View Full Version : left laners

Bradley G
09-01-2011, 02:34 AM
If you like this post up:D

Ms. Denmark
09-01-2011, 02:36 AM
I own the left lane! LOL! :D

09-01-2011, 03:43 AM
That should be on the drivers license exam!!

09-01-2011, 04:15 AM
LOVE IT! One of my biggest pet peeves...

Also failure to signal, it is a respectful thing, try it out sometime.

Sent from my Ally using Tapatalk

09-01-2011, 04:44 AM
That should be on the drivers license exam!!

I agree + 1 but somehow there would be folks saying --"Just what does that mean?".....which is why we have those problems in the first place----like the saying goes...."You can't fix stupid!"...........

Granddaddy Marq
09-01-2011, 05:03 AM
Still not wright! "YIELD TO GRANDDADDY"

09-01-2011, 06:05 AM
That's too cool!!

- Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

09-01-2011, 06:08 AM
I don't know how many times I've thought to myself, "I wish I had an old beater, a HUGE beater, that I could drive around in and run idiots off the road with." I've also thought about installing a message board on my car with a handful of phrases I could scroll across it to let people know how **#$)%ed-up their driving is. Just last weekend on my way from Asheville back to my house, I met up with 6 idiots in the left lane that would not move over...what are these people thinking and how do they get their license? What REALLY gets my blood boiling is when two cars are side-by-side for miles before one clears the other...and both are going BELOW the posted speed limit! AAARRGGHHH!

09-01-2011, 06:57 AM
Yes, Yes, and Yes, what seems like should be common sense, in this world today is not. Like was posted earlier, "you can't fix stupid" (But we can hope to contain it :D)

09-01-2011, 07:02 AM
If you like this post up:D

like it a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!

so TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

09-01-2011, 07:35 AM
Full of win!

09-01-2011, 08:14 AM
I swear, they don't teach that to new drivers. People indiscriminately just drive in whatever lane they wish, with no regard at all to the flow of traffic/other cars. I drive a lot, and the amount of stupidity I see is alarming...

09-01-2011, 08:15 AM
Me likey!!!!

09-01-2011, 08:18 AM
I like what iwantmymmnow said 10 people hogging the left lane and your thinking wow 10 dumb people back to back. I'm gonna get strobes and do this all day. http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=bKOJJzMDHjI

09-01-2011, 08:22 AM
I hate it when you're coming up on a line of traffic and a trucker moves left just as you are getting there and then passes at about 1/1000 of a mph. I know they do it on purpose.

09-01-2011, 08:57 AM
I don't know how many times I've thought to myself, "I wish I had an old beater, a HUGE beater, that I could drive around in and run idiots off the road with." I've also thought about installing a message board on my car with a handful of phrases I could scroll across it to let people know how **#$)%ed-up their driving is. Just last weekend on my way from Asheville back to my house, I met up with 6 idiots in the left lane that would not move over...what are these people thinking and how do they get their license? What REALLY gets my blood boiling is when two cars are side-by-side for miles before one clears the other...and both are going BELOW the posted speed limit! AAARRGGHHH!

You'll like this one , since your moving to NC---Its against the law here in NC ( which alot of folks don'tknow) to be in the fast lane holding up traffic --period--its for passing only and/or when no one is behind you-------if a Trooper comes up behind and you don't move over , even if doing the limit or less, he will pull you over for impeding traffic--Oh yeah--and I have seen them do it!

09-01-2011, 09:26 AM
I'd go so far to argue if you are going 10-15mph below the posted speed limit, you don't belong on a highway at all, at least so long as you aren't in the middle of nowhere and there is actually an access road to drive on.

Save that one condition, there is literally no argument as to why you should drive that slow on a freeway.

09-01-2011, 09:47 AM
If you like this post up:D

Dude, awesome, I would love to see that :beer:

Mr. Man
09-01-2011, 10:03 AM
I don't know how many times I've thought to myself, "I wish I had an old beater, a HUGE beater, that I could drive around in and run idiots off the road with." I've also thought about installing a message board on my car with a handful of phrases I could scroll across it to let people know how **#$)%ed-up their driving is. Just last weekend on my way from Asheville back to my house, I met up with 6 idiots in the left lane that would not move over...what are these people thinking and how do they get their license? What REALLY gets my blood boiling is when two cars are side-by-side for miles before one clears the other...and both are going BELOW the posted speed limit! AAARRGGHHH!
These are the idiots who drive with cruise control ON and never look in the rear view mirror.:shake:

09-01-2011, 06:27 PM
I hate having to use the median to pass in....

09-01-2011, 06:42 PM
I hate having to use the median to pass in....

It gets kinda squirrely, doesn't it?

09-01-2011, 06:50 PM
-if a Trooper comes up behind and you don't move over , even if doing the limit or less, he will pull you over for impeding traffic--Oh yeah--and I have seen them do it!

In the Great State of New Jersey that will add 2 points to your license:)

09-01-2011, 06:56 PM
Bigdogjim-the more points the better, right????
I hate it when two or more cars stay the same speed in different lanes. For miles.

09-01-2011, 09:31 PM
Bigdogjim-the more points the better, right????
I hate it when two or more cars stay the same speed in different lanes. For miles.

Well here in NJ you get to go to a special class after you earn 12 point:up:

09-02-2011, 06:20 AM
You'll like this one , since your moving to NC---Its against the law here in NC ( which alot of folks don'tknow) to be in the fast lane holding up traffic --period--its for passing only and/or when no one is behind you-------if a Trooper comes up behind and you don't move over , even if doing the limit or less, he will pull you over for impeding traffic--Oh yeah--and I have seen them do it!

Tom, I am fully aware of the 'left lane' law in NC, but apparently not everyone is! As a kid, I can recall hearing my Dad grumble and groan about the #*$&# going slow in the passing lane.

It's purely a regional thing, in my opinion. When I flew out to NM to pick up my (your) MM and drove it back to SC, I noticed that I didn't come across any 'left-laners' until I got near Memphis, TN and had to deal with quite a few the rest of the way home.

09-02-2011, 06:39 AM
You'll like this one , since your moving to NC---Its against the law here in NC ( which alot of folks don'tknow) to be in the fast lane holding up traffic --period--its for passing only and/or when no one is behind you-------if a Trooper comes up behind and you don't move over , even if doing the limit or less, he will pull you over for impeding traffic--Oh yeah--and I have seen them do it!

It may be a law here but I've NEVER seen anyone pulled over for it.:shake: Driving in the left lane is my NUMBER ONE pet peeve as anyone who has ridden with me on the freeway can attest!:mad2:

09-02-2011, 06:43 AM
It may be a law here but I've NEVER seen anyone pulled over for it.:shake: Driving in the left lane is my NUMBER ONE pet peeve as anyone who has ridden with me on the freeway can attest!:mad2:

You mean there are survivors?

09-02-2011, 06:48 AM
You mean there are survivors?

Yeah, just ask Rita.;)

SC Cheesehead
09-02-2011, 07:04 AM
I hate it when you're coming up on a line of traffic and a trucker moves left just as you are getting there and then passes at about 1/1000 of a mph. I know they do it on purpose.

Almost got wrecked on I-40 on my way back to BNA yesterday due to this. Not good.... :mad2:

09-02-2011, 07:15 AM
I don't know how many times I've thought to myself, "I wish I had an old beater, a HUGE beater, that I could drive around in and run idiots off the road with." I've also thought about installing a message board on my car with a handful of phrases I could scroll across it to let people know how **#$)%ed-up their driving is. Just last weekend on my way from Asheville back to my house, I met up with 6 idiots in the left lane that would not move over...what are these people thinking and how do they get their license? What REALLY gets my blood boiling is when two cars are side-by-side for miles before one clears the other...and both are going BELOW the posted speed limit! AAARRGGHHH!

