View Full Version : RIP Steve Jobs, 1955-2011

10-05-2011, 04:59 PM
Steve jobs has just passed away, for me this is really, sad news. R.I.P :(


10-05-2011, 06:12 PM
D**m, only 2yrs older than me.

Rest in peace Mr Jobs

10-05-2011, 06:23 PM
Sad news.

What was the cause of death?

10-05-2011, 06:25 PM
Sad news.

What was the cause of death?

not exactly sure at this point, but im sure as you know he was very sick, which was the cause of his resignation from ceo a while ago, so im assuming its due to that.

10-05-2011, 06:25 PM
Sad news.

What was the cause of death?


Google can be your friend.

If you try and let it.



10-05-2011, 07:33 PM
Well that plain ol stinks. Such a pioneer. I love Apple products. RIP Steve.

All the money he had couldn't save him. Hmmmm.

Currious. I'd like to know how Magic Johnson has fought off HIV all these years? Anyone know?

- Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

10-05-2011, 07:34 PM
Greatest modern pitch man.

10-05-2011, 07:37 PM
D**m, only 2yrs older than me.

Rest in peace Mr Jobs

4 Years younger than me.....

10-05-2011, 07:50 PM
Jobs was really something.

10-05-2011, 08:01 PM
Ive known a few guys who got pancreatic cancer and none lived more than a year from the diagnosis.

10-05-2011, 08:03 PM
Hoped heaven doesnt require flash to get in....

too early?

10-05-2011, 08:11 PM
Hoped heaven doesnt require flash to get in....

too early?

"When does the Iphone 5 come out??? Does it have Wee-fee? How many Gee-bees does it get? Does it come with a free case?"

No...It's never too soon. :beer: I work for verizon and deal with the mindless sheeple who buy apple products on a daily basis.

I'm sure he wasn't a bad guy, but i despise his products and MOST of the people who buy them without knowing a goddamn thing about the product theyre purchasing.


10-05-2011, 09:12 PM
Though I am not an Apple fan myself, it is easy to recognize that Mr. Jobs was a visionary who definitely had a hand in how the world is today. Very few households do not have an iDevice or Apple Computer in them and it was Steve's persistence of vision that drove Apple's products and rapid development. It will be interesting to see if the company can succeed on the same magnitude as it has, without him.

Steve's experience also serves as a reminder that all the money in the world still cannot conquer health issues. This should be a big wake-up-call for those who focus so much on the pursuit of wealth and career and put friends and family to the wayside. Health is wealth and you have a finite time with those who love you.

Steve will be missed. RIP Mr Jobs.

10-05-2011, 09:38 PM
Very sad news, with out Jobs we wouldnt all be enjoying smart phones, and the new level of tech they brought to the forefront.


10-06-2011, 05:24 AM
Hoped heaven doesnt require flash to get in....

too early?

OH, that''s cold!
But it made me laugh.
Let's face it Jobs is why PCs are starting to be more "Apple like"
Still only similar. I have 2 PCs for work and then a Mac for myself.
No comparison Apple FTMFW!
RIP Mr Jobs.

10-06-2011, 05:48 AM
Well that plain ol stinks. Such a pioneer. I love Apple products. RIP Steve.

All the money he had couldn't save him. Hmmmm.

Currious. I'd like to know how Magic Johnson has fought off HIV all these years? Anyone know?

- Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

He has an app for that.


10-06-2011, 01:38 PM
Jobs was a genius. An evil genius, but still a genius. I am an apple-hater but give credit where it is due.

Apple is the evil corporation that they criticized Microsoft for being in the 80s, but they have people lining up to buy products that don't even measure up to the competition. They could have put that apple logo on a phone made of popsicle sticks and duct tape and sold 20 million of them.

For $400 apiece. That is good marketing.

Joe Walsh
10-06-2011, 01:53 PM
Jobs was a genius. An evil genius, but still a genius. I am an apple-hater but give credit where it is due.

Apple is the evil corporation that they criticized Microsoft for being in the 80s, but they have people lining up to buy products that don't even measure up to the competition. They could have put that apple logo on a phone made of popsicle sticks and duct tape and sold 20 million of them.

For $400 apiece. That is good marketing.

I never could figure out all the dorks who would camp out for days before the scheduled release of the next iphone,
waiting for them to open the store on the release date, then rush in and gladly pay $800 for a phone that will retail for less than $400 in a month....:dunno:

Do you really need the newest iphone that badly???

10-06-2011, 02:02 PM
I never could figure out all the dorks who would camp out for days before the scheduled release of the next iphone,
waiting for them to open the store on the release date, then rush in and gladly pay $800 for a phone that will retail for less than $400 in a month....:dunno:

Do you really need the newest iphone that badly???

Chump change compared to this...



10-06-2011, 02:11 PM
"When does the Iphone 5 come out??? Does it have Wee-fee? How many Gee-bees does it get? Does it come with a free case?"

No...It's never too soon. :beer: I work for verizon and deal with the mindless sheeple who buy apple products on a daily basis.

I'm sure he wasn't a bad guy, but i despise his products and MOST of the people who buy them without knowing a goddamn thing about the product theyre purchasing.


Lenny? Y u despise iPhone user like myself?? Thaz no nice. Lol

I love my iPhone and waited patiently for this "iPhone 5" which I'm now calling the iPhoney :D. I'll probably upgrade to the 4 (it's cheeper) and wait to see what comes out when my next contract's up.

As for what Jobs did for Apple, I think any company that has the ability to create a product, such as the iPhone or iPad, that comes as second nature to a 2 year old who has not yet mastered speech is an amazing & revolutionary feat in and of itself.

Joe Walsh
10-06-2011, 02:12 PM
Chump change compared to this...




That gives new meaning to: "It'll cost you and arm and a leg"....must be a discount program because it only cost him a kidney!

10-06-2011, 04:33 PM
Lenny? Y u despise iPhone user like myself?? Thaz no nice. Lol

I love my iPhone and waited patiently for this "iPhone 5" which I'm now calling the iPhoney :D. I'll probably upgrade to the 4 (it's cheeper) and wait to see what comes out when my next contract's up.

As for what Jobs did for Apple, I think any company that has the ability to create a product, such as the iPhone or iPad, that comes as second nature to a 2 year old who has not yet mastered speech is an amazing & revolutionary feat in and of itself.
yeah, the iphone 4 is only $99 bucks now so its a pretty good deal :D

10-06-2011, 05:36 PM
Lenny? Y u despise iPhone user like myself?? Thaz no nice. Lol

I love my iPhone and waited patiently for this "iPhone 5" which I'm now calling the iPhoney :D. I'll probably upgrade to the 4 (it's cheeper) and wait to see what comes out when my next contract's up.

As for what Jobs did for Apple, I think any company that has the ability to create a product, such as the iPhone or iPad, that comes as second nature to a 2 year old who has not yet mastered speech is an amazing & revolutionary feat in and of itself.

Yep, and for that he and apple deserve all the credit. What's disturbing though, is all the apple sheep thinking Jobs invented the smartphone, mp3 player and the tablet.

And lately, Apple's crusade of "we patented the square so you can't make a square tablet or we'll seek to ban you for stealing our square" is not winning any customers...

10-06-2011, 08:20 PM
After seeing all the hubub on tv and the net about this guy I guess I must have missed the boat on his greatness to mankind. Im sorry so see him (or anyone) go from such a crappy disease so young but Im a bit confused with the reporting. I wonder if all those laying wreaths would like to remember these guys the same way?

10-06-2011, 09:37 PM
After seeing all the hubub on tv and the net about this guy I guess I must have missed the boat on his greatness to mankind. Im sorry so see him (or anyone) go from such a crappy disease so young but Im a bit confused with the reporting. I wonder if all those laying wreaths would like to remember these guys the same way?

Steve and those who have lost their lives at war for our country both equally deserve remembrance. Whether one or the other doesn't receive as much attention, does not mean the other doesn't deserve it any less. And who said that "those laying wreaths" do not remember "these guys" the same way? :confused: