View Full Version : Here's the rest of the thread that vanished....

08-02-2011, 02:37 PM
Full story on THAT website, not THIS website.


Edit: I know better, but choose not to do it.

Go to www.chicagosvt.com and scroll down to the kill section, click on Lotus.

Is that better Big Brother?


08-02-2011, 06:03 PM
What a jerk. Hope your alone when the end comes.

08-02-2011, 06:07 PM
Why would you even post that here?

SC Cheesehead
08-02-2011, 06:15 PM
Gotta agree on that.



08-02-2011, 06:49 PM
Dom, you know the rules and know why we dont talk about street racing, this thread was already closed once, you know it will get yanked again

Definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

SC Cheesehead
08-02-2011, 07:09 PM
Dom, you know the rules and know why we dont talk about street racing, this thread was already closed once, you know it will get yanked again

Definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

^^^^^ Hence my post. ^^^^^^

Not sure what's trying to be proved here...:confused:

08-02-2011, 07:11 PM
I too, understand the rules, I know why they are in place. But do we really think by not posting or talking about it will prevent people from doing it?

I have a better question, how about the video's of people doing burnout's on other people's property, i.e. hotel parking lots, other business's lots etc.? Why would that type of activity be condoned, yet talking about street racing is not?

Once again, I know the rules and why we don't talk about illegal street racing, but yet we condone reckless operation on both private and public property. This is not brought up to fuel any fires or seem as I am taking sides, just a legitimate question.

Da Dark Jedi
08-02-2011, 07:13 PM
In before Lock!!!


08-02-2011, 07:17 PM
I too, understand the rules, I know why they are in place. But do we really think by not posting or talking about it will prevent people from doing it?

I have a better question, how about the video's of people doing burnout's on other people's property, i.e. hotel parking lots, other business's lots etc.? Why would that type of activity be condoned, yet talking about street racing is not?

Once again, I know the rules and why we don't talk about illegal street racing, but yet we condone reckless operation on both private and public property. This is not brought up to fuel any fires or seem as I am taking sides, just a legitimate question.

I'm with you on that one, whats the difference ? I wanna know. :popcorn::popcorn: I'm not condoning but like he said. It's not going to stop every or anyone from doing it.

SC Cheesehead
08-02-2011, 07:18 PM
I too, understand the rules, I know why they are in place. But do we really think by not posting or talking about it will prevent people from doing it?

I have a better question, how about the video's of people doing burnout's on other people's property, i.e. hotel parking lots, other business's lots etc.? Why would that type of activity be condoned, yet talking about street racing is not?

Once again, I know the rules and why we don't talk about illegal street racing, but yet we condone reckless operation on both private and public property. This is not brought up to fuel any fires or seem as I am taking sides, just a legitimate question.

Don't know of any members killed doing burnouts. :rolleyes:

However, you bring up a valid point. Might be worth PMing the admins to have them weigh in on it.

Dom's just flat out pushing the envelope here. Not sure why, but I've got a pretty good idea of the outcome... :shake:

08-02-2011, 07:23 PM
Don't know of any members killed doing burnouts. :rolleyes:

However, you bring up a valid point. Might be worth PMing the admins to have them weigh in on it.

Dom's just flat out pushing the envelope here. Not sure why, but I've got a pretty good idea of the outcome... :shake:

Maybe no members, but it has happened in the past. Break an axle and launch into the crowd. Anything can happen, plus is defaces the property owners lot/driveway/access road etc.

It is also a chargeable offense in most states, in Ohio, reckless operation, un-necessary show of power(it's on the books), plus any additional list of violations the officer wants to throw at the offender, I'm just asking what the difference is?

08-02-2011, 07:27 PM
Don't know of any members killed doing burnouts. :rolleyes:

However, you bring up a valid point. Might be worth PMing the admins to have them weigh in on it.

Dom's just flat out pushing the envelope here. Not sure why, but I've got a pretty good idea of the outcome... :shake:

O boy here we go again :nono: walking on egg shells :shake:. :popcorn:

08-02-2011, 07:31 PM
Hey he didn't post it on this website. Simply pointed out where you can find it!
You guys chose to "CLICK THAT LINK" and read what he posted on "ANOTHER SITE"
Who held a gun to your head and made you read it?????? :confused:

08-02-2011, 07:32 PM
Will he be banned or will he take a voluntary leave of absence?

As for what we allow ... Where do you draw the line? Streetracing, burnouts on public property (destruction of property/exhibition of speed), removing rear cats (modifying emissions on vehicles) ...

We must draw it somewhere. I think it was drawn at street racing because someone, from our site) died as a result. No one has died because of burnouts, removal of federal emissions etc. Is that the righ place to draw the line ... Who knows ... I would not have drawn it there, because drawing the line there will not prevent it--just like it won't stop us violating federal law by removing emissions devices.

Street racing still exists, search your local scene you will find it. Read some of lounge threads, you might even find people talking about going out to street racing scene 'to watch'. In California, it is illegal to watch and they can still impound your car.

08-02-2011, 07:32 PM
We all just need to realistically deal with our individual understanding acceptance and tolerance for risk, without site regulation. We are all big boys and girls here yes? Personal responsibility should be the order of the day. At least, keep stuff to yourself if you feel the behavior could come back on you down the road...... How does one learn what to post and what not too? Not by regulating posts, but by the feedback one receives after posting. Sure, some like Dom, love the attention/noteriety that comes with some of his postings, but if you react to it, then you are giving him license for more. If you don't, then he is less motivated to post more.

I don't much care for some of the self rightious "I know whats best for everyone" attitudes that exist here, it takes away from the site, but these attitudes are balanced out by other members who accept without being judgemental. I know why the street racing rule is in place, and out of respect, accept how mm.net deals with the subject. Completely understand.

But......... To much regulation is a bad thing for government and mm.net:o.

