View Full Version : "Clubbin" with the IMOA...

01-04-2004, 07:40 PM

Okay...This is like the 10th time I've written this post and tried to post it in the last four days, only to have some computer issue pop up and stop me from getting this done. Meanwhile, I have half a dozen requests via e-mail asking me to forward what I'm trying to explain in this post. Jeeze Louise! Something must be getting through, or, y'all are thinking likewise.

For you new cookies, the first National Marauder Roundup was planned as a one-time event staged along side a "Fun Ford Weekend" in Ennis Texas, back in Sept, of '03. Everyone who visited this site then were invited to attend, MM owner or not. Moreover, our "National Member" tag meant all owners living in North America, not just those inside American borders. My my, how things have changed since then.

Nonetheless, Ennis came to be nick-named "Marauderville," and while this event was planned and carried out, none of us ever expected that we would want to do any of this "Marauderville" stuff again. ROTFLMAO, were we wrong about this or what?

Since Marauderville, many of us have become real road hogs. Driving fools hooked on sawed-off weekends OTR, just to meet up with other MM owners and supporters. Collectively, we have logged many miles doing exactly that. So, while this OTR "face to face" stuff has been seductive, reading maps and traveling light has paid off too. The joy of meeting and making new MM.Net friends at the next exit, is well documented in our threads. This "handshake hospitality" has been exciting, and no one here has yet to report any disappointment.

I'm not surprised that plans for a '04 Roundup are cooking on the stove right now, can y'all smell it? Just like Momma's busy in the kitchen, and y'all are getting more hungry now too. Well, the chief cooks of Marauderville II are the heroes of Marauderville I, Bob and Jean Mathis. Mary (MM03MOK) and I have signed on to the '04 team as kitchen help, and more kitchen help is needed, contact one of us to sign up.

Our poll is about where we are going to stage Marauderville II and there are two choices. Indy and Bristol are both equally exciting. Indy excites me, this event is built around a two day weekend event planned and managed by the "International Mercury Owner's Association," herein known as the IMOA.

IMOA's annual International car show is already scheduled and the IMOA has some neat stuff planned, more on that later. What is important for you to know now, is that the IMOA has extended an invitation to us MM owners here at the MM.Net, to attend their International event at Indy. This generous invitationoffers us something we do not yet have. Our very own and very real MM club.

The IMOA is often thought of as "collector's," or, "antique car" club, which we do not qualify for. However, the '03 Marauder wasn't around when Jerry Robbin formed his club, and today, Jerry Robbin wants us in his club. Thank you, Jerry.

The IMOA offers us a real time organizational chart, a real structure, with real and in-house event planning, and real management that can handle the scale of an International meet. Benefits continue with stuff like housing management, side event admission, club awards, and a very slick quarterly magazine we can wrtie articles for and see ourselves in International print.

To participate in the Indy event, we must be members of the IMOA. To be members solves a lot of "Roundup" headaches. To participate, is much too exciting to talk right about now, but trust me when I say that it won't be just a two day weekend.

Jerry Robbin has donated a lot of membership stuff to us already. I have 100 copies of "Quicksilver," the IMOA's slick quarterly mag, as well as applications for membership in the IMOA, and registration forms for the Indy event.

I had planned to send this stuff out to y'all who are registered in in Mary's "membership mailing list," but one package mailed out is a dollar eighty-six to the USPS, which "86-ed" this idea when it was "X 100" members. I don't mind the coins between friends, but why should I spend them blindly?

Mailing out to MM.Net members who are not interested in the IMOA or Indy, is a waste of my coin, right? So...E-mail me at SergntMac@aol.com with your real time home addy, zip, and I'll front you the cost of the package, k? This means e-mail, not PMs or messanging through MM.Net, got it?

Hopefully, every one of y'all who show because of me, will buy me a beer in our '04 Indy Roundup corral...

Y'all e-mailing me, I need to read your;

Street Address
City, Stae, Zip
Screen name here @ MM.net.

