View Full Version : What WIN/but FAIL moments have you had?

07-10-2011, 09:46 AM
Yesterday I was called to go look at standing sewage in a yard by a good customer of mine. Upon arrival, I notice a man hole near the house bubbling...:puke:. I lift the lid off and see poopoo floating... AT THE TOP!

I found a telescoping painters pole and started to try and find the blockage only to find this sucker is about 8' deep :eek:! I couldn't locate an exit hole anywhere but found what felt like cords. It became apparent that what I had here was a holding tank w/pump. I poked around and finally by luck got the solids away from the pump and down the crap went! WOOHOO! That right there was the WIN!

I still ended up having to pull the pump just to find what appeared to be a Wookie. Or as most would recognize as a mop caught inside the propeller. (the commercial type, stranded rope) Tested my newly acquired poop canon with fresh water, 15' shot, thank you very much! :D Re-installed said pump, and all was good. Cleaned up my tools, body, and my Saturday work wear, yep sandals and shorts :up:Collected my usual so high, I feel guilty fee for clearing a line. :D (Gotta LOVE being a plumber sometimes) and thats when something didn't feel right..

I had lost my new Titanium wedding ring I had received for Christmas. The FAIL. I combed the now poop covered muddy grass I had been tromping around in to come up empty handed. :alone: I will be purchasing a metal detector and going back in after it dries up in the next day or two. Carma? I don't think so in this case, an hour and a half playing in someone else's butt piss, approximately 90 square feet mind you, pays out LARGE dollars so the delicate hands of a wussy man can stay clean. They are normally happy to pay out to make it go away. :) It's the restaurant, old food and grease lines that make me want to hurl.:eek:

Sorry Melanie.

Any other WIN/FAIL stories you care to share?

Mr. Man
07-10-2011, 10:33 AM
Oh you are in deep DooDoo with the Melster.:down: Hope you find the ring but you realise it's at the bottom of the tank don't you? Remember not to bite your nails after the search. :D Disco Sucks:P

07-10-2011, 10:43 AM
I quoted a lady $5000 to paint the brick on her parents house, an additional charge over and above other work we were doing. I based it on having to do it with rollers and brushes. I was young and inexperienced at the time and did not own a sprayer. After a few hours of doing it by hand, I decided to look into a sprayer and purchased one. I then proceeded to get the job done that afternoon. I felt sorta bad about the price, but she agreed to it.

07-10-2011, 10:44 AM
Hope you find it!
I think a typical win is when something pisses you off so you throw it or knock it down. Like my old computer ;)
But the fail is ya gotta go pick it up.... eh it was funnier when my brother was mad at his laptop...

07-10-2011, 10:45 AM
Worked my ass off finishing a guys basement and lost $500 on the job. Only job I ever lost money on. Really frosted my ass.

07-10-2011, 10:53 AM
Marrying my current wife / divorcing my ex wife!

07-10-2011, 11:40 AM
2 or 3 years ago I went to work on what I thought was June 21 only to come home after work and finding out it was June 22. Our anniversary!! Opps.
Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

07-10-2011, 11:46 AM
Some day your a lot like me. If it were not for bad luck you have any.

I really hope you find it.

Mr. Man
07-10-2011, 01:31 PM
Some day you a lot like me. If it were not for bad luck you ahve none.

I really hope you find it.

07-10-2011, 01:35 PM
2 or 3 years ago I went to work on what I thought was June 21 only to come home after work and finding out it was June 22. Our anniversary!! Opps.

There is NO WIN in this at all. I forgot our 4th anniversary. That was 32 years ago. She hasn't forgotten and reminds me to this day. There is no statute of limitations on this FAIL.

07-10-2011, 01:36 PM

Ok MR. spell check I fixed it:P

I am very sure you have the old line if were not for bad luck I have no luck at all.

Happends to all of us:help:

Mr. Man
07-10-2011, 01:38 PM
OK MR. spell check I fixed it:P

I am very sure you have the old line if were not for bad luck I have no luck at all.

Happends to all of us:help:You mean happens?:neener::beer:

07-10-2011, 01:41 PM
You mean happens?:neener::beer:

Well now you are on the list with mercman & MM2004:P

Damn spell check nuts.

07-10-2011, 02:33 PM
As Bob as my witness. monster win buying my first Mustang after years of driving foreig V6 fail mobiles, finally having a car that hauled ass.

fail moment, like the second week in the car, gunning it pulling a uturn in a parking lot! Losing control, hopping a parking median to come to rest on the frame. Now in fear of having trashed my new car, Bob once again bailed my stupid ass out by helping me guide the car of the median .