Just my .02:burnout::burnout:

08-02-2011, 07:34 PM
Let's not bring up about burnouts or doom will go to prison. :burnout:

08-02-2011, 07:42 PM
Let's not bring up about burnouts or doom will go to prison. :burnout:

Feel like going out to light em up right now! :D :burnout:

08-02-2011, 07:42 PM

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

08-02-2011, 07:49 PM
Feel like going out to light em up right now! :D :burnout:
These are not the droids you're looking for. Oh hey! Midgets!!!


08-02-2011, 07:49 PM

08-02-2011, 07:53 PM
Ah...I see Dom still isn't much of a reader...making up Mark Twain quotes...

(Churchill said it, if you're going to live by it, at least get it right)

08-02-2011, 07:53 PM
We aren't supposed to talk politics or religion here either. BUT if someone posts a link to a political thread I don't see people going all ape s#¡T over that!
You guys choose to read his posts and then b¡Tc# & moan about about it!
DONT READ HIS THREADS if you have a problem with him and his antics.
Isn't that what the ignore button is for???

Stop using the boy for a punching bag!

08-02-2011, 08:00 PM
It's The Dominator, Justbob the Magnificent, Ponyuprising and Doomalicious taking street racing to a whole new level!!


Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

08-02-2011, 08:03 PM
Damn! That Obama Chia Pet in the cart has gotten too big... like Government! :D POOF! IBTL! Dom... Go paint the abandoned car like the pic I posted!!!:beer:

08-02-2011, 08:12 PM
Ah...I see Dom still isn't much of a reader...making up Mark Twain quotes...

(Churchill said it, if you're going to live by it, at least get it right)

Here's some Twain quotes I think Dom could/should use...

I would rather have my ignorance than another man's knowledge, because I have so much more of it. -Letter to W.D. Howells, 2/10/1875

His ignorance covered the whole earth like a blanket, and there was hardly a hole in it anywhere. -Mark Twain in Eruption

08-02-2011, 08:19 PM
maybe if we don't see it it didn't happen

08-02-2011, 08:22 PM
^^Ignorance is bliss!

08-02-2011, 08:23 PM
What the hell is wrong with goos'in it alittle. Have we all become paranoid.

Don't get me wrong. I understand the intention but denying it will not make it go away.

08-02-2011, 08:23 PM
We all just need to realistically deal with our individual understanding acceptance and tolerance for risk, without site regulation. We are all big boys and girls here yes? Personal responsibility should be the order of the day. At least, keep stuff to yourself if you feel the behavior could come back on you down the road...... How does one learn what to post and what not too? Not by regulating posts, but by the feedback one receives after posting. Sure, some like Dom, love the attention/noteriety that comes with some of his postings, but if you react to it, then you are giving him license for more. If you don't, then he is less motivated to post more.

I don't much care for some of the self rightious "I know whats best for everyone" attitudes that exist here, it takes away from the site, but these attitudes are balanced out by other members who accept without being judgemental. I know why the street racing rule is in place, and out of respect, accept how mm.net deals with the subject. Completely understand.

But......... To much regulation is a bad thing for government and mm.net:o.

Just my .02:burnout::burnout:

Are you reading my mind? LOL

Fact. He started it to stir the pot. He lost.

Telling a NEW member with a very simple question "screw you dude" in another thread, sliding in street race threads, you wanting to get banned as well?? Is that the goal here?

I wish we had street kill stories back too! But you only do this to start trouble. I know you, getting banned isn't what you want. You just want to be heard, believe me we all KNOW your grievances.

We done feeding his need for attention now? Good grief.

If you knew him, you would probably understand him a little more, nice guy, just so damn head strong and hell bent on stuff he don't like...

Sent from my Ally using Tapatalk

08-02-2011, 08:23 PM
What a jerk. Hope your alone when the end comes.

Believe me I can't wait!

Definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

It's called commitment.

I have a better question, how about the video's of people doing burnout's on other people's property, i.e. hotel parking lots, other business's lots etc.? Why would that type of activity be condoned, yet talking about street racing is not?

Yeah I know. Seriously. Even at Marauder events people do burnouts, a MOD actually helped block out a license plate because he knew they were breaking the law. Yet I get lip from these people when I have my fun. :shake:

Hey he didn't post it on this website. Simply pointed out where you can find it!
You guys chose to "CLICK THAT LINK" and read what he posted on "ANOTHER SITE"
Who held a gun to your head and made you read it?????? :confused:

Yup that's right. Here's the link, those who are mad chose to click on it.

Will he be banned or will he take a voluntary leave of absence? .

Because you didn't like the link I posted?

Ah...I see Dom still isn't much of a reader...making up Mark Twain quotes...

(Churchill said it, if you're going to live by it, at least get it right)

Actually I had to read it to remember it. Saw it on someones fridge in California, I like the quite, but maybe he didn't say it. Don't get me started on you. Setting world records for not cutting your hair... huge accomplishment dude. :rolleyes:

As for the rest of you it was a link and nothing more. Anyone that says "That kills and isn't allowed." Guess what? YOU guys have even posted on how you wrecked your cars in your 20s for having fun. I haven't wrecked mine, probably because I know it. Do you think I have won every race just to say I could? No. The only time I lost.... forget it. PM me if you wanna hear how I actually lost a race.

I really feel that a lot of you hide and lie. Sure you don't do anything now because reaction times isn't the best when you get past 50... no pun intended, just something my father said. What did you all do before that? Hmmmm? Care to mention how you were all golden little angels? I highly doubt anyone here hasn't messed around on a public road at one time or another, ESPECIALLY those with superchargers.

You don't like it don't read it.

Think I care about your politics? Nope. So I don't read or post. Even if it's a link about politics, soon as I figured it out I just stop reading, just not an interest of mine.

