View Full Version : Huge thanks to stevemarauder... must read!

06-19-2011, 12:36 PM
A few nights ago I was out to join him with a friend of mine to go to a late night meet. On the way over I heard a noise from the rear end and it kept getting worse. I pulled over at an Oasis and told them my car is disabled, they were happy to say I had four hours to get the car off their property... great.

So I called Steve and told him I wouldn't be able to make it out that evening because I thought my rear end was giving out again. Not only did he say he was sorry to hear that, he actually came over with a group of people! He made a few calls and was arranging to get a friend to borrow a race car trailer and a Suburban over there and get me and my car outta that place. UNBELIEVABLE!

So my buddy that was following me to the cruise leaves and Steve shows up. A few minutes later another car with two people shows up, ready to push my car on the trailer if the car completely fails. We wait around and eventually we learn the Suburban isn't coming. Steve not only said he was sorry, he was with me all night making sure I got outta there. We were making calls (maining him) for hours to get a flatbed tow truck out there.

At 5am we got someone out there and got the car out. I had been sense 10:30pm and believe me Steve made the time go be quickly. Once my car was on the truck we followed him to the shop it was going to. After that Steve actually gave me a ride home and we met up later again that day. I didn't go to bed until 7am.

Turns out what happened with my emergency brake exploded and now my ABS censor is bent, but the car still moves and stops... just doesn't stop as well. I'll take care of that later.

Thank you Steve, I'll be up all night for you too buddy!

06-19-2011, 01:13 PM
Sorry to hear about the E-brake. I'm glad that Steve was near and awesome enough to help you out like that, though.

SC Cheesehead
06-19-2011, 06:03 PM
Just goes to show you, Marauder folks is good people. Kudos to Stevemarauder, good luck with the repairs.

06-19-2011, 08:17 PM
Now that's a great story about the the great people of this site. Sucks what happened. But it just goes to show what awesome members and friends we have here from .net!!!!!!

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

06-19-2011, 08:54 PM
Now that's a great story about the the great people of this site. Sucks what happened. But it just goes to show what awesome members and friends we have here from .net!!!!!!

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

For once I agree with a complete statement from Joe. :D :beer:

06-19-2011, 09:11 PM
Nice! And to think something broke on YOUR car? (j/k)

Great story!

Good luck with the repairs.

06-20-2011, 12:09 PM
Thanks Steve for looking out for a fellow MARAUDERer!

Granddaddy Marq
06-20-2011, 12:39 PM
Good job Steve buddy's like that are hard to find. I would have brought a jack and blocks to put it on.

06-20-2011, 02:38 PM
Yes Steve is the man! I thought I was the only one who did stuff like that. It's nice to know how we look out for ourselves.