View Full Version : Landlord problem. Need advice

05-23-2011, 11:35 AM
I moved into my place last Nov. Oral contract (I will never do this again) me my GF and a buddy of mine paid in cash at the beginning of every month. Everything was included as part of the agreement. Two months goes by and the internet password has been changed. I called and asked why and got a test back "Get your own." Internet no big deal fine. A few weeks ago it get's hot so we put the A/C units in the windows then I get a text. "Where are my air conditioners?" They were included when we have a walk around, "Use these in the basement when summer comes." Come 80 degree weather "They are all mine." He says.

Finally today he ran into me and said "You need to start paying the electric bill." That was included. All utilities, EVERYTHING in our rent. ALL covered. Heat, water, electricity, internet... now it's all vanishing because he says so. We have no contract, but he keep trying to get more money out of us and be a lot less friendly with utilities.

He doesn't have any of our social security numbers or anything. Just literally took our cash month by month. So when I am told to pay the electric bill, I know it's still to his name. We live in the same building as him. We have the first floor and he's upstairs. The people here before us said they never had to pay for anything... just rent and were here for 18 months.

My plan is to get out asap. I'm not putting his bills to my name, my credit, my problem.

For now I don't know what to do. I don't know what to day to this guy. I am afraid we will say "If you don't pay this, you're out."

What to do here guys?

05-23-2011, 12:09 PM
You ae on a month-to-month lease. In most jurisdictions the landlord must give you at least 30 day notice of cancelling such a lease. By the way, you are also obligated to provide 30 day notice of termination. You may need to check with housing authority for more details. Next time, written lease.

05-23-2011, 12:15 PM

I work in purchasing and past precedence does count as a contract. When he took your money he basically agreed to the current terms.

05-23-2011, 12:19 PM
So what do I say to him? I am not paying this because you said it was included?

05-23-2011, 12:23 PM
Either you did something to piss him off and he wants to "Push you out" or you took a crapload of his cable bandwidth with your torrents and used too much electricty with the pot grow room...

05-23-2011, 12:24 PM
It takes a LOT of hassle on his part to get you out now that you are in. He should have never let you in without a written lease.

He is not very smart. Lease agreements are there basically to protect the landlord. If he wants to evict you, he has a lot of work to do.

Were it me I'd tell him to go fly a kite and try and kick me out. Then in the meantime I would use the time (and money) to find another place.

EDIT: I'd also change the lock before he does. That won't stop him from breaking in, tho'.

05-23-2011, 12:25 PM
Give notice, move. Anyone who will complain because you use an air-conditioner in the summer is probably not playing with a full deck anyway.

05-23-2011, 12:26 PM
He still must give notice to cancel the agreement. Basically since he accepted your money he agreed to the terms as originally agreed.

Now, if he wants to, he can renegotiate the agreement but I would inform him that you will not be paying for additional services at his whim everytime he thinks of another one.

You'll need to look for a new place of course but I would contact either a housing authority or a real estate attorney to see what your options are.

The reason I stated the precedence is because legally thats most likely what the court may find.

05-23-2011, 12:26 PM
The internet I can see. All the other things I was outta town for. No pot smokers here, those were the people before us... and other drugs. :shake:

05-23-2011, 12:27 PM
Either of you can adjust the living/payment arrangements on 30 days notice. If you don't like it you will have to move.

Egon Spengler
05-23-2011, 12:28 PM
If you have a few months of you just paying him with everything included, then you have a case here. Though a verbal, it was still a deal that he accepted. I'd say start looking for a new place and don't put anything in your name.

05-23-2011, 12:29 PM
Give notice, move. Anyone who will complain because you use an air-conditioner in the summer is probably not playing with a full deck anyway.

What he said.

Da Dark Jedi
05-23-2011, 01:03 PM
You have a month by month (No LEASE) if he wakes up on the wrong side of the bed and decides you're out, you're out. Whatever agreement he had previously with other people has no bond with you. In Chicago IF he decides to cancel this month-by-monty he has to put it in writing (30 day notice to VACATE, thats all Chicago requires) you'll still have to pay rent. If your are not out when he says that the sheriffs department will serve you a court summonds. Since you are a single man the Judge will give you 7 days to move. People here never move out in 7 days period. At this point he'll (the Landlord) will go back downtown to file with the Sheriffs dept for an eviction (In summer usally 14-21 days). When they come it's to late to pack even if you are not there.

Now there are Lawyers who for a fee (65-75% of your rent) will keep him busy in court. Bottom line is you are still going to MOVE. He doesn't need your SS# for it to affect your credit, the court will put this in a "Public Records" database, for all to see. These records will appear on your credit report (Experian or Equifax). Also future Landlords will veiw these records for about 2 years. But the Lawyers may keep these off record, if you get one before all the drama.

In the future ALWAYS get a LEASE stating the specifics. Never pay in cash always get a signed receipt! Dude you are a man playing in a mans world! Play nice and get H*** OUT!

Forgot to add, if this goes wrong it will show not only on your "Public Record as a EVICTION" it will show on everybodys that occupied that apartment! For 2 years or so!

05-23-2011, 02:24 PM
You have no lease. Move out and get a real apartment.

Da Dark Jedi
05-23-2011, 02:36 PM
You have no lease. Move out and get a real apartment.

He did! He just did not conduct himself as a businessperson nor did his friend or GF. You remember the saying, "You can't cheat an honest man, but you can find somebody that wants something for nothing. So you give them nothing for something".

05-23-2011, 03:05 PM
Dom, oral agreements will not hold any water. With nothing signed, i.e no lease, you are completely subject to his will and he doesn't ahve to give you any notice at all to get out. He could wake up one morning, think you pissed in his cheerios and give you the boot. for lack of a better term, right now you are a houseguesst helping with the costs, not a renter, therefor you ahve zero renters rights. Move out and move on

05-23-2011, 03:27 PM
1. Offer to detail his car. Ya know "the whole sha-bang".

2. Move back to Parents basement.

Da Dark Jedi
05-23-2011, 03:30 PM
In Chicago for all renters (with or without a lease) the land lord MUST give a 30 day notice in writing of termination of any agreement. That is the law here, Dom can go to the Daley Plaza to see this in the books. And he still can collect his rent (legally) also! Just play nice and start looking now.

Da Dark Jedi
05-23-2011, 03:41 PM
1. Offer to detail his car. Ya know "the whole shebang".

2. Move back to Parents basement.

LMAO! I don't think his GF will like that, or they can move into her parents place. It's a Hard Knock Life or Life sure SUCKS when you're grown. Doms a "Band Leader" he knows how to handle people. Trust that the LL will do right by you, your GF and your Bud, of course give him more money and get a lease.

05-23-2011, 04:50 PM
I say piss on the rug and get out.

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

05-23-2011, 05:25 PM
Dom, oral agreements will not hold any water. With nothing signed, i.e no lease, you are completely subject to his will and he doesn't ahve to give you any notice at all to get out. He could wake up one morning, think you pissed in his cheerios and give you the boot. for lack of a better term, right now you are a houseguesst helping with the costs, not a renter, therefor you ahve zero renters rights. Move out and move on

That's exactly what I feared.

1. Offer to detail his car. Ya know "the whole sha-bang".

2. Move back to Parents basement.


and for the last time, they do not have a basement! Even if they did why would moving back in be a bad thing? Simon Cowell (formally of American Idol) had to move back into mommy and daddies at age 29. Look at him now. The life I have chosen isn't easy. Can't just get a college degree, get an internship, kiss butt and work your way up the pay grade.

In Chicago for all renters (with or without a lease) the land lord MUST give a 30 day notice in writing of termination of any agreement. That is the law here, Dom can go to the Daley Plaza to see this in the books. And he still can collect his rent (legally) also! Just play nice and start looking now.

Good advice. I might throw in a few extra bucks in the rent and say "This is for Com Ed." I'm not opening an account, no way are his bills going to my name.

05-23-2011, 09:12 PM
Hate to look like I am taking a "swipe" at you Dom but, you to learn to think things though be you act. Moving in to living quarters with no signed contract is living on the edge.

The old term "cause & effect" comes to mind.

Good luck with your search for a living space.

Maaybe just maybe this "landlord" broke a zonning or building code (or more) by renting out his lower house?

I know in New Jersey & Pa. it can be very strick depending on where you live. Some town have very tuff code officers.

05-23-2011, 10:33 PM
called a judgement against you now I'm not sure if he can with out personal information other wise how could place it on record with out it.

05-23-2011, 10:55 PM
cut your losses ,get an apartment with a writen lease agreement , and do it the right way this time.

05-24-2011, 03:40 AM
Tell him to shut the hell up and know his place and if he continues to give you crap; beat his a$$.

05-24-2011, 06:23 AM
I wonder if somewhere, out in cyberspace, right now, on some other car forum, there's a post that says "TENANT PROBLEM"?

05-24-2011, 09:28 AM
Hate to look like I am taking a "swipe" at you Dom but, you to learn to think things though be you act. Moving in to living quarters with no signed contract is living on the edge.

The old term "cause & effect" comes to mind.

Good luck with your search for a living space.

Maaybe just maybe this "landlord" broke a zonning or building code (or more) by renting out his lower house?

I know in New Jersey & Pa. it can be very strick depending on where you live. Some town have very tuff code officers.

I knew what I was getting into and really didn't have a choice at the time. A lesion learned. My newest problem is finding a place that will let me live month to month. Everything I have found needs a 6-12 month agreement. I might be leaving town soon. As of now what seems logical is just to bite the bullet and deal with the landlords B.S. for another month or two, but still look around.

Tell him to shut the hell up and know his place and if he continues to give you crap; beat his a$$.

Can you show up in your black pickup and join me? :)

I wonder if somewhere, out in cyberspace, right now, on some other car forum, there's a post that says "TENANT PROBLEM"?

Probably. I wonder what my landlord is posting. "How can much more can I screw with these people?"

05-24-2011, 09:49 AM
Mom and Dad are the only ones that will let you live month-month legitimately in a urban area.

05-24-2011, 09:51 AM
Mom and dad are in Indiana. I need to be in the city.

05-24-2011, 09:53 AM
Dom, oral agreements will not hold any water. With nothing signed, i.e no lease, you are completely subject to his will and he doesn't ahve to give you any notice at all to get out. He could wake up one morning, think you pissed in his cheerios and give you the boot. for lack of a better term, right now you are a houseguesst helping with the costs, not a renter, therefor you ahve zero renters rights. Move out and move on

That isn't even close to being correct.

05-24-2011, 09:54 AM
That isn't even close to being correct.

I'm glad to hear that!

Plus Leon said earlier there are laws in this city, with or without a lease. I can literally sleep easier.

05-24-2011, 09:56 AM
Can you show up in your black pickup and join me? :)

The El Ranchorauder is still under construction; funds pending.

Come pick me up and I will bring my chainsaw.

05-24-2011, 10:02 AM
The El Ranchorauder is still under construction; funds pending.

Come pick me up and I will bring my chainsaw.

I still need to stop by sooner or later for that vinyl. I haven't forgotten. Hope you still have it. ;)

Can't wait to see the car. I think we are the only people on this board who know what we are typing about. :D

05-24-2011, 10:04 AM
I still need to stop by sooner or later for that vinyl. I haven't forgotten. Hope you still have it. ;)

Can't wait to see the car. I think we are the only people on this board who know what we are typing about. :D

.....you WERE the only people....

05-24-2011, 10:15 AM
I'm glad to hear that!

Plus Leon said earlier there are laws in this city, with or without a lease. I can literally sleep easier.

you should contact the university of chicago law school, not sure if it is close to you. I say that because here at MSU Law where I work we have a free landlord/tenant clinic, and they may very well have one down there too. That would be a great way to get help with your situation.

Da Dark Jedi
05-24-2011, 10:30 AM
I'm glad to hear that!

Plus Leon said earlier there are laws in this city, with or without a lease. I can literally sleep easier.

Remember Don without a lease it only goes so far. If the LL wakes up in a bad mood he still can serve you with a "Notice to Vacate", this is a 30day warning. Your deposit, he can sit on it up to 45 days before he has to give it back (minus whatever it takes to restore his unit). Not saying the LL is a bad guy, just try and get him into a lease agreement.

A month-by-month only works to his advantage. There is a Library at the Daley Center (maybe the 14th fl) that explains all this in detail. If you like the place, (which sounds like you do) you are the one who will have to make concessions. Ask to pay a certain portion of his electric bill (the current one since you have occupied his place every month). Stop paying in cash PERIOD. He probably knows that in Chicago, for new light sevice and gas there will be a deposit REQUIRED.