I'm not changing the way I drive and you guys that look down on my behavior can all just shove it. You are wasting your time.

As far as burnouts and other stuff, that's never looked down upon over here. At events as I mentioned it's actually a part of our meets. So where is the line drawn? At the speed limit? Yeah ok. At the last major event I was at we were racing back to the hotel... not just me but several members. :eek:

So there. I am guessing this will be locked to protect the false innocence of the administration and countless members.


08-02-2011, 08:27 PM
So its all about what the mods deem okay or not.

Give me a break, Dom is the only one here who speaks his mind.

08-02-2011, 08:29 PM

Fact. He started it to stir the pot. He lost.[/QUOTE]

No. Some like hearing this stuff and that's always the result from the other half that "don't approve." If I wanted to intentionally stir the pot on this site I would discuss religion.

08-02-2011, 08:33 PM
I raced this morning............... I raced my ass to the toilet before I lost my dignity!!

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

08-02-2011, 08:36 PM
I raced this morning............... I raced my ass to the toilet before I lost my dignity!!

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!
Ewwwww... I don't think dignity is brown!!!:puke:

08-02-2011, 08:36 PM
I like stirring the pot send me the link....lol it better be good for all the disturbing of the peace your causing. And I will pray for you man seriously the lord always searches for the lost to be found; they will rejoice in heaven.

08-02-2011, 08:36 PM
I raced this morning............... I raced my ass to the toilet before I lost my dignity!!

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

Me too. Everytime I have coffee the turds miss the water because they come out so fast. Like a bottle cap when you stomp on an empty plastic Pepsi bottle... BOOM!

08-02-2011, 08:38 PM
Actually I had to read it to remember it. Saw it on someones fridge in California, I like the quite, but maybe he didn't say it. Don't get me started on you. Setting world records for not cutting your hair... huge accomplishment dude. :rolleyes:

Come on Dom, you can make a whole thread about it. Yeah...huge accomplishment...you mean something I did while I was still in High School? Yeah...you're right, I set a world record, and it requred minimal effort. I don't need to start a new thread everytime I brush my hair or trim it though. You mad? Aside from the stack of paper work and certifications, it earned me free trips with family, got to see some amazing sights.

What have you accomplished? Congrats on a distorted view of reality, a car your dad bought, and a hopeless dream of being a rock and roll star. Time to grow up Dommy. If you really want to make this a pissing contest, and call out my "accomplishments", you'll end up looking like a bigger fool.

08-02-2011, 08:42 PM
Me too. Everytime I have coffee the turds miss the water because they come out so fast. Like a bottle cap when you stomp on an empty plastic Pepsi bottle... BOOM!
Well... This thread has officially gone to $h1t!:D Good job!:high5:

08-02-2011, 08:42 PM
Hey Dom, Aaron never claimed to have "accomplished" anything by having a world record.the biggest issue with you is you get arrogance and ignorrance mixed together. You started on this forum as a punk kid who's daddy bought him a car too powerful for him. You have abused the living piss out of it, totalled it 2 times? Blown it up and still claim its the "holy grail" of chicago. I've watched you turn into an arrogant and uninformed individual. Your posts only consist of stupid banter about fighting the law or going against the grain just for the hell of it. You have not added one but of knowledge or insight to this forum in quite some time. I left this place for awhile, and I come back to viewing you being Aren Jay.

08-02-2011, 08:46 PM
Come on Dom, you can make a whole thread about it. Yeah...huge accomplishment...you mean something I did while I was still in High School? Yeah...you're right, I set a world record, and it requred minimal effort. You mad? Aside from the stack of paper work and certifications, it earned me a free trips with family, got to see some amazing sights.

What have you accomplished? Congrats on a distorted view of reality, a car your dad bought, and a hopeless dream of being a rock and roll star. Time to grow up Dommy. If you really want to make this a pissing contest, and call out my "accomplishments", you'll end up looking like a bigger fool.

To be honest I don't think I am a good musician at all. I just love music so much that I decided to devote my life to it for saving mine... seriously. I can't be a rock n' roll star because rock n' roll is dead. Make it big??? Maybe someday, but it would be a brief carrier because artist need to change over time. I don't like change at all. So if I made a few hits and the contact came ip saying "You need to make these changes to renew our record deal" I would say good-bye, now I'm going to drive monster trucks for a living. There is soooo much fun out there, but who actually has the drive to stay on it. I sure do, even if it doesn't seem practical to the average person. I stay on everything I believe in, hince why I'm never backing down on getting Zack back up here.

I am not going into what I accomplished because no matter what I say you are going to have a rebuttal saying "you ain't squat" in you're own words.

I got the attention of a producer that's won multiple grammies and he now wants to record my band. I'd say that's quite an accomplishment.

Yes daddy bought the car and I have said that time and time again. When I have kids I'm going to buy them something nice too. My dad always said take what you are offered now, even if it hurts your pride, it might not be around when you need it. I wouldn't have done it any other way. ;)

08-02-2011, 08:49 PM
Hey Dom, Aaron never claimed to have "accomplished" anything by having a world record.the biggest issue with you is you get arrogance and ignorrance mixed together. You started on this forum as a punk kid who's daddy bought him a car too powerful for him. You have abused the living piss out of it, totalled it 2 times? Blown it up and still claim its the "holy grail" of chicago. I've watched you turn into an arrogant and uninformed individual. Your posts only consist of stupid banter about fighting the law or going against the grain just for the hell of it. You have not added one but of knowledge or insight to this forum in quite some time. I left this place for awhile, and I come back to viewing you being Aren Jay.

Your point being????

08-02-2011, 08:53 PM
I am not going into what I accomplished because no matter what I say you are going to have a rebuttal saying "you ain't squat" in you're own words.

I got the attention of a producer that's won multiple grammies and he now wants to record my band. I'd say that's quite an accomplishment.

But you'll have no problem trying to call me out on something? Don't back down now, you seem to have a pretty strong opinion of who you think I am. I don't think I've ever posted a thread here about the world record I created/earned (in 2005), but maybe you remember better than I. keep trying. Next time I can't figure out why my suspension doesn't work, I'll check the brakes.

Congrats on getting noticed, you think if you were only going to play 3 notes, you could at least do it on time.

08-02-2011, 08:53 PM
Your point being????

:shake: go figure, dumbass

08-02-2011, 08:57 PM
But you'll have no problem trying to call me out on something? Don't back down now, you seem to have a pretty strong opinion of who you think I am. I don't think I've ever posted a thread here about the world record I created/earned (in 2005), but maybe you remember better than I. keep trying. Next time I can't figure out why my suspension doesn't work, I'll check the brakes.

Congrats on getting noticed, you think if you were only going to play 3 notes, you could at least do it on time.

LOL I actually found that last line really funny. Hahahaha

I think it was fine, if I ever meet you, you can show me how you think its done.

:shake: go figure, dumbass

Calling me names? I am telling mommy!!! I mean Mary.

08-02-2011, 08:59 PM
:shake: go figure, dumbass
Sucks! Don't it! He wins by default because he doesn't accept that he's lost. I reject your reality and insert my own! :D Now you got it! Better off arguing with midgets in PINK thongs! :beer: Hey dom! You're at least wearing your helmet when you... ah, "race to the toilet", right? The one with flames on the side? No licking windows either!!!

08-02-2011, 09:01 PM
Sucks! Don't it! He wins by default because he doesn't accept that he's lost. I reject your reality and insert my own! :D Now you got it! Better off arguing with midgets in PINK thongs! :beer:

Haha, he always wins in his mind. He just justifies loss with false truths.

08-02-2011, 09:01 PM
Please keep thos thread open. This is really funny haha.

08-02-2011, 09:03 PM
In before the lock!

08-02-2011, 09:07 PM
LOL I actually found that last line really funny. Hahahaha

I think it was fine, if I ever meet you, you can show me how you think its done.

You choose to ignore everything else Dom. You wanted to point out what a loser I am, because of some accomplishment, that I don't feel the need to shout about. Oh man, you're right, I didnt' want to get you started :rolleyes:

I don't play guitar, never have, never will. Sure, next time you're in Massachusetts, I'll give you a bass lesson. I am a musician, and I do know how to keep time. Althought it's not my main passion, or something I continually pursue, I have recorded in a professional studio, with a gold and platinum album artist. But I suppose I've never accomplished much :(

08-02-2011, 09:09 PM
We all did it at some point or another. Yep, we too did something stupid...and most likely more than once.......and probably bragged abouut it to our friends.
Next time you decide to 'almost' make a complete stop at a stop sign; or go through that yellow that you can see turn red.....you are no better than the OP.

08-02-2011, 09:12 PM
In before the lock!

Thatta boy! :banana2:

Posting before my ban? Haha I'm sure my monthly post wouldn't be missed.:banned:

08-02-2011, 09:15 PM
How about we get in Chat and settle this...or is that place still empty?

edit: lights are on, but nobody is home.

08-02-2011, 09:17 PM
We all did it at some point or another. Yep, we too did something stupid...and most likely more than once.......and probably bragged abouut it to our friends.
Next time you decide to 'almost' make a complete stop at a stop sign; or go through that yellow that you can see turn red.....you are no better than the OP.

Yup you're right, doing 135 in heavy traffic and doing a California roll is the exact same thing.

No one is saying we haven't done stupid things, and I'm sure we can event point to some members that have narrowly escaped death while doing it. The problem is, luck always runs out.

And while I'll play from time to time on a wide open highway, a road with no traffic or a completely empty parking lot, I would never race at 135 in crowded traffic. That's tempting fate. You might have a death wish, but the family of four you're racing up on certainly don't.

With that, I've said all I gave to say on the topic, so IBTL

08-02-2011, 09:18 PM
Hey, what's up hotrauder how's things? Lookin at the sign (MARAUDER Parking Only)you gave me recently and thought about you! Actually attempted after...

08-02-2011, 09:25 PM
I never saw the original post, and in fact didn't visit another site to find it. I'm sure it involved something dangerous, and risked the lives of others.


08-02-2011, 09:29 PM
He wins by default because he doesn't accept that he's lost. I reject your reality and insert my own!

Those are my FAVORITE kind of people though. It's like, "the lone fact that I have to explain to you how wrong you are, is the very reason why trying to explain to you why you are wrong is pointless."

PS, Rocknhawk deserves a win award simply for the thread tags. ;)

08-02-2011, 09:29 PM
edit: lights are on, but nobody is home.
You just exited as I entered! Doh!

08-02-2011, 09:30 PM
Hey, what's up hotrauder how's things? Lookin at the sign (MARAUDER Parking Only)you gave me recently and thought about you! Actually attempted after...

Wow, I had forgotten about that! Glad to see its still being enjoyed. How's things with you? I'm not on here much because of work schedules/ schooling didn't allow me much time to browse the net, but all is well. Just had to comment on this.

And on the original topic, I recently took the mach1 over 100 for the first time in 2 years... it was 8pm on a well lit roadway, guard rails on both sides and perfectly straight. Yes it was only a few SECONDS of fun, but the thrill is enough. You guys forget what power feels like when you are spoiled with it everyday. A fusion can't outrun a rascal scooter, but its efficient, fun to drive because it has a 5speed, and has more room than a marauder for hauling things. I don't race people anymore because after almost dying in my marauder while racing and almost losing control with the wife in the car, and being followed up by a death of a friend racing, it became too real, that its not worth it.

08-02-2011, 09:32 PM
Amazing how we change with age and experience. Dom needs time. Hopefully he'll make it there.

