View Full Version : The POLICE

05-29-2011, 10:38 PM
Tonight at around 11:30, i was sitting alone in a circle K parking lot eating ice cream with the windows up. All of sudden i see three cops pull up and shine there lights in my eyes. And of course i get the typical routine, "do you have any drugs? Any warrants?" Stuff like that. He told me i drive a drug dealers car. I was wondering if any other black MM owners have the same problem with police, because I've had multiple ones follow me to my drive way. I mean i like the attention but its kinda getting aggravating. Just let a little white boy eat his ice cream cone for crying out loud.

05-29-2011, 10:58 PM
Yeah it happens man.
If you have aftermarket wheels its like a 5x multiplier for profiling :lol:

05-29-2011, 11:14 PM
Never had any problems in my MM.

And I'm ridin with 10% tints.

Maybe he wanted to see what kind of ice cream you had.

05-29-2011, 11:17 PM
Had that happen to me when I was your age, but I wasn't exactly innocent either. I was waiting for someone to set up a race.

05-29-2011, 11:26 PM
about five years ago i got stoped by the state police for my tint, but me being in law enforcement the trooper said these are flashy cars that draw a lot of attention! i agreed and drove away!

05-29-2011, 11:50 PM
50% of officers have guns drawn walking up to my car... Most NY State Troopers. 15% tint, once they see its a well dressed kid driving it they ease up quite a bit. Once I moved to Denver haven't had any problems though! Definitely profiling though, or trying to at least

Bradley G
05-30-2011, 01:59 AM
You we not cited for eating scream in the Marauder?
What was that officers name?:D

05-30-2011, 03:59 AM
I got stopped for driving a "hooptie vehicle" and I have a BLUE....and I'm a cop.... :lol:

05-30-2011, 04:00 AM
Never had that problem.

05-30-2011, 04:35 AM
I got stopped for driving a "hooptie vehicle" and I have a BLUE....and I'm a cop.... :lol:

I know the feeling, my Chief wanted to know who the dealer was driving my DTR, drug dealer wheels...... so he said.:mad2:

05-30-2011, 04:47 AM
That reminds me of a comment a woman made about our cars: only two type people drive MARAUDERS cops, and drug dealers/gangsters! lol

05-30-2011, 05:43 AM
Yeah it happens man.
If you have aftermarket wheels its like a 5x multiplier for profiling :lol:

I was driving in an upscale burb last summer. Had the Kazera wheels on the car with the Nitto DR's. Sargeant pulled me over after following me for a while & hearing the loud pipes. He was disappointed when I put my window down & all he saw was an old bald guy in a business suit. He tested the glass & said it was 25, & 35 was legal limit so I should really lighten up on the tint. Have a nice day.

05-30-2011, 06:24 AM
"Marauder's the same as a Maybach in the hood." - to quote the famed historian Chad Ochocinco.

05-30-2011, 06:46 AM
I haven't drawn any attention from LEOs in the Marauder until just this past Saturday. I was at a rd light right hand turn, next to a cop who was going straight. I made a legal right turn on red, next thing I know the cop goes right to follow me. He followed me for a couple of miles, getting close enough to run my plates, then he pulled a fast u turn

05-30-2011, 06:59 AM
The cops in South Cackalaky are a pain....They tried to confiscate my car a few years ago and fought among themselves who got to drive it...It was a "mistake" and when I went to get it back,it had a white stripe across the hood...They finally broke down and paid for the hood to be repainted....That's life in the big,wait,little town..:bandit:

05-30-2011, 07:22 AM
police in dallas ride my bumper like it has a magnet on it. even pulled me and my pregnant girlfriend over leaving my school saying i didn't have a front plate then he asked could he search my car and ran me and my girlfriends name like we was lying or sum. just cant let em catch me slipping the will try to take you for anything.

Black Dynamite
05-30-2011, 07:24 AM
I have been pulled over for looking suspicious several times. I enjoy the look of dissapointment when they figure out I'm not a criminal.

05-30-2011, 08:18 AM
Try riding around with "DEFYANT" on the plate. LOTS of attention! LOL

05-30-2011, 08:22 AM
You was not cited for eating scream in the Marauder?
What was that officers name?:D

:lol: .........

05-30-2011, 08:24 AM
Brad.... They must have thought you were Mac~Merc..... Hehehehehe He's on the Gwinnett County PD & Lawerenceville PD Christmas card list:rolleyes:.

I haven't drawn any attention from LEOs in the Marauder until just this past Saturday. I was at a rd light right hand turn, next to a cop who was going straight. I made a legal right turn on red, next thing I know the cop goes right to follow me. He followed me for a couple of miles, getting close enough to run my plates, then he pulled a fast u turn

05-30-2011, 08:41 AM
Years ago I was parked at the end of the movie parking lot cause it was they only spot of shade waiting for a friend. Two cops in one car drive right I front of me I waive and he's just giving me a hard look (so I'm like this guys an a hole) they say do you have any drugs weapons etc. I'm like no why would I have that. Then there like well can we search the car. I say if that guy apologies for give me such a hard look. So he did and search the car and after he did I said what about under the hood. He's like what. I say don't you know people hide guns and drugs under the hood. So after all said and done he's like thank you for your time then I say sorry for waisting yours. I can't wait for cops to stop me with bs

SC Cheesehead
05-30-2011, 08:44 AM
E-Dubb's been stopped a couple times, I've been stopped once at a road block.

Having the Thin Blue Line on the rear window helps.

05-30-2011, 08:49 AM
I have not been pulled over. I drive a DTR. Know to be slow :banana2:and looks like a Grand Maquis.:lol:

SC Cheesehead
05-30-2011, 08:53 AM
I have not been pulled over. I drive a DTR. Know to be slow :banana2:and looks like a Grand Maquis.:lol:

Where'd you get those fancy wheels for your Grand Marquis, kid? ;)

05-30-2011, 08:54 AM
Just like anything in life there's good and there's bad. Drug dealers, gangbangers, thugs etc. unfortunately drive MARAUDERS too and there's no way to avoid that. It is what it is! Luckily there are more g00d people than bad. Examples ---> Just because you own a Harley Davidson doesn't necessarily make you a member of the Outlaws or Hell's Angels, but they're out there. Unfortunately for you this Officer is going off of experience or there's someone out there that's a problem child and bringin' drama to you or your town. Try not to take it personal, I'm sure he's was just doing his job and didn't mean to interrupt your ice cream session, and I'm sure he realized after talking to you that you weren't Public Enemy number 1. At least he's being proactive (looking for bad guys), instead of reactive responding to a 911 call, and you're already a victim of a crime.

05-30-2011, 10:13 AM
Brad.... They must have thought you were Mac~Merc..... Hehehehehe He's on the Gwinnett County PD & Lawerenceville PD Christmas card list:rolleyes:.

I thought about that when I saw the guy decide to turn right to follow me. Of course I wasn't looking my best, I was coming back from the Gym with the sleeveless shirt sporting the tatt's and dripping with sweat. It probably screamed drug dealer.

Thought about this as a bumper sticker

"If Driver is Sweating, it's not you, he's just sick of being a fatty" :lol:

05-30-2011, 10:32 AM
I don't think I was ever suspected of being a gang member in my MM when I had it. I never had tinted windows though, I'd figure that'd play a decent role in suspicions for those types of characters?

Closest I had to that kind of harassment was a cop that flew up behind me no-lights no-siren in a neighborhood and RODE MY ASS for like 3 or 4 blocks, at which point I finally decided to see where he was REALLY going by pulling down a side street. Immediately after I did that, he punched it and continued on down that 30mph road I was travelling on, no-lights, no-siren at probably around 50mph. Rookie hour at PD that night...

05-30-2011, 10:48 AM
I was pretty much 100% ignored for the first 4 years that it was stock. Since the tints, hood, spoiler, exhaust, and gauges, they are starting to notice me as a trouble maker more or less, but not a G man... Got me playa? :)

05-30-2011, 11:22 AM
Ive had my car for a little over a year and a half. Ive been pulled over 7 (yea SEVEN)times in the marauder all by texas state troopers. All for having no front license plate got a warning 6 out of 7 times and one trooper (the fifth time) gave me a ticket for it. The one that gave me the ticket was the only one who didnt compliment something about my car or ask a question about it. just issued the ticket
I still refuse to put a plate on the front haha

05-30-2011, 12:14 PM
Had my first 'run-in' with LEO over the weekend. Pulled out in front of a huge block of traffic coming down the highway (didn't want to wait...was already sitting there for a minute); if I would have been in my Jetta, I wouldn't have done it, but in my MM? Hell yeah! Was it close? Maybe, but I had the car to get going and not cause any brake-slamming. Anyway, at next stoplight, cop pulls up next to me, bleeps his siren and motions for me to roll my window down. (It was raining just a bit, so I had them up...usually have them down). After I rolled my window down, he says, "Why didn't you yield to that vehicle you pulled out in front of?". I just stared at him, not really sure what to say and finally said, "there was plenty of room". "NO there WASN'T!" (I'm thinking, apparently there was, cuz here I am) and then said "Take it easy, no reason to do stuff like that". I said okay, light turned green, rolled up window and drove on. Wish he would've seen the 5 a-holes I ran into on the way to where I was going...

05-30-2011, 12:41 PM
Tonight at around 11:30, i was sitting alone in a circle K parking lot eating ice cream with the windows up. All of sudden i see three cops pull up and shine there lights in my eyes. And of course i get the typical routine, "do you have any drugs? Any warrants?" Stuff like that. He told me i drive a drug dealers car. I was wondering if any other black MM owners have the same problem with police, because I've had multiple ones follow me to my drive way. I mean i like the attention but its kinda getting aggravating. Just let a little white boy eat his ice cream cone for crying out loud.

I've been stopped more times than I'd care to imagine....always the same thing "suspicious vehicle." I too am in law enforcement lol.

05-30-2011, 12:58 PM
I've not yet been stopped in mine. I know most of the cops around here and they know what I drive. City,State,county....I make sure they recognize the car!

05-30-2011, 12:58 PM
I'm not a dealer if I wasn't selling! :lol:

05-30-2011, 01:12 PM
i love it when we can all associate with each other
give me about a week... im sure i will have a new story to contribute

05-30-2011, 06:00 PM
When I get pulled over it's for a good reason, I don't get mad. Road blocks tho, I always get waved through, don't know why. I would be irate if I got pulled over all the time for nothing, tho. I have had under my hood checked the one time they stopped me going into the shipyard, but the first and only thing they asked me to do was pop the hood. I know they just wanted to see that big beautiful Marauder engine so it was no biggie.

05-30-2011, 07:10 PM
I would've offered him my milkshake cuz... My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they're like it better than yours, damn right it's better than yours, I can teach you... But I have to charge!

05-30-2011, 07:14 PM
Im in law enforcement and catch hell from guys at work until yhey ride in it

05-30-2011, 07:26 PM
I remember a night it had rained some about half hour earlier, upon coming home I did a bit of a toasty but wet burnout from a stop sign, when low and behold there was a cop sitting in the dark up front watching it all as he was facing me. I knew I was a goner cause he had his window down and heard it all. As I roll past him I am stopping for the next stop sign and about to make a right.

I watch him through my rear-view, and yep, he starts to pull a U turn to come after me, he turns the car about half way through the U turn and he just stops and reverses back to the same spot he came out of. I guess he read my plate and knew where I lived cause they always pass by and wave when I'm washing it. :D

05-31-2011, 06:17 AM
2DMax had been stopped so many times in his lowered, tinted, black MM, until they got to know his plate number. My Silver is stock looking with no window tinting at all, and I get zero attention. Even if the radar detector goes off early, I've just eased into traffic flow and the stock mufflers and Grampa-car appearance add to the stealth. Exactly the way I want it. I'll let all the blacked/tinted/lowered MMs take the heat for trying to look tough/mean/ominous while I just get back up to speed! Who says Black is the fastest colour?:D

My days of service are long over, but you gotta think like The Man to avoid The Man!

05-31-2011, 07:47 AM


Police pulling people over, and concocting a reason on the fly, once again.......

05-31-2011, 08:48 AM
I've actually had 2 different cops pace my car at about 1/4 car length back. I think they must've been admiring it because after a few minutes they go about their business.

05-31-2011, 11:08 AM
Only run in I have had was with a Jasper County Sheriff. Pulled me over for 25 in a 20 and illegal lane change that later was dropped since the officer admitted to the lane change not being "illegal" but "suspicious"(pulled out from the middle turning lane on a 4 lane road into the passing lane with signal without stopping to check for traffic).

I was pulled out of my car and all passengers separated/searched. Me and my friend showed our military ID cards as well as our Missouri State ID. Cop searches my car, comes back with a bundle of honey sticks (straws with honey in them) and asks "Whats this?" with a big **** eating grin on his face. I go "Honey Sticks, Want one? Ill take one." He turns quickly and walks back towards the car with the remark "I dont imbibe on unidentified substances." Needless to say we kinda messed with him all through the search, younger Officer and all. He then tells me I can get back in my car...I proceed to say "Well, that sucks you didn't find it." Search starts again, about this time a friend who works in Jasper County pulls up, recognizes me. Talks to the officer, talks to me and convinces the officer to quit giving us entertainment. Come to find out the kid just graduated a few months ago from LEO school in Springfield and was still riding high on the badge. Oh well, was entertaining.

05-31-2011, 01:04 PM
It doesnt matter which Marauder I am in and in uniform...some young buck LEO pulls me over all excited and a tent in his pants cuz he gotta possible druggies car...the tinted window goes down and they see a FEDERAL LEO and they just about wet themselves. When they try to sling their stones at me anyway, I usually shut them down by calling the Patrol Supervisor/LT and make arrangements to go fishing or dinner with The Soop...

So why doesnt this happen to the MUSTANGS with the MM rims ?


05-31-2011, 04:12 PM
I know some of the local officers in my town. One long time career Sergeant said I have the best looking "cruiser" in town. Never had any problems in Vermont, just curiousity and compliments.

05-31-2011, 05:30 PM
Years ago I was parked at the end of the movie parking lot cause it was they only spot of shade waiting for a friend. Two cops in one car drive right I front of me I waive and he's just giving me a hard look (so I'm like this guys an a hole) they say do you have any drugs weapons etc. I'm like no why would I have that. Then there like well can we search the car. I say if that guy apologies for give me such a hard look. So he did and search the car and after he did I said what about under the hood. He's like what. I say don't you know people hide guns and drugs under the hood. So after all said and done he's like thank you for your time then I say sorry for waisting yours. I can't wait for cops to stop me with bs

1. assume you are clean & no burned out bulbs: put cell on record:
2. (polite tone) do you have probable cause officer?
3. after smart axs retort:
4. this isn't really worth the hassle to a law-abiding citizen and it's not worth a reprimand in your jacket.
5. it won't be fun. either way a packet of white powder can fall out of his sleeve into your trunk if you allow search or into your back seat if you don't.

He should not be asking to search your car because he wants to. He knows better, so you LEO's here chime in with a better anwser. Thanks

05-31-2011, 07:41 PM
1. assume you are clean & no burned out bulbs: put cell on record:
2. (polite tone) do you have probable cause officer?
3. after smart axs retort:
4. this isn't really worth the hassle to a law-abiding citizen and it's not worth a reprimand in your jacket.
5. it won't be fun. either way a packet of white powder can fall out of his sleeve into your trunk if you allow search or into your back seat if you don't.

He should not be asking to search your car because he wants to. He knows better, so you LEO's here chime in with a better anwser. Thanks

I've had my car searched multiple times with no probable cause. Even had a LEO take off my JLT because he though I was running drugs. Needless to say I was pretty pissed and laughed and told him if my intake was packed with drugs it wouldn't run. Reason he stopped me... "Suspicious vehicle with out of state plates" He also told me Chicago PD has turboed P71's! I asked him if he would let me run one on the offramp to get back on the highway. He said he had better things to do than prove himself to a kid.

06-01-2011, 03:29 AM
I've had my car searched multiple times with no probable cause. Even had a LEO take off my JLT because he though I was running drugs. Needless to say I was pretty pissed and laughed and told him if my intake was packed with drugs it wouldn't run. Reason he stopped me... "Suspicious vehicle with out of state plates" He also told me Chicago PD has turboed P71's! I asked him if he would let me run one on the offramp to get back on the highway. He said he had better things to do than prove himself to a kid.

There is no way I'd consent to that horse******! What country did this happen in again? :mad2:

06-01-2011, 05:04 AM
Question to the LEO MM members,,What is the general(I know everyone is a different person)reaction to a refusal to permit a random search..By random I mean no warrant,no probable cause.(although cause can be invented on the spot) Just want to know...From one American to another:confused:

06-01-2011, 05:29 AM
Last time I was pulled over was here in my hometown..Alexandria,VA..becau se my tail lights mysteriously clicked off. Tried to explain the problem to him but still ended up getting a ticket. Since then I get followed like they flagged my car. They will ride behind me on my way home. Even had one following me and told my wife.."watch this" took him on a lil cruise a few blocks away from where I was going. By this time he was two cars behind me. I doubled back to go home..made a right onto my street and parked. He turned off his lights and slow rolled around the corner thinking I didn't see him. He waited till me and my wife got out..turned his lights back on and sped past us. I waived at him as he was going by. Guess he had nothing else to do...

06-01-2011, 06:47 AM

06-01-2011, 06:48 AM
Last time I was pulled over was here in my hometown..Alexandria,VA..becau se my tail lights mysteriously clicked off. Tried to explain the problem to him but still ended up getting a ticket. Since then I get followed like they flagged my car. They will ride behind me on my way home. Even had one following me and told my wife.."watch this" took him on a lil cruise a few blocks away from where I was going. By this time he was two cars behind me. I doubled back to go home..made a right onto my street and parked. He turned off his lights and slow rolled around the corner thinking I didn't see him. He waited till me and my wife got out..turned his lights back on and sped past us. I waived at him as he was going by. Guess he had nothing else to do...
Maybe they think you are famous :)
I'd rather have one follow me for no reason than not be around when I need one, but taking apart things under the hood? No way. That's just insane. What if something broke, now you are stranded in an area that 5 minutes ago YOU looked suspicious in.

06-01-2011, 09:45 AM
Try riding around with "DEFYANT" on the plate. LOTS of attention! LOL

..or one that reads.."DONTEVEN"................same result!

E-Dubb's been stopped a couple times, I've been stopped once at a road block.

Having the Thin Blue Line on the rear window helps.

........didn't help me ......depends on the LEO....

06-01-2011, 09:53 AM
Try riding around with "DEFYANT" on the plate. LOTS of attention! LOL

I saw a Nissan 350Z the other day sporting plates with "SUP OFZR". Suspect he gets some attention too. ;)

Da Dark Jedi
06-01-2011, 05:34 PM
Question to the LEO MM members,,What is the general(I know everyone is a different person)reaction to a refusal to permit a random search..By random I mean no warrant,no probable cause.(although cause can be invented on the spot) Just want to know...From one American to another:confused:

In Chicago the LEOs will put you in Handcuffs, "For your safety and theirs". They WILL search your car with permission or not. The thinking is PUBLIC SAFETY! These searches yields the usual guns & drugs, if not, their job is done and everybody is safe.

06-01-2011, 06:00 PM
Question to the LEO MM members,,What is the general(I know everyone is a different person)reaction to a refusal to permit a random search..By random I mean no warrant,no probable cause.(although cause can be invented on the spot) Just want to know...From one American to another:confused:

Man if u refuse they will find a reason, cause they r the police... They have nothing to do all day but ride around in them slow a-- cars.. But u no what the killer point is that they r fighting the wrong crime(a man riding in something nice and yes it looks like a drug dealer car) When all u have to do is drive around the corner and a crime is being committed.. By the way what is a drug dealer car??? That I can seem to get that... It's my own opinion not mint to offend anyone..

06-01-2011, 09:22 PM
If you refuse, they will try to get a warrant. The judge will or will not sign it depending on the time of night and the circumstances. If you just got pulled over and the officer said you were "acting suspicious," The Judge or the clerk for the judge depending on who they are talking to will ask to describe "suspicious" and why it was needed for a judge to be dragged back up to the court house. The LEO will then look like the ass so they will try to use all psychological judo on you to get you to consent to a search...you do have the right to remain silent at all times, not just when you are arrested. This is at least the information extended to me from the GCSD sitting catty corner from me right now.

06-01-2011, 10:27 PM
There is no way I'd consent to that horse******! What country did this happen in again? :mad2:

I didn't have my id on me because I had left my wallet at my hotel room so I was already in handcuffs. He didn't really ask to search, I had left the keys in the ignition. He even unlocked the glove box without my consent too. In the state I live in assisted opening knives are legal and was in my locked glove box. He confiscated the knife my grandfather had given me our last Christmas together before he passed. I was pretty furious! Still am, I don't really have a lot of respect for Chicago pd after this.

06-01-2011, 11:52 PM
Because there are so few in my town, I often get them speeding up beside me and looking and smiling. I had one younger officer roll up on me in the inside lane at a stoplight and he motioned at me to roll down the window ,so I did and all he said was "yours is way cleaner than mine!"and all I could say was "and way faster!"and he laughed and drove away.