View Full Version : Hot Rodding is dead

08-31-2011, 06:07 PM

Thought I'd share this. You may have seen it before.


08-31-2011, 06:16 PM
You actually posted something cool! Thanks! :beer:

08-31-2011, 06:22 PM
Lol. Till 2:am but I have no garage just grass surrounded by snakes and rats and red ants. No I'm no car guy

09-01-2011, 04:57 AM
Don't forget the people that go to car shows on the weekend after they just dropped a ton of money for their car at a dealership on friday!! then they win as well, what the ******??? How is that hot rodding? Where are the people that had to make their own fender? or they could not get a part nearby? I had a 73 lincoln mark series try finding stuff for that! lived in cali and had to buy stuff from ny state! I do not go to many car shows any more as to me people who judge them don't want to learn about cars or even seem to know about cars. I am done arguing with people that yes my car is factory marauder no I did not make this one off car I have even had to argue this point with judges. I love the old school rat rides that some 16 year old kid made from old scraps at his grand dads farm. I feel that hot rodding is not gone just that the new kids out there have to be taught but they dont want to learn to much work I guess easier to just plug into a laptop and tune that way. Me I used a thing called sense of smell to adjust my carbs listen to the engine as I timed it. Who here still knows how to set dwell? I still have a sun dwell adjustment tool and will never sell it. To me it represents hot rodding as it used to be. Yes I realize times are changing but we need to bring back a mandatory High school class for general automotives with a bit of history thrown in (I am sick of helping people who cant change a tire or check their oil cause they dont know even though that owners manual thingy will tell them) Guess it needs to be on a computer for them or something? Well just my two cents I know that not everyone is like this now a days but seems like it is getting to be more and more forgot the history of cars and rodding.:bigcry:

SC Cheesehead
09-01-2011, 05:03 AM
Old School, gotta love it! :up:

09-01-2011, 08:49 AM
That was pretty cool Dom.

09-01-2011, 09:03 AM
Last minute of dialog was awesome! Really hit home.

09-01-2011, 09:36 AM
I don't know if I fully agree with this.

If hot-rodding is exclusively comprised of turning a junked out vehicle into a nothing-but-speed machine, I guess it's dead, but I don't see how the "$6,000" paint job automatically disqualifies a vehicle unless it specifically has to look like a piece of ****.

Buying a kit car pre-assembled is one thing, but building a kit car is another. Whether you source your stuff from a junkyard half-way across the nation, or from right down the street, or you buy new or NOS, the only argument against it being hot-rodding then is if you aren't FORCING yourself to do things the hard and unreliable way.

I'd argue that as important as the vehicle is to considering it hot-rodding or not, the mentality of the driver/builder/owner is just that much more important, and the "buy it just to take to shows" mentality is, IMO, definitely NOT what hot-rodding is....

09-01-2011, 01:34 PM
I am glad you guys liked it. Sometimes I wonder if the Marauder is by definition a Hot Rod. The way you can fix it out of a junkyard and build a fast one outta parts never meant to go on it... Eaton swap, to me fits the definition of Hot Rod. However, lacking huge fenders or no fenders, a chrome bumper and having a ton of plastic I would say it's not a Hot Rod. Who cares? It makes us happy.

I'm going to watch the video again.

09-01-2011, 01:38 PM
Great post Dom.

09-01-2011, 07:20 PM
Here's my 27 Model T that I'm building from the ground up:

This is what my uncle and I started with

302 engine and Mustang II front end mounted...

And here is where we're at now, getting the rearend set in there and secured...

This is what I'm aiming for... --VVVV-- Only I'm going to go with a DTR color scheme and a few other odds and ends to make it different from my uncles:


:burnout: Hot rodding is not dead for me........

09-01-2011, 07:38 PM
Badass!!! :beer: