View Full Version : Internet in rural area

05-23-2011, 03:14 PM
Just would like to know from those that are living in a rural area what are you using for internet service? It looks like I might be stuck with dial-up :mad2:.

I'm settling down in our new accommodations (house) and I just learned that there is no high-speed internet service provider available. I knew I would be in a rural area but I didn't think it was going to be that rural.

As I found out, many cellular services has done away with unlimited broadband service unless its 4g and guess what...only 3g service is available out here

05-23-2011, 03:25 PM
Where did you move?

05-23-2011, 04:29 PM
I'm located in Perryville, MD

05-23-2011, 06:52 PM
This isn't ideal, but still better than Dial up, recommend Direct TV sattelite set up and get the internet option. Like I said, it's better than dial up but not as dependent as Cable or DSL.
You could also try a cell card with unlimited data, I think that cost $30 a month. I have one through work that I use when I travel from verizon and it's pretty good.

05-23-2011, 06:54 PM
I'm back in the country outside of Waldorf,...1/2 mile off of the road and no land-line cable or internet.

So, I'm using DirecTV for cable and HughesNet satellite service for the Internet. With the contract that I have, I'm alloted 475MBs of data in a 24 hour period. I've only exceeded that twice in the 2 1/2 years that we have had the service back here in the woods. If you exceed your daily limit, you are allowed one token reset per month, other that that you'll be at dial-up speed until you daily allotment reset takes place. Currently, I still have 100% of my allocation remaining, and it will reset again in 18 hours and 11 minutes. Also between 2AM and 7AM, there are no data stream impacts against your daily allocation.

It looks like the current high end residential plan is 400MBs per day with a download rate at 2.0 Mbps and an upload rate at 300 Kbps. Granted with kids at night around the country doing homework at night the data rates come down at times.

My current download speed this evening is: 1496kbps
My current upload speed this evening is: 194kbps

One minus, just like satellite TV...as heavy storm fronts migrate through you may lose your satellite connectivity until the front goes through. I haven't lost the signal very often, but it does happen. With heavy storms that these are, you should have your PC turned off and unplugged anyway to protect from lightning strikes. When I do lose the signal it's normally not more that a 1/2 hour until link-up back to the satellite is made.


http://consumer.hughesnet.com/index.cfm?WT.mc_id=05141PPChnc om3


Good luck looking at your options.

We won't be getting fiber run back here for another couple of years, so HughesNet is the only current option. I think there is another satellite company, but I can't think of their name.

05-24-2011, 06:39 AM
Thanks guys, I looked at the satellite option one being Hughes and the other being Wild Blue offered through Direct TV, my concern with them was the allotted data as you mentioned being I do have teenagers in the house. I'll give them a second look.

Might end up doing the 3g Broadband with the 5 GB data plan being that it is more than what the satellite option is offering

One of the cons of being rural but there are many more pros