View Full Version : ISP Moneygrab

06-11-2011, 10:22 AM
OK, I understand safety check points but this went too far.

I was traveling down I380 between Waterloo and Cedar Rapids (Buchanan county) yesterday afternoon. Good thing I wasn't in need of being anywhere on time.

There were at least 50 LEOs and dozens of enforcement vehicles, including SUVs and K-9 units, stopping every single car traveling down that interstate for a "safety check." I have never seen one on a major highway where everyone was stopped for "safety."

I waited in line for about 10 minutes. First, the drug dogs walked by my car. Dogs, plural. Then, they had me do the lights test, etc., followed by a short interview with a trooper (license, registration, etc.) where I asked who funded such a large turnout. He even began with "Do you know why I stopped you?" :o But afterward I was thinking it didn't matter where the money came from -- all they need is headlight and wiper violations to pay for this if they are stopping every single car.

After my car was deemed to be "safe" I was allowed to wait in line to get out - about another 5 minutes.

Coffers musta been low in Iowa yesterday. We done fix'd er right up there. :shake::shake::shake:

I was seriously hoping to find a news story on a drug bust that they were tracking or setting up. Then I wouldn't have minded at all. But no, this looks like it was just a moneygrab by the ISP.

Ms. Denmark
06-11-2011, 10:48 AM
That is just WRONG!!! I would have been incredibly annoyed by that whole thing... Just lowers my esteem of the State Police by a couple notches. :rolleyes:

06-11-2011, 11:13 AM

Ms. Denmark
06-11-2011, 11:58 AM
Everyone should demand that these "revenue stops" be abolished. This bothers the hell out of me!

06-11-2011, 12:08 PM
That is unbelievable.

What a load of crap.

Mr. Man
06-11-2011, 12:14 PM
Should have asked the policeman if they make their money quota for the day will the Governor give them a pizza party afterwards:shake:

06-11-2011, 12:51 PM
At what point do the socialists {:eek:} become an attractive alternative?

Just kidding, lol.


06-11-2011, 01:45 PM
That is mind-bogglingly insane.

It's as though every day is a new challenge to people's rights any more.

"An officer must have probably cause and/or a warrant to search your vehicle.......unless we just don't feel like it today."

I'm saying, terrible things happen when those that enforce the rules can write the rules...

06-11-2011, 01:49 PM
Sounds pretty odd to me. There is more to this story too, I suspect. The dogs don't do safety checks. Doing this on an Interstate highway is stupid. I would guess that the real reason was a "manhunt" or maybe even an abduction or missing child case that hasn't hit the newswire yet. "Safety Check" was the cover story. You don't need 50 STs and dogs to check safety. Understand that you are annoyed.... but I choose to believe that there was a valid reason for the seeming overkill.

Even if they issued One Thousand $1,000.00 (which ain't likely), that Million dollars is not even a drop in the bucket of a state budget. Small towns might see this as a revenue generator; but at the state level .... its chicken feed. JMHO.

06-11-2011, 03:20 PM
Sounds pretty odd to me. There is more to this story too, I suspect. The dogs don't do safety checks. Doing this on an Interstate highway is stupid. I would guess that the real reason was a "manhunt" or maybe even an abduction or missing child case that hasn't hit the newswire yet. "Safety Check" was the cover story. You don't need 50 STs and dogs to check safety. Understand that you are annoyed.... but I choose to believe that there was a valid reason for the seeming overkill.

Even if they issued One Thousand $1,000.00 (which ain't likely), that Million dollars is not even a drop in the bucket of a state budget. Small towns might see this as a revenue generator; but at the state level .... its chicken feed. JMHO.

Agree, dogs aren't typically used in safety checks, my bet is they were looking for somethign or someone more serious and to avoid panic, used the safety check excuse. I would find it highly abnormal for an afternoon shutdown of a highway. I suspect there is more to it.

06-11-2011, 05:05 PM
That's a great way to arrest criminals.

Ill never understand why the pov is not the other way around. How about not making it about the individual inconveniance, and be glad the police are making an effort to keep the community safe. And risking their lives while doing it! Your tax dollars at work

06-11-2011, 06:15 PM
That's just asinine. They must not have written enough tickets last month and are desperately trying to fill their non-existent quota. :bs:

Ms. Denmark
06-11-2011, 07:02 PM
That's a great way to arrest criminals.

Ill never understand why the pov is not the other way around. How about not making it about the individual inconveniance, and be glad the police are making an effort to keep the community safe. And risking their lives while doing it! Your tax dollars at work Sorry Charlie, I don't buy it. I don't like being inconvenienced unless it is a real emergency. And I don't appreciate being fed a bunch of BS. If it isn't a "safety check" then don't pizz on my leg and tell me it's raining.

