View Full Version : Baby Names..

01-10-2004, 06:48 PM
Top 10 baby names rejected by my wife

10- Xena - if it's a girl

9- Hemi

8- Damion -- I was really pulling for that one!

7- Jean-Luc

6- Cobra

5- Cartman

4- Elvis

3- Frodo

2- T'pol -if it's a girl

1- Marauder


ps- yes I actually pitched some of these names to my wife. She called me a Goon. :rolleyes:

01-10-2004, 08:13 PM
You barking up the wrong tree. You need more stripper names for the girls aka Madison, Sierra, Lexus. The trend for boys is the country western names aka Dillion, Jake, Travis. However I preffer the more tradional names like Doris, Bertha, Herbert & Fred.

01-10-2004, 09:48 PM
we considered Jean-Luc before settling on Jett.

if you are serious about looking for baby names, I compiled the top 1000 names in each of the the last 12 years [boys and girls]. I gathered the names from the US Social Securuty Administration and organized them in Excel.

for your information and amusement here is the information gathered on the number of babies registered with the S.S.A. with the first name of:


year of birth......Rank.....# Babies Registered

1999.................. 809..................189
2000.................. 649 ................ 276
2001.................. 652 .................286
2002...................609.... ..............330


If you want the database, send me a PM with an email account that can handle an incoming file of 2.1 mb.

01-10-2004, 10:04 PM
You might try Beavis...;)

01-12-2004, 12:04 PM
Yeah I'm with you Jet................

what ever happened to Mary, Sally , Peggy Susan, Betty

John, Tommy, Timmy!, Dave

although Jett is a pretty cool name.................:D: