View Full Version : CONVOY TIPS for MV9

09-29-2011, 09:09 AM
With the very large number of cars and many first time MV attendees, I thought a refresher on convoys might be appropriate prior to the events.


1. Cars with FRS radios should be dispersed at the lead, middle and tail end of the convoy if at all possible.

2. Lights On (sidelamps & fogs /or/ headlights & fogs)

3. If time permits, make a recon run of the route to check out turns, exits, potential problem areas, and the parking situation upon arrival.

4. Speeds should be maintained at 5-10 miles UNDER the posted speed limit – otherwise the cars at the end will be doing triple digits trying to catch up.

5. Recognize that “outsiders” will occasionally (or frequently) drop into the line and separate cars in the convoy and open up gaps between convoy cars. Speeds should anticipate this.

6. If an outside driver cuts into the convoy and slows half the group down, don't just sit behind the offending vehicle, accelerate to passing speed to go around and catch up.

7. Give advanced notice (over the radio) and with turn signals of any planned move. Last minute lane changes and exits are potential problems for folks at the end of the convoy.

8. When changing lanes, give notice on the radio when “Moving Right” or “Moving Left”. Use of turn signals also helps those without radios.

9. Notify everyone of a slow down with a “Brake Check” announcement.

10. When making an exit or a turn, the lead car should get in the exit lane well in advance (about 1-2 miles) of the exit so that cars on the tail end have enough time to merge.

11. If you get caught at a traffic signal, maintain visibility with the car ahead of you.

12. Conversely, if you were the last car through the light and see the car behind you get stopped, slow down and notify everyone in your section to slow so that the others can catch up.

13. Follow the cars in front of you. The “GPS Bozo or Bozette” doesn’t necessarily know the best way to where you are heading. Pre-loading the addresses of the hotel and other activities into your GPS before arriving at the hotel (or from the sheet in your goodie bag) can help if you get separated from the group or miss the convoy departure.

14. If you are aware that the cars ahead of you are changing lanes – make the change as soon as you can so you can serve as a blocker to allow other cars to run up and get in front of you.

15. Use your FRS radios to keep the other drivers “in the loop” of what you plan to do. Other drivers echo those announcements on back through the convoy.

16. FRS Radios should not be used for any conversations other than the logistics of the trip. PERIOD! Idle chatter makes it hard to follow directions.

17. Speak clearly and don't have the mic so close to your mouth that we can't understand a word you're saying. Short and to the point.

18. Please don't keep your "mike" open. It just broadcasts static and disrupts other communications. "PRESS" to talk. "RELEASE" to listen.

19. If you have a voice activated mike or automatic mike setting, the radio will pick up your music selection or your "private" conversations and broadcast it continuously to the group. These "private" conversations will be published in the "MEMORIES OF MV9" THREAD following the event. ;)

If you have any other CONVOY TIPS …. Please list them here.

09-29-2011, 09:16 AM
You read my mind! Traveling in a convoy, especially with the number of cars we will have, should be the only focus. No games on the radio or "cute" noises, etc. Nothing more frustrating than nonsense chatter and directions not being clearly stated. Let's have fun and get there safely without anyone getting lost (and minimizing the infamous U-Turns!)

All drivers, please review this list. If you have any questions, please ask them at the drivers meeting each morning.

09-29-2011, 09:16 AM
:bows: :bows: Charlie, I http://www.dyframix.com/images/graphics/smiley_heart.gif YOU! :bows: :bows:

Everyone else, listen to what the man says! He's a pro! :up:

09-29-2011, 09:30 AM
(and minimizing the infamous U-Turns!).

Its not a Marauderville without a 65 car U-turn. :D

SC Cheesehead
09-29-2011, 10:10 AM
Its not a Marauderville without a 65 car U-turn. :D

Yeah, ask me how I know... :o

Mr. Man
09-29-2011, 10:48 AM
All goodie bags will have a copy of the days route and physical address for the days destinations).

Many people have a GPS devise, If you do not have one hook up with someone who does.

The planning committee has tried to make getting to all venues as simple as possible and we do not anticipate the 3 U-turn limit.

This year the planning committee has a scheduale and we plan on keeping it so be ready to leave the parking lots on time. There will be plenty of time for gas-bagging.

