View Full Version : Saturday Evening

01-10-2004, 10:42 AM
Suppose to be 5 to 8 degrees tonight. This is very unusual in my area and only occurs about once a year. Twice at most.

So........... sent the wife grocery shopping.... fished out my Married With Children, Andy Griffith and All in the Family DVDs out..... opened several new electric blankets.... turned the thermostat up to 75 degrees... will take the phone off the hook.... will bring the German Shepherd in at dark..... and I ain't going nowhere tonight.

Last Saturday it was 75 degrees and I walking around in shorts and barefooted outside.

While I'm babbling endlessly...... the strangest thing,...... even when 5 degrees the German Shepherd has sense enough to want to come inside. When she hears a noise outside and has to investigate it, she does it very quickly and is ready to come back inside. :)

01-10-2004, 10:07 PM
C-c-c-cold here, too, Sheriff. Filled up with gas last night on the way home and fingers were still stinging from the cold 15 min later. That cruise idea looks better every day!

01-10-2004, 10:44 PM
6 degrees in Philly!!!:help:

01-10-2004, 11:34 PM
It was 8 degrees earlier in the week here in Kansas City. It was a balmy 40 today, so I waited in line to wash the cars. Watched a guy spend 15+ minutes washing his Corsica. I kept thinking to myself......"hurry up......its a Corsica"

It is supposed to be 50 tomorrow when I'm at the Chiefs game. I'll be so full of "anti freeze", that I won't feel the cold. If you see the game, look for me. I'll be wearing red.

Dr Caleb
01-11-2004, 12:41 AM
It was -30 here last week, with wind chill down to -40. We didn't like that anymore, so we shipped it off east.

I got up this morning to go donate blood, but my car was covered in ice. The walks, the driveway, everything. I slipped on the front patio, and figured, the highway will just suck, so back to bed.

Now it's snowing. I'm outta smokes, milk and cat food. There were about 300 accidents today. Gonna be a long day tomorrow.

You know what they say, when life gives you crap; make crapade. I got lotsa ice, where's the single malt?

01-12-2004, 10:36 AM
72 degrees in So. Cal. but 45 at night -- Brrrr.

01-12-2004, 05:15 PM
It was 3 degrees on Sat . morning. About 35 now.

01-12-2004, 06:49 PM
Was 5 degrees here Saturday night. And 61 degrees today. The obituairies are full. It's killing people!