View Full Version : Anyone Use Lifelock for Security Protection?

07-24-2011, 01:29 PM
Hi -

Just wondering if anyone uses Lifelock for security/identity/banking/etc. protection.

If you use it, what is your experience?



07-24-2011, 02:03 PM
My carpooler uses it. He likes it.

07-24-2011, 02:25 PM
How do you ever know if it works? If nothing happens did it work? If something happens does that mean it does not work?
I think the misleading name says it all.

"But the Federal Trade Commission said Tuesday that the claims were bogus (.pdf) and accused Lifelock, based in Arizona, of operating a scam and con operation. The commission announced, along with 35 state attorneys general, that it had levied a fine of $12 million against the company for deceptive business practices and for failing to secure sensitive customer data. Of that amount, $11 million will go to refund customers who subscribed to the service. Consumers will receive a letter from the FTC and their attorney general explaining how to take part in the settlement.

The FTC said that Lifelock, which advertises itself as “#1 In Identity Theft Protection,” engaged in false advertising by promising customers that if they signed up with its service their personal information would become useless to thieves.

“In truth, the protection they provided left such a large hole … that you could drive that truck through it,” said FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz, referring to a Lifelock TV ad showing a truck painted with the CEO’s Social Security number driving around city streets."

07-24-2011, 03:01 PM
How do you ever know if it works? If nothing happens did it work? If something happens does that mean it does not work?
I think the misleading name says it all.

"But the Federal Trade Commission said Tuesday that the claims were bogus (.pdf) and accused Lifelock, based in Arizona, of operating a scam and con operation. The commission announced, along with 35 state attorneys general, that it had levied a fine of $12 million against the company for deceptive business practices and for failing to secure sensitive customer data. Of that amount, $11 million will go to refund customers who subscribed to the service. Consumers will receive a letter from the FTC and their attorney general explaining how to take part in the settlement.

The FTC said that Lifelock, which advertises itself as “#1 In Identity Theft Protection,” engaged in false advertising by promising customers that if they signed up with its service their personal information would become useless to thieves.

“In truth, the protection they provided left such a large hole … that you could drive that truck through it,” said FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz, referring to a Lifelock TV ad showing a truck painted with the CEO’s Social Security number driving around city streets."

This is about what I figured since the ads have totally disappeared!!:shake:

07-24-2011, 03:21 PM
Personally, I like cameras, alarms, motion sendors, and if all else fails, my Remington and S&W enforcers.

07-24-2011, 07:05 PM
jsignorelli-we have the same security system.

Mr. Man
07-24-2011, 08:08 PM
I was trained in the art of Ninja. That is why I am hard to spot at MM.net events. I am there but where?:hide:

07-25-2011, 06:29 AM
I was trained in the art of Ninja. That is why I am hard to spot at MM.net events. I am there but where?:hide:

Which dojo did you go to Bedrock-Fu?

07-25-2011, 10:21 AM
I thought about putting a "foreclosure" sign in the front yard just so that no one wants my identity...

Mr. Man
07-25-2011, 10:53 AM
Which dojo did you go to Bedrock-Fu?

Tu Wong Fu Julie Newmar Ninja acadamy :D

07-25-2011, 11:37 AM
Hadn't heard that latest stuff from the FTC.

I had heard about the "fraud alert" that people were upset about. Some people were upset that Lifelock calls the three credit services and puts a fraud alert on your credit if you sign up for Lifelock. This means that anyone trying to get credit in your name has to give more info and go through more hoops to get the credit. This supposed to ensure that you are you. The issue was that anyone can call as themself and do this once a year for free. But Lifelock made it a part of their service. So people were upset that maybe the rest of the "monitoring" that lifelock does wasn't worth the price since part of it is free anyways.

07-25-2011, 11:41 AM
I've used the Equifax credit watch service for awhile myself. I liked it.

07-25-2011, 04:50 PM
I use Lifelock and I like it, well worth $10 a month. Every month it will email you to let you know that there haven't been any changes to your credit profile. As for what happens if there is one?..... not sure but I'm hoping to never find out. ;)

07-25-2011, 05:33 PM
I use Lifelock and I like it, well worth $10 a month. Every month it will email you to let you know that there haven't been any changes to your credit profile. As for what happens if there is one?..... not sure but I'm hoping to never find out. ;)

Hey, if you send me $10 a month, I too promise to email you and tell you I haven't done anything to your credit profile...