That is what the breakdown lane is for my friend, but you didn't hear it from me

09-02-2011, 07:23 AM
It may be a law here but I've NEVER been pulled over for it.:up: Driving in the left lane slower then the posted limit is my NUMBER ONE favorite thing as anyone who has ridden with me on the freeway can attest!:P


09-02-2011, 07:27 AM
LOVE IT! People still don't understand

09-02-2011, 09:01 AM

You should be fixed or are you already.:confused:

Ozark Marauder
09-02-2011, 09:06 AM
A couple quick flashes of the high beams....and a black marauder in their mirror, paranoia usually kicks in and their blinker comes on..........:D

09-02-2011, 09:29 AM
I hate it when you're coming up on a line of traffic and a trucker moves left just as you are getting there and then passes at about 1/1000 of a mph. I know they do it on purpose.

Its not on purpose, when your truck is limited to only 68MPH and you get a run on a truck in front of you, you have 2 options, either slow down which results in downshifting 3 gears and takes a long time to get back up to speed, or you maintain your speed and go around the truck in front of you at a whole 2 MPH depending on the incline and how heavy your load is.

09-02-2011, 09:40 AM
You should be fixed or are you already.:confused:

Get out of the way you old coot.

09-02-2011, 09:41 AM
Its not on purpose, when your truck is limited to only 68MPH and you get a run on a truck in front of you, you have 2 options, either slow down which results in downshifting 3 gears and takes a long time to get back up to speed, or you maintain your speed and go around the truck in front of you at a whole 2 MPH depending on the incline and how heavy your load is.

I feel your pain. For all the times I am cut off everyday because some jagbag has to speed up and around my trucks only to slam on the brakes to turn. It's them or me. I choose me.

Earlier in the year a dingbat woman thought she didn't have to slow down for traffic. Well she tried to cut me off and I basically said F-it and totaled her car. No damage to my truck :)!! She got the ticket and a worthless car for her dumbass actions.

- Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

09-02-2011, 09:42 AM
slow down which results in downshifting 3 gears and takes a long time to get back up to speed

Sounds good to me ;)

09-05-2011, 11:52 AM
I think I'm going to write a book on how to get people to move out of your way.
Here is the abstract...

It's all about looking like a LEO without actually impersonating (lights n sounds) which is highly illegal and has serious repercussions.

My list...

Have a number on your front plate (some state laws require same as rear plate, Delaware does not.)
{I have a red outlined chrome #3 on a black-chrome background for my front plate}
Valentine V1 Radar Detector mounted to the left of rear view mirror
Black EZ-pass mount on windshield right side behind rear mirror
If you have GPS, mount it anywhere even if your not using it, just don't block your view (got snagged for that before)
More stuff toward the center of the windshield freaks people out more
Any Panther car without HID headlights

Never have Fog Lights on
Headlights on
Use blinkers in traffic
Don't use blinkers when nobody is around you and your coming up on a herd infront of you
Stay in the right lane when not in a herd, move left about 4-5 lengths behind last car. A panther popping out of a line of traffic terrifies anyone who sees it, even if they are not speeding.
Come up strong in left lane and get closer then average following distance, but not too close, then back off a bit
Stagger yourself so your left headlight and corner are in their left side mirror constantly, if they are far left use right headlight on the other side
When someone in front of you moves over, close the distance ASAP,
( this scares other people who noticed that person move behind them)

I NEVER find myself weaving from lane to lane to get around people using these tips, I also know when I'm not going to win or the situation is not appropriate to cause people to change lanes (construction, bad conditions etc.)