06-11-2011, 07:39 PM
Actually, I am not pissed, just sigh aloud that this is what we have to do to balance budgets.

I *would* be annoyed if I had a tail light out without knowing it, or received a citation for something I was planning to fix but hadn't gotten to it. That stuff happens.

I wasn't really inconvenienced, but many people likely were.

06-11-2011, 09:46 PM
That's a great way to arrest criminals.

Ill never understand why the pov is not the other way around. How about not making it about the individual inconveniance, and be glad the police are making an effort to keep the community safe. And risking their lives while doing it! Your tax dollars at work

If it were really about keeping people "safe" and "arresting criminals" then I am sure that the public at large would be fine with it. Once they determine that one is not a criminal they could send them on their merry way.

However, issuing BS tickets for wipers and burned out lights? Call it what it is, Money Grab.

Also, I am more than sure that even if one had a burned out bulb or broken wipers, yet had a badge (even from another County or State) they would more than likely be let go.

Basically, most LEOs scuff at the public when we get pissed about the new highway tax. They cannot understand our "POV" since they just flash their badges and get let go.

Safety? LOL.

Sorry Charlie, I don't buy it. I don't like being inconvenienced unless it is a real emergency. And I don't appreciate being fed a bunch of BS. If it isn't a "safety check" then don't pizz on my leg and tell me it's raining.


06-11-2011, 09:54 PM
Having been part of this system for nearly 14yrs, I have never heard any bosses tell officers to write tickets, except as part of a traffic crash investigation.

Where I work, your more like to receive a repair order to fix the faulty equipment. An attitude will get you a ticket also.

What other punishment would be better instead of a fine. Community service?

06-11-2011, 10:30 PM
Having been part of this system for nearly 14yrs, I have never heard any bosses tell officers to write tickets, except as part of a traffic crash investigation.

Where I work, your more like to receive a repair order to fix the faulty equipment. An attitude will get you a ticket also.

What other punishment would be better instead of a fine. Community service?

The point is, that we KNOW that LEOs have the "POV" that if "one of their own breaks traffic laws, whatever they may be, more often than not, they are let go while the rest of us get f-ed with a fine.

Note: We know this do be true because many LEOs, even here, publically brag about it.

Any law that isn't enforced to LEOs to the same degree as the general public is a BULL S--T Law.

No offense to you personally. It's just funny that even after 14 yrs., you haven't grasped why the public at large gets pissed for these things.

06-12-2011, 04:10 AM
That is just WRONG!!! I would have been incredibly annoyed by that whole thing... Just lowers my esteem of the State Police by a couple notches. :rolleyes:

While these stop's are a pain in the butt I know it's not the State Police or Local Police that start it , it comes from up above usally in some office where State/Local law makers are looking for $$$ or sometimes it is to "show" the motoring public that something is beening done to enforce "safety"

Ms. Denmark
06-12-2011, 06:05 AM
While these stop's are a pain in the butt I know it's not the State Police or Local Police that start it , it comes from up above usally in some office where State/Local law makers are looking for $$$ or sometimes it is to "show" the motoring public that something is beening done to enforce "safety"
I agree Jim. It's not the State Police, it's the system that I object to. BTW I'm luke warm on this arbitrary"safety enforcement." Pull over individuals and ticket them for violations, but don't stop law abiding motorists en masse with my tax dollars, thank you. JMHO

06-12-2011, 06:40 AM
Interesting, shut down an interstate for safety checks with drug dogs??? As Charlie said there is more to this.

Ms. Denmark
06-12-2011, 07:05 AM
Interesting, shut down an interstate for safety checks with drug dogs??? As Charlie said there is more to this.
Perhaps. But then don't call it a safety check. ;)

06-12-2011, 07:25 AM
Perhaps. But then don't call it a safety check. ;)

Uhm, can't exactly put out to the news that at mile post such and such on highway# we are conducting a road block looking for person X...

Ms. Denmark
06-12-2011, 07:32 AM
Uhm, can't exactly put out to the news that at mile post such and such on highway# we are conducting a road block looking for person X... Ray! What's the difference if it gets out that there's a big road block looking for safety violations? If I'm the bad guy I'm avoiding ANY road block! LOL:D

06-12-2011, 07:36 AM
Ray! What's the difference if it gets out that there's a big road block looking for safety violations? If I'm the bad guy I'm avoiding ANY road block! LOL:D

Yes if you are the person in question then you would be advoiding roadblocks. However why advertise it.

06-12-2011, 07:36 AM
Interesting, shut down an interstate for safety checks with drug dogs??? As Charlie said there is more to this.

While these stop's are a pain in the butt I know it's not the State Police or Local Police that start it , it comes from up above usally in some office where State/Local law makers are looking for $$$ or sometimes it is to "show" the motoring public that something is beening done to enforce "safety"

It is interesting how the pendulum swings. Shortly after 9-11-01, a policeman or firefighter was considered a hero in their community. Today, thanks to a failed economy and tight government budgets (and Gov. Christie if you are in NJ) police and firemen are the "scrounge" of society. The officers on this checkpoint were just following orders. Do you think a police commander dreamed this up? Not likely- unless they were actually looking for somebody- at minimum it came from a Chief/Supt. that envisions himself a dictator, or most likely, a politician (the real scrounges) looking to put on a "show of force" to score votes.

06-12-2011, 08:32 AM
The point is, that we KNOW that LEOs have the "POV" that if "one of their own breaks traffic laws, whatever they may be, more often than not, they are let go while the rest of us get f-ed with a fine.

Note: We know this do be true because many LEOs, even here, publically brag about it. And you believe everything you read on the interweb too?

Any law that isn't enforced to LEOs to the same degree as the general public is a BULL S--T Law. It is. And when we screw up, the penelties are often more severe then for the public

No offense to you personally. It's just funny that even after 14 yrs., you haven't grasped why the public at large gets pissed for these things. No offense to you either, but I am not the one without a grasp.


First the "point" was the suggestion of BS safety checkpoints. Not LEO choice at giving another LEO a break.

Get ready to make another "Note" I CONFESS THAT WHEN I WORKED THE ROAD, I GAVE SOME POLICE A BREAK!!! While you're at it, note this too, I gave more breaks to non-police than to police. Yup - true, I have the copies of every single ticket, warning and repair order I've ever signed. Have an attitude or sense of entitlement, and my pen comes out.

I understand why the public is upset about these things. Here is a news flash for you, I wasn't always in law enforcement. I lived, worked and played in the world like everyone else for several years. Screwed up, made mistakes and guess what, got tickets and sometimes, got breaks!

Lots of things come into play during the stop to determine weather or not to write a ticket or give'em a break. The biggest factor (for me) was if I was in the community as part of an enforcement effort specifically requested BY the people who lived there.

Most of these structured enforcement efforts are as a result from the communities request.

Lastly, driving is not a right. Don't like the police, stay off the roads.

06-12-2011, 08:34 AM
Ray! What's the difference if it gets out that there's a big road block looking for safety violations? If I'm the bad guy I'm avoiding ANY road block! LOL:D

Pointless. There are officers in cars in the area around the check point to watch for cars avoiding. During DUI check points, almost all who try to avoid are drunks.

06-12-2011, 09:23 AM
Here in GA they have vehicles equipped with license plate readers that bounce plates off crime, upaid child support & unpaid ticket databases...... They seem to work pretty well, but again its technology doing the job for the person rather than a police officers training and perceptive skills at work. Which works better? I guess it all depends on how one measures.....

I don't mind the occasional inconvenience for a warranted reason like an Amber Alert, missing person, or setting perimeters to capture criminals/escapee's. All I want is to not be treated like a convict.

My guess is good police get frustrated by rev. gen. detail/shifts, as much as the public they serve. They don't want to be perceived as revenue collectors. They know when their role is being manipulated by government, but follow order so their families can be taken care of. If these things happen for no good reason on a regular basis, my guess is there will be backlash amongst the ranks that citizens never hear about.

Mr. Man
06-12-2011, 09:44 AM
Here in GA they have vehicles equipped with license plate readers that bounce plates off crime, unpaid child support & unpaid ticket databases...... They seem to work pretty well, but again its technology doing the job for the person rather than a police officers training and perceptive skills at work. Which works better? I guess it all depends on how one measures.....

I don't mind the occasional inconvenience for a warranted reason like an Amber Alert, missing person, or setting perimeters to capture criminals/escapee's. All I want is to not be treated like a convict.

My guess is good police get frustrated by rev. gen. detail/shifts, as much as the public they serve. They don't want to be perceived as revenue collectors. They know when their role is being manipulated by government, but follow order so their families can be taken care of. If these things happen for no good reason on a regular basis, my guess is there will be backlash amongst the ranks that citizens never hear about.

This makes sense but if the OP is right and this was a safety check and that's all, it's :bs:.

I've been on this stretch of Iowa I-380. It's a two lane in each direction (at least it used to be) Interstate mostly in the middle of corn or perhaps soy beans now. Imagine if some nutty politician or police chief decided in the DC area that a "safety check" around one of the beltways would be a good way to generate some needed income for the Districts coffers.:shake: I'll leave the resulting chaos and mutiny to your own imagination.