Be careful following SC Cheesehead he throws his empties out the window:D

09-29-2011, 12:25 PM
Its not a Marauderville without a 65 car U-turn. :D

I think you mean seven cars.. LOL


09-29-2011, 12:43 PM
I think you mean seven cars.. LOL


Riiiiiiight. http://www.golfmagic.com/forum/smilies/eye_rolling_smiley.gif

Actually, he means 69 cars....

117 adults, 8 children and 69 cars!


09-29-2011, 12:45 PM
Well said Charlie!

I hear there will be another aid to the convoy thing this year.;) SO get registered and be there or miss out.:cool:

09-29-2011, 12:57 PM
Since you asked...

1. Large convoys are a bad idea. Period. How many times have you had to wait for a funeral procession or a train crossing and just cursed. (I have)

2. Break up in groups of 3-4 at most. Any more than this and you risk blocking intersections and having the locals collide with the "out of towners" when the group runs yellow/red lights.

3. Leave 2-3 minutes between group. Give the locals time to merge and get where they're going.

4. Whadaya mean you don't have a GPS in your car, are you CRAZY?!

5. Don't follow me in a convoy. I will make a right turn just to test my GPS or because I see a model train hobby shop on the way to an event.

09-29-2011, 02:13 PM
With the very large number of cars and many first time MV attendees, I thought a refresher on convoys might be appropriate prior to the events.


1. Cars with FRS radios should be dispersed at the lead, middle and tail end of the convoy if at all possible.

2. Lights On (sidelamps & fogs /or/ headlights & fogs)

3. If time permits, make a recon run of the route to check out turns, exits, potential problem areas, and the parking situation upon arrival.

4. Speeds should be maintained at 5-10 miles UNDER the posted speed limit – otherwise the cars at the end will be doing triple digits trying to catch up.

5. Recognize that “outsiders” will occasionally (or frequently) drop into the line and separate cars in the convoy and open up gaps between convoy cars. Speeds should anticipate this.

6. If an outside driver cuts into the convoy and slows half the group down, don't just sit behind the offending vehicle, accelerate to passing speed to go around and catch up.

7. Give advanced notice (over the radio) and with turn signals of any planned move. Last minute lane changes and exits are potential problems for folks at the end of the convoy.

8. When changing lanes, give notice on the radio when “Moving Right” or “Moving Left”. Use of turn signals also helps those without radios.

9. Notify everyone of a slow down with a “Brake Check” announcement.

10. When making an exit or a turn, the lead car should get in the exit lane well in advance (about 1-2 miles) of the exit so that cars on the tail end have enough time to merge.

11. If you get caught at a traffic signal, maintain visibility with the car ahead of you.

12. Conversely, if you were the last car through the light and see the car behind you get stopped, slow down and notify everyone in your section to slow so that the others can catch up.

13. Follow the cars in front of you. The “GPS Bozo or Bozette” doesn’t necessarily know the best way to where you are heading. Pre-loading the addresses of the hotel and other activities into your GPS before arriving at the hotel (or from the sheet in your goodie bag) can help if you get separated from the group or miss the convoy departure.

14. If you are aware that the cars ahead of you are changing lanes – make the change as soon as you can so you can serve as a blocker to allow other cars to run up and get in front of you.

15. Use your FRS radios to keep the other drivers “in the loop” of what you plan to do. Other drivers echo those announcements on back through the convoy.

16. FRS Radios should not be used for any conversations other than the logistics of the trip. PERIOD! Idle chatter makes it hard to follow directions.

17. Speak clearly and don't have the mic so close to your mouth that we can't understand a word you're saying. Short and to the point.

18. Please don't keep your "mike" open. It just broadcasts static and disrupts other communications. "PRESS" to talk. "RELEASE" to listen.

If you have any other CONVOY TIPS …. Please list them here.

19. Put Toomanyfords at the back.... ALWAYS!:)

Ms. Denmark
09-29-2011, 02:37 PM
Since you asked...

1. Large convoys are a bad idea. Period. How many times have you had to wait for a funeral procession or a train crossing and just cursed. (I have)

2. Break up in groups of 3-4 at most. Any more than this and you risk blocking intersections and having the locals collide with the "out of towners" when the group runs yellow/red lights.

3. Leave 2-3 minutes between group. Give the locals time to merge and get where they're going.

4. Whadaya mean you don't have a GPS in your car, are you CRAZY?!

5. Don't follow me in a convoy. I will make a right turn just to test my GPS or because I see a model train hobby shop on the way to an event.
John, our planned convoy event from the National Civil War Museum in Harrisberg to Chocolate World in Hershey is police assisted. Should be fun!!