08-02-2011, 09:32 PM
Those are my FAVORITE kind of people though. It's like, "the lone fact that I have to explain to you how wrong you are, is the very reason why trying to explain to you why you are wrong is pointless."

PS, Rocknhawk deserves a win award simply for the thread tags. ;)

You sure it was his tags?;)

08-02-2011, 09:34 PM
You sure it was his tags?;)

I have no accomplishments, let me have this one!


08-02-2011, 09:35 PM
You sure it was his tags?;)
I think he dropped his pocket!

08-02-2011, 09:35 PM
And on the original topic, I recently took the mach1 over 100 for the first time in 2 years... it was 8pm on a well lit roadway, guard rails on both sides and perfectly straight. Yes it was only a few SECONDS of fun, but the thrill is enough.

How is this different from what Dom does??? :confused:

Triple digit speed is reckless driving!

08-02-2011, 09:37 PM
Well, Dom can sleep well now, knowing I finally removed his quote from my sig. It was funny for a while, until I figured out all of his posts are giant typos.

08-02-2011, 09:40 PM
Well, Dom can sleep well now, knowing I finally removed his quote from my sig. It was funny for a while, until I figured out all of his posts are giant typos.

I think I'll sleep well also,

for today, gentlemen,

I too have made a great accomplishment:

I have been quoted in the sigs of two different members for two different quotes. :D

Damn, NO ONE can ever accomplish the level of accomplishment I've accomplished now. :P

08-02-2011, 09:47 PM
How is this different from what Dom does??? :confused:

Triple digit speed is reckless driving!

Nobody was on the road with me and it wasn't sustained for more than 5 seconds (waiting for dirty minds to laugh)

I in no way said it wasn't reckless, I said that after 2years of not going those speeds ever, it really woke me up to how stupid I was before. Hence,(not hince, Dom) why I said that you guys forget what power feels like. You become so used to it, that you get careless with it. The Mach1 barely sees pavement, its a garage queen,but it handles a hell of a lot better than a marauder and goes a lot faster too. Racing around in a two ton sled is more carelss, no? I doubt Dom keeps his foot light in the marauder.

08-02-2011, 10:37 PM
Lol @ the tags for this thread!
"Alabama hotpocket" :lol: :rofl: :laugh:

08-02-2011, 11:57 PM
You choose to ignore everything else Dom. You wanted to point out what a loser I am, because of some accomplishment, that I don't feel the need to shout about. Oh man, you're right, I didnt' want to get you started :rolleyes:

I don't play guitar, never have, never will. Sure, next time you're in Massachusetts, I'll give you a bass lesson. I am a musician, and I do know how to keep time. Althought it's not my main passion, or something I continually pursue, I have recorded in a professional studio, with a gold and platinum album artist. But I suppose I've never accomplished much :(

I wasn't asleep. I was watching Pool Hall Junkies and was delighted to hear my fiance "started". So I am a happy clam.

Listen, I do not want to go into who's been where and who's accomplished what. Talking like that will lead us no where, but trying to one up one another. The biggest thing I ever accomplished was shaking Chuck Berrys hand. You didn't need to be invited or know someone, I simply went to his show and met him after, just like the rest of the crowd. I actually shook the hand of the man than forever changed music and influenced a million guitar solos all across the world. To me he is a God and that was one of the best days of my life. He saved my life, sometimes I don't know if it was a good thing or not, but in the end I had to thank him and I literally did. I told him "Chuck, you saved my life, Thank you." That was a really good night. I always wanted to meet the King Of Rock N' Roll and I did. I can go on and on about what he means to me, but that would take more time than learning an Operation Ivy song on bass... at least for me.

You sound a bit like an ego-maniac, from what you were bragging about. The very mention of someone being a gold artist and professional studio.... I don't even know what a professional studio is. A professional musician is one that's been paid to play, even if I sit by the subway playing for nickels and dimes... soon as that first coin hits the guitar case that means I am a professional. So I am guessing the studio you were in doesn't record people for free, I guess that makes it professional. Honestly I have no idea, it's whatever they say it is. I guess I am a professional driver sense I was a car porter back in high school.

BTW I do not think you are a loser. I never said that. Actually I think we can get along if you make a post toward me that wasn't intentionally to bust my chops. I have never seen such a post from you.

Back on topic. The way the thread has gone has proven to me who the immature people are and who the fascists are. You think I am immature? Hell yeah I am, when the time comes to it and there are times to just take it easy. Somehow, threads I start always end up being about me instead of what the topic started as. The reason is soooo many people see a need to make fun of me and ridicule me all the damn time? And for what purpose? I have no idea, nothings changing. No one is fueling the fire or extinguishing it. I'm always going to do and say whatever I want whenever I want to whoever I want.

You don't approve of what I do in my life? Fine. I don't care. There are a some people I disagree with on here when it comes to their life decisions as well, but I don't care because it's not my life. If it doesn't effect me I don't care. Will street racing effect someone else's life? Yeah if something "bad" happens. Was I putting other peoples live in danger? Probably, but so is everyone else. When I go for a ride on the subway I am counting on the engineer to operate the train correctly or I die. I count on the super market to sell me food that hasn't gone bad. Everyones lives are in danger or in trust to others. Racing on a highway is just a little more clear of a picture.

I'm going to listen to Richard Prior and laugh my way to sleep.

08-03-2011, 12:11 AM
Lol @ the tags for this thread!
"Alabama hotpocket" :lol: :rofl: :laugh:

I had no clue what this meant. I googled it;( sometimes ignorance is bliss!

08-03-2011, 03:46 AM
I had no clue what this meant. I googled it;( sometimes ignorance is bliss!