We have random and not to often registration sticker checks in NJ and they are not on the Interstates. They are on State or local roads and generally move quickly as the police know what color stickers are current and all they need to note is the number in the colored sticker for the month. If your out of date you move to the side of the road where I'm sure your asked to explain yourself.

06-12-2011, 10:10 AM
If it were really about keeping people "safe" and "arresting criminals" then I am sure that the public at large would be fine with it. Once they determine that one is not a criminal they could send them on their merry way.

However, issuing BS tickets for wipers and burned out lights? Call it what it is, Money Grab.

Also, I am more than sure that even if one had a burned out bulb or broken wipers, yet had a badge (even from another County or State) they would more than likely be let go.

Basically, most LEOs scuff at the public when we get pissed about the new highway tax. They cannot understand our "POV" since they just flash their badges and get let go.

Safety? LOL.


Hey! It's been ages since you showed up here to bash. Great to see you back!:rolleyes:

Perhaps you've been hanging out some other site since you got rid of your Marauder? Or is "TrollingForAttention.com" just getting old?
PS--Maybe try "PleaseValidateMe.com" or "SomeoneNoticeMePlease.net"

06-12-2011, 01:15 PM
Hey! It's been ages since you showed up here to bash. Great to see you back!:rolleyes:

Perhaps you've been hanging out some other site since you got rid of your Marauder? Or is "TrollingForAttention.com" just getting old?
PS--Maybe try "PleaseValidateMe.com" or "SomeoneNoticeMePlease.net"

What a jerk_off.

At least all of my posts were about the subject on hand. Members can agree or disagree.

As usual, you just post personal attacks while contributing nothing about the topic. Odd since you point out that "I" need attention.

Maybe time for a new user name? Jerk_off fits the bill.

06-12-2011, 01:25 PM
Ray! What's the difference if it gets out that there's a big road block looking for safety violations? If I'm the bad guy I'm avoiding ANY road block! LOL:D

Now Ms. Paula, what were you doing in Iowa that caused such a stir???? :D

Actually, this would be setup in the middle of nowhere, between exits and as Defyant said there would be cars at either end grabbing the avoiders. Quite frankly I've never heard of such a thing on a interstate, at the exits yes, on the highway, no. I can't even imagine the mess it would make knowing that a MVA on the Thruway or I81 in our area ties up traffic for miles and miles.

06-13-2011, 04:43 AM
This makes sense but if the OP is right and this was a safety check and that's all, it's :bs:.

I've been on this stretch of Iowa I-380. It's a two lane in each direction (at least it used to be) Interstate mostly in the middle of corn or perhaps soy beans now. Imagine if some nutty politician or police chief decided in the DC area that a "safety check" around one of the beltways would be a good way to generate some needed income for the Districts coffers.:shake: I'll leave the resulting chaos and mutiny to your own imagination.
We have random and not to often registration sticker checks in NJ and they are not on the Interstates. They are on State or local roads and generally move quickly as the police know what color stickers are current and all they need to note is the number in the colored sticker for the month. If your out of date you move to the side of the road where I'm sure your asked to explain yourself.
If that happened on the DC beltway, I-270, I-66 or one of the other major roads in the area, no one would be going anywhere for hours.

During the time of the DC Sniper, I was traveling home on I-270 just prior to rush hour and police cars starting passing everyone on both shoulders of the highway, about 10 or so cars. All of a sudden they starting blocking lanes up ahead making a funnel in the road reducing the travel lanes from 4 down to 1. Luck I was near the front and pass through in about 5 minutes. If I had been a mile or so back it probably would have taken around an hour to get through.

06-13-2011, 05:48 AM
If that happened on the DC beltway, I-270, I-66 or one of the other major roads in the area, no one would be going anywhere for hours.

During the time of the DC Sniper, I was traveling home on I-270 just prior to rush hour and police cars starting passing everyone on both shoulders of the highway, about 10 or so cars. All of a sudden they starting blocking lanes up ahead making a funnel in the road reducing the travel lanes from 4 down to 1. Luck I was near the front and pass through in about 5 minutes. If I had been a mile or so back it probably would have taken around an hour to get through.
Sounds like you should have called the Waahmbulance....

06-13-2011, 05:53 AM
Uhm, can't exactly put out to the news that at mile post such and such on highway# we are conducting a road block looking for person X...

Last year when me and Jr. made a trip up to Chicago, the whole Interstate on our side was diverted by the police. I don't know why, but as far as you could see (and you could see forever in the flatlands) the road was deserted. Pretty cool though, because the detour went thru some amazingly scenic little towns before we could jump back on the interstate. I try to find the positive in every negative.

06-13-2011, 06:02 AM
I try to find the positive in every negative.

That's what she said.

06-13-2011, 06:03 AM
That's what she said.

Nice one :lol: