View Full Version : Bexar County Deputy Sgt. Ken Vann: RIP

05-28-2011, 08:58 PM
At about 2 A.M. Saturday morning Bexar (pronounced bear) County Deputy Sheriff Ken Vann was shot and killed in what can only be described as an ambush. He was on his way to an accidental shooting call and was at a red light....another vehicle pulled up beside him (he was in a marked patrol car) and opened fire killing him. He leaves behind 2 adult children and one in highschool, and his wife. I knew Sgt. Vann and he was a cool guy. He met and married one of my ex coworkers who worked with me, then became a Bexar County Deputy herself.

RIP Sgt. Vann


05-28-2011, 10:27 PM
it just makes my stomach turn to hear this sensless act of violence/murder! in my nearly 12 years of law enforcement this has been by far the most fatal year for law enforcement in the u.s. i hope, and pray they find theses animals soon, and utilize the death penalty.

Ms. Denmark
05-29-2011, 06:50 AM
Such sad news. Our hearts go out to you and his family. RIP Sgt. Vann...

05-29-2011, 08:29 AM
RIP Brother Vann. Hopefully the perp doesn't survive the capture. :mad2:

05-29-2011, 09:27 AM
RIP officer :(

Just can not trust any thing now a days and too many people are gun happy in solving situations!

I hope they catch them quick so this officer can rest in peace!

05-29-2011, 09:44 AM
Rest in Peace, Sgt. Vann. I pray that such senseless acts of humankind are one day a thing of the past. God Bless all the LEOs that put their lives on the line on and off the job to protect, serve and defend our communities.

05-29-2011, 11:45 AM
That's horrible! I hate hearing news like this and what's worse is a family has to suffer what this savage or savages did. I wouldn't even consider them animals, because animal more sense than this P.O.S! Just horrible!

05-29-2011, 02:31 PM
All of us in Law enforement grieve such a senseless act. There is not a day go's by that we wonder if this will be the day we must take a life, but to have your life taken while trying to keep the peace. This is unfathomable.
Sgt. Vann was doing his job. When Firearms are involved is even more Threatening as you never know what is involved. But to be ambushed is cowardice in its truest form.
Those of us who must go through doors are at peril even more. I love this job, this act is the part that make no since and is the fear of us all. There is no way you can prepare yourself for this sort of act. All you can trust in is your training and God. Our Prayers go out to the family and families of these fallen Officer. It does effect us all. Let us remember him tomorrow on Mamoral Day
Just as we remember the fallen Defenders of our Country as did this Officer.
True Justice for these cowards will not be swift enough, we can only hope that the Jurisdiction has the just punishment for these bastards.
God Bless the Family of Sgt Vann