View Full Version : You have got to be kidding....

05-27-2011, 06:41 AM
I heard about the esteemed mayor of NYC almost breaking his arm patting himself on the back for making this decision about the new NYC taxi fleet, but I did not realize what a complete FUBAR situation it really is. Ford MoCo was a finalist... Ha! Bloomberg is such a tool! This link is Nissan's spin on it. I love how they try to say this rolling abortion will be made in North America. I do not consider Mexico, North America.

http://www.nissannews.com/newsrelease.do;jsessionid=2E1D FB6107E50781DB91D2F5DFAE6473?&id=2444

05-27-2011, 06:51 AM
Yeah try living in the city that this dolt is the mayor of. :shake:

Mr. Man
05-27-2011, 12:48 PM
What was Ford going to use?

05-27-2011, 08:16 PM
What was Ford going to use?

A vehicle made in Turkey.

05-27-2011, 08:30 PM
A vehicle made in Turkey.

Defiantly gives one a warm fuzzy feeling...:shake:

05-28-2011, 04:00 AM
A vehicle made in Turkey.
Ford has the Transit Connect van in it's line up a great small van that was well thought out.

05-28-2011, 05:34 AM
Ford has the Transit Connect van in it's line up a great small van that was well thought out.

The Ford Transit Connect is made in Turkey. I still would have preferred it over a damn Datsun but they dont listen to me up there in NYC. Naturally here in Dallas the taxi of choice seems to be a ratbag 25 y/o Plymouth Volare.

05-29-2011, 08:33 AM
I heard about the esteemed mayor of NYC almost breaking his arm patting himself on the back for making this decision about the new NYC taxi fleet, but I did not realize what a complete FUBAR situation it really is. Ford MoCo was a finalist... Ha! Bloomberg is such a tool! This link is Nissan's spin on it. I love how they try to say this rolling abortion will be made in North America. I do not consider Mexico, North America.

http://www.nissannews.com/newsrelease.do;jsessionid=2E1D FB6107E50781DB91D2F5DFAE6473?&id=2444

This Nissan, being built in Mexico, is just as North American as the Ford Crown Vic built in Canada.

BTW, a number of Fords are built in Mexico these days.

05-29-2011, 08:40 AM
BTW, a number of Fords are built in Mexico these days.

Ah, that explains why so many Fomoco employees in MI are out of work. :rolleyes:

UAW 588
05-29-2011, 09:15 AM
Thanks alot NYC. Next time Ford shouldn't donate trucks and cars when another terrorist attack strikes again. How soon they forget. And yes, it is made in Turkey right now. Ford plans on making them here in the US, and I heard rumors of Chicago Assembly and or Kansas City Assembly. Either plant gets the van, I would be stampimg the body panels for it. That's ok, because they also plan to make it a hybrid van, which is their loss!!!!!!!!!!:mad2:

05-29-2011, 06:01 PM
.... I love how they try to say this rolling abortion will be made in North America. I do not consider Mexico, North America.

http://www.nissannews.com/newsrelease.do;jsessionid=2E1D FB6107E50781DB91D2F5DFAE6473?&id=2444

You don't but Geography does. :D

Yeah try living in the city that this dolt is the mayor of. :shake:

The place went to hell after Gulliani left. That's Why I keep telling you to grab the MM and Voula and come out to L.I. with normal people like me and Krytin....... ok I see the flaw in that.

What was Ford going to use?

The Transit Connect van. A lot better then that puke that Nissan is putting out.

05-29-2011, 07:50 PM
OK! The way I look at it is simple. If the car company is headquarted in the USA like Ford & GM the the profits are for the most part invested here and makes the USA strong. If the company is headquared in Asia or Europe then the profits go there.

Yes, yes, yes I know those company builld car & trucks here in the USA and they do employ people and help the local area no argument from me.

Companys headquarted in a country are more apt to help out when trouble comes calling.

After Sept 11. Ford & GM & Dodge gave lots of vehicles to the Police, Fire, and city to help out. I coulld be wrong but Toyota & Honda did very little.

So that is my take on USA vs the others:)

05-29-2011, 07:52 PM
Thanks alot Bloomberg. You forgot that Ford donated trucks and cars after 911

Fixed it for you! :beer: ;)

The place went to hell after Gulliani left. That's Why I keep telling you to grab the MM and Voula and come out to L.I. with normal people like me and Krytin....... ok I see the flaw in that.

I like Krytin... and you :rolleyes:... but NO THANKS!!! Paying more in property taxes than your house is worth is not my idea of a good time.

I think Bloomberg is an arse for picking the Nissan and I'm SURRE there were other domestic versions/companies that not only would bring jobs into the city/country but would look a lot better than that *** box on wheels.

Mr. Man
05-30-2011, 06:29 PM
I've driven a Transit and wasn't impressed by any of it. If it were to be put into service as is w/o major structural improvements I don't think many would make it past 10K. I give Ford a few years to finally come to their senses and start building a big rear wheel drive platform again. They just walked away from to big of a money segment.