View Full Version : Got pulled over this morning in Ga on I85 N in the Marauder

09-17-2011, 06:23 AM
Me and the wife are heading to Clemson for the game and got pulled over. I thought it would be for the tint. To my surprise he pulled me over for my lite smoke tag cover. Said he couldn't read my tag at all as he was behind me. He was nice though and didn't give us a ticket.

Didn't say a word about the tint.

09-17-2011, 06:51 AM
Me and the wife are heading to Clemson for the game and got pulled over. I thought it would be for the tint. To my surprise he pulled me over for my lite smoke tag cover. Said he couldn't read my tag at all as he was behind me. He was nice though and didn't give us a ticket.

Didn't say a word about the tint.

Got the EXACT same thing happen to me leaving SSHS last event .....Ga. Trooper--saying ...."''when in GA, you got to follow Ga Law...." I said was heading back to NC, where its ok........(at the time--not any longer)-
Gave me a warning ticket---said to remove it next time thru the state-

A lot folks need to know they REALLY DON"T LIKE TINTED TAG COVERS-- and I understand--not a problem--took mine off --and stays off---

09-17-2011, 06:52 AM
FWIW, any covering on a plate in NYS is illegal. The states are in a money grab and will be until the economy turns around.

09-17-2011, 06:57 AM
Same in IL if you have a clear one that goes opaque you will pulled over by some cops

09-17-2011, 07:23 AM
Kentucky is no different.

I was never a fan of license plate covers to begin with.

It's also a good idea in the winter months to ensure snow isn't covering your plate as a former G/F of mine was lit-up for that reason.



09-17-2011, 07:49 AM
Acually you can use hair spray to get the same results. Block from traffic cams.

09-17-2011, 12:38 PM
I'll remove it before we head back. Never had a problem in Alabama

09-17-2011, 12:52 PM
I've also had problems with it. Get a veil tag cover it reduces lidar laser from cops and there's nothing they can say about it cause they can't see it. The only reason for tint tag covers is red
Ight cameras when was the
LAst time you seen one of those

09-17-2011, 12:54 PM
Acually you can use hair spray to get the same results. Block from traffic cams.

Checkout the Myth Buster site....

A speed camera cannot see through a crystallized plate cover.
In the crystals inside the cover did not reflect enough light to fool the camera. Also, the legality of such a device was questioned.

A speed camera cannot see through a lenticular lens plate cover.
While designed to distort the plate from an angle, all or most of the letters of the plate were still identifiable in the tests. Also, the legality of such a device was questioned.

A speed camera cannot see through plastic wrap.
The plastic wrap proved to be ineffective.

A speed camera cannot see through hair spray.
The hair spray was ineffective.

A speed camera cannot see through commercial spray PhotoBlocker Spray.
The commercial spray was ineffective.

A speed camera cannot take a picture of a car if it is going fast enough.
Neither a normal car nor a Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 were able to travel fast enough to outrun the camera.
*This myth was revisited in episode 84 with a jet-powered car and it was confirmed.

A speed camera can take a picture of a passing bird.
The speed camera managed to catch a pair of trained peregrine falcons passing it at a speed of 40 miles per hour.

09-17-2011, 02:52 PM
I've never had a problem with my tinted cover. knocking on wood.

09-17-2011, 05:08 PM
LP covers are illegal is Louisiana.

09-17-2011, 06:11 PM
Great info!

Checkout the Myth Buster site....

A speed camera cannot see through a crystallized plate cover.
In the crystals inside the cover did not reflect enough light to fool the camera. Also, the legality of such a device was questioned.

A speed camera cannot see through a lenticular lens plate cover.
While designed to distort the plate from an angle, all or most of the letters of the plate were still identifiable in the tests. Also, the legality of such a device was questioned.

A speed camera cannot see through plastic wrap.
The plastic wrap proved to be ineffective.

A speed camera cannot see through hair spray.
The hair spray was ineffective.

A speed camera cannot see through commercial spray PhotoBlocker Spray.
The commercial spray was ineffective.

A speed camera cannot take a picture of a car if it is going fast enough.
Neither a normal car nor a Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 were able to travel fast enough to outrun the camera.
*This myth was revisited in episode 84 with a jet-powered car and it was confirmed.

A speed camera can take a picture of a passing bird.
The speed camera managed to catch a pair of trained peregrine falcons passing it at a speed of 40 miles per hour.

09-17-2011, 07:46 PM
I've got a lightly tinted security cover on my plate, that as well missouri doesn't allow. So far no bad interactions...use mine more for the security features. Also don't have a front plate as MO requires as I hate to drill holes in the bumper.

09-17-2011, 08:14 PM
yep my last ticket was for a Smokey cover on mine

09-17-2011, 08:15 PM
Checkout the Myth Buster site....

A speed camera cannot see through a crystallized plate cover.
In the crystals inside the cover did not reflect enough light to fool the camera. Also, the legality of such a device was questioned.

A speed camera cannot see through a lenticular lens plate cover.
While designed to distort the plate from an angle, all or most of the letters of the plate were still identifiable in the tests. Also, the legality of such a device was questioned.

A speed camera cannot see through plastic wrap.
The plastic wrap proved to be ineffective.

A speed camera cannot see through hair spray.
The hair spray was ineffective.

A speed camera cannot see through commercial spray PhotoBlocker Spray.
The commercial spray was ineffective.

A speed camera cannot take a picture of a car if it is going fast enough.
Neither a normal car nor a Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 were able to travel fast enough to outrun the camera.
*This myth was revisited in episode 84 with a jet-powered car and it was confirmed.

A speed camera can take a picture of a passing bird.
The speed camera managed to catch a pair of trained peregrine falcons passing it at a speed of 40 miles per hour.

UC plates are the hot ticket, went around a toll without paying (construction) and not having an EZ pass in Illinois, lots of flashes, never saw a citation, it was a city car though....:confused:

09-17-2011, 08:43 PM
Checkout the Myth Buster site....

A speed camera cannot see through hair spray.
The hair spray was ineffective.

The only issues I have is that when checked they only use "new" equiptment. Traffic cams that have been in operation a while get a thin layer of pollution on them and cut down on effective. Did you ever see a traffic cam being cleaned?

I trust hair spray (cheaper the better) to work:)

Mr. Man
09-17-2011, 10:43 PM
Everything is illegal in NJ. Just me posting this is probably against the law in NJ.:hide::lol:

09-18-2011, 05:16 AM
FWIW, my wife received a ticket in the mail for blowing the toll on the Tapanzee Bridge. Uhm, she didn't even know where it was and wasn't within 300 miles of it. :rolleyes: So much for plate readers. One phone call took care of it.

09-18-2011, 09:36 AM
And again today on my way back home


09-18-2011, 09:56 AM
wow thats one unlucky trip lol

09-18-2011, 07:09 PM
It was a great trip. Just the pull overs that kinda sucked. I'm legit so no real worries. I think they just wanted to look at my car.....

09-18-2011, 07:17 PM
It was a great trip. Just the pull overs that kinda sucked. I'm legit so no real worries. I think they just wanted to look at my car.....

what county?.... or was it highway patrol?

it had to be u...... between steve reynolds and beaver ruin road... pulled over right after the on ramp?
i seen u... i was in my MM

u had on a blue shirt?....

09-18-2011, 07:29 PM
You must be talking about today. It was right at the on ramp. Yesterday my wife was driving. Not sure what county. It was on i85. Near down town I think. I had on a white t shirt. But if u saw a black MM pulled over on I85 S today around 1 P.M. EST or so that had to be me

09-18-2011, 07:34 PM
You must be talking about today. It was right at the on ramp. Yesterday my wife was driving. Not sure what county. It was on i85. Near down town I think. I had on a white t shirt. But if u saw a black MM pulled over on I85 S today around 1 P.M. EST or so that had to be me

yes it was this afternoon, 85 south
i saw u, i wish i could have taken a picture, our cars look good when their pulled over. it was gwinnett county

09-18-2011, 10:44 PM
You were pulled over because of the disco ball :lol:

09-19-2011, 03:57 AM
Lol. Maybe so

Big Black Beast
09-19-2011, 04:19 PM
I saw that episode. The only way a cover is going to do anything is if you get lucky and someones headlight glare bounces off it at just the right time and angle. The chances of this happening aren't worth the trouble of the cost and hassle, IMO.

09-19-2011, 06:19 PM
The problem was GEORGIA! The officers there have SUPER TROOPER syndrome!

09-19-2011, 06:35 PM
I've got a lightly tinted security cover on my plate, that as well missouri doesn't allow. So far no bad interactions...use mine more for the security features. Also don't have a front plate as MO requires as I hate to drill holes in the bumper.

Hope KC MO doesn't get upset at how loud my car is. I can really notice the echo here as I drive down the streets here. More so than back home.

Texas also has the front plate requirement but I haven't had one for four years. Also no cover over the plate is allowed.

09-20-2011, 03:35 AM
The problem was GEORGIA! The officers there have SUPER TROOPER syndrome!

Say car RAMROD !! :lol:

09-20-2011, 04:03 AM
It was a great trip. Just the pull overs that kinda sucked. I'm legit so no real worries. I think they just wanted to look at my car.....

Clemson beat Auburn was pretty nice. I am a UNC fan but am not a Clemson hater, go there to watch the Tar Heels play BB. Good luck except when you play the Heels.