View Full Version : Car registration question

05-23-2011, 05:34 PM
I am trying to beat the system, let's get that clear first off.

I have tickets out on my car. I have looked into changing the plate on it and it's less than paying off the tickets. Does anyone know if the new plate will have the old tickets linked to it?

I have no idea and cannot get a straight answer from anyone. Being that the plate is issued by the state and the tickets are to the City Of Chicago I don't know if they will follow. When you want a special plate they do ask what the current plate it, again this is linked to the State of Illinois, NOT the City Of Chicago.

Also I might just put it under a different name in a different state.

Who know's these games?

Can anyone shed light on this for me?

No, I will not just pay the tickets. Changing the plate is less than half the cost of whats "owed."

Flame suit on.... I know it's coming.

1 Bad Merc
05-23-2011, 05:47 PM
Dom -that's not going to work. The tickets stay with you -not the plates/car. If you dont make arrangements to pay I believe the City of Chicago will petition the State of Illinois to either revoke the plates and/or suspend your DL. They will also file a lean on you and create a huge financial mess for you. What I would suggest is basically two things -1. First find out the Amensty Day that Chicago usually schedules. I believe on that day you only have to pay the ticket amount and the interest/penalties are waived -not sure they have it every year so you need to do some work and check on it.
2. Contact the city and get on a payment plan. I believe as long as your on a payment plan and pay a little each month then the State/City cant touch you. I believer there is some formula based upon you income (which is low) so you should get a chance at a lower payment.

These are the two legal options that I would pursue.

05-23-2011, 06:10 PM
As I recall all your vehicles are registered in your Fathers name along with vehicle insurance. So what's the problem?
I'm beginning to see why your Parents had the basement filled in after you left.

Joe Walsh
05-23-2011, 06:29 PM

How much do you owe for the tickets to even consider doing this?

You got the tickets....be a man.....and pay for them!

05-23-2011, 06:31 PM
I am trying to beat the system, let's get that clear first off.

Flame suit on.... I know it's coming. At least you know that much.

Short version: it won't work

05-23-2011, 06:37 PM

The tickets follow the driver and the Vin and have nothing to do with the plate, so the games won't work and in the end will cost you a lot of headache and bucks.

There is no way to avoid it, except obey the law and park legally. You should watch the show parking wars, that will show you a lesson that you need to learn....Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

Dom you need to stop trying to avoid laws, this is erily like when you wanted to know about registering your car in California. Everyone told you what you needed to do, but you ignored it until you heard the thing you wanted to hear.

You can't fight city hall, the city will get there cash with interest one way or another

05-23-2011, 06:49 PM
At least 50% of Dom's threads can be summed up here:

Everyone told you what you needed to do, but you ignored it until you heard the thing you wanted to hear.


05-23-2011, 06:50 PM
As I recall all your vehicles are registered in your Fathers name along with vehicle insurance. So what's the problem?
I'm beginning to see why your Parents had the basement filled in after you left.

If you have two unpaid tickets you will be booted. I have four. So even if it's not under my name the car and still get a boot. If it's on there for 2 or 3 days the car is impounded, 30 days after impound it's no longer your car.

That's the problem.

I was hiding it in a garage for over a year and parked it in a lot everywhere I went. I recently lost the garage so I have no car right now. It's hiding at mommy and daddies house. Not that I need a car here, but I sure get around a lot faster than wait for a train or bus.


How much do you owe for the tickets to even consider doing this?

You got the tickets....be a man.....and pay for them!

I owe more than changing a plate. Changing a plate here is $126.


There is no way to avoid it, except obey the law and park legally. You should watch the show parking wars, that will show you a lesson that you need to learn....Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

Dom you need to stop trying to avoid laws, this is erily like when you wanted to know about registering your car in California. Everyone told you what you needed to do, but you ignored it until you heard the thing you wanted to hear.

You can't fight city hall, the city will get there cash with interest one way or another

Dude, if you knew the violations you would be as fed up as me. One especially for parking in my own driveway saying I was blocking a garage... MY GARAGE!

California is another story. They have really strict Smog Laws. The Marauder isn't legal with all the goodies I put on it. So it would remain under my dads name with an IL tag. If someone said something I could very clearly say "It's my dads car, run the plate." Legally I don't think there is anything they could do. If it was to my name and I was living in CA, yes I would be breaking the law. If it's to someone else's name and it's still linked to that person in another state there is nothing they can do.

I didn't ignore anything. If I went there and didn't follow any advice, that would be ignoring it. Being that I still live in Chicago and didn't move, everything has remained the same. I don't see how you guys say I ignore advice when all I am doing is asking questions. Ex: How do you do this? A: Like this.... okay thanks. Did you do it? No. Why did you ignore my advice? I haven't made a MOVE yet. :shake:

05-23-2011, 06:55 PM
At least 50% of Dom's threads can be summed up here:


Ummmmmm wrong. I ask a lot of questions. When I do nothing... meaning I didn't make a decision as suppose to going against the advice. Nothing has been ignored.

You guys aren't making any sense.

05-23-2011, 06:58 PM
If you have two unpaid tickets you will be booted. I have four. So even if it's not under my name the car and still get a boot. If it's on there for 2 or 3 days the car is impounded, 30 days after impound it's no longer your car.

That's the problem.

I was hiding it in a garage for over a year and parked it in a lot everywhere I went. I recently lost the garage so I have no car right now. It's hiding at mommy and daddies house. Not that I need a car here, but I sure get around a lot faster than wait for a train or bus.

I owe more than changing a plate. Changing a plate here is $126.

Dude, if you knew the violations you would be as fed up as me. One especially for parking in my own driveway saying I was blocking a garage... MY GARAGE!

California is another story. They have really strict Smog Laws. The Marauder isn't legal with all the goodies I put on it. So it would remain under my dads name with an IL tag. If someone said something I could very clearly say "It's my dads car, run the plate." Legally I don't think there is anything they could do. If it was to my name and I was living in CA, yes I would be breaking the law. If it's to someone else's name and it's still linked to that person in another state there is nothing they can do.

I didn't ignore anything. If I went there and didn't follow any advice, that would be ignoring it. Being that I still live in Chicago and didn't move, everything has remained the same. I don't see how you guys say I ignore advice when all I am doing is asking questions. Ex: How do you do this? A: Like this.... okay thanks. Did you do it? No. Why did you ignore my advice? I haven't made a MOVE yet. :shake:

Yeah I know the parking violations can be really harsh and can be BS in some situations. Take care of them as they happen, then you won't find yourself in this situation.

I'd talk to the county clerk and figure out few options

1) is there a way to dispute the tickets by appearing in court similar to moving violations
2) is there a payment plan you can get on to get right with county
3) if option 1 and 2 are not available, do they accept payoffs?
4) if the answer to all of the above is "no" then you are left with two recourses

1) bend over and repeat "Thank you sir may I have another"
2) take your chances until the law catches up to you and then...see option 1

05-23-2011, 07:03 PM
1. No. The tickets are years old. I haven't had one in over two years.

2. Unless you are 65 no. My dad is of age and the car is under his name. I'm sure it can be done if he comes into city hall with me or something like that. THANK YOU BRAD!

3. That would be nice.

4/2. I have been living under the radar for over 18 months. The only way to hide now is literally keeping the car away from city streets. I would even park in other peoples garage when I would visit them. One time even put a plastic bag over the rear plate and noise to noise with another car to block the front.

Been there, done that. No fun.

05-23-2011, 07:04 PM
:laugh: :laugh:

I'm beginning to see why your Parents had the basement filled in after you left.

That ^^^^ is funny. :rofl:

05-23-2011, 07:05 PM
OK, exactly how much do you owe in parking tickets? I mean at some point, don't you have to swallow your pride and realize that it's worth the extra hundred, two hundred, whatever...to not have to "live under the radar" (as you said) and hide your car?

