View Full Version : Never would have thought I'd seen this from Mark Cuban...

09-20-2011, 12:27 PM
Hits the direction we need to go right on the head, I believe...


The Most Patriotic Thing You Can Do
Sep 19th 2011 12:25PM

Bust your ass and get rich.

Make a boatload of money. Pay your taxes. Lots of taxes. Hire people. Train people. Pay people. Spend money on rent, equipment, services. Pay more taxes.

When you make a ******** of money. Do something positive with it. If you are smart enough to make it, you will be smart enough to know where to put it to work.

I don’t care what anyone says. Being rich is a good thing. Not just in the obvious sense of benefiting you and your family, but in the broader sense. Profits are not a zero sum game. The more you make the more of a financial impact you can have.

I’m not against government involvement in times of need. I am for recognizing that big public companies will continue to cut jobs in an effort to prop up stock prices, which in turn stimulates the need for more government involvement. Every cut job by the big companies extracts a cost on the American people in one way or another.

Entrepreneurs are needed to create and grow companies to absorb those people in new jobs. If entrepreneurs don’t create those jobs, the government ends up having to spend more money to help them one way or another.

So be Patriotic. Go out there and get rich. Get so obnoxiously rich that when that tax bill comes , your first thought will be to choke on how big a check you have to write. Your 2nd thought will be “what a great problem to have”, and your 3rd should be a recognition that in paying your taxes you are helping to support millions of Americans that are not as fortunate as you.

In these times of “The Great Recession” we shouldn’t be trying to shift the benefits of wealth behind some curtain. We should be celebrating and encouraging people to make as much money as they can. Profits equal tax money. While some people might find it distasteful to pay taxes. I don’t. I find it Patriotic.

I’m not saying that the government’s use of tax money is the most efficient use of our hard-earned capital. It obviously is not. In a perfect world, there would be a better option. We don’t live in a perfect world. We don’t live in a perfect time. We live in a time where the government plays a big role in an effort to help lead us out this Great Recession. That’s reality.

So I will repeat my point. Get out there and make a boatload of money. Enjoy the **** out your money. Pay your taxes.

It’s the most Patriotic thing you can do.

09-20-2011, 12:45 PM
The government can't lead us out of a recession that they caused in the first place.

The goverment does not spend our tax dollars wisely, so giving them more of it just so they can overspend and waste it is not the answer.

Obama spends 4 trillion in 2 1/2 years and now expects us to pay more, so he can spend even more. Where is the sanity?

09-20-2011, 01:15 PM
The government can't lead us out of a recession that they caused in the first place.

The goverment does not spend our tax dollars wisely, so giving them more of it just so they can overspend and waste it is not the answer.

Obama spends 4 trillion in 2 1/2 years and now expects us to pay more, so he can spend even more. Where is the sanity?

This could lead to the most hilarious government two-facing ever seen though:

On the one hand, the government will jump on those that are successful, saying they are unfair to those less fortunate, therefore being wealthy is bad.

Then on the next turn, they will jump on people who aren't wealthy because they don't contribute enough, as if they had worked hard and made their millions, the tax revenue would be greater, therefore being not wealthy is bad.

Yes indeedy, gentlemen, the government will finally outwardly blame it all on everyone else.

09-20-2011, 01:39 PM
Only if you believe the Private Sector creates Wealth.

Liberals believe 1) there is only X amount of Wealth, 2) the rich cheated someone out of their wealth and 3) Gov't must redistribute. It is called Social Justice.

Pres Obama;
MODERATOR: Good morning and welcome to Odyssey on WBEZ Chicago 91.5 FM and we’re joined by Barack Obama who is Illinois State Senator from the 13th district and senior lecturer in the law school at the University of Chicago.

OBAMA: If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movement and its litigation strategy in the court, I think where it succeeded was to vest formal rights in previously dispossessed peoples. So that I would now have the right to vote, I would now be able to sit at the lunch counter and order and as long as I could pay for it I’d be okay.
But the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society. And to that extent as radical as people tried to characterize the Warren court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as it’s been interpreted, and the Warren court interpreted it in the same way that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. It says what the states can’t do to you, it says what the federal government can’t do to you, but it doesn’t say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf. And that hasn’t shifted. One of the I think tragedies of the civil rights movement was because the civil rights movement became so court focused, I think that there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributed change and in some ways we still suffer from that.

MODERATOR: Let’s talk with Karen. Good morning, Karen, you’re on Chicago Public Radio.

KAREN: Hi. The gentleman made the point that the Warren court wasn’t terribly radical with economic changes. My question is, is it too late for that kind of reparative work economically and is that that the appropriate place for reparative economic work to take place – the court – or would it be legislation at this point?

OBAMA: Maybe I’m showing my bias here as a legislator as well as a law professor, but I’m not optimistic about bringing about major redistributive change through the courts. The institution just isn’t structured that way.
You just look at very rare examples during the desegregation era the court was willing to for example order changes that cost money to a local school district. The court was very uncomfortable with it. It was very hard to manage, it was hard to figure out. You start getting into all sorts of separation of powers issues in terms of the court monitoring or engaging in a process that essentially is administrative and takes a lot of time.
The court’s just not very good at it and politically it’s very hard to legitimize opinions from the court in that regard. So I think that although you can craft theoretical justifications for it legally. Any three of us sitting here could come up with a rational for bringing about economic change through the courts."