Never sleep "EASY" when you live by a month-to-month rental. GET A LEASE!!

Also remember if it goes before a Judge, you being single will only get 7days from that point. Even if you had children the max would be 14days. A lawyer will charge you between 65-75% of your monthly rent just to tie him up in court, this can be up to 4-6 months and it will not show on public records as a EVICTION.

05-24-2011, 10:43 AM
Here, should help in you decisions! :D


05-24-2011, 11:00 AM
I feel for you Dom, a lease agreement would have prevented all of this. Chances are he found someone who wants to rent the place for more then what you're paying for it and hes trying to get you to leave on your own accord rather then him going through the hassle of getting you evicted. He can promise you all the free things in the world, but it means nothing unless its in writing.

Good luck.

05-24-2011, 11:04 AM
30 days is fine. I just wanted to be sure it couldn't be a here today gone tomorrow thing. I like the area, but I really need to leave this block... literally. It's driving me crazy what I live next to. Nothing I can complain about either. I'll PM you if you really wanna know.

I was going to leave anyway because of this, but the electric bill was just a slap in the face. Looks like I might have to stay and deal with it because I don't know if I am leaving town for a while. I don't wanna sign a 6 -12 month lease and leave in 3 months.

It's tricky-tricky tricky-tricky.

Da Dark Jedi
05-24-2011, 11:25 AM
Tenants Rights
312/ 742-7368

05-24-2011, 01:03 PM
Before you leave you could assist the Landlord acquire new tenants by removing faceplates on lite switches in the wall and slide chicken livers past the switches down the inside of the wall. Chicken livers left in obscure places like this and in the ceiling will draw the best of tenants for this kind gentleman.:2thumbs:

05-24-2011, 01:07 PM
:D Don't forget to superglue all lightbulbs into their sockets! That one won't get found until you're long gone!

05-24-2011, 01:17 PM
Talk to the local housing authority and see what they can do for you.

They might even be able to help you find a place if worse comes to worse.

Da Dark Jedi
05-24-2011, 02:17 PM
30 days is fine.

I was going to leave anyway because of this, but the electric bill was just a slap in the face. Looks like I might have to stay and deal with it because I don't know if I am leaving town for a while. I don't wanna sign a 6 -12 month lease and leave in 3 months.

It's tricky-tricky tricky-tricky.

Dom, I'm a bit confused here... Your first post states that "You, your GF & Buddy" have lived there and paid the LL in cash. So if you have to "leave" in 3 months can't the other two pay the rent? So you took the place on the chance you "may not be there in 3 months" therefore no lease to tie you down? Your GF and buddy joined in this also, and they have no intention on staying without you? Sounds like everybody is trying to "work their HUSSLE", not saying you are trying to get over, just seems strange.

05-24-2011, 02:26 PM
+Pay by check and state in comments line rent and utilities...or shoot him

05-24-2011, 02:41 PM
You could maybe work something out in trade, like in Kingpin.

Landlady (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005417/): What is it about good sex that makes me have to crap? You really jarred something loose tiger.

05-24-2011, 02:49 PM
HEYYYyyyy.... Oh.... nm.... That is what she said... :alone:

05-25-2011, 09:46 AM
It takes forever for them to boot you. Just find another place and don't pay him.

Da Dark Jedi
05-25-2011, 10:41 AM
It takes forever for them to boot you. Just find another place and don't pay him.

For a single person 50-60 days MAX! This is :


2) At the end of this notice the LL will File papers at the Daley Center.

3) The Sheriff will be serving him notice to appear in court (14th fl) WITHIN 5DAYS.

4) The Judge will listen & ask for a LEASE (NO LEASE).

5) The Judge will give him 7days to get out (and tell him to start looking now!), these are not BUSINESS DAYS!

6) If he is not out at the end of this period, LL will go back to the Daley center (5th or 6th fl) to a little room where he give the sheriffs Dept the Judges decision.

7) From this point the clock is running... They WILL be at your door in the morning (usually between 5-14 days).

8) Plus they will put up a NOTICE on the door that will state that TRESPASSING is a FELONY MISTERMINOR! Meaning if you enter the LL can call CPD and you will be ARRESTED ON THE SPOT!