05-23-2011, 07:07 PM
1. No. The tickets are years old. I haven't had one in over two years.

2. Unless you are 65 no. My dad is of age and the car is under his name. I'm sure it can be done if he comes into city hall with me or something like that. THANK YOU BRAD!

3. That would be nice.

4/2. I have been living under the radar for over 18 months. The only way to hide now is literally keeping the car away from city streets. I would even park in other peoples garage when I would visit them. One time even put a plastic bag over the rear plate and noise to noise with another car to block the front.

Been there, done that. No fun.

Well best of luck Dom, I guess the best thing you can do is keep it off the street until you can pay the tickets. One thing to keep in mind, it might catch up to you when the registration is due. Also if the car is in your Dad's name, the tickets may actually fall under his record, which if he is driving another car it could impact that as well. Have you checked witht he city to see if they are in your name or his?

If the tickets are in his, you might be able to register the car in your name, get new plates, and avoid the mess, but then it's going to fall on your Dad's platter.

No easy way out of this, sorry bud :beer:

05-23-2011, 07:11 PM
OK, exactly how much do you owe in parking tickets? I mean at some point, don't you have to swallow your pride and realize that it's worth the extra hundred, two hundred, whatever...to not have to "live under the radar" (as you said) and hide your car?

Yes, but even then Adam I have to pay off the first three to keep the boot off of it. I cannot just go "Here's a $100 and the rest will follow this year." Let me put it this way it's over $500 to keep the city away. In the mean time all I can do is hide it.

This really sucks. If I took a straight job and changed my lifestyle paying a bill like this wouldn't be an issue. A lot has happened recently musically, you would know better than anyone that when the chance comes you gotta jump on it before they forget you.

Steady job for me? No such thing, but I do work. Just not often enough to deal with crap like this. Just enough to pay the rent and cook food at home. It's worth it, won't always be like this.

05-23-2011, 07:13 PM
$500 for a few parking tickets?

Cleveland rocks.

05-23-2011, 07:14 PM
If the tickets are in his, you might be able to register the car in your name, get new plates, and avoid the mess, but then it's going to fall on your Dad's platter.

No easy way out of this, sorry bud :beer:

That's what I am trying to figure out, but no one can confirm this. So, I'm not taking the chance. Just have to pay them off when I can so I am 100% certain there won't be any comedy.

05-23-2011, 07:16 PM
$500 for a few parking tickets?

Cleveland rocks.

The fines increase over time.

Red Light Camera: $100

Don't pay it within a week: $200

What they are for me: $233 each because it's been over two years.

I will admit to those, but not the others.

05-23-2011, 07:17 PM
Add this to the reasons we discussed why I cannot stand Chicago.

Joe Walsh
05-23-2011, 07:17 PM
Yes, but even then Adam I have to pay off the first three to keep the boot off of it. I cannot just go "Here's a $100 and the rest will follow this year." Let me put it this way it's over $500 to keep the city away. In the mean time all I can do is hide it.

This really sucks. If I took a straight job and changed my lifestyle paying a bill like this wouldn't be an issue. A lot has happened recently musically, you would know better than anyone that when the chance comes you gotta jump on it before they forget you.

Steady job for me? No such thing, but I do work. Just not often enough to deal with crap like this. Just enough to pay the rent and cook food at home. It's worth it, won't always be like this.

Dom, back in my younger days, I got 3 speeding tickets in a row.

Guess what I did?....

I payed them, then I drove responsibly for a few years to get them off of my driving record.

I suggest you do the same...or prepare for: "DAS BOOT!"

05-23-2011, 07:19 PM
Dom, back in my younger days, I got 3 speeding tickets in a row.

Guess what I did?....

I payed them, then I drove responsibly for a few years to get them off of my record.

I suggest you do the same...or prepare for: "DAS BOOT!"

That's different. These are tickets for parking mainly.

Speeding is different. I don't have any of those.... unpaid. ;)