View Full Version : Samsung Droid Charge or HTC Thunderbolt

Jolly Roger
07-31-2011, 08:25 AM
Time to upgrade my verizon cell phone so I thoght i'd get some opinions from the collective on these two phones.
I'm upgrading from the 3G Droid X to one of the above 4G LTE phones.
So what do you guys (gals) think?
Anyone got either of these phones?
Pros and cons of each please.

07-31-2011, 09:26 AM
depends how far the 4g has spread in your area to justify getting a 4g phone. the droid x2 has a duel core processor just like the charge and thunderbolt. Not a 4g though. My area will be another year before they link Tampa to Orlando 4g so I chose the X2 and will get a 4g on the next go around. Besides X2 is buy one get one free now.

07-31-2011, 09:51 AM
I went from an HTC phone to a samsung phone last time, and I loathe samsung. tomorrow I'm eligible for an upgrade and I think it's time to start shopping

07-31-2011, 10:28 AM
Had my Charge for 2 months now.
Cool phone but crappy battery life.
Maybe thats why they call it the Charge because it needs one constantly.

07-31-2011, 11:31 AM
Droid2 from Motorola with Verizon

07-31-2011, 11:40 AM
Ive had a couple smartphones and ever since my EVO 4G theres been no looking back !

Jolly Roger
07-31-2011, 08:20 PM

07-31-2011, 08:31 PM
My friend who works for verizon says the droid 3! ftw she luvs it!

07-31-2011, 09:01 PM
I have been eligible to upgrade since Feb and I will not do it until they release a dual core processor 4G phone. Right now you can have either dual core OR 4G, but not both. Kinda asinine, IMO.

08-01-2011, 05:16 AM
A few friends of mine have gotten the Thunderbolt and their happy with it for the most part but it is very buggy and they all have the same problems with the phone freezing up during text messaging, web browsing.

As far as battery life, go to the android market and download Juice Defender free then buy pro key (Juice Defender Plus). On avg my Droid X battery life is extended 1.65-1.80%. It turns off 3G signal when the screen is off, enables it as soon as the screen comes back on. Also have the phone rooted and all the bloatware blocked.

08-01-2011, 05:22 AM
Wait for the Bionic. It should be released this week, so they say......

Jolly Roger
08-01-2011, 04:10 PM
Wait for the Bionic. It should be released this week, so they say......

Did some reading up on the Droid Bionic.
Supposed to be September release.
Maybe i'll wait to have a look at it.

08-01-2011, 04:23 PM
I need to upgrade from my Droid X....Ever since the Gingerbread OS update, the phone has been a dog. Locks up all the time, buggy, dropped calls, unsent texts....What was a promising start, the X went south fast.

08-01-2011, 04:50 PM
I need to upgrade from my Droid X....Ever since the Gingerbread OS update, the phone has been a dog. Locks up all the time, buggy, dropped calls, unsent texts....What was a promising start, the X went south fast.

I am using the original Droid. Love this thing! But mine seemed to get buggy with lock ups, dropped calls and overall, seeming to run slower after one of those supposed "updates". I swear, sometimes it seems they fiddle with it's brains to get you to upgrade sooner.

I did some digging on the Droid Bionic - very promising. Verizon / Motorola needs a serious device to come out ASAP to remain competitive in this market.