View Full Version : baby seat questions...

01-12-2004, 02:45 PM
We've got a Britax baby seat. Right now, it's rear facing.

My question is.... When will it be OK to switch it around and have it front facing??

The ownders manual for the seat says 1 year. Dr. Spock says something completely different. I have friends that say 6 months.

The baby weighs 24-26 pounds, is about 29" tall, and 8½ months old.

01-12-2004, 02:47 PM
I think it's 30 lbs when they can be turned around...

Jett would look rather sporty in this...

01-12-2004, 02:54 PM
Mr Spock said it was 'highly illogical'


I like this one..................

01-12-2004, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by jefferson-mo
I like this one..................

But the Simpson is only rated to 110 MPH...

The Recaro comes with a HANS device.....and a "wing":lol:

01-12-2004, 03:13 PM
yeah wing this buddy......................... .............................. ..............

01-12-2004, 03:16 PM
Sorry Rick, Todd derailed another thread............:rolleyes:

01-12-2004, 03:19 PM
When doesn't he?

It's ok Todd. We still like ya, even though you're stupid... :D

01-12-2004, 03:28 PM
we switched all our kids at about 1yr...they also outgrew the basket seat they were in at that age too.

I got alot of ribbing at Da Grove when I showed up with a baby seat and a booster seat in my Marauder.

01-12-2004, 03:39 PM
Hey Poke, you can turn him around at 20lbs.

I think Gage was about a year old or so when he weighed 20lbs. I can't remember. This is a milestone though, he was so happy to actually see where he was going! And the Marauder rear center position sits nice and tall compared to our other cars.

What is important here is that the shoulder straps do not pass over the shoulders from below the top of the back of the childs shoulders. If JETT has gotten taller since you last routed the straps through the back of the child seat, make sure the shoulder straps pass through the knotches that are AT or above the top of his shoulders. The seats with 5-point harness' are the best, but the the one in our marauder is not. It has the arm rest that passes over the childs head with the restraints attached. Gage likes this seat better as he has more room to move about.

You will also want to check the child seat's recline position so that the seat sits plumb level, and not tipped back too far.

Hope this helps. My wife knows more, and she'll be home soon.

I also have some neat tricks to avoid marks in the leather seats as well. I you need more info, call us on the cell, we're in the MM MEMBER list and will be home all night.

BTW: I am liking the RECARO seat.....how 'bout link for us lazy folks...Tod:P

01-12-2004, 03:46 PM
Thanks Barry for re-railing this thread................:confuse d:

Rick, is Todd stupid/cool
or stupid/special:lol:

01-12-2004, 04:24 PM
lots of good info here - thanks! that Simpson seat sure looks cool but the coffee cup holder is going a little overboard.

01-12-2004, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by CRUZTAKER
BTW: I am liking the RECARO seat.....how 'bout link for us lazy folks...Tod:P

Here you go Barry...LOTS of colors to choose from...HERE (http://www.proamauto.com/page11dq.htm)

Originally posted by jefferson-mo
Thanks Barry for re-railing this thread................:confuse d:
Rick, is Todd stupid/cool
or stupid/special:lol:

Now y'all accuse me of derailing...but I gave the answer first...

Originally posted by TAF
I think it's 30 lbs when they can be turned around...

Jett would look rather sporty in this...

I think it varies from State to State with the law...but...in GA it's 30lbs.

01-12-2004, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by TAF
I think it varies from State to State with the law...but...in GA it's 30lbs.

You are correct.....Jessica just filled me in.

Poke, check your local laws buddy.

Good luck.

01-12-2004, 09:56 PM
The general rule of thumb when to switch to front facing is 20 lbs AND 1 year old. I'm not aware of any laws regarding this, other than a carseat must be used. 30 pounds seems excessive. If that's the case there would be a lot of 2 year olds still riding backwards. The other good point already made is to raise the straps above shoulder height- better protection in case of a collision.
If your Britax is the same as ours, it has the LATCH system which buckles right into the anchors tucked into the crack where the seat meets the backrest. No need to mess with seatbelts. Don't forget the anchor point above & behind the seat in the rear window deck. I also use a folded up towel underneath to minimize imprints into the seat.
We have a 20 month old son so we've been through it all recently. BTW, 24 pounds is quite healthy for a 8 1/2 month old. That's about the weight of our Justin!


01-13-2004, 04:09 AM
Wow,.. thanks for the info guys! :up:


01-13-2004, 11:55 AM
The reason for facing them backwards till 20lbs or one year is because until then the neck muscles are barely supporting the little guys head.

Facing forward can injure the kid from the whipping of his unsupported head (think like Dale Ernhart's crash) When backwards, the seat speads out the load across his body (thats why the angle is so important)

I would let the kid's doctor make the call..

01-14-2004, 11:38 AM
But the Simpson is only rated to 110 MPH...

The Recaro comes with a HANS device.....and a "wing":lol:

I told my daughter with these it'll still be safe in my new MM for my granddaughter---she still says--FORGET IT! Well , the car still looks the same anyway!!

01-14-2004, 12:04 PM
It does vary by State. In PA it's 20 lbs before they can face forwards. Don't despair over any ribbing you get. I use to have 2 car seats in my back seat and I just told someone, "Not only is the Marauder unique with only 10,000 per year made, but far fewer have 2 car seats in the back. " My girls will learn to appreciate a real automobile from a very early age, and no mullet head with a rice rocket will be permitted to date them.

01-14-2004, 04:02 PM
Here's what I've found from the NHTSA website. The only state to state variables I was able to find were the age at which children don't require some type of car seat, as well as some restraint law loopholes (noted in the 3rd link below). I know in Illinois the maximum age which requires some type of child seat was just increased from 4 to 8 years old, as of Jan 1. If anyone can find more state specific info regarding when to switch from rear to front facing I'd be interested...



01-14-2004, 04:50 PM
"Not only is the Marauder unique with only 10,000 per year made.....

Has St. Thomas EVEN made 10,000 yet????

01-14-2004, 06:08 PM
But the Simpson is only rated to 110 MPH...

The Recaro comes with a HANS device.....and a "wing":lol: Todd - I'am sure you wouldn't drive 110 MPH with your child in the car.