Same here....painful and or nasty :shake: (Casey :D)

SC Cheesehead
08-03-2011, 04:33 AM
We all just need to realistically deal with our individual understanding acceptance and tolerance for risk, without site regulation. We are all big boys and girls here yes? Personal responsibility should be the order of the day. At least, keep stuff to yourself if you feel the behavior could come back on you down the road...... How does one learn what to post and what not too? Not by regulating posts, but by the feedback one receives after posting. Sure, some like Dom, love the attention/noteriety that comes with some of his postings, but if you react to it, then you are giving him license for more. If you don't, then he is less motivated to post more.

I don't much care for some of the self rightious "I know whats best for everyone" attitudes that exist here, it takes away from the site, but these attitudes are balanced out by other members who accept without being judgemental. I know why the street racing rule is in place, and out of respect, accept how mm.net deals with the subject. Completely understand.

But......... To much regulation is a bad thing for government and mm.net:o.

Just my .02:burnout::burnout:

Well stated my friend.

When I clicked and read the link, the first thing I thought of was Alex; hence, my knee jerk response.

But then, I think that may be what Dom was looking for, he enjoys pushing folk's buttons. Did a good job on this one; the thread's already up to five pages... :cool:

08-03-2011, 04:41 AM
Did a good job on this one; the thread's already up to five pages... :cool:

Only because his haters feel the need to chime in and have a argument that nobody will win.

MM.net.... come for the cars, stay for the drama.

Joe Walsh
08-03-2011, 04:51 AM
Can someone save me the trouble of reading through 5 pages of posts and give me the 'Cliffs notes' version of Dom's latest escapade(s)....?

08-03-2011, 05:28 AM
Can someone save me the trouble of reading through 5 pages of posts and give me the 'Cliffs notes' version of Dom's latest escapade(s)....?


08-03-2011, 05:30 AM
Or just read the "tags". ;)

Joe Walsh
08-03-2011, 06:25 AM

You are absolutely right!.....:shake:

I guess its' similar to not being able to look away from a wreck at an accident scene....I just HAVE TO LOOK.

08-03-2011, 06:25 AM
Can someone save me the trouble of reading through 5 pages of posts and give me the 'Cliffs notes' version of Dom's latest escapade(s)....?

Being the ever helpfull self that i am i will help you.

Dom started a thread with a link to another site about beating up a lotus on public roads, with heavy traffic, at 135 MPH.

Another member said that you may take out a family with your stupidity to which Zack replied that it might be a family that 'we' supported {you know, welfare, unemployed, ect.}

Proving beyond a shaddow of a doubt that Zack does indeed belong here!


Joe Walsh
08-03-2011, 06:28 AM
Being the ever helpfull self that i am i will help you.

Dom started a thread with a link to another site about beating up a lotus on public roads, with heavy traffic, at 135 MPH.

Another member said that you may take out a family with your stupidity to which Zack replied that it might be a family that 'we' supported {you know, welfare, unemployed, ect.}

Proving beyond a shaddow of a doubt that Zack does indeed belong here!


I miss Zack's bluntness.

08-03-2011, 07:20 AM
I wasn't asleep. I was watching Pool Hall Junkies and was delighted to hear my fiance "started". So I am a happy clam.

Listen, I do not want to go into who's been where and who's accomplished what. Talking like that will lead us no where, but trying to one up one another. The biggest thing I ever accomplished was shaking Chuck Berrys hand. You didn't need to be invited or know someone, I simply went to his show and met him after, just like the rest of the crowd. I actually shook the hand of the man than forever changed music and influenced a million guitar solos all across the world. To me he is a God and that was one of the best days of my life. He saved my life, sometimes I don't know if it was a good thing or not, but in the end I had to thank him and I literally did. I told him "Chuck, you saved my life, Thank you." That was a really good night. I always wanted to meet the King Of Rock N' Roll and I did. I can go on and on about what he means to me, but that would take more time than learning an Operation Ivy song on bass... at least for me.

You sound a bit like an ego-maniac, from what you were bragging about. The very mention of someone being a gold artist and professional studio.... I don't even know what a professional studio is. A professional musician is one that's been paid to play, even if I sit by the subway playing for nickels and dimes... soon as that first coin hits the guitar case that means I am a professional. So I am guessing the studio you were in doesn't record people for free, I guess that makes it professional. Honestly I have no idea, it's whatever they say it is. I guess I am a professional driver sense I was a car porter back in high school.

BTW I do not think you are a loser. I never said that. Actually I think we can get along if you make a post toward me that wasn't intentionally to bust my chops. I have never seen such a post from you.

Back on topic. The way the thread has gone has proven to me who the immature people are and who the fascists are. You think I am immature? Hell yeah I am, when the time comes to it and there are times to just take it easy. Somehow, threads I start always end up being about me instead of what the topic started as. The reason is soooo many people see a need to make fun of me and ridicule me all the damn time? And for what purpose? I have no idea, nothings changing. No one is fueling the fire or extinguishing it. I'm always going to do and say whatever I want whenever I want to whoever I want.

You don't approve of what I do in my life? Fine. I don't care. There are a some people I disagree with on here when it comes to their life decisions as well, but I don't care because it's not my life. If it doesn't effect me I don't care. Will street racing effect someone else's life? Yeah if something "bad" happens. Was I putting other peoples live in danger? Probably, but so is everyone else. When I go for a ride on the subway I am counting on the engineer to operate the train correctly or I die. I count on the super market to sell me food that hasn't gone bad. Everyones lives are in danger or in trust to others. Racing on a highway is just a little more clear of a picture.

I'm going to listen to Richard Prior and laugh my way to sleep.

I'm usually like another member that has in his sig "not reading Dom's posts" but, unfortunately, I got sucked into this one.

I grew up in the 50's and love R&R and the music of Chuck Berry but not him! Why don't you thank servicemen/women who literally save your life. That's one of the things that is wrong with this country today...people worshipping so called "celebrities" that can't, for the most part, keep their own lives together.

