View Full Version : Speaker setup in my Ford Ranger

08-29-2011, 08:35 PM
Well since I DONT have a Marauder, I felt the least i could do is give you guys a glimpse of what i do have. This is my 4 cylinder, stickshift Ford Ranger. It came used with that setup, I was wondering your guys's opinions( I know nothing about subs or anything lol) I know that amp is kinda crappy, but oh well it came for free so I wasnt gonna complain :D (btw before somebody complains about the first "song" thats just a bass test beat, I was just showing off the bass :cool:) anyways let me know whatchu think :)


08-29-2011, 08:52 PM
btw anyone know the brand of the red speakers? arent they like sony explode or something? im not sure at all...

08-29-2011, 08:53 PM
I know people spend big bucks on out fitting their rides with amps, subs, speakers, etc. I find myself just listening to the sound the exhaust provides:)

The old discussion I used to get into with frineds many years ago is simple.

How much can the ear really hear?

I tell you the truth I just :rolleyes: when I hear somone's base at a traffice light and it about 3 cars back....:laugh:

The setup in your ranger looks like it will handle what every music you select.

08-29-2011, 08:54 PM
I know people spend big bucks on out fitting their rides with amps, subs, speakers, etc. I find myself just listening to the sound the exhaust provides:)

The old discussion I used to get into with frineds many years ago is simple.

How much can the ear really hear?

I tell you the truth I just :rolleyes: when I hear somone's base at a traffice light and it about 3 cars back....:laugh:

haha I know what you mean! I would never go that crazy, besides I dont think I could afford to even if i wanted to :rolleyes:

The setup in your ranger looks like it will handle what every music you select.
Thanks! I like it haha. A good step up from stock, but nothing too obnoxious :D I also like that I can hook up flash drives to it and play music off there! now I can say goodbye to cd's.

08-29-2011, 08:57 PM
Better than factory.

08-29-2011, 08:58 PM
Better than factory.
Yes it is a real upgrade from the stock unit:)

08-29-2011, 08:58 PM
Better than factory.

lol agreed :P

08-29-2011, 09:49 PM
EDIT: I hope someone sees this, who on here knows alot about speaker setups and amps and whatnot? I have some questions..

08-29-2011, 09:58 PM

08-29-2011, 10:30 PM
EDIT: I hope someone sees this, who on here knows alot about speaker setups and amps and whatnot? I have some questions..

Your amp:


Probably your sub:


Not sure what your 6x9s are, they aren't Sony Xplodes, though. The design is slightly different than what you have. They are 3-ways though.

I don't know what brand of radio that is.

I'm guessing the doors and 6x9s in the rear are run off the deck, and the amp is bridged to drive the 10" Pioneer.

Judging by the video, it doesn't sound absolutely terrible.:D

SC Cheesehead
08-30-2011, 04:18 AM
EDIT: I hope someone sees this, who on here knows alot about speaker setups and amps and whatnot? I have some questions..

PM Pops, he's the MAN when it comes to stereo systems.