09-29-2011, 03:30 PM
Riiiiiiight. http://www.golfmagic.com/forum/smilies/eye_rolling_smiley.gif

Actually, he means 69 cars....

but only seven marauders? :confused: or maybe people are slackin on the poll :rolleyes:

09-29-2011, 03:34 PM
And I thought the U-turns made in Charlotte by certain members were so they could enjoy the line of Marauders as others passing by. Its not everyday you get to see multiples in tens of our cars together.

09-29-2011, 03:53 PM
19. Put Toomanyfords at the back.... ALWAYS!:)

LOL! :fork:

09-29-2011, 04:01 PM
I think you mean seven cars.. LOL


bobbybob your looking at a meet in Dallas Tx. Not the MV-IX meet in Harrisburg, Pa.

09-29-2011, 05:05 PM
bobbybob your looking at a meet in Dallas Tx. Not the MV-IX meet in Harrisburg, Pa.

oh :censor: well now I feel foolish :o

09-29-2011, 05:06 PM
oh :censor: well now I feel foolish :o

No you should not feel that way. I was a error that's all.

Life is a do over at times:)

It's all good!:banana2::banana2::banana 2:

09-29-2011, 07:30 PM
19. Put Toomanyfords at the back.... ALWAYS!:)

But I like it in the rear!

SC Cheesehead
09-29-2011, 07:34 PM
But I like it in the rear!

That's what....

oh, never mind....

09-29-2011, 07:38 PM
Convoy tip number one. Have a camera to take kick ass pictures of a kick ass convoy of kick ass Marauders!!!

- Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

09-29-2011, 07:44 PM
Convoy tip number one. Have a camera to take kick ass pictures of a kick ass convoy of kick ass Marauders!!!
- Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

CHECK!!!!!!! Ask any one who was at Charlotte who was hanging out the window taking pics!!! :D :D :D My camera is already ready! Memory card is clear and battery is charged. :D :D :D

09-29-2011, 08:22 PM
One thing that screws up a convoy is when someone watches the car behind and trys to hagn back if they slow down a little that in turn slows down the hole line up. Don't worry about the car behind stay with the car in front of you.

09-30-2011, 04:00 AM
One thing that screws up a convoy is when someone watches the car behind and trys to hagn back if they slow down a little that in turn slows down the hole line up. Don't worry about the car behind stay with the car in front of you.

People up front need to :burn:, nothing worse than doing 40 on the Interstate. Slow people, carry a map or ride with someone who will do the speed limit. There, I said it.

09-30-2011, 04:16 AM
People up front need to :burn:, nothing worse than doing 40 on the Interstate. Slow people, carry a map or ride with someone who will do the speed limit. There, I said it.

Ha, Ha .... look who's talking. I was behind you headed in to Charlotte Motor Speedway (CMS). Since you like Blue MMs, you can ride with me. :P

You even got honorable mention in the "Memories of MV8" Thread ....

• Arrive at CMS about 1:00 PM. Down the ramp and through the tunnel. Up the other side. I am behind CBT. Now we are back outside the track. MMs out front are pulling away. CBT loses sight of the lead cars. Me too. Where did they go? Come up to a controlled intersection and the Guard directs us to turn right. Through another tunnel. We are now on the infield. Wow, looked at the crowd in the seats.

09-30-2011, 05:17 AM
People up front need to :burn:, nothing worse than doing 40 on the Interstate. Slow people, carry a map or ride with someone who will do the speed limit. There, I said it.

Six Louisville meets under my belt and I disagree.

The past 2 years, I slowed down to 10 under the limit, kept all peeps in my mirror and has been the smoothest convoys to date.

Roll under the limit maintaining a lane and more than likely you will not be disrupted my onlookers cutting in line.

I heard nothing but positive comments once it was all said and done.



09-30-2011, 05:30 AM
John, our planned convoy event from the National Civil War Museum in Harrisberg to Chocolate World in Hershey is police assisted. Should be fun!!

Hopefully they have been told how many cars cause it isn't like any other procession they have seen in a very long time-----they may need reinforcements-:lol:

09-30-2011, 05:53 AM
Hopefully they have been told how many cars cause it isn't like any other procession they have seen in a very long time-----they may need reinforcements-:lol:

This convoy required the help of a number of different police agencies. This should be interesting.