9) Your belongings will be put out on the curb for anybody to steal.

That "FOREVER" crap is so outdated. The rules here have changed.

Forgot to add... The Sheriffs dept will not LEGALLY EVICT you if temp are below 25 degrees.

05-25-2011, 11:34 AM
Dom, I'm a bit confused here... Your first post states that "You, your GF & Buddy" have lived there and paid the LL in cash. So if you have to "leave" in 3 months can't the other two pay the rent? So you took the place on the chance you "may not be there in 3 months" therefore no lease to tie you down? Your GF and buddy joined in this also, and they have no intention on staying without you? Sounds like everybody is trying to "work their HUSSLE", not saying you are trying to get over, just seems strange.

Naa. My GF is going with me no matter where I go, even to another part of the country. My buddy is on the fence about sticking with us, we all kinda are. I am not going to disappear and have them pay more for rent if I leave. We all agreed that no one is going to leave on their own. We are all going to leave together, not one at a time or him leaving and my GF and I paying.

We are looking around. The only problem is trying to find a place that will allow month by month. Right now we need that. We don't wanna get tied into a year lease when suddenly I have to leave town after a month or so.

Da Dark Jedi
05-25-2011, 12:04 PM
Naa. My GF is going with me no matter where I go, even to another part of the country. My buddy is on the fence about sticking with us, we all kinda are. I am not going to disappear and have them pay more for rent if I leave. We all agreed that no one is going to leave on their own. We are all going to leave together, not one at a time or him leaving and my GF and I paying.

We are looking around. The only problem is trying to find a place that will allow month by month. Right now we need that. We don't wanna get tied into a year lease when suddenly I have to leave town after a month or so.

Well play NICE with the LL, if you can (put that PRIDE ASIDE). Look for another place even one with a Lease Agreement, if pushed you can sub-let for the balance of the agreement (9 months). If S*** happens in your venture that may require a longer time frame you have peace of mind. If you have to pay a gas bill and electric bill they now require a deposit, the deposit will be returned in a year.

Places now wants to contack your previous LL to find out what type of tenant you are. This can be avoided by giving somone very close to you their name and number on the application saying you have rented from them, now you have REFERENCE. When you business comes thru now you can say "My career has forced me to move out the state". They may get mad, but they have to put somebody in the place quick. This should be given in writing!

But for three months as you say... The call is up to you.

05-25-2011, 12:10 PM
Yup. Just gotta play it cool and deal with his B.S. sucks, but could be worse.

05-25-2011, 12:29 PM
Yup. Just gotta play it cool and deal with his B.S. sucks, but could be worse.
True that! The suicide hotline I just called wanted a credit card number to charge by the minute and then just put me on hold! WTH???

05-25-2011, 12:50 PM
[QUOTE=Da Dark Jedi;1049640]

That "FOREVER" crap is so outdated. The rules here have changed.


60 days is forever in my book.

05-25-2011, 12:57 PM
True that! The suicide hotline I just called wanted a credit card number to charge by the minute and then just put me on hold! WTH???

Last time I called I was talking for 45 minutes and they eventually hung up on me. No advice, nothing! That made me feel better!

05-25-2011, 01:01 PM
Dom you want I should pay a "visit" to your landlord?

05-25-2011, 01:12 PM
Dom you want I should pay a "visit" to your landlord?

Yeah most of these self imposed tough guys will usually run from their shadow when stood up to. Pay a guy on the corner with a cardboard sign a few bucks to stake the guy out and ring his doorbell every hour or so after midnite. Or give all the charities you can come up with his name and phone number. Tell them he is a big giver.;)

05-25-2011, 01:18 PM
I'd have never moved in with both my friend and girlfriend in the same apartment.

05-25-2011, 01:20 PM
Make sure when he picks up the rent next time that all three of you are dressed in black and red, lights out, candles everywhere and a big ritualistic/offering alter and maybe a dead chicken or three. Offer him a goblet of chicken blood while you hand over the $$$.
On a sidenote! :D:


05-25-2011, 01:21 PM
I'd have never moved in with both my friend and girlfriend in the same apartment.
I would have moved in with your girlfriend and friend though... :lol:

05-25-2011, 01:26 PM
I would have moved in with your girlfriend and friend though... :lol:

Ahem. Wait is that a foursome? ;) Just teasing ya Dom...

You know the right answer is to move out. Since no deposit etc. Leave no warning. Just disappear, close to "rent due time" might be a good idea.

Either that or Judge Judy... :P

http://crockettlives.files.wordpress. com/2011/04/judge-judy.jpeg

05-25-2011, 02:25 PM
I'd offer your landlord a choice: 90-days notice of your leaving (once you give notice, he can't come back and kick you out sooner); or else sign a contract now.

Tell him you need to plan for your expenses, and you can't do that if he keeps changing them. Tell him you can't sleep not knowing how much you'll have to pay next month, or what else will change all of a sudden and so signing a contract now let's both of you sleep easier. Of course, it won't help him sleep any easier, just say that it will ;)
His choice, which, really, it is anyway since he lives upstairs and will make your life miserable if he actually does want you out. If he signs the contract and you think you'll enjoy continuing to live there, then great! If he says "no contract, no way in hell", give him the 90-days notice. Right now you're looking at moving anyway, so you have nothing to lose, at worst 90-days to find a new place, and at best an amicable resolution to the fluctuating rent problem.

Of course, even with such a contract, he might come back and say "let's change the contract". To that, you can then say "no". Yer contract would have to state month-to-month payment, with a termination date chosen by you with x-days notice or the landlord with y-days notice, and also include a timespan for the month-to-month, such as 5-years or 2-years or whatever is agreeable. A new contract would be signed at that time.

05-25-2011, 03:39 PM
^^^ That is a great plan. However I just don't think this Landlord will go for anything put to paper, he looks at the downstairs appartment as a "cash cow" and he will rase the rent via gas , internet, etc or cash amounts for his own gain(greed)

You could look into the code violations angle and see if the City has given he permission to rent. I am sure the IRS would love to read about the cash exchange every month:)

Da Dark Jedi
05-25-2011, 05:47 PM
^^^ That is a great plan. However I just don't think this Landlord will go for anything put to paper, he looks at the downstairs appartment as a "cash cow" and he will rase the rent via gas , internet, etc or cash amounts for his own gain(greed)

You could look into the code violations angle and see if the City has given he permission to rent. I am sure the IRS would love to read about the cash exchange every month:)

Your POINT ON... Dom can call the city Inspectors thru our 311 line. Don't know how long it will take for them to get to his apt. He'll have to show them around everywhere, even the basement area. The LL will see this and question the guy on who he is. May as well start the ball rollin', we're only talking 3 months. If Dom has that time to invest he puts his career ambition on the back burner.

05-25-2011, 09:20 PM
Carrier is number one right now. Going out, drag racing, eating out (food), buying records... exc. Spending is all put on hold. Having a place to sleep and cheap meat is all that matters right now.

I have to stay flexible for establish a "carrier". Things sure keep getting more difficult!

05-29-2011, 01:20 PM
Carrier is number one right now. Going out, drag racing, eating out (food), buying records... exc. Spending is all put on hold. Having a place to sleep and cheap meat is all that matters right now.

I have to stay flexible for establish a "carrier". Things sure keep getting more difficult!

It's called growing up and I can't even remember the last time I bought a record, tape, or c.d. I just burn my music and listen to the radio. Good thing you're single and not having to worry about raising a family!

05-29-2011, 06:14 PM
It's called growing up and I can't even remember the last time I bought a record, tape, or c.d. I just burn my music and listen to the radio. Good thing you're single and not having to worry about raising a family!

I'm almost glad people do not pay for music anymore. More and more I read and hear about the bands/artists never getting paid. So touring is the way to generate income these days. That and licensing the music.

Yes. Glad I do not have a family. I spend more on rubbers for my ding-a-long-ling-a-long than for my car!

05-29-2011, 07:06 PM
I'm almost glad people do not pay for music anymore. More and more I read and hear about the bands/artists never getting paid. So touring is the way to generate income these days. That and licensing the music.

Yes. Glad I do not have a family. I spend more on rubbers for my ding-a-long-ling-a-long than for my car!

You shouldn't use rubbers when playing your own instrument :lol:

05-30-2011, 06:24 AM
cheap meat is all that matters right now.
... Do I need to say it? :D