How can anyone say he is not a Communist?

09-20-2011, 02:01 PM
Friends of ALIPAC,

We have fought many state legislative battles over the years and have played a key role in stopping illegal aliens from getting driver licenses in many states!

It has been a long hard road, but we are now down to only three states that still give licenses to illegal aliens thanks to your donations of time and funds.

Today, there is a fierce political battle raging between true Americans and the illegal alien supporters over licenses for illegal aliens.

The new governor of New Mexico campaigned on a promise to stop the state from giving licenses to illegal aliens.

Now, her efforts to honor her promise to American voters are being blocked by Democrats in the New Mexico state legislature.

It is time for our legendary ALIPAC Activists from across America to swing into action in New Mexico!


Call and write New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez to thank and encourage her for standing up against licenses for illegal aliens.

Gov. Martinez's office
Phone: (505)476-2200
Fax: (505) 476-2226

Online Contact
http://www.governor.state.nm.us/Contact_the_Governor.aspx (wlmailhtml:{6CED46CD-4737-4728-8A19-2B16FC19AF0B}mid://00000101/!x-usc:http://clicks.skem1.com/trkr/?c=9002&g=221&u=982993323490c1e6b41fe102654a d8d6&p=d5d37dc705066765943375719d28 df33&t=1)

The mailing address is:
Office of the Governor
490 Old Santa Fe Trail
Room 400
Santa Fe, NM 87501

Sample Message "I'm calling/writing to thank Governor Susana Martinez for standing up for Americans by opposing licenses for illegal aliens. New Mexico is one of the last states offering licenses to illegal aliens and 77% of Americans oppose licenses for illegals. It is good to see an elected official standing up for Americans of every race instead of for illegal immigrants. I plan to contact members of the New Mexico legislature to demand that they support Governor Martinez's efforts to stop illegal aliens from receiving New Mexico licenses. Please keep up the good work."

Step 2: Lobby New Mexico Legislature to Stop Licenses for Illegals

We need thousands of calls (the most effective lobbying action) with follow-ups in writing flooding into the New Mexico legislature this week. Please make an effort to call and write some each day as much as you can!

Remember to craft your own distinct message, and to personalize each call and e-mail to the legislator you are contacting by name for MAXIMUM impact.

http://www.nmlegis.gov/lcs/leg.aspx?T=R (wlmailhtml:{6CED46CD-4737-4728-8A19-2B16FC19AF0B}mid://00000101/!x-usc:http://clicks.skem1.com/trkr/?c=9002&g=221&u=4b8835ee21f562f67fdce6c46078 054e&p=d5d37dc705066765943375719d28 df33&t=1)

Sample Message: "I am calling/writing to ask the New Mexico Democrats to stand with Governor Martinez and her efforts to end New Mexico's deplorable policy of giving driver licenses to illegal aliens. As fallen New York Governor Elliot Spitzer learned the hard way, over 77% of Americans oppose licenses for illegal aliens. That is why 47 other states have taken steps to assure illegal immigrants cannot receive licenses. New Mexico should join the 47 other states and 77% of Americans who also oppose licenses for illegal immigrants."

Step 3: If you receive feedback or pushback from any New Mexico lawmakers, or if you have questions, concerns, suggestions, etc... Please post your progress or questions at our online tracking link. If you do not have a posting account yet, you may apply by contacting Accounts@alipac.us (wlmailhtml:{6CED46CD-4737-4728-8A19-2B16FC19AF0B}mid://00000101/!x-usc:mailto:Accounts@alipac.us)

Tracking link
http://www.alipac.us/ftopicp-1267750.html#1267750 (wlmailhtml:{6CED46CD-4737-4728-8A19-2B16FC19AF0B}mid://00000101/!x-usc:http://clicks.skem1.com/trkr/?c=9002&g=221&u=8fb79bd83811e520e267fa587708 fa89&p=d5d37dc705066765943375719d28 df33&t=1)

Illegal aliens are traveling from all across America to get licenses in New Mexico. Stopping these licenses and displaying another big win for immigration enforcement over Amnesty would increase pressures for illegal aliens to leave America as they are already doing.

Please help us by taking a few minutes a day each week to get these calls, emails, faxes, and letters raining down on New Mexico law makers!

Speak out America!

www.alipac.us (wlmailhtml:{6CED46CD-4737-4728-8A19-2B16FC19AF0B}mid://00000101/!x-usc:http://clicks.skem1.com/trkr/?c=9002&g=221&u=fdacf51d31975862817781b689c6 1be2&p=d5d37dc705066765943375719d28 df33&t=1)
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864
FEC ID: C00405878

PS: Please watch our homepage at www.ALIPAC.us (wlmailhtml:{6CED46CD-4737-4728-8A19-2B16FC19AF0B}mid://00000101/!x-usc:http://clicks.skem1.com/trkr/?c=9002&g=221&u=9ebe7b4882606a2fd70f24ef66ca 1978&p=d5d37dc705066765943375719d28 df33&t=1) closely for updates about efforts to stop licenses for illegals in New Mexico.

Democrats. Doing the jobs Americans won't do! :beer: