforcement from providing the state with needed revenue.

Not to mention that slow cruising in the left lane creates a raffic hazard. People are going to drive over the speed limit regradless. It is a fact of life. Left lane cruisers are a hazard because it forces faster cars to pass on the right and ecourages lane weaving both of which are unsafe.

Thank you Illionois...let's hope they enforce the law and hope the rest of the states follow their lead.


Agent M79
01-04-2004, 11:05 AM
If you follow the money then... speeders are a source of revenue, then you'd need speeders to make money. Passing a law that would let them speed and as a by product create slightly more revenue by giving fines to lane blockers.

If you follow the safety/convenience/courtesy thinking then... maybe people will be more mindful of how they relate to the traffic around them.

I think people will be as mindful of the lane-blocking law as other people are about limiting thier speed to the posted limit.

01-04-2004, 11:06 AM
I imagine the law can't be enforced if the motorist is doing the speed limit in the left lane and is in the process of passing other cars. When a circus caravan of 25 trucks and 20 trailers, or a tractor trailer convoy is doing 55 mph in a 65 mph zone, you can't pass them all in a half mile. Interstate 81 in Virginia is a fine example, tractor trailers often get lined up behind each other in the right lane 25 to 30 at a time. :)

The person who wants to travel 25 to 30 mph over the speed limit has some relief under certain circumstances by this law being passed. There will always be somebody jumping in the left lane doing 70 mph to pass a car doing the 65 mph speed limit.

I also suspect the law is a "revenue generator". If the left lane is clear it's much easier for troopers to catch people going 25 to 30 mph over the speed limit. What appears to be a good law for the motorist's benefit isn't always as it seems. Face it, how many state legislatures are gonna say "Let's clear the left lane so people can drive like hell!" They have an ulterior motive. :)

01-04-2004, 11:11 AM
so if Slowpoke rides in the left lane then Slowpoke can get a $75 Slowpoke ticket intended to thwart slowpokes?

amen to that!!

01-04-2004, 11:17 AM
The law is a common sense law and does have other provisions such as weather and traffic density and construction areas.And doesnt apply if no-one is behind you.To me it's a form of self-taxion,which is how I have always viewed a speeding ticket.
P.S. I never drive recklessley and I never in danger others.I just have a need to speed when I'm in my Marauder and the conditions are right.And only then.

01-04-2004, 12:07 PM
I will never forget the "need to speed" I had back in 1978, and almost got *****. I had traveled 60 miles to Richmond, Virginia to leave a new Trans Am for service (the dealership where I bought it). They let me drive another Trans Am demo home for the night.

On the way home I had traveled the speed limit the entire way..... almost. I suddenly realized I was running about 10 minutes late picking my wife up from work. She had a new Trans Am too, and I don't recall why I was picking her up this day (???). In the last 10 miles I stepped it up to 90/95 mph in a 70 mph zone. In the last mile I ran through Virginia State Police radar. Only thing that saved me was the trooper was a friend. And I truthfully explained the circumstances to him.

I also had a severe case of "need to speed" back in 1975 too. I was 22-years-old and stupid. I had just bought a brand new 455 cubic inch Grand Prix SJ in Waynesboro. Coming down Afton mountain I was running about 120 mph westbound when I ran through a trooper's radar going eastbound. I never slowed down and got off at the next exit. He probably assumed I kept straight and he was still trying to catch up with me. That one could have caused me occupational hazards had I been caught. :)

So, yes, everybody has the "need to speed" occasionaly. Even those of us who in older age preach the speed limit and safe driving. :banana2:

01-04-2004, 12:33 PM
Driving I-75 and getting home from Clearwater Florida yesterday, all I can say is I hope this law becomes more common! All to many people out in the left lane just drifting along like no one else is on the road, which of course leads to people swerving and zingging and zagging all over the road to get around them. As the saying goes "Lead, Follow or get the He** out of the way". While we are on the subject, can we get something that blasts holes in tailgater radiators????????????:flamer:
Amsoi, was that your in a Black MM I saw heading back toward the Bellview Biltmore??????

01-04-2004, 12:38 PM
Sheriff I can understand you point, but if Michigan ever adopt this law, I would love to enforce it. Write them the ticket and have them explain it to the judge. I can careless to hear their excuses! Lucky ILL.!!!

01-04-2004, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by DetGeno
Sheriff I can understand you point, but if Michigan ever adopt this law, I would love to enforce it. Write them the ticket and have them explain it to the judge. I can careless to hear their excuses! Lucky ILL.!!!

Only problem I see here is the fact most judges are honest law abiding citizens. Especially on the public highways. It would hard to believe they wouldn't buy most excuses and dismiss the tickets. The judges don't want the left lane clear so people can do 95 mph in a 65 mph zone. I think it will be a very hard law to enforce, and an even harder law to get a conviction in.

In my immediate area I know all the Circuit Court judges, all of the the General District Court judges, all the Federal Court judges, and all the substitute judges. I can't imagine catching any of them going much over 5 to 10 mph beyond the speed limit. In the last 35 years I can't even recall any tales about any officer stopping a judge for excessive speed.

I agree with "write them all, let God (the judge) sort them out!" It's good for overtime pay if nothing else! :D

01-04-2004, 01:39 PM
While I understand the thinking here and even agree with it, it still leaves me confused!
I'm in the left lane, doing the legal speed limit, (hell maybe I'm 5 over even)no one was behind me when pulled into the left lane. Now someone is there and shortly after a LEO is also there!

I get a ticket for driving the legal limit (or for not breaking the enough)because I was holding up some one who wanted to exceed the legal limit(more then I was exceeding it)

What makes this any more right then a bait and switch scam? It's very much a contradiction in the law itself!

The left lane is a passing lane you say! So if you come up on a line of 5,10 what ever number string of cars doing the legal limit then you will be happy to pass them all and get in front to lead the line At the legal limit?

Or are saying it's your right to speed if you so choose? The fact that people are going to speed no matter what does not in my mind make it right.
Or is that two wrongs don't make a right but three do! :confused:

01-04-2004, 02:05 PM
Most driver will roll 5-9 MPH above the speed limit on the "freeway/hwy" on a regular basis and most "State Police" will not pull you over unless you are going 10 or above. Therefore if you are accelerating to 74 on a 65 zone on the left passing lane "passing" another vehicle, that is okay. But if you are cruising 70 on a 65 on the passing lane and have no intention to move over with no one in the other lane. You are toast!!!!

01-04-2004, 08:48 PM
Some people will interpret this law as a license to travel at any speed they like while in the left lane.

Most places already have a law about impeding traffic, but it usually applies to traffic being impeded by someone travelling below the posted speed limit.

01-05-2004, 07:56 AM
[i]Amsoi, was that your in a Black MM I saw heading back toward the Bellview Biltmore?????? [/B]

Nope it wasn't me.... I don't have a Marauder yet. I have a 99 CV LX HPP. I am holding out until i find a good deal on a silver Marauder...I am not quite ready financially yet and my HPP has a lot of life left in it.


Mark McQuaide
01-05-2004, 08:15 AM
A year of auto ownership in Germany (US Army, 1984) taught me how things should be done everywhere. Keeping to the right is just common courtesy and a way to improve traffic flow, just like moving to the left to allow people to merge onto the highway from on-ramps. I could go on and on about the German vs. US highway rules.

Dr Caleb
01-05-2004, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by Mark McQuaide
Keeping to the right is just common courtesy and a way to improve traffic flow, just like moving to the left to allow people to merge onto the highway from on-ramps. I could go on and on about the German vs. US highway rules.

Good point! I already do this out of courtesy, but I still end up getting tailgaited.

We have similar laws to this - slower traffic keep right etc, but the problem is *enforcement*. This law is never enforced, nor is "following too closely" while you are trying to pass someone. Along with "Passing on the right" while I try to get back in the right lane after passing someone.

Laws don't mean squat if they aren't enforced.

01-05-2004, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by Mark McQuaide
A year of auto ownership in Germany (US Army, 1984) taught me how things should be done everywhere. Keeping to the right is just common courtesy and a way to improve traffic flow, just like moving to the left to allow people to merge onto the highway from on-ramps. I could go on and on about the German vs. US highway rules.

Those are simple rules of the road, not unique to Germany. All of it used to be taught in Driving schools, not just the simple "mechanics" of driving.
At one time it was also courtesy to inform a car you were passing him and going to return to the left lane by taping the horn as you passed. It was also courtesy to not re-enter the right lane until you could at least see the whole front of the vehicle in the right lane that you just passed.

Today, too many people have "front-of-the-line-itis" and will pass just to get there, no matter the risk, or the speed. Even if someone's exit is coming up fast, they will pass a car (no matter the speed) only to have to quickly take their exit while driving in the left lane. (cutting across the right lane) This is a common occurrence these days, and makes absolutely no sense! they could have simply stayed in the right lane as their exit was "right there"

I agree with what Billatpro has posted.

01-05-2004, 06:05 PM
RC, we have a very long stretch of 8 lane highway (4 north, 4 south) in our northern business district. It tickles me to death to cruise between the red lights at 35 or 40 mph in a 40mph zone.

People flash their headlights, blow their horns, jump in and out passing me, looking over at me like I am a dumbass, etc..... eventually getting up to 50 and 60 mph.

At the next red light I cruise on through and go by them. The lights are set up for 40 mph. You go faster and you get stopped by every one. You do the speed limit and you can breeze through all of them.

People are so stupid. How hard can it be to figure out the traffic lights are cycled for the speed limit? Rats on a treadmill are smarter than some motorists. :D

01-05-2004, 08:09 PM
The left lane for passing has been on the books for years. It is impossible to enforce during the rush hour, which seems to get longer every day.:(

01-05-2004, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by Amsoil_Dealer
Amen.....I wish Florida would pass the same law.

You have slow people down in Florida!?:D

I heard the Marquis is the best selling car there.:)

01-05-2004, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by woaface
You have slow people down in Florida!?:D

I heard the Marquis is the best selling car there.:) That's correct.:D

01-05-2004, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by jgc61sr2002
The left lane for passing has been on the books for years. It is impossible to enforce during the rush hour, which seems to get longer every day.:(

Its hard to enforce because 60% of drivers are in the left lane and out of those numbers 20% drive at the posted speed, no more, no less... :uzi:

01-09-2004, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Billatpro
While I understand the thinking here and even agree with it, it still leaves me confused!
I'm in the left lane, doing the legal speed limit, (hell maybe I'm 5 over even)no one was behind me when pulled into the left lane. Now someone is there and shortly after a LEO is also there!

I get a ticket for driving the legal limit (or for not breaking the enough)because I was holding up some one who wanted to exceed the legal limit(more then I was exceeding it)

What makes this any more right then a bait and switch scam? It's very much a contradiction in the law itself!

The left lane is a passing lane you say! So if you come up on a line of 5,10 what ever number string of cars doing the legal limit then you will be happy to pass them all and get in front to lead the line At the legal limit?

Or are saying it's your right to speed if you so choose? The fact that people are going to speed no matter what does not in my mind make it right.
Or is that two wrongs don't make a right but three do! :confused:

This subject came up in a Lounge thread Study: Faster cars, higher speeds lead to more deaths

I think part of the problem is speed limits. In many areas, especially freeways, they are much lower than the road is engineered for. As cyclone03 pointed out in the Faster Cars... thread:

"I can't quote the study but I read years ago that most people have a good sense of "safe speed".Seems we look out the windshield and set our safe speed.

The test for this was having test subjects drive down UNFAMILURE roads,seems not knowing where the road went caused them to pick a very safe speed(That was faster than the posted limit).

With all due respect to LEO serving and protecting everywhere, MANY speed limits are set to generate revenue, not for safety reasons (IMHO). It has also been said that it is not speed but differences in speed that lead to accidents.

Picture a two lane freeway, with cars all travelling the speed limit, but the cars are staggered, right, left, right, etc. Happens here on our 401 all the time. Is it safer to have other cars weaving in and out to pass them? Or should the guys on the left be encouraged to move over and let LEO catch the speeders, if necessary?


Mark McQuaide
01-10-2004, 08:07 AM
It seems as though the state is santioning speeding by passing these "keep-to-the-right laws". I think they just look at it this way:

If the left lane is blocked for no apparent reason: You end up with tailgating, weaving through traffic, passing on the right, people upset with each other. I'm not saying it's right, that's just what happens.

People keeping to the right except to pass: None of the above. Orderly flow of traffic, some people speeding, some not, and the LEOs are free to sort 'em out.

Now this doesn't count once both lanes are full of traffic - then it's time to just calm down and turn on some music.

There was a Far-Side cartoon that had a picture of several special rooms reserved in Hell: One for terrorists, one for axe-murders, and the third for "people who drive too slow in the fast lane". My sentiments exactly!

01-11-2004, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by RCSignals
Those are simple rules of the road, not unique to Germany. All of it used to be taught in Driving schools, not just the simple "mechanics" of driving.
At one time it was also courtesy to inform a car you were passing him and going to return to the left lane by taping the horn as you passed. It was also courtesy to not re-enter the right lane until you could at least see the whole front of the vehicle in the right lane that you just passed.

Today, too many people have "front-of-the-line-itis" and will pass just to get there, no matter the risk, or the speed. Even if someone's exit is coming up fast, they will pass a car (no matter the speed) only to have to quickly take their exit while driving in the left lane. (cutting across the right lane) This is a common occurrence these days, and makes absolutely no sense! they could have simply stayed in the right lane as their exit was "right there"

Good points, RC.

Lack of courtesy is a huge cause of the problems we see on the road, along with basic skill deficiency. Now we have 'closed- course' driver training/testing centers. Just dumb.