View Full Version : Need a lawyer!

Da Dark Jedi
09-02-2011, 09:10 AM
Hello all, yesterday @ 8:50am I was driving South bound on South Shore drive in a rental car. I get on at the MSI which is 55th Street, a CPD was sitting right at the sign that had a 35mph speed sign. Before I go further I will say I don't behave in a RECKLESS manner driving! I see the cop ablock ahead so I slow down, he pulls up behind me and motions forme to turn right. I hit the turn signal for the right turn, now I will get to the point.

He ask for the Insurance card which I give him the paperwork and whats in the glove compartment. He looks things over and says "This is not Insurance, besides this is not your name". No the paper work is in the wifes name since she used her CC, besides Enterprise said since I'm the husband I'm LEGALLY covered. So I get one for driving without Ins. The second one is for speeding 70 in a 35 NO WAY. The third is for improper lane change "no turn signal", with him behind me no strobe on, I know I use the turn signal when he motion me to pull over. For some that does not use South Shore drive this strech of highway from the the Museum of Science and Indusrty south to 63rd street is only six blocks long with turns and two blocks straight, then a stop light, now thats the end.

Anybody know a good LAWYER. I will say the cop is LYING.

Just got back from the location, from the point that I got on which is 57th st therer is no sign posted that has a speed on it. To verify the LEO was sitting parked one block from the 35 mph sign. I thought the speed zone began at the sign.

Granddaddy Marq
09-02-2011, 01:05 PM
Most LEO are lyers, Bullies with power. Did he have a dashcam? That's why you need to video tape them. It's getting harder and harder to find a good Cop now!

09-02-2011, 01:23 PM
I would just go to court alone. Sounds like his case is so weak he won't show... the LEO.

Da Dark Jedi
09-02-2011, 01:48 PM
Most LEO are lyers, Bullies with power. Did he have a dashcam? That's why you need to video tape them. It's getting harder and harder to find a good Cop now!

In Chicago the dash cam goes on when they turn on the strobe light. The papers I presented him for Ins, he said it wasn't valid, just got the car Monday, $15.00 a day Ins direct from Enterprise. He motion with his left hand for me to turn right, which I did , I also made sure I used the turn signal to do so. With the strobe light not activated this will not show on the dash cam. So thats the second ticket, improper lane change. The Illinois rules of the road states, "The following speed limits apply, unless otherwise posted",

1) Rural interstate tollways, freeways and some four -lane highway- 65mph.
2) Most other highways and rural area-55mph.

I figured the second law I qualify for, southbound on SouthShore Drive between 57th street and 63rd (stop light there) street there is only one sign posted that say 35mph and it was posted at 61st street which he was sitting by. Now Northbound a sign of 35mph is posted every block. I veriried this today on my bicycle from the bike path. For two blocks it's a straight line to the 35 sign, prior its a hill with a curve at the beginning and a curve at the end of hill.

Our new Mayor said police will operate at $190 million cut-backs and officers that push paper will be reassigned to the streets. This is another way to generate income, speed trap (no sign posted). Three tickets in one day :bigcry:

09-02-2011, 01:49 PM
enterprise rent a car is self insured on all of there cars they should have had proof of that in the glove box but most do not. (worked for them for 4 years) Your insurance will also cover the rental too. I was always told by ERAC that spouses were ok to drive even if not stated on the contract and always told renters that too? Talk to Enterprise and see if they can help with providing proof of ins and policy stating that spouses are okay. The rest is a bunch of bs too. I am not sure how to find out if the dash cam was on to see if you did use turn signal or still had turn signal on while pulled over. and lastly when was his radar last calibrated.

09-02-2011, 01:54 PM
Wow Leon, that guy has a lotta nerve to say 70 in that area. The only way you can do 70 is heading northbound to make the light.

Sorry that you are a victim of authority.

Da Dark Jedi
09-02-2011, 01:54 PM
I would just go to court alone. Sounds like his case is so weak he won't show... the LEO.

