View Full Version : Chrysler sends out a shock at the L.A. AutoShow

01-04-2004, 07:27 PM
I still prefer the GT...but this is pretty sweet...

New Chrysler SuperCar (http://www.autoweek.com/cat_content.mv?port_code=autow eek&cat_code=coverstory&loc_code=&content_code=02120930)

01-04-2004, 07:33 PM
I hope they build it, I hope Ford, Chevy and Chrysler get serious about extreme high performance.:coolman:

01-04-2004, 07:35 PM
Base price $450,000.

Should be hot seller:lol:

01-04-2004, 08:02 PM
Hey now, the McLauren (The car that made me fall in love with cars) was a whole lot more...somewhere around $1,000,000 after it was converted to U.S. spec. Enzo costs $650,000 or so.

That car there is the sexiest thing I have ever seen. $450,000 is nothin' for that kind of performance.

:: DROOL ::

01-04-2004, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by Bigdogjim
Base price $450,000.

Should be hot seller:lol:

Makes the GT a bargain

01-04-2004, 10:25 PM
Nice to see that the old USA can produce iron as bad as that from overseas.

01-05-2004, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by bigslim
Nice to see that the old USA can produce iron as bad as that from overseas.

1. It's WAAAY badder:D
2. Don't forget it's German roots! (or German spools?)

Fourth Horseman
01-05-2004, 03:51 PM
...or we could work on producing cars to take back market share from the Accord and Camery.

Super cars are fun and all, but boy I'd like to see us start eating away at Japanese market share of mainstream cars. We never should have ceded that market space in the first place. :mad2:

01-05-2004, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by Fourth Horseman
...or we could work on producing cars to take back market share from the Accord and Camery.

Super cars are fun and all, but boy I'd like to see us start eating away at Japanese market share of mainstream cars. We never should have ceded that market space in the first place. :mad2:

I agree. The fewer Toyos and Hondas on the road, the better.


01-05-2004, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by 67435animal
I agree. The fewer Toyos and Hondas on the road, the better.


The better? Competition is always good, how else will we get great Tarauses and Malibu's. Or at least Chevy started working on it (the latter.) Ford on the other hand already has a dent in the foreign market with the the Taraus. I am a Taraus, I should know:)

01-06-2004, 05:00 AM
Originally posted by woaface
The better? Competition is always good, how else will we get great Tarauses and Malibu's. Or at least Chevy started working on it (the latter.) Ford on the other hand already has a dent in the foreign market with the the Taraus. I am a Taraus, I should know:)

Japanese cars wore out their welcome for me many years ago. I have never owned one, will never own one, and I am sick and tired of hearing about them.

Just a personal preference that I intend to keep.


01-06-2004, 10:39 AM
American car makers have given up the share of the market that they owned for so long: full size, RWD, 4 door, 8 cylinder sedans. Only Ford makes them anymore, and now it looks like the CV will only be available to fleet owners and not to the general public. We should stop trying to copy the imports and go back to what we have always done best, the big American family car. Why did mini vans become so popular a generation ago, and SUV's a little later? There was no place else to put a family and all of it's stuff, since American cars were "downsized" in the late '70's. I'll bet there are a lot of dads, and some moms, too, who would love to have some more choices in family transportation besides either an SUV or a minivan. Except for the few choices available at FoMoCo, there aren't any other choices out there. Get off your a$$es, Detroit, and start building real American cars again!

01-06-2004, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by woaface
1. It's WAAAY badder:D
2. Don't forget it's German roots! (or German spools?)

I agree with Woaface and Bigslim. This Chrysler Supercar is "cheap" and "badder" than the rest.

And, D/C does some pretty bold stuff. (Don't mess with the Dodge Viper or the Dodge Ram SRT (Viper powered), even the Dodge Neon SRT (240HP). Also, anything with a HEMI in it is stiff competition.) IMHO :rolleyes

01-06-2004, 08:30 PM
Don't forget, while American companies are trying to copy Japanese ideas, it's working the other way around too.

When Japanese do real luxury cars, they get V8's with rear wheel drive. Other than Honda, who hasn't touched the idea of displacement past 3 somethin liters ever, Lexus and Infiniti have with the LS430 and the M45. They're even taking stabs at the full-sized truck market with the Titan and Tundra. Even Honda is going to take a weak (emphasis added) shot at it ( http://www.caranddriver.com/article.asp?section_id=30&article_id=7624&page_number=1 )

Same for the Germans...BMW build a very decent V6 in the 3 series, but BMW, Mercedes and VW know that V8 rear drives rule...and no serious driver in the U.S. market will accept less from them if they can afford it. Lol...look at VW, they got real crazy and put TWO together! Whoopee! More money on spark plugs!