This post can be refined, but I had to start somewhere, eh?

Bob Mathis
01-04-2004, 08:29 PM
Hi All,
I want to say that what Mac is saying is good. I know most of you want to know something about what is being worked out for 04. I have talked to Mac , Logan and other's. I will be putting out what I think in the next day or so.
Please remember we want to have fun and do the best we can for all of us. So please be patient with us.
I too have some IMOA Item's to mail out so PM me, call (334) 894-6278 E-Mail me at bjm03mm@entercomp.com.

01-04-2004, 08:31 PM
I like the idea Sarge! I'll email you my addy right away.
Indy is a very exciting place and has a lot stuff to offer (Kenny Brown, Indy Museum, Brickyard, .....)
I especially like the idea of a "real" organized club and would be happy to support it anyway I can.

01-04-2004, 10:33 PM
Looking forward to this meet. Mac, I have no problem buying you, Bob and Logan a drink. Will look forward to meeting a lot of you there.

01-05-2004, 07:25 AM
Bob, Logan, Mac,
Thank you for your efforts at bringing about Marauderville II. We will plan on attending regardless of where it is held!!! Pls count my wife (Joan) and me in on the event!

01-05-2004, 07:52 AM
Thanks Mac, I owe you a beer.

01-05-2004, 08:10 AM
Send it on, Sarge. You know I'm always good for a beer or two!

01-06-2004, 06:25 AM
That's 20 beers y'all...

Well, as wise men say, 24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. That can't be a coincidence.

Agent M79
01-07-2004, 05:40 AM
I would beg of you to remove those shameful "***" from my name sir! I made everything right late last night with Bunny! Please! I beseech you!

01-07-2004, 06:21 AM

Chris and my information will be heading out to you shortly, we're in, Indy or Bristol for Marauderville II.

My question here is if we join IMOA will we lose our idenity as MM.net and be absorbed into a larger club? I had more to ask, but just got wiped by a Major brain fart!! :(

Can't wait for the party to start. Instead of beer I'll buy you a Scotch. Thanks for all the hard work, if I can help out let me know.


01-07-2004, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Haggis
My question here is if we join IMOA will we lose our identity as MM.net and be absorbed into a larger club? Here's my thought on this........ Each has its place and they are not mutually exclusive.

IMOA gives us structure and support as needed. It gives us the opportunity to share this wonderful car with other Mercury enthusiasts. We're already meeting as groups of Marauder owners around the country. We'd be doing the same thing if we only belonged to IMOA.

As Marauder owners, we represent a chapter in Mercury history not yet documented and QuickSilver is a perfect way to share our experiences. We have our own identity within IMOA. While IMOA has a message board, little pertains to our cars at the moment, but we can change that, to help educate other Mercury owners.

I'm not at all suggesting we abandon MM.Net. MM.Net will always be our means of cyber communication and our cyber Home. MM.Net brought us all together and can only get better. We can still have our own dash plaques for IMOA@Indy.

Whatever the label, we're Marauder/Panther owners and enthusiasts that have made friends across the country and across the borders. The more opportunities we create to meet one another, the better it gets!!

01-07-2004, 03:26 PM
I received my package today, thanks Mac. And therefore disregard this mornings email, I should have known you would have sent one to me regardless of my asking.

I have one question though. In the IMOA reg. for the Indy get together in the fee section on the back, they ask if one wishes to "lap" the Brickyard for a 'special insurance fee'. The wording concerns me. And wording is particular with these IMOA folks. Note that we don't meet the 'show car' requirements....anyway, they word it as follows:
"Special insurance fees to have your classic Mercury take a lap around the Indy 500 track...."
Alot of folks have these dreams of circling the track, but are we classic in the IMOA opinion?

01-08-2004, 01:20 AM
Originally posted by Agent M79
I would beg of you to remove those shameful "***" from my name sir! I made everything right late last night with Bunny! Please! I beseech you!

Arrgh! Okay! Okay Dave, you have a clean bill of health. So do a few others who have e-mailed me. I didn't mean to upbraid anyone, I was trying to exactly the opposite! Fill in some blanks, nothing more. I'll be updating that post first thing in the AM anyway, K?

Originally posted by Haggis
My question here is if we join IMOA will we lose our idenity as MM.net and be absorbed into a larger club?

"Still checking, please hold..."

Originally posted by CRUZTAKER
I have one question though. In the IMOA reg. for the Indy get together in the fee section on the back, they ask if one wishes to "lap" the Brickyard for a 'special insurance fee'. The wording concerns me. And wording is particular with these IMOA folks. Note that we don't meet the 'show car' requirements....anyway, they word it as follows: "Special insurance fees to have your classic Mercury take a lap around the Indy 500 track"
Alot of folks have these dreams of circling the track, but are we classic in the IMOA opinion?

Well, Mary didn't ask me first, and I haven't spoken with Bob or Jean since before Xmas. Nonetheless, I am operating on the words of Jerry Robbin last spoken to me in mid December, '03.

Yes, driving on Brickyard pavement is an extra payment, and NO, it's no longer restricted to "classics." Ummm...Wait a minute...Incomming, DUCK!

Originally posted by MM03MOK
Here's my thought on this...

IMOA gives us structure and support as needed. It gives us the opportunity to share this wonderful car with other Mercury enthusiasts. We're already meeting as groups of Marauder owners around the country. We'd be doing the same thing if we only belonged to IMOA. As Marauder owners, we represent a chapter in Mercury history not yet documented and QuickSilver is a perfect way to share our experiences. We have our own identity within IMOA. While IMOA has a message board, little pertains to our cars at the moment, but we can change that, to help educate other Mercury owners.

I'm not at all suggesting we abandon MM.Net. MM.Net will always be our means of cyber communication and our cyber Home. MM.Net brought us all together and can only get better. We can still have our own dash plaques for IMOA@Indy.

Whatever the label, we're Marauder/Panther owners and enthusiasts that have made friends across the country and across the borders. The more opportunities we create to meet one another, the better it gets!!

Whew...That was close, Mary, thank you. Once again, you're right on the money, and on time with this post. May I help you with some added detail?

Listen up, y'all...Joining the IMOA holds us back from nothing and improves everything we have here at the MM.net right now.

The IMOA has also had to make some changes in their structure to accomodate/assimillate us "new Marauder" owners that come on board with them.

Rules they live by were written to shape, form and build a Mercury Owner's club that fit their needs 10 years ago.

We did not exist then, and even when we first appeared on their radar a year ago, they knew not what to make of us. Are we truley genuine Mercury owners? Or, are we just dressed up/disguised police cruisers? Cheap town car left-overs? It has not been any more clear to them, as it is to us. If you think your selling dealer has been confused, just you wait.

Meanwhile, Jerry Robbin is their founding father, and much like our respected Logan here, Jerry speaks for the IMOA at large. Jerry Robbin promises us full membership, all "classic" restrictions are removed, or, adapted to meet our needs. Full membership benefits are 35 bucks away, with one exception.

No one in the IMOA knows how to judge our cars. If we participate in the IMOA's International Show on July 31, '04, we will have to agree/appoint/select our own judges. Other than this, we are full IMOA members, and their paperwork will get eventually be updated, corrected and repaired, as we continue to be IMOA members.

This "new Marauder" element establishes a new "chapter" in IMOA history, and IMOA structure too. The way I see it, everything we have going for us here at the MM.Net continues in forward growth without a hitch, it can only get better, yes?

We have our own web site now, which is better that the IMOA site, and we have welcomed older Mercury models from day one. We may see new members here, after we meet them in Indy and this is good, yes?

May I remind y'all that over a year ago, Dennis Reinhart offered us "club pricing?" Ever since then, I've wondered what "club" he meant. Once all of us join the IMOA, we have a club that will help us when we want to get together, or, seek special pricing on stuff. 10 years ago, the IMOA was making deals and breaking things down for it's members. Where were you 10 years ago, and what were you doing then?

The MM.net is a great web site, perhaps the best web site ever, we have made that kind of news. But, the MM.net is just a web site, right? No obligation, no worry, no trace. Log on, read, comment, praise, remark, upgrade, spit, insult, chat, joke, boast, repair, upgrade, laugh, spit, cajole, embarass, jibe, embarassed, laugh, listen, angry, cool, brag, chat, read, meet, news, friend, drive, upgrade, replace, repair, cry, hug, meet, log off...what?

If having a screen name here earns me any discount, cool. However, the IMOA is a real club, with real rules, real structure, and a real magazine. It's another 35 bucks a year on this car, yes. And 35 bucks a year on top of all the other investments we have made. But, this investment returns something a lot more valuable than 35 bucks to us too.

Quicksilver. A magazine, glossy paper hardcopy. Get it, read it, store it, read it again, maybe with a granchild's finger in hand?

"Yeah, we were here then...Look now, see? Yeah, that's me, yeah, it was a long time ago, yeah, Granpa! yeah...What are you laughing at young lady? Well, yeah, she's right outside here, oh you wantogoferarideagain eh? Better ask Mommy first..."

Did I miss anything?

Rules are getting changed on both sides, let's see where this goes? Maybe the rules from somewhere else are changing too?

01-08-2004, 01:40 AM
This is a grand step forward in the adventure of having this wonderful autombile. We are getting positive information here. I like every word of it. SergntMac, I look forward to meeting you on Sunday in Dundee.

01-08-2004, 05:47 AM
Very cool.

Thanks MAC.

01-08-2004, 06:42 AM
Originally posted by Haggis

Chris and my information will be heading out to you shortly, we're in, Indy or Bristol for Marauderville II.

My question here is if we join IMOA will we lose our idenity as MM.net and be absorbed into a larger club? I had more to ask, but just got wiped by a Major brain fart!! :(

Can't wait for the party to start. Instead of beer I'll buy you a Scotch. Thanks for all the hard work, if I can help out let me know.


Ask a question and your sure to get an answer....whew! Oh well that's what happens when you open a can of worms...swim with the sharks and all that. Thanks Mac!! .

As I said earlier "Chris and I are in". Did you need to ask?
As it seems your not the only one I'm buying the Scotch for. See you in Indy.

01-08-2004, 06:46 AM
Mac, you done good. I'm in.

01-08-2004, 07:13 AM
Okay, this is your last update for a while, because I'm out of packets to send out. I've put over 100 packages in the US. Mail, to the addresses sent to me via e-mail, and to the addresses already present in Mary's mailing list. If you missed out, I'm sorry, but I sent out everything I had.

It's never too late to get into Mary's database, I am sure it will be used again and again this season. rest assured, I'm not sharing any of that with anyone not listed in it themselves, you won't be getting any outside mail because of that 411.

I'm going to ask for more support material, but Jerry Robbin is out of town for a week too, so, be patient, please. meanwhile, skip over to the IMOA web site, www.mercuryclub.com and investigate on your own. I think some of the 411 I've mailed out is hanging there. Most importantly, join the club, it's worth it regardless if we go to Indy as a team or not. The decision of where to hold our '04 Roundup has not been declared, but we deserve a real time club that will help us in future events, and event planning.

Speaking of the '04 Roundup, IF, by chance, Indy is selected, I'll be asking Logan for another poll related to the events in mind. Whether we get a Kenny brown driving course at Putnam Park, and Drag Racing at the IRP, will depend on your participation and commitment. the more who sign up, the cheaper things get, and an accurate head count of who's in will be necessary, as well as advance deposits. Howevr, we have the time to explore that and decide for ourselves, what we want to do.

Thank you all for your kind comments here, I don't feel I am doing anything any of you wold do if the ball was tossed your way.

Update will be posted as they require, keep watch for "Clubbin with the IMOA II" and so on.