When I saw the tickets I said "aw come on you could have gave me a break", his reply "sign here". He said my break was the IBond that I signed, he could have taken me to jail. IBond he has to show.

Dom since you travel South get on at 57th street at the Museum make that right turn on SS Drive (going south) you won't see a sign posted until you hit Hayes drive which is 63rd.

09-02-2011, 02:04 PM
When I saw the tickets I said "aw come on you could have gave me a break", his reply "sign here". He said my break was the IBond that I signed, he could have taken me to jail. IBond he has to show.

Dom since you travel South get on at 57th street at the Museum make that right turn on SS Drive (going south) you won't see a sign posted until you hit Hayes drive which is 63rd.

I know exactly where you are talking about. It's even more impossible to do 70 right there. Traffic is too heavy and there are some tight curves for those kinda speeds. What a load of B.S.

Da Dark Jedi
09-02-2011, 02:09 PM
enterprise rent a car is self insured on all of there cars they should have had proof of that in the glove box but most do not. (worked for them for 4 years) Your insurance will also cover the rental too. I was always told by ERAC that spouses were ok to drive even if not stated on the contract and always told renters that too? Talk to Enterprise and see if they can help with providing proof of ins and policy stating that spouses are okay. The rest is a bunch of bs too. I am not sure how to find out if the dash cam was on to see if you did use turn signal or still had turn signal on while pulled over. and lastly when was his radar last calibrated.

Enterprise gave me everything they had, said I should not have gottenthe one for driving unisured. As far as the radar being calibrated, to my limited understanding the new ones are "self calibrated' when theunit is first turned on they go thru the calibrating process. But still I'm not crazy to attemt 70mph in daylight at 8:20am the place is crawling with LEOs. Even with NO SIGNS posted 50mph is the best for that part of road.

With a rented Dodge Charger!

09-02-2011, 02:11 PM
Keep us posted. Meet ya at city hall!

09-02-2011, 03:30 PM
If I were you I wouldn't have signed the tickets and told him to take to court right at the moment. and fight it their

09-02-2011, 03:48 PM
Enterprise gave me everything they had, said I should not have gottenthe one for driving unisured. As far as the radar being calibrated, to my limited understanding the new ones are "self calibrated' when theunit is first turned on they go thru the calibrating process. But still I'm not crazy to attemt 70mph in daylight at 8:20am the place is crawling with LEOs. Even with NO SIGNS posted 50mph is the best for that part of road.

With a rented Dodge Charger!

GO back with assistance form friends and video tape the entire process and keep sound on and comment on all signs, events, traffic, time of day , --completely--Then go back and take measurements of the road width if necessary----you may have to do it at least three(3) different time--days_ in order to show it is mainly consistency is same--

I did this and had all thrown out and payment made to me for other stuff.....due to a car wreck my daughter had there--

It may be a pain --but the Judge will give the LEO some heavy crap and you the green light----

09-03-2011, 11:27 PM
When I saw the tickets I said "aw come on you could have gave me a break", his reply "sign here". He said my break was the IBond that I signed, he could have taken me to jail. IBond he has to show.

Dom since you travel South get on at 57th street at the Museum make that right turn on SS Drive (going south) you won't see a sign posted until you hit Hayes drive which is 63rd.

When you said "Aw come on.... Gimme a break", I hate to say this, but you incriminated yourself....... If they are sharp, they will interpert that as..... I was speeding yes, but when caught I usually get written for a couple under actual......

Yes sir/ no sir/ thank you sir when out on the street. Even if you feel you are being screwed. The time to fight ticket battles is in the court room.

Folks here have lots of experience with this sort of thing, but you know how things role in Chicago... Every jurisdiction handles these cases a little differently. The only universal I know, is that raging against the machine, when you go to court and "fight the power" will get you nowhere fast. Be polite, dress appropriately, be professional, and don't interrupt anyone speaking during your case, even if they are making absurd points. That way a judge cannot use lack of courtesy as leverage to find for the city.

Like Marauderman said......... Invest your time in building your case with detail. They won't see that coming. Good luck.

09-04-2011, 08:56 PM
We found photos of the pull over. He asked you to spread em? :eek:

09-04-2011, 09:03 PM
We found photos of the pull over. He asked you to spread em? :eek:

Lmao!!! That was so funny!!

Ahhhhhh....... Good times boys!! Good times!!

- Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

quick vic
09-04-2011, 09:41 PM
I have got a speeding ticket for 95mph in a 55mph zone, and I asked the LEO if i could see his rader and he told me that he paced me for a tree to a bus stop, I went to court and the judge asked the LEO were he was when I was going that fast and why did'nt he turn on his lights and the LEO replied that he did'nt have time to turn them on, The judge was pissed and told the LEO to do a better job at his pacing skills and told me to have a nice day and sorry for wasting my time and his.

09-05-2011, 08:11 PM

09-05-2011, 08:43 PM
If I were you I wouldn't have signed the tickets and told him to take to court right at the moment. and fight it their

..... i doubt he would want to get arrested over something so ridiculous.

Da Dark Jedi
09-05-2011, 09:58 PM
I have got a speeding ticket for 95mph in a 55mph zone, and I asked the LEO if i could see his rader and he told me that he paced me for a tree to a bus stop, I went to court and the judge asked the LEO were he was when I was going that fast and why did'nt he turn on his lights and the LEO replied that he did'nt have time to turn them on, The judge was pissed and told the LEO to do a better job at his pacing skills and told me to have a nice day and sorry for wasting my time and his.

Exactly my point. The officer never turned on his lights until after he signaled me to make a right hand turn and we came to a complete stop. He got out the car than got right back in to turn them on. So here is my question...

Does the dash-cam automaticlly record a speed violation or does the officer activates it himself? Also would the dash-cam be on when he signaled me to make the right turn (since he knows he's pulling me over), because now it's stating to be his word against mine? I know living in Chicago the police do what they want.

09-06-2011, 04:58 AM
Jeesh, how did I miss this? Hope it all works out in your favor Leon. I've seen you drive man, no offense, but I think you drive kinda slowwww. LOL Seriously, this SUCKS. Fight the good fight Bud.

Sent from my Ally using Tapatalk

09-06-2011, 01:33 PM
Don't know about Chicago's set up, but out here in the boonies the camera and audio go on when the lights go on. So if CPD turned his lights on after he made the stop nothing will be recorded prior to him stopping you.

Exactly my point. The officer never turned on his lights until after he signaled me to make a right hand turn and we came to a complete stop. He got out the car than got right back in to turn them on. So here is my question...

Does the dash-cam automaticlly record a speed violation or does the officer activates it himself? Also would the dash-cam be on when he signaled me to make the right turn (since he knows he's pulling me over), because now it's stating to be his word against mine? I know living in Chicago the police do what they want.

Da Dark Jedi
09-07-2011, 12:01 PM
Well spent yesterday at the location learning about how this happened.

1) The ticket for driving without Insurance, should have NEVER been issued. Illinois Vehicle Code section 5/7 - 602; (e) A current Rental Agreement. Which I did produce.
5/7 -601; (3) Vehicles covered by a certificate of self-insurance, which I produced also.

2) There is no speed sign on this HWY. Section 5/11 - 303 The department to place signs on all state HWYS. The only sign there was a 35mph sign 240 yds from where the CP was sitting and from that sign (35mph) another 225 yrds to a 30mph sign. So this cp set up his trap before the 35mph sign.

Also I found out that according to Illinois Rules of the Road book on page 20 under speed limits; the following speed limits apply, unless otherwise posted. Most other HWYs and rural areas-55; On that stretch of HWY, like I said before there is no sign posted. Maybe he saw the Kentucky plates??? I walked the distance from 57th street to 63rd St taking a video of every pole to the CP location and beyond to help verify my claim.

I know the city cut back $190 million on the police budget but this is too outrageous.

09-07-2011, 12:17 PM
Well spent yesterday at the location learning about how this happened.

1) The ticket for driving without Insurance, should have NEVER been issued. Illinois Vehicle Code section 5/7 - 602; (e) A current Rental Agreement. Which I did produce.
5/7 -601; (3) Vehicles covered by a certificate of self-insurance, which I produced also.

2) There is no speed sign on this HWY. Section 5/11 - 303 The department to place signs on all state HWYS. The only sign there was a 35mph sign 240 yds from where the CP was sitting and from that sign (35mph) another 225 yrds to a 30mph sign. So this cp set up his trap before the 35mph sign.

Also I found out that according to Illinois Rules of the Road book on page 20 under speed limits; the following speed limits apply, unless otherwise posted. Most other HWYs and rural areas-55; On that stretch of HWY, like I said before there is no sign posted. Maybe he saw the Kentucky plates??? I walked the distance from 57th street to 63rd St taking a video of every pole to the CP location and beyond to help verify my claim.

I know the city cut back $190 million on the police budget but this is too outrageous.

Are you sure you need a lawyer Leon? Sounds like you just did all the work.

09-07-2011, 01:03 PM
Chicago is full of gangsters. I am a retired LEO and have only issued 2 tickets in 25 years. No I did not sit behind a desk I was on the road. Officer A$$ should be fired. You are not the only one he has done this too. Good luck.

Da Dark Jedi
09-07-2011, 01:32 PM
Are you sure you need a lawyer Leon? Sounds like you just did all the work.

Well considering the officer had me sign a I-Bond to keep me from going to jail that Thursday morning, I don't know. But three tickets at one time on top of the I-Bond.

1 Bad Merc
09-07-2011, 03:14 PM
Leon -be smart and go hire a lawyer. It will make things easier and I am sure they will get you out of at least two of the tickets. I believe if you get three in a year's time they suspend your DL in Illinois. Dont mess around and it will be money well spent. Just my .02.

1 Bad Merc
09-07-2011, 03:21 PM
Here Leon -I would recommend contacting someone at the Chicago Bar Association -
www.chicagobar.org (http://www.chicagobar.org) and ask them to recommend a lawyer for you. All the judges and lawyers know each other in Cook County and you really want someone that practices law in Chicago.

Da Dark Jedi
09-07-2011, 04:52 PM
Thanks Brad, I forgot about them. At most it should have been one, but like I said when the officer gave me the driving an uninsured motor vehicle (rental at that) now I can honestly say he was LYING and to give another ticket for following his instructions (I know I used TS, why compound the situation). You know whats on my mind!

09-07-2011, 04:58 PM
Keep me posted as to when you will be on Judge Mathis.

1 Bad Merc
09-07-2011, 09:11 PM
You know how they are sometimes Leon! The reason I mentioned the Chicago Bar is because it is a tight group and they are all friends ( most lawyers aspire to become Judges)....sometimes it's about who knows who (right Mr. Emissions -Dom) :)

Good Luck and let us know how it comes out!

Da Dark Jedi
09-07-2011, 10:54 PM
Earlier I got off the phone with my cousin who's a LEO here in Chicago, well he rode my butt about being raised in a family of COPs and not thinking like one. Well I did start tonight and I realize that the number of tickets written was so his higher ups would see that he is doing his job (whether right or wrong does not matter). Also it lets the judge throw out two while keeping the speeding one, shows the rest of the court room that everybody is guilty. With Chicago police operating on a $190 million or so budget cut back and alot of officers has to give up their desk job for the street beats, no one is happy. I above all should know the city cops here do what they want and the courts will back them. Its just difficult for me to realize that now I'm caught-up in the court system.

Whether it's one mile or thirty mile above the limit I was speeding there is no way around that. The I-Bond was his way of telling me that he could also impond the rental. Just want people to know the any moving violation in Chicago is a revenue generating device, tread lightly.

Bottom line; All LEOs are trained the same, they just apply the training differently.