View Full Version : This Past Week Has NOT Been Fun...

07-18-2011, 03:22 PM
Normally, I do not start threads like this, but frankly, I am bored and have been for the past 6 days after what should have been an 'easy' and short recovery after surgery last Tuesday.

That said, I went in for an umbilical hernia repair - open surgery with a mesh, last Tuesday morning at 10:30AM.

Woke up in recovery, then on to post-op where Charlotte was waiting.
She gets me back to my place, took a couple of vicodins as prescribed, lounged around then went to bed around 8:00PM.

I woke up at 3:00AM suffering from upper body muscle spasms that were very, very painful thus prompting a call to my surgeon at 3:30AM.
Him not knowing the cause, I reclined in the couch and barely slept as the spasms started to subside.

My doctor advised me to stop taking the vicodin, and called in a script for ultram that Wednesday afternoon.

I took a few of those as prescribed, and went to bed around 10:00PM.

Thursday morning, I got up and put the coffee on around 5:45AM and noticed I had small bumps covering my entire stomach and underside of both my arms.

I discontinued the ultram, and began taking benadryl and motrin for the bumps and soreness.

Managing Thursday without too much discomfort, I get up Friday and the bumps are still there. Stomach is swollen, brusied and hard to do the simple things we take for granted; bending over, turning around, sitting down, standing up, etc..

Around 11:00AM, i fell asleep on the couch for about 3 hours until Charlotte arrived and after she left, fell back asleep until 6:30 or so. Got up, felt horrible, had a small bite to eat then took my temp.

101.5 deg. Great.

Got into bed at 8:00PM and slept until 7:00AM the next morning. Fever normal, soreness worse than the day before. Bumps starting to fade however. Cool!

Charlotte came over later that Saturday morning, and we went to Kroger for a few items for dinner.

When I opened the trunk to the Fusion, it swung open, hitting me in my stomach that had me bent over against the quarter panel in preparation of becoming physically ill.

Finally gathered my composure and we made it home without any further incident.

We went to bed around 10:30 as I started suffering from sharp pains in both my left and right sides forcing me to sleep in one position - on my right side.

Kept waking up thru the night as I could not get comfortable.

Contacted the surgeon that was on call Sunday morning and explained to him what was going on and he could not give a definitive answer as to the cause or causes of my issues. He added that this was a 'general surgical procedure that is very common although I fell on the very far end of the bell curve for recovering patients.

Once again, just sat around all day doing nothing. Although the sharp pains in my sides did slowly go away.

Last night was the first night I slept pretty well since the day after the surgery.

I met with my surgeon this afternoon at 12:45PM as scheduled.

Healing looks good, bruising is normal, the bumps on my stomach may be caused from surgery prep, and still no definitive answers.

The good part (finally) is I feel so much better today than the past 5 days, and has been a constant struggle that has managed to wear me out.

I hope to return to work this Wednesday as I am going crazy just sitting here doing nothing!

Thanks for reading.


07-18-2011, 03:26 PM
Dang Mike, sure has been a long road for you this week I know. Very glad to hear your feeling better, jsut sorry to hear the road you had to take. At least with feeling better hopefully you can keep an eye on the light at the end of the tunnel. Best wishes for a speedy, especially by next Wednesday WooHOO!!!! :beer:

07-18-2011, 03:36 PM
Get well my friend. :beer:

07-18-2011, 04:20 PM
That suck's when even the Doctors don't really know what's wrong?

Hope you start and feel beter soon:)

Keep us posted.

07-18-2011, 04:22 PM
Use the Marauder for your cargo needs!

Sorry Mike.

Get well soon!

07-18-2011, 04:34 PM
Best wishes for a QUICK recovery from me and Trish :beer:

07-18-2011, 04:37 PM
Gosh, and I thought I had things bad.

Get well soon godspeed.

07-18-2011, 04:56 PM
I met with my surgeon this afternoon at 12:45PM as scheduled.
Is he OK? You didn't punch him in the stomach did you??? :)
Glad to hear you're doing better Mike. Have a beer! :beer:

SC Cheesehead
07-18-2011, 04:59 PM
I had the "kevlar treatment" a few years back, and while I had some minor issues, nothing like yours, Mike; I feel for ya, bubba!

Take care, and get yourself healed up soon!

BTW, DR. Rex prescribes three fingers of Makers Mark, followed by a tall glass of Blue Moon. That ain't gonna help you heal any quicker, but you'll sure as heck feel a lot better... :drink:

07-18-2011, 05:01 PM
Text sent Brohan.

Sent from my Ally using Tapatalk

07-18-2011, 05:05 PM
I had the "kevlar treatment" a few years back, and while I had some minor issues, nothing like yours, Mike; I feel for ya, bubba!

Take care, and get yourself healed up soon!

BTW, DR. Rex prescribes three fingers of Makers Mark, followed by a tall glass of Blue Moon. That ain't gonna help you heal any quicker, but you'll sure as heck feel a lot better... :drink:

I've been on the Dr Rex regimen for quite sometime now, and it does work wonders. It's made me stop giving a crap about a ton of stuff, and I sleep better :beer:

SC Cheesehead
07-18-2011, 05:13 PM
I've been on the Dr Rex regimen for quite sometime now, and it does work wonders. It's made me stop giving a crap about a ton of stuff, and I sleep better :beer:

http://www.pubsignshop.com/media/ss_size1/MD-321.jpg (javascript:showPicture('../MD-321.jpg'))

07-18-2011, 05:28 PM
Get well soon, Mike!

07-18-2011, 05:32 PM
JeeezZz Mike... Well I'm glad you're feeling better, now g0 get some needed rest!

07-18-2011, 05:42 PM
Wow Mike, what an ordeal but happy to hear you're feeling a bit better.

A lot of my implant (pacemaker/defibrillator) patients have different lengths of recovery.... Some feel fine and have adjusted to their new device w/in a week and others still have soreness a month later. Different recovery for each patient. Just take it easy and don't push yourself. Being in the medical field for almost 15 years the couple of things I would suggest is a fever can sometimes mean an infection so if it comes back and/or persists call you doc, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY, and again, DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL YOUR DOCTOR IF YOU THINK SOMETHING'S NOT RIGHT!!!


07-18-2011, 05:54 PM
Thanks for all the replies and kind words, text messages and phone calls.

:bows: :bows: :bows:

I do get tired quite easily as I am not one to sit on my azz and do nothing, like I have been for days.

While I want to jump back into the work atmosphere, I am also apprehensive as I would wish this on no one. And certainly do not want it to return either.

Here's to you, the menbers, of the best damn web site on the planet...




Mr. Man
07-18-2011, 06:10 PM
Hell man I didn't even know you were sick. Listen to Dr. Voula, listen and take heed to what your body is telling you. Surgeons are generally pricks and once your out the door you just became a new set of golf clubs as far as they are concerned.

I am another guy that takes along time to heal so I can sympathise to what you are going through. Give it time and every day you will feel little bit better. I often say to myself "baby steps'

Don't be in a rush to get back to work. Your body is telling you to take it easy while it adjusts to what you just did to it. If you can sit comfortably do a puzzle or read a book. Help Charlotte in the kitchen.:bop1:. Take the time to heal.

The DTR will be there when you are ready.

I will send get well thoughts your way.:)

07-18-2011, 06:27 PM
Sorry the recovery is not going as smoothly as it SHOULD!!!

Prayers and thoughts for your recovery that better speed up a lot!!!!

Connie & Jack--Fordfrk--had the same procedure some years back. He didn't make it back to work for 3 weeks

07-18-2011, 08:19 PM
I had hernia stuff done in 1986. I think I quit feeling the mesh stuff about 10 years later; I guess it worked though. Get better soon.

07-18-2011, 09:30 PM
Wow that made me exchausted just reading it. I feel bad for ya man. Hope the road to recovery now is quick and it leads you back to your Marauder!;)