Thank you Mary, Bob and Jean, for everything. This site rocks!

01-09-2004, 07:35 PM
For the record, I agree with everything Mac says. :)

mm.net is a website, run by me, but I am but one man. The benefits of a structured club are great and I whole-heartedly endorse the idea.

I'll be getting with Mac and IMOA in the near future to see how to best make everything work great together.

01-09-2004, 07:41 PM
Folks....It don't get no better than this!


01-09-2004, 07:47 PM

got my package yesterday. I'll joining IMOA shortly and signing up for Indy as well.

Thanks a bunch and if you take us all up on those free drinks, you'll be one drunk, kilt wearing, man !

01-09-2004, 08:57 PM

Thanks - got the package - look forward to meeting you guys. And as for anything to do with kilts - am I the only one here with a genuine Scottish accent, or are there any other refugees from there ?

01-09-2004, 09:10 PM
Mac, got the package today--what a magazine !!!I've already filled out the membership form and will send it out tomorrow--am holding the registration for a few more days--have to figure when I'll get there and how long I'll stay. Thanks, I owe you one---See you at M'ville II, Maury

01-10-2004, 10:04 AM
I thought this was worth sharing.....from the IMOA site.

IMOA currently has over 1,400 members with the majority of them being in the midwest.

here is an approximate breakdown of IMOA members :

alaska 4 members
alabama 6 members
arkansas 2 members
argentina 1 member
australia 5 members
arizona 24 members
belgium 1 member
brazil 2 member
california 192 members
canada 118 members
colorado 36 members
columbia 1 member
connecticut 29 members
washington dc 2 members
delaware 3 members
denmark 1 member
england 7 members
finland 1 member
florida 79 members
france 3 members
georgia 24 members
germany 3 members
greece 1 member
hawaii 1 member
iowa 24 members
iceland 4 members
illinois 153 members
indiana 49 members
kansas 15 members
kentucky 13 members
louisiana 4 members
massachusetts 33 members
maryland 29 members
maine 8 members
mexi 1 member
michigan 133 members
minnesota 50 members
missouri 31 members
mississippi 5 members
montana 10 members
north carolina 32 members
north dakota 1 member
nebraska 19 members
new zeland 1 member
new hampshire 7 members
new jersey 46 members
new mexico 14 members
norway 1 member
nevada 14 members
new york 91 members
ohio 110 members
oklahoma 14 members
oregon 11 members
pennsylvania 112 members
portugal 1 member
puerto rico 1 member
rhode island 4 members
south carolina 8 members
south dakota 9 members
south africa 2 members
spain 1 member
sweden 9 members
switzerland 4 members
tennessee 14 members
texas 66 members
utah 13 members
vermont 4 members
virginia 50 members
washington 54 members
wisconsin 66 members
west virginia 4 members
wyoming 5 members

Please remember that Lincoln/Mercury , who are based out of Dearborn, MI subsidize our membership/club & publication!!

Jerry Robbin

posted Dec. 27, 2003

01-10-2004, 10:05 AM
where's the Total, Mary?:D

01-10-2004, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by TAF
where's the Total, Mary?:D You can count, can't you?? ;)

01-10-2004, 10:07 AM
yeah...but I don't want to....;) ;)

01-10-2004, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by TAF
yeah...but I don't want to....;) ;) LAZY BASTAGE!!! To everyone else, it totals 1,896.

01-10-2004, 10:15 AM
Thanks honey bunny!:D

01-11-2004, 11:22 PM
Not bad Pa. ranks 4th!

Thanks Bunny:):):)

01-12-2004, 12:52 PM
i faxed in my registration form a few days ago. Woulda done it sooner but I forgot.

that a lesson to y'all..... do it now or you'll forget like me!

01-12-2004, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by Slowpoke
i faxed in my registration form a few days ago. Woulda done it sooner but I forgot.

that a lesson to y'all..... do it now or you'll forget like me! Well - you were in pain for a bit there.....you're excused. :D

Agent M79
01-24-2004, 10:07 AM
I’ve had my IMOA packet for some time now and got to reading it here recently. Thanks for getting it to me Mac.

I am not wanting to rehash a lot of points that have been expressed and commented on already but to boil it all down, this is what I get when the idea of joining IMOA comes up in my mind...

Must join IMOA to participate in MVII: Uh… so? You are going to pay someone. I am pretty sure at FFW you are paying to participate and what potential benefit after? At least in this case, $35 gets you in and *might* also get you a continued benefit for the rest of that year.

Modern MMs would be the red-headed step-child of IMOA: I wouldn’t doubt that once things start firming up that we might be in our own class (“Future Classics?”) or something but that doesn’t automatically create a negative IMOA experience in and of itself. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com /><o:p></o:p>

<st1:City w:st=<st1:place w:st=" /><st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Logan</st1:place></st1:City>’s wish, this site winks out of existence like a blown light bulb. The analogy here is <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Logan</st1:place></st1:City> owns the tavern we congregate in and he can sell it or close it whenever he wants. A club house we all own. If a significant contributing members interest fades, they quit, or they are otherwise unable to attend on a permanent basis, the club continues on with others in that function.<o:p></o:p>

IMOA excludes platform brothers and corporate cousins: This is true. No Vics. No Mustangs. No Marks. No Town Cars. I am guessing that they won’t be showing at MVII. Others will have to illuminate me on the ramifications, or lack thereof, of this situation. I am guessing that since joining IMOA is not inclusive of the demise of the core MM community built here that other opportunities will present themselves in the future to show with our stablemates. <o:p></o:p>

FFW Bristol more focused on MM and related products: So go. I am. There are enough people not going to Indy that would attend <st1:City w:st="on">Bristol</st1:City> along with those that would do both if offered that there is no reason not to do <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Bristol</st1:place></st1:City>. Maybe it doesn’t get the mm.net cognoscentia’s “Marauderville” moniker and it would not be an official “National MM Meet” but so what? There have been large-ish non-Marauderville meets reported here. Maybe there should be a formation of a Marauder Southern Contingent for FFW Bristol, eh? Huh? Hmm? MarauderTOWN? MarauderBURG? MarauderLAND? Hmm?<o:p></o:p>

IMOA relationship badly executed and/or tended: Do you really think the MVII team of Bob & Jean (original MVI vets) and now MM03MOK and Mac, all known well to all of us, would really allow negative things to happen to the MM community through intent or negligence? Please.<o:p></o:p>

Closing thoughts here… I’ve either missed the thread or it hasn’t been announced who the member here is on the IMOA board. Might be nice to open a discussion with that person for more info regarding how the MM community will be reflected and represented in IMOA. Maybe Jerry Robbins (IMOA President) should logon here at MM.net and answer a few question directly too (or has he?)<o:p></o:p>

Basically, if you are going to MVII, you are going to spend dough to participate anyway so you aren’t looking at a real monetary loss. If you want to see Mustangs, then maybe the combined MVII/IMOA thing isn’t for you. Joining IMOA isn’t going to destroy or dilute what already is or what is going to be for the MM crowd. It’s not even a real commitment, might result in contributing to your MM experience, and certainly represents no threat to it. <o:p></o:p>

Just for the record: Yes, I am joining IMOA. No, I am not going to Indy (98% sure). Yes, I am going to FFW Bristol (98% sure).

Jerry Barnes
01-24-2004, 11:43 AM
Bob, Jean, Mac and Mary,

You can count the Trilogy folks in on the INDY event. I am looking forward to seeing everyone again! Dave, Darryl and Paul are all working very hard to get all of the Michigan folks to participate. It sounds like it will be a lot of fun!

Bob and Jean have all my info, so if you need anything else please let me know.

I have also recently joined the IMOA so that everything is squared away with Jerry Robbin's.

Thanks again for doing all of the work to get us together. If it were not for your efforts, life would not be nearly as good!

Looking forward to seeing everyone!


01-24-2004, 11:57 AM
I'm glad this thread got back up to the top. Now folks will re-visit it.

I have a question....
My IMOA packet came while I was in Detroit last week. My wife told me it appeared as if it had been opened...? Well, I got home yesterday, and looked, and sure enough, it appeared as someone ran their finger along one end to inspect / swipe the contents. Either IMOA is using some reallycheap envelopes, or someone along the way was really interested in the contents.

I received a two page letter, a sticker, a quicksilver mag, and a vendor/parts mag. To those of you who got your packets....Is anything missing?

01-24-2004, 12:19 PM
To those of you who got your packets....Is anything missing?
Just 2 things....my AARP application...and
what exactly "H.A." means in H.A. McCarthy...:lol:

J/K Mac...;)

01-24-2004, 12:24 PM
Just 2 things....my AARP application...and
what exactly "H.A." means in H.A. McCarthy...:lol:

J/K Mac...;)

H.A.=Haulin' A$$:coolman:

I don't qualify for AARP, can't help you there...thanks for the reply though.

01-24-2004, 12:28 PM
Agent... I couldn't of said it better myself... Our preliminary schedule for Marauderville II is due to be posted shortly and it looks impressive. Certainly ALOT of stuff on the schedule and lots of options for attendee's...

I truly believe Marauderville II will make Marauderville I look like a backyard BBQ...It better be if I'm havin' to drag my butt all the way up there to Indy! :rock:

01-24-2004, 12:33 PM
what exactly "H.A." means in H.A. McCarthy...You just said what it means. Say it again. H. A.

Nice job, Agent! My sentiments exactly!

01-24-2004, 12:48 PM

I send off my IMOA registration early last week. Should hear from them shortly. The wife and I will bew at MV II. Can't wait to meet all you folks, since I missed MV I.

Once I have my IMOA#, I will probably sign up for the lap at Indy. Anyone else planning on this?

Thanks MAC for getting us setup.

Peter aka MMM2003

01-24-2004, 03:59 PM
Thanks Sarge! I got my copy of "Quicksilver", excellent. I will send in my membership application in this weekend. :)

Fourth Horseman
01-24-2004, 04:13 PM
I assume I can just register for IMOA through their web site, yes? I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to make Indy, but I'm sure going to try.

01-24-2004, 04:17 PM
I assume I can just register for IMOA through their web site, yes? I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to make Indy, but I'm sure going to try.The form is on the website.

Print it out and send it in. No online transaction available.

01-24-2004, 05:18 PM

Just opened my sealed packet, Had a 2 page letter, Quicksilver, and a registration to Mercurys at the Brickyard July30 - August 1. No sticker or parts/vendor mag. Someone must have opened/inspected yours to give you the extras. :confused: The postal worker missed mine. :D

01-24-2004, 05:37 PM
Ken!!! Where you been man? Hibernating???

Check your PM'S.

01-24-2004, 05:56 PM
I'z confused. I got a package from IMOA last week; dunno if I want to join or not. How'd they get my address?

At the risk of sounding stupid and uninformed...what's all this talk of mercurymarauder.net closing?!?!? I like it here. Logan can tell y'all, from my last email to him, that I depend heavily on this site to get me through. Not sure I'd want it any other way (and y'all can take that as a statement of confusion, and not hostility). Do I want it any other way? :(

01-24-2004, 06:44 PM
I'z confused. I got a package from IMOA last week; dunno if I want to join or not. How'd they get my address?

At the risk of sounding stupid and uninformed...what's all this talk of mercurymarauder.net closing?!?!? I like it here. Logan can tell y'all, from my last email to him, that I depend heavily on this site to get me through. Not sure I'd want it any other way (and y'all can take that as a statement of confusion, and not hostility). Do I want it any other way? :(Baker: glad to jump in to clear up the :confused:. Your name is on the MM.Net Member list. Both Mac and Bob Mathis were sending IMOA info out to those requesting it and to those on the Member List. Jerry Robbin from IMOA kindly provided over 100 magazines, free of charge, for our Members. Bob and Mac spent quite a bit of their own time and money mailing these magazines and applications out. Please read Mac's post at the beginning of this thread, my post on Jan. 7 and Mac's on Jan. 8, also in this thread.

