View Full Version : Let's see your sound system

07-19-2011, 10:51 AM
Now what I am looking for is what you have at home, but if you have something you wanna share in your car go for it.

Here is what I listen to at home. Most of the records are mine, all of the 45s are. Thanks to John who really got my 45 collection going on the top shelf. The six 33s are some of my favorites that I still listen to often.

What do you have?

07-19-2011, 11:08 AM
Very nice Dommy! Hey, if my mom ever considers getting rid of her record/tape/8 track player, (and if I don't have room in my home for it), it's all yours buddy! Still works and the sound's pretty good! Oh and I have 8 tracks for it too :D

07-19-2011, 11:20 AM
Keeps my forearms huge... ;)


Ozark Marauder
07-19-2011, 12:40 PM
BOSE Acoustic Wave music system II for radio, CD's, and playing vinyl through a Denon, DP300F turntable linked to the Bose through a BBE phono pre-amp, I used to have way too many components from working in stereo stores, and lugging all the speakers, amps, tuners, pre-amps, equalizers, etc, etc. around started too get to be a real chore.

07-19-2011, 12:42 PM
Well, my sound system is basically a pair of Polk Monitor 70s bi-amped off a denon receiver; with a harmon kardon 5.1 system adding in the backfill for movies.

If you're asking about music collection, mine looks like this:



07-19-2011, 05:54 PM
Very nice Dommy! Hey, if my mom ever considers getting rid of her record/tape/8 track player, (and if I don't have room in my home for it), it's all yours buddy! Still works and the sound's pretty good! Oh and I have 8 tracks for it too :D

Wow thanks. You bet I will value it and use it.

See ya soon... maybe.

07-19-2011, 08:09 PM
Dom was thinking of you last week. Went to a used books and record place in S.Carolina and picked up 45's and 33's for $5.00 each. Mosely 60 and 70's stuff.

07-19-2011, 08:25 PM
Sign me up for anything 1964 and before. You can keep all the beatles stuff.

Commodore Crap
07-20-2011, 06:46 PM
I have two Event TR8's as monitors and a pair of JBL JRX 125s (2 15s, 4.5" driver) for bringing the ruckus. They are the big green ones tucked away in the corner. And a 2800 Watt QSC amp to back them up.

-ryan s.