View Full Version : Spam Adventures

01-05-2004, 04:35 PM
Does anybody else have as much fun with spam e-mail as I do? I have gotten so I absolutely enjoy clicking on each and deleting it without reading it. As I delete each I think to myself... "ha ha fool, I didn't open it, I didn't read it!"

My favorite is the spam that is entitled "Someone In Your Area Wants To Meet You!". My second favorite is "Save 70% On Your Printer Cartridges!".

Another favorite is all the "Refinance Now, Rates Have Never Been Lower" spams. Like I am going to go to a web site and tell them everything about me, my home, my finances. Sure! Click. Gone. Didn't open it fool, didn't read it fool!

I love Al Gore's internet!!! :D

Donny Carlson
01-05-2004, 05:23 PM
Thanks to Norton Internet Security and Anti-Virus, I don't even see most SPAM nowdays. A few stealth ***** enlargement spams, and the occasional viagra get through, usually the ones that strip out my email address and place it in the header as if I mailed it to myself.

01-05-2004, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by Donny Carlson
Thanks to Norton Internet Security and Anti-Virus, I don't even see most SPAM nowdays. A few stealth ***** enlargement spams....

I never get any of them. Guess they know it would be a waste of time in my case. :up:

Donny Carlson
01-05-2004, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by SHERIFF
I never get any of them. Guess they know it would be a waste of time in my case. :up:


01-05-2004, 08:27 PM
I do the same, delete them without reading their content.:D