View Full Version : Digital Images

01-18-2004, 01:32 PM
What kind of digital cameras do you guys use now? I recently upgraded to a brand new Canon G2 (special edition black) at a rediculous price, $399 . I think they originally sold for $599 to $699 shortly before the G3 and G5 came out recently. The image I took of it below was taken with a Kodak DC215. The Kodak is a good camera, I have a gold version and a silver version, but the megapixel was extremely low by today's standards. The G2 has a lot of nice features and should last me quite a while. I also have a brand new Gateway MD40 that I haven't even used yet. It became a red-headed stepchild once the G2 arrived. And Santa Claws brought my daughter a new Fuji A210 for Christmas. At 11-years-old. At 11, I was lucky to get a new bicycle at best. :)


01-18-2004, 02:57 PM
I use a Sony DSC-F717 personally. I love it. Bought it about 14 months ago, just after they came out. I'm salivating over the 828, it's a pretty trick camera..

01-18-2004, 03:03 PM
Nice! Thwy are still selling for $600 to $700 now. :)


01-18-2004, 03:28 PM
Nothing but Fuji stuff for me, nowadays.

Started with a surprise performance by a relatively unknown camera by the name of Fuji 2900 MX Zoom in 2000, which blew me away with beautiful colors that made it pretty much unnecessary to use more than the camera's 640x480 setting (that's 0.3 MegaPixels! Max resolution was about 2.1 MegaPixels - 1800x1200).
Here's an example:


And then I graduated to a Fuji S2 Pro - that's their latest "prosumer" Digital SLR (meaning, it has the flipping mirror that gives the regular 35mm camera that "CLACK" sound when it takes a shot). It's built on the same body as the 35mm Nikon N80 (which Nikon also uses to build its D100 digital SLR). As such, it uses Nikon lenses (or lenses that fit on Nikon mounts). Now I've been re-introduced to the world of "Depth of Field" and I love it!


Also, it allows me to take shots like these:

01-18-2004, 04:03 PM
Nice quality!!!.

I have owned a bunch of Trans Ams too, by the way. I took a picture of a frame on a wall just now.....

top left corner, a 1978 with deep dish honeycomb wheels

top row, 3rd from left, 1977 Grand Prix SJ 455 V-8 in deep snow

2nd row, 2nd from left, 1975 Corvette

2nd row, third from left, 1982 Trans Am

3rd row, first from left, 1976 Corvette

3rd row, second from left, 1979 10th Anniversary Trans Am

3rd row, third from left, 10th annoversary again

bottom row left, 1977 white TransAm

bottom row, 2nd from left, I drove Virginia Senator J. Harry Michael in local parade in my 1979 10th Anniversary Trans Am. He is now a federal judge.

bottom row, third from left, picture of 1982 again

top right, high school friend killed in the yellow Granada rollover pictured in 2nd row.


01-18-2004, 05:59 PM
I'm still using this POS Sony DSC-F707 and it bums me out now. I capture great pics, yeah, but can't do anything with them here. Can't upload any of them to share with others here, so, what's the use of taking these pics? Argh...whatever.

Yo, /Steve...Where's my CD of pics from Hershey? Come on now, bud, you promised...Pics with commentary, eh?

BTW...Some of the best "spontaneous" anyone has ever captured about us, came from Merc. Anyone heard from him lately?

01-18-2004, 06:05 PM
I'm still using this POS Sony DSC-F707 and it bums me out now. I capture great pics, yeah, but can't do anything with them here. Can't upload any of them to share with others here, so, what's the use of taking these pics? Argh

Why can you not upload anything from the camera? :confused:

01-18-2004, 06:54 PM
Considering the 707 is the precursor to the 717, why wouldn't you be able to upload them? Size?

No one wants to see a 2megabyte jpeg... I have a automated script that resizes all my photos to 640x480 for the ones I intend on uploading to the site...

01-18-2004, 07:00 PM
Can't upload any of them to share with others here, so, what's the use of taking these pics? Argh...whatever.He hasn't asked Bunny!! to do it yet, either!! He's got Bunny!! to share HER pics.

01-18-2004, 07:08 PM
Yo, /Steve...Where's my CD of pics from Hershey? Come on now, bud, you promised...Pics with commentary, eh?

Yep, I haven't forgotten. I have been waiting for material from Bunny(!!) and Merc to complete a CD, but Merc hasn't read my latest PM with my coordinates... and that was a WHILE back. So I've pretty much decided to just send out what I have, period.

About your own pics, I'll email you later on tonight when my fingers are a bit healed from my carpet-ripping weekend, I have some suggestions to help you out.

01-18-2004, 07:11 PM
2nd row, third from left, 1982 Trans Am

My deepest sympathies...

01-18-2004, 07:16 PM
I have been waiting for material from Bunny(!!) I know, I know... Bunny's been bad.....:o

01-18-2004, 07:32 PM
My deepest sympathies...

You are correct. The 1982 was the "dog" out of the Trans Am crop I have owned. If you recall, that particular year had the black plastic wheel covers that snapped onto the aluminum wheels. What a stupid crazy thing for Pontiac to have done. :)

01-18-2004, 07:45 PM
I know, I know... Bunny's been bad.....:o

Lucky Bob... :up:

01-18-2004, 07:48 PM
If you recall, that particular year had the black plastic wheel covers that snapped onto the aluminum wheels. What a stupid crazy thing for Pontiac to have done. :)

You can't complain about a sub-.29 Cd, especially in 1981. But you'd need more than a .29 Cd to help that 305 4Bbl out. The Canadian 305 4Bbls were MUCH MUCH nicer to drive... no ECM's required until 1987 on carbed cars, so they ran much stronger. My '85 305 4Bbl Parisienne walked a few 1987 305 4Bbl F-bodies back in her heyday...

01-18-2004, 07:53 PM
2nd row, third from left, 1982 Trans Am

My deepest sympathies...

:lol: yeah mine too!!!!

I owned one for 10 days until one night I smelled a weird 'flux,soldering' smell,.. I pulled over,. popped the hood. My entire firewall was on fire!

It caught the hood insulation, and flared up.. 20 minutes later it was a black hulk sitting in the street.. looked like something I would later see in Bosnia!

Sheesh,.. piece of crap!


01-18-2004, 08:01 PM
Sony DSC-F505V here. Takes great pictures as long as the light is good.

01-18-2004, 08:07 PM
I owned one for 10 days until one night I smelled a weird 'flux,soldering' smell,.. I pulled over,. popped the hood. My entire firewall was on fire!

Repeat after me...




Fire Bird. Fire Bird.... FireBird... Firebird!!!
Got it now? ;)

I read stories along the lines of 4 speed shifters falling completely out under the car due to improper installation, other assembly nightmares. And they wonder why the asian market took off so dramatically in the 80s.

I love my '87 GTA. I really love my '87 GTA. I LOVE my '87 GTA. But man, when I look at the way it was put together, every time I'm working on it... I just shake my head and wonder how it was possible to stay in business building stuff like this. :depress:

01-18-2004, 08:59 PM
I use a Kodak EasyShare DX4330. (3.1 Megapixels)
Nothing fancy, but it gets the job done.

01-18-2004, 09:30 PM
Repeat after me...




It's funny ya mention the 87,.. cause that's what I bought with my insurance $... I liked that car,... until it was stolen and stripped..:bigcry:


01-19-2004, 07:07 AM
Hey uh... Thread hijackers... Go start your own thread. Damn pontiac lovers!!! :D

01-19-2004, 07:12 AM
:rolleyes: sorry, yeah I guess we did hijack this thread huh?

OK,.. well,.. I have a 2 year old Sony DSC-P50 2.1 mega pixels. It gets the job done, but after seeing some of those new-fangled gizmos, I may have to upgrade!