MM.Net is not closing!! Logan has never said he's closing shop (unless someone strikes gold and wants to buy him out.:lol: ) Let's stop that rumor here and now. We're not going anywhere! He's stuck with us forever!

01-24-2004, 07:47 PM
[size=3][color=#000080][b] We're not going anywhere! He's stuck with us forever!

That just deserved repeating :)

Poor Logan :lol:

01-24-2004, 08:25 PM
Why would any one want to leave here:)

01-24-2004, 09:05 PM
Well, good.

I shoulda guessed that Bob's hand was at work in this. I must remember to buy Bob a beer, the next time I'm in Montgomery at Flip's Cruise-In. So, should I go ahead and join IMOA?

01-24-2004, 09:40 PM
So, should I go ahead and join IMOA?
:up: http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/party/party-smiley-020.gif :up:

Fourth Horseman
01-25-2004, 12:49 AM
The form is on the website.

Print it out and send it in. No online transaction available.

Thanks! :up:

01-25-2004, 06:04 AM
I received a two page letter, a sticker, a quicksilver mag, and a vendor/parts mag. To those of you who got your packets....Is anything missing?

Barry, It does not appear that you are missing anything, my package was not opened and those are the items that I received.

01-25-2004, 06:09 AM
Barry, It does not appear that you are missing anything, my package was not opened and those are the items that I received.Ah, I guess only SPECIAL people got stickers and the vendor/parts mag. I didn't!!! http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/fragend/confused-smiley-013.gif

01-25-2004, 06:26 AM
I better get a sticker dangit. :D

01-25-2004, 06:56 AM
I want a sticker!

01-25-2004, 07:16 AM
I would also like a sticker. :bigcry:

01-25-2004, 08:12 AM
Ladies and gentlemen, the package I mailed out did not contain any stickers or catalogues. It was only a back issue of Quicksilver and two forms. One is an application for membership in the IMOA and the other is an entry form for the Indy event.

Anyone who got stickers and a catalogue, probably got a membership package after joining the IMOA.

01-25-2004, 08:37 AM
Anyone who got stickers and a catalogue, probably got a membership package after joining the IMOA.

That is what I received and is what I thought Barry was talking about.

Agent M79
01-25-2004, 10:45 AM
Heh. I wonder what package they were talking about? The one Mac sent out to intro the IMOA to us or the package (if any) that IMOA sends when you join?

01-25-2004, 11:07 AM
I have a question....
My IMOA packet came while I was in Detroit last week. My wife told me it appeared as if it had been opened...? Well, I got home yesterday, and looked, and sure enough, it appeared as someone ran their finger along one end to inspect / swipe the contents. Either IMOA is using some reallycheap envelopes, or someone along the way was really interested in the contents.

I received a two page letter, a sticker, a quicksilver mag, and a vendor/parts mag. To those of you who got your packets....Is anything missing?

I was speaking of the packet from IMOA in response to my sending them my membership form and $35 check. Not mac's mailing.

01-25-2004, 11:46 AM
That is what I received and is what I thought Barry was talking about.

Great I am quoting myself now. Is that anything like talking to yourself?

Yes the package that comes from IMOA after you send in your membership application, that is what I was talking about!!

mad man
01-25-2004, 06:29 PM
Ladies and gentlemen, the package I mailed out did not contain any stickers or catalogues. It was only a back issue of Quicksilver and two forms. One is an application for membership in the IMOA and the other is an entry form for the Indy event.

Anyone who got stickers and a catalogue, probably got a membership package after joining the IMOA.
yep send 35.00 and you to can have a sticker. :D