Return to win, there was no damage

I hope you find it bud, that would be a shippy way to lose something (misspell intended)

SC Cheesehead
07-10-2011, 02:42 PM
WIN/WIN: Finishing up my Eaton swap 6 to 12 months earlier than planned due the the monster OT I was earning while assigned to the oil spill project last year.

FAIL: My wife HATES the car with the swap... :(

07-10-2011, 02:45 PM
WIN/WIN: Finishing up my Eaton swap 6 to 12 months earlier than planned due the the monster OT I was earning while assigned to the oil spill project last year.

FAIL: My wife HATES the car with the swap... :(

At least she won't drive it Rex, that's what I call a win cloud

Mr. Man
07-10-2011, 02:59 PM
WIN/WIN: Finishing up my Eaton swap 6 to 12 months earlier than planned due the the monster OT I was earning while assigned to the oil spill project last year.

FAIL: My wife HATES the car with the swap... :(
Terry wants her own Black MM:)

07-10-2011, 03:06 PM
Bluerauder- FAIL/forgot my anniversity about 20 years ago. WIN/Just made 37 years and she still lets me know about the year I forgot. Don't they ever forget???????
Hope you find the ring.

SC Cheesehead
07-10-2011, 03:40 PM
Terry wants her own Black MM:)

Actually, she'd like another bone stock DTR (she's not into fast cars...).

07-10-2011, 04:10 PM
Actually, she'd like another bone stock DTR (she's not into fast cars...).

Then you have his and hers marauders:up:

07-11-2011, 12:21 PM
I guess this story will qualify as a WIN-FAIL moment …..

Although I grew up in the Baltimore City area, I spent every summer as a kid down on the Chesapeake Bay. My grandparents had a place on the Magothy River. Boating , waterskiing and fishing was the name of the game every day until school started and I had to go back to the city.

One summer when I was 15 or 16 years old, a friend got one of those 8-foot “Invader” speedboats. It was yellow, twin bucket seats, and no windshield. It came with a 25 HP outboard on it. The data plate said that the boat would handle up to 50 HP. The boat was fast with a 25 on it. We figured that a 50 would be twice as fun. It was ….. for a while.

Me and a couple of the guys swapped out the 25 with a 50 HP Mercury. Reconnected the steering cables and snugged it down on the transom. The boat was fun and fast. I can’t even estimate the speeds we hit; but I am sure that we were up over 50 MPH and on water that is flying. The boat had a flat bottom and no keel so turns were especially fun. Nowadays I think that it would be called “drifting”. Now for the WIN-FAIL part.

I was driving the boat and we saw a large express cruiser pushing a very big wake. Probably 5 foot to 6 foot waves. We decided that it would be fun to “jump” the wake. I turned and made a run about 50-100 feet off the side of the cruiser where the wake was tallest. The boat hit that 1st wave perfectly …. That was the WIN part. We went airborne, cleared the 2nd wave and nose dived into the middle of the 3rd wave. FAIL. It gets worse.

As the boat dove into the wave, a huge mass of water came up over the bow (no windshield remember?) and hit both of us square in the chest. My friend and I took the full force of the water and it nearly bent us in half backwards. When we regained our senses, we noticed that the 50 Merc was no longer strapped to the back of the boat. The steering cables were snapped and the entire engine must have passed between me and my buddy. FAIL-FAIL.

We marked the spot and went diving in about 9-10 feet of water and were able to locate the engine in about 15 minutes. By then we had more help than we needed. The boat, engine and 2 battered boys were transported back to the dock ….. severely embarrassed and still hurting from incident. :(

The good part is that the engine must have shut off immediately before going under. We cleaned it up, dried it off and it ran great for the rest of the summer. :D

I learned a very valuable lesson that summer and NEVER repeated that stupidity. :o

07-11-2011, 12:57 PM
Well that sounds more like a Win/Fail/Win! :up: More win than fail Wins! :) Cool stories, hope the ring gets found, platinum is expensive!

07-11-2011, 03:30 PM
Ok MR. spell check I fixed it:P

I am very sure you have the old line if were not for bad luck I have no luck at all.

Happends to all of us:help:

You're STILL wrong !!! If you and Dennis Reinhart were in a spelling bee, it would qualify as the world's fastest!!! LOL

Some day your a lot like me. If it were not for bad luck you have any.

I really hope you find it.

07-11-2011, 05:05 PM
Indiana NRA Highpowered Rifle State Championship 2008: fired what I thought had to be my best 200yd rapid fire group. After I finished the stage I was sorely disappointed to find out that somehow the front sight base on my AR-15 had canted some 20* or so and I put all my shots on the outside edge a neighbor's target in a nice, tight, 10 ring sized group.

Best group to date at that time for the stage of fire, but didn't score anything.