Best part by far is the look on peoples faces as you pass. You can see them thinking " ahh wtf, I got owned by that guy"
Just be ready for people to piggy back and stick to you like glue, especially if they have a sport oriented car and you have aftermarket exterior mods/exhaust

Link below is from I-87 in upstate NY. I joined a " I hate people who drive cars that look like cop cars" Facebook group and made a video to post on there....feed the troll lol

Ignore my music choice, fast paced music definitely helps me make good time.:D


I make trips from Albany NY to Wilmington, DE every 2 weeks or so. Google Maps has it at 4 hours 37 mins, I make it in 4 hours consistently, averaging between 70-90 mph depending on conditions.
Best trip times will never go on this forum :banana2:

Hope you guys who wanna try this out have good luck. To everyone else sorry if this offends LEOs or anyone else on the site and sorry for the ludicrously long post.

09-05-2011, 03:14 PM
I think I'm going to write a book on how to get people to move out of your way.
Here is the abstract...

It's all about looking like a LEO without actually impersonating (lights n sounds) which is highly illegal and has serious repercussions.

My list...

Have a number on your front plate (some state laws require same as rear plate, Delaware does not.)
{I have a red outlined chrome #3 on a black-chrome background for my front plate}
Valentine V1 Radar Detector mounted to the left of rear view mirror
Black EZ-pass mount on windshield right side behind rear mirror
If you have GPS, mount it anywhere even if your not using it, just don't block your view (got snagged for that before)
More stuff toward the center of the windshield freaks people out more
Any Panther car without HID headlights

Never have Fog Lights on
Headlights on
Use blinkers in traffic
Don't use blinkers when nobody is around you and your coming up on a herd infront of you
Stay in the right lane when not in a herd, move left about 4-5 lengths behind last car. A panther popping out of a line of traffic terrifies anyone who sees it, even if they are not speeding.
Come up strong in left lane and get closer then average following distance, but not too close, then back off a bit
Stagger yourself so your left headlight and corner are in their left side mirror constantly, if they are far left use right headlight on the other side
When someone in front of you moves over, close the distance ASAP,
( this scares other people who noticed that person move behind them)

I NEVER find myself weaving from lane to lane to get around people using these tips, I also know when I'm not going to win or the situation is not appropriate to cause people to change lanes (construction, bad conditions etc.)

Best part by far is the look on peoples faces as you pass. You can see them thinking " ahh wtf, I got owned by that guy"
Just be ready for people to piggy back and stick to you like glue, especially if they have a sport oriented car and you have aftermarket exterior mods/exhaust

Link below is from I-87 in upstate NY. I joined a " I hate people who drive cars that look like cop cars" Facebook group and made a video to post on there....feed the troll lol

Ignore my music choice, fast paced music definitely helps me make good time.:D


I make trips from Albany NY to Wilmington, DE every 2 weeks or so. Google Maps has it at 4 hours 37 mins, I make it in 4 hours consistently, averaging between 70-90 mph depending on conditions.
Best trip times will never go on this forum :banana2:

Hope you guys who wanna try this out have good luck. To everyone else sorry if this offends LEOs or anyone else on the site and sorry for the ludicrously long post.

I see you were doing 90...how many tickets have you had???:P

09-05-2011, 04:43 PM
Its not on purpose, when your truck is limited to only 68MPH and you get a run on a truck in front of you, you have 2 options, either slow down which results in downshifting 3 gears and takes a long time to get back up to speed, or you maintain your speed and go around the truck in front of you at a whole 2 MPH depending on the incline and how heavy your load is.

They see you coming and move over at the last second, blocking you. It's on purpose.

09-05-2011, 05:25 PM
They see you coming and move over at the last second, blocking you. It's on purpose.

It's not on purpose. When it takes us sometimes up to 5 to 10 minutes to get back up to speed. I see it as the car can slow down and speed up quicker so I choose me. But how many times have I come up to slow moving cars in the middle lane which is our passing lane only to have to go into the 3rd left lane to pass some jagbag clogging up the middle lane.

The way I see as a CDL driver and when I'm driving my car. If I see a truck trailing another truck really close. I assume right away that truck is going to come out and try to pass the truck in front of him. So I automatically get into another lane where I dont have to worry about the truck cutting in front of me and the trucker has the option to pass if they so desire. That way I never get cut off!! See how that works.

- Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

09-05-2011, 05:54 PM
It's not on purpose. When it takes us sometimes up to 5 to 10 minutes to get back up to speed. I see it as the car can slow down and speed up quicker so I choose me. But how many times have I come up to slow moving cars in the middle lane which is our passing lane only to have to go into the 3rd left lane to pass some jagbag clogging up the middle lane.

The way I see as a CDL driver and when I'm driving my car. If I see a truck trailing another truck really close. I assume right away that truck is going to come out and try to pass the truck in front of him. So I automatically get into another lane where I dont have to worry about the truck cutting in front of me and the trucker has the option to pass if they so desire. That way I never get cut off!! See how that works.


While I get irritated at truckers from time to time, I firmly believe that for every 'inconsiderate' trucker there are 100 automobile drivers. I can't recall EVER being stuck behind a semi in the left lane that wouldn't move over like I do with other cars...they are usually in the correct lane, with the standard few exceptions. The real fix to the problem is all interstates should be 4 lanes each side, minimum. Trucks can use right hand lanes, autos can use left hand lanes. Also, I notice several people complaining about being cut-off, but I haven't seen anyone mention when impatient drivers start passing trucks on the right side, keeping the trucker from being able to move back into the right lane...

Just my 2 cents being thrown into an argument that will never be resolved...

09-05-2011, 07:01 PM

While I get irritated at truckers from time to time, I firmly believe that for every 'inconsiderate' trucker there are 100 automobile drivers. I can't recall EVER being stuck behind a semi in the left lane that wouldn't move over like I do with other cars...they are usually in the correct lane, with the standard few exceptions. The real fix to the problem is all interstates should be 4 lanes each side, minimum. Trucks can use right hand lanes, autos can use left hand lanes. Also, I notice several people complaining about being cut-off, but I haven't seen anyone mention when impatient drivers start passing trucks on the right side, keeping the trucker from being able to move back into the right lane...

Just my 2 cents being thrown into an argument that will never be resolved...

You are correct on all levels. It's the impatient drivers and that is most of the drivers on the road the see it fit to race ahead of me, slam on the brakes to turn or some jagbag turns out into traffic in front of me and decides to foreget how to push the gas pedal and I have to slam on my brakes.
I for sure see my fair amount of jagbag truckers but like you said. It's about a 100 to 1 ratio.
But even on the 4 lane highways which we have a lot of. There are lots of slooooooooow drivers clogging up the truck lanes.

Oh well such is life. We can't cure stupid.

- Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

09-05-2011, 08:11 PM
I hate it when you're coming up on a line of traffic and a trucker moves left just as you are getting there and then passes at about 1/1000 of a mph. I know they do it on purpose.

NOT on purpose. Company trucks are GOVERNED at the company max road speed. This number is set at the company max speed, each company is different. I a driver (running max as he/she needs to do) of 67mph comes upon another driver running their company max of 64 (or an ignorant 4-wheeler) = a painfully slow pass. It sucks, from everyones point ov view but it is what it is and nothing can be done about it!!! :(

09-05-2011, 09:08 PM
I just got back driving from Florida. Many times I saw a long line of trucks up ahead as I am zipping along at 75 or 80. I see the last truck more than content being the last one in line and then just as I approach, he moves into my lane to "pass", and it takes 5 minutes to do so.

It's on purpose.

09-06-2011, 04:29 AM
Because most of the time we try to wait for you to pass but by the time you get near us it's too late we need to pass the truck in front of us as it takes a long time to get back up to speed. You just said it takes 5 minutes to sit behind the truck. Just think how much longer it takes him if he had slowed down.

There are jagbags that do junt out into traffic on purpose. But not many. Not nearly as many people driving their cars though. Oh well. Happy motoring people.

- Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!