View Full Version : Tornadoes

05-25-2011, 10:50 AM
I am sharing this because our students did a project after a Storm Chaser group gave a presentation here:


I have heard people say "well if you live in tornado alley, it is your own fault if your home is destroyed."

Facts show tornadoes in every US state, including Alaska and Hawaii.

Wherever you live, there are dangers (fires, hurricanes, mudslides, you name it) so I doubt anywhere is "safe" from all these things.

Yes, some news stations like grandstanding but around here we take the sirens seriously.

05-25-2011, 12:09 PM
Tell your students to have a little respect for human life. I have been in joplin since Sunday night helping out in search and rescue/recovery and have seen 3 or 4 high school age kids. One was impaled with a tree on a staircase, one was crushed by his truck that flipped on him and the other I dont care to get into, pretty grusome.

Joplin from all locals reports had 30 seconds from the time the siren went off to the time the tornado was in earshot. not good enough.

05-25-2011, 02:37 PM
The point of the project WAS respect for human life.

I was referring to the comments I have heard on internet forums like this one (and including this one in the past).

A few years ago our students took a school day to help with cleanup from the May 25, 2008 tornado a few miles North of us - they have seen firsthand what an EF5 can do.

05-25-2011, 03:18 PM
Tell your students to have a little respect for human life. I have been in joplin since Sunday night helping out in search and rescue/recovery and have seen 3 or 4 high school age kids. One was impaled with a tree on a staircase, one was crushed by his truck that flipped on him and the other I dont care to get into, pretty grusome.

Joplin from all locals reports had 30 seconds from the time the siren went off to the time the tornado was in earshot. not good enough.

U r the MAN..Need more people like u!!!! Here in St. Louis,mo we r getting hammered as I text.. Man family got hit about a month ago when the tornado hit in St.Ann,mo... It wasn't not one kid present.. These kids these days don't no respect for elders are life.. What happen?? All,I no, Internet and games r raising them.. :(....

05-25-2011, 03:50 PM
I really feel for the people displaced by tornado's I suffered through a flood in '05 but nothing can compaie to comming back and seeing only rubble where you home once stood.

God Bless those people!

05-25-2011, 04:58 PM
Truly devestating. We were moved to tears by what we saw on the news last night. Our prayers go out to those folks. Even here in the snowbelt we've had tornadoes this spring. Highly unusual for here. We are used to blizzards, but twisters are another

05-25-2011, 05:04 PM
Truly devestating. We were moved to tears by what we saw on the news last night. Our prayers go out to those folks. Even here in the snowbelt we've had tornadoes this spring. Highly unusual for here. We are used to blizzards, but twisters are another thing...

I agree. Absolute devastation in a path 3/4 mile wide. Not a building standing or a tree or even a pile of rubble ..... just gone .... completely. The pics are heart shattering. My thoughts and prayers go out to the survivors and those that lost loved ones in this tragedy.

To burtreynolds and all of the search & rescue and emergency workers --- this must truly be a saddening experience. Our thoughts are with you too.

05-25-2011, 07:44 PM
I feel for those folks at least we had house standing, water damaged but standimg. 100 K to rebuild, but standing...

05-25-2011, 08:48 PM
Guys, we Missourians are tough. I live about an hour away from Joplin, but almost all my friends, a local message board (100mphclub.com) and my home drag strip are all in the
Joplin Greater area. They are tough people and will rebuild. Where I was the past couple days nothing is standing over 15 feet tall...but still I heard the random laugh or joke from one of the residents. Example...helping a lady we had just pulled from her home the night before dig through the rubble. She yells for us to come over and take a look at something. There...under all the destruction was a copy of the DVD "Twister" laying face up. We all had to laugh for a minute.

Sorry, I saw people and replaced it with students. PEOPLE Need to have a little respect for their fellow man. Life is precious.

05-26-2011, 06:42 AM
When your students made the map did they use the actually location of where the tornado touched down or just the closest town to where the tornado hit?

05-26-2011, 07:02 AM
The only tornado/large funnel cloud I ever saw was a 1/4 mile wide funnel cloud that almost reached the ground over the pineapple fields just north of Wahiawa, Hawaii.

05-26-2011, 07:36 AM
The only tornado/large funnel cloud I ever saw was a 1/4 mile wide funnel cloud that almost reached the ground over the pineapple fields just north of Wahiawa, Hawaii.

+1, the only one I hope to ever have seen was a water spout over Lake Ontario a 1/2 off shore.

05-26-2011, 07:46 AM
They didn't make that map - it is an NOAA map that they referenced to show that "Tornado Alley" is really just an indicator of frequency and that tornadoes strike everywhere in the US.

I am guessing they are touchdowns, not towns.

When your students made the map did they use the actually location of where the tornado touched down or just the closest town to where the tornado hit?