View Full Version : Smashed Mailbox-Yeah WAY off topic!

O's Fan Rich
01-16-2004, 09:56 AM
5th time in 3 years. I'm done screwing around. I've decided to put up an outdoor camera with infared enhancement tied into a digital video recorder.
Not only am I gonna catch these bastards one day, but I'm also ordering a mailbox they can't smash ( made of almost 1/4 plate!), putting the 4x4 steel post into the ground about 4 feet in concrete and welding it together.
Since my box is off the road, and around the bend of our driveway entrance, no worries about snow plows or cars hitting it and hurting themselves.
I'm pissed and hunting for the little burros! :mad2:

O's Fan Rich
01-16-2004, 10:00 AM

01-16-2004, 10:10 AM
Rich, just do what a neighbor of mine did when I lived up in the northern country of Vermont. He was tired of the local brats driving by and smashing his mailbox with a baseball bat. He bought a new box and filled it with cement and placed it where the old one was. A couple of nights later I heard the brats going up the road and the next thing I hear is the sound of glass breaking. It seems that the bat bounced off the new mailbox and smashed the rear passenger window, the mailbox recieved a small dent but nothing to worry about. After a week or so he replaced it with a regular box and never had any more problems. Just an idea.

O's Fan Rich
01-16-2004, 10:31 AM
Yeah! I'd love to do that, but
An aquaintence of ours is a rural route delivery person. She told us that a person on her route did the same, the kid who wacked the box broke his arm in two places. His parents sued and won, as the box was modified in that fashion.
Some system, huh?

01-16-2004, 11:36 AM
They should have counter sued. The kid would never have broken his arm if he was,'t committing vandalism.

Try putting up to poles on each side of the mailbox then.

01-16-2004, 11:42 AM
Yeah! I'd love to do that, but
An aquaintence of ours is a rural route delivery person. She told us that a person on her route did the same, the kid who wacked the box broke his arm in two places. His parents sued and won, as the box was modified in that fashion.
Some system, huh?

Just cement a steel pole next to your box and close to the front and i little higher than the box.they cant hit it without stoppingand they wont stop.lil peckerheads...no problems since

01-16-2004, 12:08 PM
GREAT IDEA! My sister's high school english teacher did that. He filled the post with concrete that is. They were coming by with chains. When the kids came by after he did this, it broke both of the kids arms backwards!

01-16-2004, 12:35 PM
Personally, If the little miscreants were busting MY mailbox I would fill the damn thing with napalm and line the outer walls with blasting caps and rocksalt.This would eliminate any possibilty of a recurrence.

But hey, that's just me. :shot:

01-16-2004, 12:43 PM
Personally, If the little miscreants were busting MY mailbox I would fill the damn thing with napalm and line the outer walls with blasting caps and rocksalt.This would eliminate any possibilty of a recurrence.

But hey, that's just me. :shot:

LOL Now thats a great idea!!!!!

01-16-2004, 12:43 PM
I am telling you all that is why this site rocks! Info and ideas flow like water! Just post your problem and one of us will step up to the plate with great info and ideas! Man'oman I love this stie,

:bounce: :up: :banana: :banana:

O's Fan Rich
01-16-2004, 01:15 PM
It's situated up the drive a bit so that the carrier is off the road. They have to stop and get out of the car to get mine. So. I am a specific target. I've got a good idea what group it is, and this crap happens when college is on break So, I think it's being lead by the older of the group, he had to pee his pants once when I came to his house to let his daddy know something he was doing bad. He was 17 at the time, now he's not.........
His daddy is as much of an ass as he is. I SHALL have my revenge!!!! It's good to have access to lots of security stuff!

01-16-2004, 09:33 PM
Set up trip wires and some flares and when it goes off get out some good old fashioned rock salt and a double barrel. Wham, in the a$$, that'll teach them.
Ok no firearms, do you have a big dog? Ok no dog, how about a; I'll get back to you lost my train of thought.

01-16-2004, 09:50 PM

My mailbox is one of those elaborate brick monsters that sits roght on the edge of the sidewalk. One day I came home to find the flowerbox portion of it smashed and strewn along the street. I called the police and filed a report. I noticed the truck parked directly across the street from my house had a scratch matching the height, size and color of the bricks on my mailbox.

The guy who lives in the house was deployed overseas and the only person home was his teenage son. Figure the rest.....

I still haven't fixed the box and the guy is back from Iraq, so I'll have a chat with him soon...


01-16-2004, 11:54 PM
If it's actually up your driveway a bit, couldn't you install a driveway sensor so that when someone enters it sets off an alarm in the house?

Just make sure the stout replacement is USPS approved. Some letter carriers won't deliver to one that isn't.

01-17-2004, 04:56 PM
:mad2: I'm a rural mail carrier and it seems this is a problem everywhere. We had a group around halloween stealing pumpkins and bombing maolboxes. Fun is fun, but when you start destroying other's property, something'sgot to give. It's tough to catch the little basards !

Paul T. Casey
01-17-2004, 05:39 PM
They used to smash my father's mail box regularly. Then they took to driving through his yard on the way by. He set out a couple 2" x 4"'s with spikes sticking through, and a bunch of fishining lines with hooks and sinkers attached. They did their trick, got flats and took off. Dad followed them to the local Benny's parking lot, and confronted them. The police arrived, asked what was up, and Dad explained. The cop said, "How do you know it was them?" A quick inspection turned up the fishing lines with marked sinkers. Cop called the paddy wagon, preps got criminal mischief charges, Dad got new mailbox. Be careful however, if you hurt the little bas...pranksters, you may be liable.

01-17-2004, 05:47 PM
I had the same problem here on Long Island. Home Depot sells A mailbox made out of 10 or 11 ga. steel - about 1/8" thick. I welded that to the top of a 3" steel pipe, filled the pipe with concrete and set it in a hole 18" sq & 3' deep back filled w/ concrete. Works like a charm - made sure the local "children" saw what was going in the ground and no problems for the last 4 years!

01-17-2004, 06:08 PM
Personally, If the little miscreants were busting MY mailbox I would fill the damn thing with napalm and line the outer walls with blasting caps and rocksalt.This would eliminate any possibilty of a recurrence.

But hey, that's just me. :shot:

:lol: I like that! how 'bout a pressure or vibration activated switch that leads to 2 Claymore mines? :D :shot:


wire the switch to a gigantic guillotine? http://smilies.sofrayt.com/1/0/guillotine.gif


My personal favorite.... wire the switch to a robotic sentry minigun! Yeah! with auto-tracking and IR rangefinding!!! http://smilies.sofrayt.com/1/e/bigun.gif

...maybe I'm getting a bit carried away though. I would hook the switch to a high resolution digital video camera,.. than call the cops with the evidence. :)