09-30-2011, 06:19 AM
Six Louisville meets under my belt and I disagree.

The past 2 years, I slowed down to 10 under the limit, kept all peeps in my mirror and has been the smoothest convoys to date.

Roll under the limit maintaining a lane and more than likely you will not be disrupted my onlookers cutting in line.

I heard nothing but positive comments once it was all said and done.



Was waiting for you to chime in on this.

This is the way it should be done!

Whoever is going to be leading the convoy should PAY ATTENTION to this man! :beer:

09-30-2011, 06:32 AM
Its not a Marauderville without a 65 car U-turn. :D

You mean the BBQ Uies? Left half my new rear tires there and scared the bejesus outta several people. Reminded me of being at work. :D

09-30-2011, 06:35 AM
This convoy required the help of a number of different police agencies. This should be interesting.

Hey Paul,

How many LEO's are expected to assist you guys?

I ask because the last escort, in Louisville, used 4 cars for about 34 in our convoy.

We rolled at their speed, not ours, and while it made things a bit easier to get around, idiots outside our group are still, well... idiots.

For our members that have not taken part in an escort, please ensure that you drive safe, especially thru red lights, stop signs, merging, etc..

Stay alert at these traffic devices and intersections because not all motorists are attentive to their surroundings.

09-30-2011, 06:42 AM
Hey Paul,

Stay alert at these traffic devices and intersections because not all motorists are attentive to their surroundings.

Excellent tip!

09-30-2011, 07:05 AM
Six Louisville meets under my belt and I disagree.

The past 2 years, I slowed down to 10 under the limit, kept all peeps in my mirror and has been the smoothest convoys to date.

Roll under the limit maintaining a lane and more than likely you will not be disrupted my onlookers cutting in line.

I heard nothing but positive comments once it was all said and done.



Shazam... plus 1 on this!:stupid:

09-30-2011, 07:06 AM
Hey Paul,

For our members that have not taken part in an escort, please ensure that you drive safe, especially thru red lights, stop signs, merging, etc..

Stay alert at these traffic devices and intersections because not all motorists are attentive to their surroundings.

Excellent tip!

^^^^ +2 ^^^^

During the funeral procession for my brother-in-law, one of my brother's friends was hit while going through a stoplight...and was deemed to be the one at fault...:( :mad2:

09-30-2011, 07:20 AM
Ha, Ha .... look who's talking. I was behind you headed in to Charlotte Motor Speedway (CMS). Since you like Blue MMs, you can ride with me. :P

You even got honorable mention in the "Memories of MV8" Thread ....

• Arrive at CMS about 1:00 PM. Down the ramp and through the tunnel. Up the other side. I am behind CBT. Now we are back outside the track. MMs out front are pulling away. CBT loses sight of the lead cars. Me too. Where did they go? Come up to a controlled intersection and the Guard directs us to turn right. Through another tunnel. We are now on the infield. Wow, looked at the crowd in the seats.

That was in a parking lot, not even remotely the same.

09-30-2011, 08:17 AM
That was in a parking lot, not even remotely the same.

That's what she said.

09-30-2011, 08:32 AM
Here's a silly little addition:

21. Agree on and communicate the FRS radio channel before departure; test radios to make sure everyone is on the same channel ... and can hear. Private Line tones on an FRS radio, during a convoy, are not your friend.

09-30-2011, 10:56 AM
That was in a parking lot, not even remotely the same.

Sure looked like a 1.5 mile long access road to me external to the track. :rolleyes:

09-30-2011, 11:09 AM
....... I will make a right turn just to test my GPS or because I see a model train hobby shop on the way to an event.
I like this guy :D

Mr. Man
09-30-2011, 11:18 AM
Here's a silly little addition:

21. Agree on and communicate the FRS radio channel before departure; test radios to make sure everyone is on the same channel ... and can hear. Private Line tones on an FRS radio, during a convoy, are not your friend.
Channel is always 5

09-30-2011, 11:35 AM
5. Don't follow me in a convoy. I will make a right turn just to test my GPS or because I see a model train hobby shop on the way to an event.

I like this guy :D


What scale? I've been trying to get something going in N scale, but too many moves and now personal matters have kept it 'derailed' for quite some time...

09-30-2011, 12:47 PM
Hey Paul,

How many LEO's are expected to assist you guys?

I ask because the last escort, in Louisville, used 4 cars for about 34 in our convoy.

We rolled at their speed, not ours, and while it made things a bit easier to get around, idiots outside our group are still, well... idiots.

For our members that have not taken part in an escort, please ensure that you drive safe, especially thru red lights, stop signs, merging, etc..

Stay alert at these traffic devices and intersections because not all motorists are attentive to their surroundings.

We are traveling through different towns on the way to Chocolate world. The PD of each town has been notified and provide support. Im not sure how many from each department but they are supposed to change every traffic light we see to green. Even if the light is red, its still green. They are doing full traffic control.

09-30-2011, 01:57 PM
We are traveling through different towns on the way to Chocolate world. The PD of each town has been notified and provide support. Im not sure how many from each department but they are supposed to change every traffic light we see to green. Even if the light is red, its still green. They are doing full traffic control.

Very cool Paul!

I want to add this...

In the 7 years I have been on this site, I cannot recall ever hearing of a traffic accident during a national or regional meet invloving one of our peeps.

Let's continue to hold the 'record'.

An escort is no guarantee that accidents won't happen, and hope that everyone pays close attention to everything around them and concentrate fully to and from their destinations.



09-30-2011, 02:00 PM
We are traveling through different towns on the way to Chocolate world. The PD of each town has been notified and provide support. Im not sure how many from each department but they are supposed to change every traffic light we see to green. Even if the light is red, its still green. They are doing full traffic control.

They are going to have a full tip jar by the time we get done. :beer:

09-30-2011, 03:28 PM
What the heck is a FRS Radio?! :lol:

09-30-2011, 03:57 PM

What scale? I've been trying to get something going in N scale, but too many moves and now personal matters have kept it 'derailed' for quite some time...

All my stuff is HO scale.


09-30-2011, 04:04 PM
With the very large number of cars and many first time MV attendees, I thought a refresher on convoys might be appropriate prior to the events.


1. Cars with FRS radios should be dispersed at the lead, middle and tail end of the convoy if at all possible.

2. Lights On (sidelamps & fogs /or/ headlights & fogs)

3. If time permits, make a recon run of the route to check out turns, exits, potential problem areas, and the parking situation upon arrival.

4. Speeds should be maintained at 5-10 miles UNDER the posted speed limit – otherwise the cars at the end will be doing triple digits trying to catch up.

5. Recognize that “outsiders” will occasionally (or frequently) drop into the line and separate cars in the convoy and open up gaps between convoy cars. Speeds should anticipate this.

6. If an outside driver cuts into the convoy and slows half the group down, don't just sit behind the offending vehicle, accelerate to passing speed to go around and catch up.

7. Give advanced notice (over the radio) and with turn signals of any planned move. Last minute lane changes and exits are potential problems for folks at the end of the convoy.

8. When changing lanes, give notice on the radio when “Moving Right” or “Moving Left”. Use of turn signals also helps those without radios.

9. Notify everyone of a slow down with a “Brake Check” announcement.

10. When making an exit or a turn, the lead car should get in the exit lane well in advance (about 1-2 miles) of the exit so that cars on the tail end have enough time to merge.

11. If you get caught at a traffic signal, maintain visibility with the car ahead of you.

12. Conversely, if you were the last car through the light and see the car behind you get stopped, slow down and notify everyone in your section to slow so that the others can catch up.

13. Follow the cars in front of you. The “GPS Bozo or Bozette” doesn’t necessarily know the best way to where you are heading. Pre-loading the addresses of the hotel and other activities into your GPS before arriving at the hotel (or from the sheet in your goodie bag) can help if you get separated from the group or miss the convoy departure.

14. If you are aware that the cars ahead of you are changing lanes – make the change as soon as you can so you can serve as a blocker to allow other cars to run up and get in front of you.

15. Use your FRS radios to keep the other drivers “in the loop” of what you plan to do. Other drivers echo those announcements on back through the convoy.

16. FRS Radios should not be used for any conversations other than the logistics of the trip. PERIOD! Idle chatter makes it hard to follow directions.

17. Speak clearly and don't have the mic so close to your mouth that we can't understand a word you're saying. Short and to the point.

18. Please don't keep your "mike" open. It just broadcasts static and disrupts other communications. "PRESS" to talk. "RELEASE" to listen.

19. If you have a voice activated mike or automatic mike setting, the radio will pick up your music selection or your "private" conversations and broadcast it continuously to the group. These "private" conversations will be published in the "MEMORIES OF MV9" THREAD following the event. ;)

If you have any other CONVOY TIPS …. Please list them here.

Don't forget to share cell phone numbers with key people just in case you get separated.

09-30-2011, 05:37 PM
Baconbit I am glad you asked. Sounds like another radio to get so I can hear all the signals.

09-30-2011, 05:44 PM
All my stuff is HO scale.

Mine too. I custom (start with undec shell, paint, number, detail, weather) almost all my stuff, build mostly CN and the black IC with the deathstar logo.

09-30-2011, 06:54 PM
N scale here.

Sent from my Ally using Tapatalk

Mr. Man
09-30-2011, 07:22 PM
Model train people with the :Offtopic::hijack:

10-01-2011, 06:43 AM
Channel is always 5

Neither realistic nor a good idea to assume everybody in attendance knows this. Confirm before you drive.

10-01-2011, 07:07 AM
Model train people with the :Offtopic::hijack:

No, we're just deciding where to turn during the convoy!

Ms. Denmark
10-01-2011, 07:16 AM
Neither realistic nor a good idea to assume everybody in attendance knows this. Confirm before you drive.
Thank you Mark!





10-05-2011, 06:02 AM
Make sure your gas tank is FULL BEFORE you leave!

SC Cheesehead
10-05-2011, 06:17 AM
Make sure your gas tank is FULL BEFORE you leave!

And make sure you don't fill it with kerosene...

10-05-2011, 07:41 AM
Model train people with the :Offtopic::hijack:

Sorry, Mr. Man...we can talk about the weather instead!:lol::hide:

10-05-2011, 07:47 AM
Sorry, Mr. Man...we can talk about the weather instead!:lol::hide:

:bop:....... :nono:.... Shhhhhhh!


10-05-2011, 08:08 AM
:bop:....... :nono:.... Shhhhhhh!


They JUST WON'T quit:mad::mad::mad:

someone will take responsbility if it's raining NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!


10-05-2011, 08:23 AM
They JUST WON'T quit:mad::mad::mad:

someone will take responsbility if it's raining NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gotta be someone else...I only talked about snow....:P

10-05-2011, 08:32 AM
Gotta be someone else...I only talked about snow....:P

Hahahaaa!!! SHAZAMOO!!! You got us there! :alone:

10-05-2011, 09:11 AM
Gotta be someone else...I only talked about snow....:P

It snowed in Pa. last weekend.

10-05-2011, 09:50 AM
It snowed in Pa. last weekend.

I saw that, but dared NOT to bring it up....:censor:

So, I don't have any communication devices (other than my cell) and I don't have a GPS (I'm old skool...just give me a map!); I will trust that the person in front of me will know where we are going....:rolleyes:

Now that I think about it, I do have some GPS capability on my cell, but it only tells me where I am, not where I need to go...as long as I'm with another MM, it's all good! :banana:

10-05-2011, 10:04 AM
I saw that, but dared NOT to bring it up....:censor:

So, I don't have any communication devices (other than my cell) and I don't have a GPS (I'm old skool...just give me a map!); I will trust that the person in front of me will know where we are going....:rolleyes:

Now that I think about it, I do have some GPS capability on my cell, but it only tells me where I am, not where I need to go...as long as I'm with another MM, it's all good! :banana:

We have plenty of maps that will be handed out and you'll have a entire line of Marauders to help you navigate. ;)

SC Cheesehead
10-05-2011, 10:08 AM
I saw that, but dared NOT to bring it up....:censor:

So, I don't have any communication devices (other than my cell) and I don't have a GPS (I'm old skool...just give me a map!); I will trust that the person in front of me will know where we are going....:rolleyes:

Now that I think about it, I do have some GPS capability on my cell, but it only tells me where I am, not where I need to go...as long as I'm with another MM, it's all good! :banana:

Not to worry, Kyle, I'll be happy to tell you where to go... :lol:

BTW, I have a spare FRS radio that you're welcome to use during MV.

10-05-2011, 10:22 AM
not to worry, kyle, i'll be happy to tell you where to go... :lol:

ka-powza !!

10-05-2011, 07:49 PM
I will hold a map reading class if needed :lol: