View Full Version : Dallas, TX Info Request.

01-05-2004, 09:06 AM
The Wife and and are in serious concideration of moving to Dallas, TX. (sorry TAF) We will of course be seeking employment and housing. I recieved some solid info from Logan already. (Thanks!) but it is time to move to the next step.

1. What is the employment situation like there, in general terms?

2. When a house goes on the market, is it moving quickly, or languishing?

3. What is the saturation level of broadband? This is actually VERY important.

Send info via PM, or to my E-mail PShovar@adelphia.net

01-05-2004, 10:44 AM
All I can add is that my immediate supervisor recently packed up and sold his house he had only owned one year to move to Dallas.

Part of his reasoning was weather, the other was the amount of work. Don't get me wrong, if you go to Richardson, you'll see dozens and dozens of empty telecom buildings. There is absolutely no work in my region, and Texas is still floating well. That is why I spent so much time working down there, and word in mail today was the same...."work in Texas if you want..."

We have been installing SBC-ASI broadband switches here and there, but many areas are not covered yet....co-locate buddy!!!, and give us some work!!

I did notice a slightly lower pay scale base as compared to the north if one were to relocate. I assume it has to do with basic cost of living....afterall, you're not freezin' your a$$ off for 5 months out of the year, and No STATE TAX.

The 75/635 interchange is almost done...the George Bush tollway gets longer with time....that's good, right?!

Biggest downer to you is finding the Guinness, particularly with all them darn dry counties...er...even though I don't mind, since I've quit drinking and all...:mad:

01-05-2004, 08:03 PM
Your money goes farther in Dallas--no state income tax. Compare that to Virginia. Housing? Higher end houses are slower than two or three years ago. I don't know a thing about broadband==does that have to do with porno?? Sorry, for a minute I confused myself with Martyo.

01-06-2004, 04:03 AM
I lived between Dallas and Ft. Worth, place called Grand Prairie,.. I had broadband cable AND almost more importantly,... Guiness!! It's here, you can find it.

But, I had to move 150 miles down the road, near Ft. Hood cause the avaition industry is still hurting. But, there are lots of other jobs there that I'm not qualified for! :P

As soon as I can, I'll be moving BACK to the Metroplex! Hope to see ya!


01-06-2004, 04:13 AM
2. When a house goes on the market, is it moving quickly, or languishing?

hmmm,... I was looking at the housing situation there for a few months. Some areas move better than others. Lots of new construction. There are deals out there. You shouldn't have to look too hard to find one.

I've never seen a place that was expanding so quickly! If I had the capital, I'd start buying up all the vacant land south of of I-20!


01-06-2004, 02:44 PM
1. What is the employment situation like there, in general terms?

Well, depends on your line of work... :) Are you wanting to work at Taco Bell, or in Investment banking?

2. When a house goes on the market, is it moving quickly, or languishing?

Depends on the area, but it's certainly a buyer's market right now.

3. What is the saturation level of broadband? This is actually VERY important.

Pretty impressive saturation. So long as you're not out on the edge of the metroplex, broadband access generally isn't a big issue.

Dr Caleb
01-06-2004, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by BUCKWHEAT
I don't know a thing about broadband

I think <a href='http://dixiechicks.launch.yahoo.com/'>this</a> is the broad band they are referring to.

01-06-2004, 03:06 PM
That may be YOUR broad Band,but I perfer others.

01-22-2004, 08:06 AM
Ok, time for the next step in my exodous...

Need a local Realesate Agent that can represent me as a Buyer Broker and do some local leg work for us. Anyone here an agent, or have one they would recomend? I know that referal is a great way to keep people happy, so lets have them.

01-22-2004, 08:15 AM
Phil: You work for Adelphia now?

01-22-2004, 08:40 AM
Phil: You work for Adelphia now?

Thank God, no.

They provide my Cable Modem connection and e-mail, and we ditched the AOL account.

O's Fan Rich
01-22-2004, 11:26 AM
Does The Peoples Republic of Virginia require you to obtain an exit visa to make this move? Will you need Spanish lessons?

One good thing is that, if you do this, there will be three things that can come from Texas, instead of the standard two.... :D

01-22-2004, 12:22 PM
I'll see if I can get you a trust worthy hookup

01-22-2004, 12:58 PM
Thanks Logan.

As for exit Visa's, I was wondering if I would need residant Alien cards to move INTO Texas? :lol:

01-22-2004, 02:12 PM
Thanks Logan.

As for exit Visa's, I was wondering if I would need residant Alien cards to move INTO Texas? :lol:

Been here (DFW area) since 1985 retired from USAF after "just" 20. I love it
here originally from Philly area and believe me if I can "Adapt,Overcome ..."
anyone can. Sorry no help on the Real Estate Broker angle. BUT Guiness is available, and we have a killer Irish festival first weekend in March.

Joe Clancy