View Full Version : Keep STAP open!

07-31-2011, 12:29 PM

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07-31-2011, 01:42 PM
Ford will not invest in STAP. Instead, Ford will be expanding the Oakville assembly plant. Most of the workers from STAP will be going to Oakville. the plant(and property) are currently pending sale.

07-31-2011, 02:14 PM
I was browsing their facebook and it seems like many people that joined and posted were workers of the plant saying that they are now out of a job. i didn't hear any talk of relocation.

07-31-2011, 02:19 PM
Ford will not invest in STAP. Instead, Ford will be expanding the Oakville assembly plant. Most of the workers from STAP will be going to Oakville. the plant(and property) are currently pending sale.

Last I read STAP workers weren't getting jobs at Oakville. When the plant closes they are out of a job.

07-31-2011, 02:43 PM
Last I read STAP workers weren't getting jobs at Oakville. When the plant closes they are out of a job.

Yup, all that hard work and no reward at the end. Henry Ford's whole idea was to put American people work... He would turn over in his grave if he saw 1,500 of his hard workers just out of a job after nixing the most popular, well built fleet and personal vehicle. That plant has some serious history behind it and it's already purposed to make vehicles. How long would the cost of building a new facility, training x amount of employees, finding new sources for raw materials be overcome by opening a new plant? In this economy people are trying to stretch pennies into dollars and I think that the overall price of Ford and Lincoln vehicles will have to marked up even more to overcome the cost of the new plant... which in the end hurts us all and Henry wanted a car in every household, affordably. Just my .02

So keep STAP open :)

07-31-2011, 03:44 PM
I couldn't agree more, but ... there is NO interest on part of Ford or any other manufacturer in building a body on FRAME car platform. If you all want a real car with a frame, you either have to buy a real truck (F-150, etc.) or a real sports car like the Vette. No rant, just the truth.