You also stated earlier that you could care less about politics...well, my friend, you, along with enyone else who thinks that way, had better start
as this country isn't going to be the one you want it to be unless you do.

Nuff said!

08-03-2011, 07:35 AM
I have read every post on this thread and now head off to fix the world's problems if it is possible for a old post 50 old guy. :geezer: :geezer: :geezer: :geezer: :geezer:

08-03-2011, 08:15 AM
Look at me, Look at me, Look at me.

Ignore List, Ignore List, Ignore List!

Ms. Denmark
08-03-2011, 08:28 AM
... I stay on everything I believe in, hince why I'm never backing down on getting Zack back up here...
You ain't getting Zack back until I get Ryan (OffroadKarter) back...at least Zack was given a 2nd (or 3rd?) chance...:D

Ms. Denmark
08-03-2011, 08:30 AM
So its all about what the mods deem okay or not.

Give me a break, Dom is the only one here who speaks his mind.
Because no one else has a mind like Dom's....:cool:

08-03-2011, 08:31 AM
You ain't getting Zack back until I get Ryan (OffroadKarter) back...at least Zack was given a 2nd (or 3rd?) chance...:D

How about 4th or 5th chance............

08-03-2011, 10:46 AM
But then, I think that may be what Dom was looking for, he enjoys pushing folk's buttons. Did a good job on this one; the thread's already up to five pages... :cool:

Rex, I never intend to push anyones buttons here. I cannot control peoples reactions, that's just the way it goes. They could choose to ignore, but they'd rather post hateful messages and accomplish nothing.

Only because his haters feel the need to chime in and have a argument that nobody will win.

MM.net.... come for the cars, stay for the drama.

Yeah pretty much. :shake:

Proving beyond a shaddow of a doubt that Zack does indeed belong here!


Yes he does.

I miss Zack's bluntness.

Yup me too.

I'm usually like another member that has in his sig "not reading Dom's posts" but, unfortunately, I got sucked into this one.

I grew up in the 50's and love R&R and the music of Chuck Berry but not him! Why don't you thank servicemen/women who literally save your life. That's one of the things that is wrong with this country today...people worshipping so called "celebrities" that can't, for the most part, keep their own lives together.

You also stated earlier that you could care less about politics...well, my friend, you, along with enyone else who thinks that way, had better start
as this country isn't going to be the one you want it to be unless you do.

Nuff said!

Well that's my POV and I'm sticking to it. If ya understood me big guy, you wouldn't have to say I need to change my thinking. Some people get saved by religion, by joining the armed forces or just sobering up. Rock N' Roll saved my soul and that's the bottom line. As far as politics, don't care. I don't know how to vote for Anarchy.

You ain't getting Zack back until I get Ryan (OffroadKarter) back...at least Zack was given a 2nd (or 3rd?) chance...:D

I don't see you trying to get back every month. You gotta push it if ya want it. Or just set up another screen name for him. ;)

08-03-2011, 12:06 PM
I like motorhead... he's a cool dude in my book
f what yall say

08-03-2011, 12:59 PM
minty mints makes mouths fresher
:bandit::Offtopic::pirate::hij ack:

SC Cheesehead
08-03-2011, 01:05 PM
I like motorhead... he's a cool dude in my book
f what yall say

Well, that settles it I guess... :alone:

08-03-2011, 01:07 PM
I wasn't asleep. I was watching Pool Hall Junkies and was delighted to hear my fiance "started". So I am a happy clam.

Listen, I do not want to go into who's been where and who's accomplished what.
You sound a bit like an ego-maniac, from what you were bragging about. The very mention of someone being a gold artist and professional studio.... I don't even know what a professional studio is. A professional musician is one that's been paid to play, even if I sit by the subway playing for nickels and dimes... soon as that first coin hits the guitar case that means I am a professional. So I am guessing the studio you were in doesn't record people for free, I guess that makes it professional. Honestly I have no idea, it's whatever they say it is. I guess I am a professional driver sense I was a car porter back in high school.

BTW I do not think you are a loser. I never said that. Actually I think we can get along if you make a post toward me that wasn't intentionally to bust my chops. I have never seen such a post from you.

Really now Dom? Who was calling out who's accomplishments?

Anybody that knows me off this site, know's you couldn't be further from the truth. Ego-maniac? I don't need to stroke my ego with a new thread everytime something good (or bad) happens. The guy saying so and so grammy winner likes his guitar playing....telling me I'm bragging? Not at all, pointing out you're not the cat's meow because one person gave you a compliment. Pointing out (again), you have some idea of who you think I am, and couldn't be more wrong.

One of these days, maybe your antics will catch up to you. Apparently you haven't had that wake up call yet.

Ms. Denmark
08-03-2011, 01:55 PM
I don't see you trying to get (RYAN) back every month. You gotta push it if ya want it. Or just set up another screen name for him. ;) Oh trust me, I am working on it! LOL! :D But in all seriousness, Ryan knew the rules here and chose to push the envelope a little too far. He paid the price... because there are consequences which occur as a result of choices we make. Just because some of us really enjoy Ryan's company and think of him as a friend, and miss his crazy sense of humor and his amazing knowledge about the cars, other people saw him differently. (Because he behaved badly and readily admits it.) I don't make the rules here, but knowing, liking and RESPECTING Mary and the other owners as I do, I am willing to abide by their decisions regarding who stays and who goes. As you know, Zack was given at least one more chance, but he simply repeated past behavior. Maybe Ryan would do the same. I'd like to think he'd be smarter than that. But since I don't think we'll get the chance to find out.... I'm OK with that.:cool:

Da Dark Jedi
08-03-2011, 02:03 PM
WOW!! Six pages and counting. Is it a lock yet???

08-03-2011, 02:10 PM
Really now Dom? Who was calling out who's accomplishments?

Anybody that knows me off this site, know's you couldn't be further from the truth. Ego-maniac? I don't need to stroke my ego with a new thread everytime something good (or bad) happens. The guy saying so and so grammy winner likes his guitar playing....telling me I'm bragging? Not at all, pointing out you're not the cat's meow because one person gave you a compliment. Pointing out (again), you have some idea of who you think I am, and couldn't be more wrong.

One of these days, maybe your antics will catch up to you. Apparently you haven't had that wake up call yet.

Like I said, we'd be going back and forth on this all day. BTW a bass is a guitar. It's bass guitar, so you play guitar. Silly.

As you know, Zack was given at least one more chance, but he simply repeated past behavior. Maybe Ryan would do the same. I'd like to think he'd be smarter than that. But since I don't think we'll get the chance to find out.... I'm OK with that.:cool:

Good. I'm glad he didn't change.

As far as Ryan is concerned, I have no opinion, never met the guy.

08-03-2011, 02:12 PM

08-03-2011, 03:32 PM
Electric guitar 6 strings.
Bass guitar 4 string.

Ask victor wooten if he plays guitar... he would say no, I play bass.

No ban on me yet!

08-03-2011, 03:33 PM
Who added the new tags? 2girls is just wrong, and unfunny lol

08-03-2011, 03:38 PM
Like I said, we'd be going back and forth on this all day. BTW a bass is a guitar. It's bass guitar, so you play guitar. Silly.

Ah, big surprise, reading what you want to make up your own logic. Do you believe the things you say?

You're adding words I didn't say. Regardless, I can play both double bass, and bass guitar...which would make me a bass player, not a guitar player. Pizza cake.

We could go back and forth all day. I sure didn't want to get you started on me and my accomplishments though. Whew, dodged a bullet there.

08-03-2011, 03:43 PM
7 pages and no mod has responded to my question????

08-03-2011, 04:19 PM
7 pages and no mod has responded to my question????

good luck

http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_liddbjlto61qd9mtdo1_250 .gif

08-03-2011, 04:23 PM

I heard recently that he is referred to as a "catcher".

Baaad GN
08-03-2011, 06:20 PM
Ya know I don't know whats worse, Dom? Or the people who always lay in the weeds to take a shot at him, to me its the same, like him they love it also.
Well I'm not important and hold no big socalled records etc, just sitting here thinking how stupid some people sound. But thats the new politically correct thing to do now, if I don't like something it has to be banded!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Geeeeez people get a life!

08-03-2011, 06:41 PM
It's not like people are getting on his case for simply posting threads; people are calling him out on posting things he should know better than to post. I don't recall people telling him how much of a self-absorbed nitwit he is when he posted that he was getting married, pretty sure all that had was congrats.

Bottom line: don't be surprised if you get called out for being childish or stupid. It's not news, it's happened a lot before, and the result has ALWAYS been the same (of which he's even proclaimed himself, and within that has admitted he can't learn from his mistakes.)

It sucks when someone does something stupid, but it's insulting when someone does something stupid repeatedly.

08-03-2011, 08:07 PM
It's not like people are getting on his case for simply posting threads; people are calling him out on posting things he should know better than to post. I don't recall people telling him how much of a self-absorbed nitwit he is when he posted that he was getting married, pretty sure all that had was congrats.

Bottom line: don't be surprised if you get called out for being childish or stupid. It's not news, it's happened a lot before, and the result has ALWAYS been the same (of which he's even proclaimed himself, and within that has admitted he can't learn from his mistakes.)

It sucks when someone does something stupid, but it's insulting when someone does something stupid repeatedly.

You have my vote for president.

08-03-2011, 08:15 PM
do you know what they call a guy who hangs out with musicians?
the bassist

08-03-2011, 08:56 PM
Hi folks.

Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

08-03-2011, 08:59 PM
Telemundo pelo grande el Beavis and Butthead!!! :D

08-03-2011, 09:39 PM
do you know what they call a guy who hangs out with musicians?
the bassist

I thought that was the drummer?

oh wait...chickens have drumsticks....drummers have drumsticks...YOU'RE A CHICKEN

/Dom Logic

08-03-2011, 10:56 PM
You have my vote for president.

President of what?

do you know what they call a guy who hangs out with musicians?
the bassist

What do you call a steady bassist? An oxymoron.

I thought that was the drummer?

oh wait...chickens have drumsticks....drummers have drumsticks...YOU'RE A CHICKEN

/Dom Logic

What has 3 legs and an a-hole on top of it? A drum throne.

Why does rocknthehawk/Aaron drive a lowrider? He can't get it up.

I just bought tampons tonight for my woman, I'm a big boy tonight.

08-04-2011, 04:23 AM
It's The Dominator, Justbob the Magnificent, Ponyuprising and Doomalicious taking street racing to a whole new level!!


Sent from my iPhone
Go White Sox!!!

Holy Cr@p that's funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! :lol:

08-04-2011, 06:16 AM
I just bought tampons tonight for my woman, I'm a big boy tonight.
And the month you don't have to buy them... You'll have progeny on the way!!!!:burnout:

08-04-2011, 06:22 AM
I just bought tampons tonight for my woman, I'm a big boy tonight.

Just don't start a thread asking us how to install them sir.

08-04-2011, 06:23 AM
Just don't start a thread asking us how to install them sir.
I always wondered... Why the he11 they don't call them "Tamp-ins" ???:D

08-04-2011, 06:45 AM

Here is an idea for you Dom next time you want to open a can of worms....
http://villagethinker.files.wordpress .com/2011/04/scene-wolf-facebook.jpg

SC Cheesehead
08-04-2011, 07:57 AM
I always wondered... Why the he11 they don't call them "Tamp-ins" ???:D

oh jeez, I can see where this is headed...


08-04-2011, 08:06 AM
I always wondered... Why the he11 they don't call them "Tamp-ins" ???:D

You wouldn't be able to make a cool hat slogan then.