View Full Version : LEO Do Not Touch Handcuffed Suspect?

10-26-2011, 09:56 AM
By Jerry Seper


The Washington Times

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A U.S. Border Patrol agent has been sentenced to two years in prison for improperly lifting the arms of a 15-year-old drug smuggling suspect while handcuffed — in what the Justice Department called a deprivation of the teenager's constitutional right to be free from the use of unreasonable force.

Agent Jesus E. Diaz Jr. was named in a November 2009 federal grand jury indictment with deprivation of rights under color of law during an October 2008 arrest near the Rio Grande in Eagle Pass, Texas, in response to a report that illegal immigrants had crossed the river with bundles of drugs.

In a prosecution sought by the Mexican government and obtained after the suspected smuggler was given immunity to testify against the agent, Diaz was sentenced last week by U.S. District Judge Alia Moses Ludlum in San Antonio. The Mexican consulate in Eagle Pass had filed a formal written complaint just hours after the arrest, alleging that the teenager had been beaten.

Defense attorneys argued that there were no injuries or bruises on the suspected smuggler's lower arms where the handcuffs had been placed nor any bruising resulting from an alleged knee on his back. Photos showed the only marks on his body came from the straps of the pack he carried containing the suspected drugs, they said.

Border Patrol agents found more than 150 pounds of marijuana at the arrest site.

The defense claimed that the smuggling suspect was handcuffed because he was uncooperative and resisted arrest, and that the agent had lifted his arms to force him to the ground — a near-universal police technique — while the other agents looked for the drugs.

The allegations against Diaz, 31, a seven-year veteran of the Border Patrol, initially were investigated by Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Office of Professional Responsibility, which cleared the agent of any wrongdoing.

But the Internal Affairs Division at U.S. Customs and Border Protection ruled differently nearly a year later and, ultimately, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Texas brought charges.

The Law Enforcement Officers Advocates Council said the government's case was “based on false testimony that is contradicted by the facts.”

In a statement, the council said that because the arrest took place at about 2 a.m., darkness would have made it impossible for the government's witnesses to have seen whether any mistreatment took place. It said Marcos Ramos, the Border Patrol agent who stood next to Diaz, testified that he did not see any mistreatment of the smuggling suspect.

The council said other witnesses made contradictory claims and some later admitted to having perjured themselves. Such admissions, the council said, were ignored by the court and the government. It also said that probationary agents who claimed to have witnessed the assault raised no objections during the incident and failed to notify an on-duty supervisor until hours later.

“Instead, they went off-duty to a local 'Whataburger' restaurant, got their stories straight and reported it hours later to an off-duty supervisor at his home,” the council said. “Then the 'witnesses' went back to the station and reported their allegations.”

The council also noted that the teenager claimed no injuries in court other than sore shoulders, which the council attributed to “the weight of the drug load, approximately 75 pounds, he carried across the border.”

The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Texas, which brought the charges, is the same office that in February 2006 — under U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton — prosecuted Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean after they shot a drug-smuggling suspect, Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila, in the buttocks as he tried to flee back into Mexico after abandoning a van filled with 800 pounds of marijuana. Aldrete-Davila also was given immunity in the case and testified against the agents.

Agents Ramos and Compean were convicted and sentenced to 11 and 12 years in prison, respectively.

President George W. Bush commuted the sentences in 2009 after they had served two years.

The same prosecutors also charged Edwards County Deputy Sheriff Gilmer Hernandez in 2005 with violating the civil rights of a Mexican criminal alien after he shot out the tires of a van filled with illegals as it tried to run him over. One of the illegal immigrants in the van was hit with bullet fragments.

10-26-2011, 10:41 AM
Should have just shot and killed the illegal smugglers. End of story.


- Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

10-26-2011, 11:01 AM
Should have just shot and killed the illegal smugglers. End of story.


- Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

I actually had a brother-in-law---who was a deputy sherriff that lived by that rule--never had a problem with his actions--and yes --there is more on how he covered his tracks to insure it--pont is--even way back then--talkng -30 years or more---its still the same today---

10-26-2011, 11:10 AM
man thats bull*****...
straight BS, i got upset reading it

10-26-2011, 11:21 AM
At first I thought this was a joke ... seriously? We are prosecuting our LEO for lifting a handcuffed prisoner by his arms. There were no bruises ... just a soreness in the shoulders. If the LEO had intentionally caused him harm, wouldn't there be more than just soreness?

10-26-2011, 01:12 PM
Obviously there must be more to the story if their own Internal Affairs presented the case for prosecution.

Comin' in Hot
10-26-2011, 01:23 PM
Should have just shot and killed the illegal smugglers.

I couldn't agree more

10-26-2011, 01:33 PM
Obviously there must be more to the story if their own Internal Affairs presented the case for prosecution.

Yeah. There is. It's called screw the American and protect illegals and smugglers.

- Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

10-26-2011, 01:38 PM
[QUOTE=guspech750;1105993]Yeah. There is. It's called screw the American and protect illegals and smugglers.


10-26-2011, 01:50 PM
I can't believe they arrested Jesus... Oh, wait... history repeats... :D

Granddaddy Marq
10-26-2011, 01:59 PM
It's about time LOE go to jail for the crimes they comit. What's the big deal, he was convicted by a jury of his peers. You can't lye in court' so the testimony was true. So they belived the victom this time and not the lying LOE, it needs to happen more often. I bet with out his weapons he's not going to be all that tuff in jail. The cowerd will be in protective costody. Just scan Youtube for cops caught on tape. Ronney King comes to mind. There's alot more that need to go to jail!

10-26-2011, 02:09 PM
It's about time LOE go to jail for the crimes they comit. What's the big deal, he was convicted by a jury of his peers. You can't lye in court' so the testimony was true. So they belived the victom this time and not the lying LOE, it needs to happen more often. I bet with out his weapons he's not going to be all that tuff in jail. The cowerd will be in protective costody. Just scan Youtube for cops caught on tape. Ronney King comes to mind. There's alot more that need to go to jail!

"Dear Law Enforcement,

While protecting me from the dangers of the world, could you please tie your own hands behind your back?


10-26-2011, 02:50 PM
Obviously there must be more to the story if their own Internal Affairs presented the case for prosecution.

"The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Texas, which brought the charges, is the same office that in February 2006 — under U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton — prosecuted Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean after they shot a drug-smuggling suspect, Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila, in the buttocks as he tried to flee back into Mexico after abandoning a van filled with 800 pounds of marijuana. Aldrete-Davila also was given immunity in the case and testified against the agents.

Agents Ramos and Compean were convicted and sentenced to 11 and 12 years in prison, respectively.

President George W. Bush commuted the sentences in 2009 after they had served two years.

The same prosecutors also charged Edwards County Deputy Sheriff Gilmer Hernandez in 2005 with violating the civil rights of a Mexican criminal alien after he shot out the tires of a van filled with illegals as it tried to run him over. One of the illegal immigrants in the van was hit with bullet fragments."

The Heavy Hand of Tyranny has gotten so big it is crushing it's own fingers. 55,000 new laws have been passed in my life time. In the Federal Register there are over 4,000 laws in the criminal scetion. Keep in mind most criminal laws are left to the States.

It is now better for all for Gov't to tell us what to do instead of what not not do. All actions are now illegal and it is solely up to the Gov't as to wether or not you are to be punished. Yes, being prosecuted is a form of punishment.

10-26-2011, 03:02 PM
Smells of Political Pressure by LaRaza who do not recognize the Treaty of Gudalupe and advocate the violent over throw of the SW USA. We even let LaRaza teach that in our Public Schools.

"The allegations against Diaz, 31, a seven-year veteran of the Border Patrol, initially were investigated by Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Office of Professional Responsibility, which cleared the agent of any wrongdoing.

But the Internal Affairs Division at U.S. Customs and Border Protection ruled differently nearly a year later and, ultimately, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Texas brought charges."

Perhaps when your good friend is beaten, his pregnant wife tortured and gang r***d as my friends were and the police catch the suspects who resist the next time they will let them go rather than face jail time and they can then do the same to your friends.

And I can verify that my friends were not engaged in any criminal activity but the perps were engaged in the drug trade.

10-26-2011, 03:31 PM
Isn't this supposed to be what happens when we move to socialism?

10-26-2011, 03:42 PM
Isn't this supposed to be what happens when we move to socialism?

I'm not sure, they haven't told me yet. :P

10-26-2011, 03:53 PM
Old saying 'what we have here is a failure to communicate "

10-26-2011, 05:02 PM
Here Ill cut and paste some too:

"Reporting from Del Rio, Texas — One by one, Border Patrol agents took the witness stand in the federal courthouse here last week to testify against a fellow officer, their faces creased with anguish.
By their accounts, Agent Jesus Enrique Diaz Jr., a husband and father with seven years on the job, tortured a 16-year-old drug smuggler two years ago by wrenching his handcuffed arms upward as he pressed a knee into his back. In an effort to make the boy reveal where he had hidden marijuana bundles near the Rio Grande, Diaz also kicked him and dropped him face-first on the ground, agents testified. No one stopped the alleged assault as the 110-pound juvenile screamed, but some agents talked afterward about the "disgust" they felt and reported it. "I knew that what he was doing was wrong," Agent Gabriel Lerma testified."

This clown was brought up on charges and was convicted by a jury of his peers. The case has nothing to do with the dirtbag drug smuggler, it has to do with an idiot that shouldnt be wearing a badge. His actions were so out of line his fellow officers had to report it and agree to act as witnesses against him. Not an easy thing. As a retired LEO Ill add the minute you start letting these morons go hog wild you risk the professionalism of the other 99% of good officers out there trying to do a damn near impossible job.

10-26-2011, 06:05 PM
Thank you for adding that. It changes my view on the situation.

10-26-2011, 06:54 PM
Guy should be given a medal. Beats an illegal alien drug smuggler at the border, big whoop. At least he's defending a Nation. They found 150 pounds of drugs, so the ends justify the means to me. Don't want your ass beat by law enforcement? Don't have your ass breaking laws in front of law enforcement, duh.

10-26-2011, 07:00 PM
Like I said before. He should have just shot and killed the scumbag. End of story.

Oooooohhhhhh poor illegal drug smuggler. So he wuzz hurt. Tisk tisk. I guess he should have stayed in his own damn country and deal his drugs there. He should of had his damn neck broken in 88 different places!!

- Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

Granddaddy Marq
10-26-2011, 07:08 PM
Here Ill cut and paste some too:

"Reporting from Del Rio, Texas — One by one, Border Patrol agents took the witness stand in the federal courthouse here last week to testify against a fellow officer, their faces creased with anguish.
By their accounts, Agent Jesus Enrique Diaz Jr., a husband and father with seven years on the job, tortured a 16-year-old drug smuggler two years ago by wrenching his handcuffed arms upward as he pressed a knee into his back. In an effort to make the boy reveal where he had hidden marijuana bundles near the Rio Grande, Diaz also kicked him and dropped him face-first on the ground, agents testified. No one stopped the alleged assault as the 110-pound juvenile screamed, but some agents talked afterward about the "disgust" they felt and reported it. "I knew that what he was doing was wrong," Agent Gabriel Lerma testified."

This clown was brought up on charges and was convicted by a jury of his peers. The case has nothing to do with the dirtbag drug smuggler, it has to do with an idiot that shouldnt be wearing a badge. His actions were so out of line his fellow officers had to report it and agree to act as witnesses against him. Not an easy thing. As a retired LEO Ill add the minute you start letting these morons go hog wild you risk the professionalism of the other 99% of good officers out there trying to do a damn near impossible job.

I think it's move like 1% of good officers out there trying to do a near impossible job. And I'm afraid they will be corupted before long. Absolute Power Corupts Absolutey. Thank you posting more on this Vortec.

10-26-2011, 07:09 PM
Like I said before. He should have just shot and killed the scumbag. End of story.

Oooooohhhhhh poor illegal drug smuggler. So he wuzz hurt. Tisk tisk. I guess he should have stayed in his own damn country and deal his drugs there. He should of had his damn neck broken in 88 different places!!

- Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

For real. John McCain snuck across the border into Viet Nam. Guess what he got? He got his arms and his face broke, and the only drug he was smuggling was the male hormone called badassery! Then, after they got done treating him like a Mr. Potato head doll out in that rice paddy, they made him spend some time in a bamboo glory hole type set up. Then, he went on to be an elected politican here in the USofA. Is that what we want? Drug smugglers getting elected as Senators?! I didn't think so!!
I forgot the question about half way into my rant. Mmmmm......PBR's r goooood.

10-26-2011, 07:25 PM
Here Ill cut and paste some too:

"Reporting from Del Rio, Texas — One by one, Border Patrol agents took the witness stand in the federal courthouse here last week to testify against a fellow officer, their faces creased with anguish.
By their accounts, Agent Jesus Enrique Diaz Jr., a husband and father with seven years on the job, tortured a 16-year-old drug smuggler two years ago by wrenching his handcuffed arms upward as he pressed a knee into his back. In an effort to make the boy reveal where he had hidden marijuana bundles near the Rio Grande, Diaz also kicked him and dropped him face-first on the ground, agents testified. No one stopped the alleged assault as the 110-pound juvenile screamed, but some agents talked afterward about the "disgust" they felt and reported it. "I knew that what he was doing was wrong," Agent Gabriel Lerma testified."

This clown was brought up on charges and was convicted by a jury of his peers. The case has nothing to do with the dirtbag drug smuggler, it has to do with an idiot that shouldnt be wearing a badge. His actions were so out of line his fellow officers had to report it and agree to act as witnesses against him. Not an easy thing. As a retired LEO Ill add the minute you start letting these morons go hog wild you risk the professionalism of the other 99% of good officers out there trying to do a damn near impossible job.

What we have is a difference of opinion. Based on the info posted here if I were on the jury I would not have convicted Agent Diaz. "Torture", what a joke, you could also convict every football coach I had for torture if that were the standard.

Apparently what he did was not so bad or his fellow officers would have certainly stopped him.

You cannot deny that there is an element in the Gov't that thinks we should have no borders, no one is an illegal and no drugs should be illegal.

Granddaddy Marq
10-26-2011, 07:25 PM
"Dear Law Enforcement,

While protecting me from the dangers of the world, could you please tie your own hands behind your back?


I'm not as afraid of the dangers of the world as I am of the cops. And yes lets tie their hands be hind their backs and see if they take what they dish out.

10-26-2011, 07:26 PM
I find it ironic that most of these border patrol agents are of Latin descent

10-26-2011, 07:32 PM
From Law Enfrocement Advocacy Council - http://www.advocatescouncil.us/US-vs-JDiaz.htm
"Case Background: Jesus Enrique Diaz, Jr., a Border Patrol Agent, was maliciously prosecuted at the request of the Mexican Consul in Eagle Pass, Texas. After a thorough independent review, we concluded that this case was pushed in order to hand the Mexican Government a Border Patrol agent's scalp. It was solely motivated by politics and is yet another example of prosecutorial abuse and misconduct while protecting Mexico's narco-terror influences. The sole issue here is Agent Diaz was accused of pulling on the handcuffs of a doper while allegedly questioning him about a dope load. The U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas who prosecuted this case for the Department of In-Justice painted the doper as a poor victim selling drugs to make money for his family. When this case first began, between 1 and 2am Central Time on October 16, 2008, the U.S. Attorney was none other than Johnny Sutton who left DOJ on April 19, 2009. His Chief Deputy was appointed by Obama as U.S. Attorney and continued the case.

Sutton's office previously prosecuted Border Patrol Agents Gary Brugman, Jose Compean, and Ignacio Ramos, FBI Special Agent in Charge Hardrick Crawford, Edwards County Deputy Sheriff Gilmer Hernandez, as well as Celerino 'Cele' Castillo a retired DEA Agent who blew the whistle on the Iran-Contra scandel."

10-26-2011, 07:37 PM
I honestly don't care when a I hear some jagbag got his face pummled in by Johnny Law. I find it amusing and deserving. Here's an idea. Don't break the law and you'll have your purdy looks a long time.

- Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

Granddaddy Marq
10-26-2011, 07:37 PM
For real. John McCain snuck across the border into Viet Nam. Guess what he got? He got his arms and his face broke, and the only drug he was smuggling was the male hormone called badassery! Then, after they got done treating him like a Mr. Potato head doll out in that rice paddy, they made him spend some time in a bamboo glory hole type set up. Then, he went on to be an elected politican here in the USofA. Is that what we want? Drug smugglers getting elected as Senators?! I didn't think so!!
I forgot the question about half way into my rant. Mmmmm......PBR's r goooood.

John McCain is not a cop. He is a war hero and badass. And for some reason supports gun control in Arizona. Bet he don't support torture!

10-26-2011, 07:57 PM
"The Mexican consulate in Eagle Pass had filed a formal written complaint just hours after the arrest, alleging that the teenager had been beaten.

Defense attorneys argued that there were no injuries or bruises on the suspected smuggler's lower arms where the handcuffs had been placed nor any bruising resulting from an alleged knee on his back. Photos showed the only marks on his body came from the straps of the pack he carried containing the suspected drugs, they said."

"The allegations against Diaz, 31, a seven-year veteran of the Border Patrol, initially were investigated by Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Office of Professional Responsibility, which cleared the agent of any wrongdoing."

10-26-2011, 08:23 PM
I'm not as afraid of the dangers of the world as I am of the cops. And yes lets tie their hands be hind their backs and see if they take what they dish out.

Wow, I can honestly say I would hate to live your life (or at least hate to live wherever you live) if that is the fear you have. I'm guessing you either had one really bad experience with law enforcement or grew up with a series of bad experiences with law enforcement. This may come as a surprise to you, but not every officer joins the ranks just so they can push the badge around on their fellow citizens; in fact, those would be few and far between...

I find it ironic that most of these border patrol agents are of Latin descent

You find it surprising that the states with high percentages of assorted south and central american immigration have a high percentage of law enforcement membership that belongs to said groups? Surely you're kidding right? :P

10-27-2011, 04:33 AM
U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, should be taken out into the desert and beaten.

10-27-2011, 06:16 AM
News Alert - Police are "torturing" the peacefull protestors accross the USA by using tear gas, beating with clubs and lifting by arms all to inflick pain. These painful images are being broadcast across the World and yet the DOJ continues to ignore this violation of their rights.

Oh wait the "protestors" being USA Citizens are not a special protected class w/ special rights.

Community Organizers are now hiring Illegal Mexicans to replace the "protestors". This way the Mexican Gov't can file protest and the DOJ prosecute the Police for violating the illegals "rights".

Granddaddy Marq
10-27-2011, 06:18 AM
Wow, I can honestly say I would hate to live your life (or at least hate to live wherever you live) if that is the fear you have. I'm guessing you either had one really bad experience with law enforcement or grew up with a series of bad experiences with law enforcement. This may come as a surprise to you, but not every officer joins the ranks just so they can push the badge around on their fellow citizens; in fact, those would be few and far between...

You find it surprising that the states with high percentages of assorted south and central american immigration have a high percentage of law enforcement membership that belongs to said groups? Surely you're kidding right? :P
I'll refer you to the thread " Tickets" post 15 that started it for me. Yes I'm looking for proporty in Tn. right now. I'm willing to abandon my paid for home for a morgage in another state. Alabama is insane.

10-27-2011, 06:43 AM
Maybe it is the mechanical enginerd in me, but has anyone stopped and thought about the physics behind this allegation?

Handcuffed behind his back...
Laying on his face with Cop on top of him with a knee in his back...

How much room is there left for his arms to be pulled up? They cant be pulled up one by one because they are cuffed together? The can't be pulled up together because the cops body is going to get in the way of the cuffs somehow because he is on the dudes back?

10-27-2011, 06:44 AM
I'll refer you to the thread " Tickets" post 15 that started it for me. Yes I'm looking for proporty in Tn. right now. I'm willing to abandon my paid for home for a morgage in another state. Alabama is insane.

You could probably SELL your house, just saying.

10-27-2011, 06:50 AM
Maybe it is the mechanical enginerd in me, but has anyone stopped and thought about the physics behind this allegation?

Handcuffed behind his back...
Laying on his face with Cop on top of him with a knee in his back...

How much room is there left for his arms to be pulled up? They cant be pulled up one by one because they are cuffed together? The can't be pulled up together because the cops body is going to get in the way of the cuffs somehow because he is on the dudes back?

Does not matter. A complaint was filed with the Mexican Gov't. Could it be word got back that a complaint was filed w/ the Mexican Gov't and either go against your fellow LEO or you too will be prosecuted for doing nothing while this young man was being "tortured". Perhaps their Sup was tipped and notified them, that's why it was reported to him while he was off duty.

"Instead, they went off-duty to a local 'Whataburger' restaurant, got their stories straight and reported it hours later to an off-duty supervisor at his home,” the council said. “Then the 'witnesses' went back to the station and reported their allegations.”

10-27-2011, 06:59 AM
Does not matter. A complaint was filed with the Mexican Gov't. Could it be word got back that a complaint was filed and either go against your fellow LEO or you too will be prosecuted for doing nothing while this young man was being "tortured" and for not filing a complaint. Perhaps their Sup was tipped and notified them that's why it was reported to him while he was off duty.

It's sad that the $ussification of America has led ignorant people to not know the difference between an ssa kicking and torture.

10-27-2011, 07:13 AM
I'll refer you to the thread " Tickets" post 15 that started it for me. Yes I'm looking for proporty in Tn. right now. I'm willing to abandon my paid for home for a morgage in another state. Alabama is insane.

I have had a bad experience with someone in every profession, race, creed, social class, religion, National origin, sex, etc that I have encountered. Yet I do not paint all as you have. To do so is to be a BIGOT!

10-27-2011, 07:16 AM
I'll refer you to the thread " Tickets" post 15 that started it for me. Yes I'm looking for proporty in Tn. right now. I'm willing to abandon my paid for home for a morgage in another state. Alabama is insane.

All I can say is anytime I had dealings with someone with your attitude about LE, all I needed to do was run them through NYSPIN and my question was answered. Should you be having a problem with a particular person, there is a process for dealing with that. I know because it was a part of my responsibilities. Try living next to what I'm stuck with thanks to Title 8 Housing and a POS landowner...

10-27-2011, 07:19 AM
Not only was the supposed "victim" not proscecuted he was granted immunity. Perhpas Diaz should have kept illegal drugs on his person and then he could also plead as a smuggler.

The Judge stated LEO has no right to inflict pain and in doing so the LEO committed a crime.

No more tazers, nor more handcuffs, no more clubs, no more tear gas and no more guns for LEOs.

10-27-2011, 07:22 AM
All I can say is anytime I had dealings with someone with your attitude about LE, all I needed to do was run them through NYSPIN and my question was answered.

We should just hope that this "curse" doesn't follow him to TN.

10-27-2011, 09:32 AM
I'll refer you to the thread " Tickets" post 15 that started it for me.

So I was right, one bad experience and you went insane. I'm also guessing you watch a lot of youtube videos of police officers being put in the position of having to use force just to get yourself riled up over law enforcement some more.

I got bad news for you dude, Tennessee is going to make you even more pissed off than Alabama, because not only will you be pissed still that LEOs are doing their job the way they have to, but then you'll have a mortgage to pay on top of it since you sold your house to pick up a debt on a new one, not to mention the realization that you left Alabama for a stupid reason. :rolleyes:

10-27-2011, 10:17 AM
It's about time LEOs go to jail for the crimes they commit. What's the big deal, he was convicted by a jury of his peers. You can't lie in court' so the testimony was true. So they believed the victim this time and not the lying LEO. It needs to happen more often. I bet without his weapons he's not going to be all that tough in jail. The coward will be in protective custody. Just scan Youtube for cops caught on tape. Rodney King comes to mind. There's alot more that need to go to jail!

Since you asked for help ^^^^. :rolleyes:

All I can say is anytime I had dealings with someone with your attitude about LE, all I needed to do was run them through NYSPIN and my question was answered.

That would have been my first guess, too. ;)

10-27-2011, 10:51 AM
I wasn't gonna say much on this, but Rodney King? You do realize that you saw only a porition of the video right? He is real fine upstanding citizen... :help:

I had a strictly enforced rule on my command that once the cuffs are on, its over. Raising a persons arms once they are cuffed is a pain compliance technique to gain cooperation. Could it be used to torture someone, yes absolutely. Would that be condoned, absolutely not. FWIW, the US Border Patrol is highly professional organization and not easy at all to be selected for. I'll shut up now before I go off on what is running our Federal Law Enforcement Agencies now... :censor:

10-27-2011, 11:06 AM
I wasn't gonna say much on this, but Rodney King? You do realize that you saw only a porition of the video right? He is real fine upstanding citizen... :help:

I had a strictly enforced rule on my command that once the cuffs are on, its over. Raising a persons arms once they are cuffed is a pain compliance technique to gain cooperation. Could it be used to torture someone, yes absolutely. Would that be condoned, absolutely not. FWIW, the US Border Patrol is highly professional organization and not easy at all to be selected for. I'll shut up now before I go off on what is running our Federal Law Enforcement Agencies now... :censor:
Maybe Eric Holder and Janet Napalitano will breed a race of super babies, specially trained to fight crime.....fighters.

10-27-2011, 11:09 AM
I saw what I beleived to be the full RK tape and I would not have convicted.

I also saw the whole Marion Barry tape and I would not have convicted.

I was in a jury pool for a man arrested for drug in his "possesion" and for owning a firearm that was not in his possesion. An empty pill bottle in the car and a 22 rifle in his house. I would not have convicted him.

Sending him to prison for 2 years while the drug smuggler gets immunity shows the whole agenda of the DOJ.

10-27-2011, 11:14 AM
why did this turn into a convo about Rodney king and where Grandaddy Marq wants to move?.....

the government is weak.. always trying to make the next man happy. f mexico

10-27-2011, 11:36 AM
Maybe Eric Holder and Janet Napalitano will breed a race of super babies, specially trained to fight crime.....fighters.

Someone has to have one of those crazy photo shop programs to combine pictures to see what their kids look like. I'd like to see this one. :puke:

Granddaddy Marq
10-27-2011, 07:09 PM
All I can say is anytime I had dealings with someone with your attitude about LE, all I needed to do was run them through NYSPIN and my question was answered. Should you be having a problem with a particular person, there is a process for dealing with that. I know because it was a part of my responsibilities. Try living next to what I'm stuck with thanks to Title 8 Housing and a POS landowner...

NYSPIN away, I'm background checked all the time for my work. Me, my family, and my freinds all have had problems LEOs. The lies the deception, and the arrogance. As for your neighbor, you and your buddies make up something and raid the place once or twice a month and they'll go away.

Granddaddy Marq
10-27-2011, 07:17 PM
So I was right, one bad experience and you went insane. I'm also guessing you watch a lot of youtube videos of police officers being put in the position of having to use force just to get yourself riled up over law enforcement some more.

I got bad news for you dude, Tennessee is going to make you even more pissed off than Alabama, because not only will you be pissed still that LEOs are doing their job the way they have to, but then you'll have a mortgage to pay on top of it since you sold your house to pick up a debt on a new one, not to mention the realization that you left Alabama for a stupid reason. :rolleyes:

There's been more then one bad experience. Alabama politics is insanely bad. I'm moving and letting Alabama fall in on it's self.

Granddaddy Marq
10-27-2011, 07:24 PM
Since you asked for help ^^^^. :rolleyes:

That would have been my first guess, too. ;)

Bluerauder Thanks for the help. Feel free to correct me anytime, being a funtional illitret it's hard to say much less spell.:stupid: Can somebody change this sign to "I am stupid" for me.

Granddaddy Marq
10-27-2011, 07:30 PM
I wasn't gonna say much on this, but Rodney King? You do realize that you saw only a porition of the video right? He is real fine upstanding citizen... :help:

I had a strictly enforced rule on my command that once the cuffs are on, its over. Raising a persons arms once they are cuffed is a pain compliance technique to gain cooperation. Could it be used to torture someone, yes absolutely. Would that be condoned, absolutely not. FWIW, the US Border Patrol is highly professional organization and not easy at all to be selected for. I'll shut up now before I go off on what is running our Federal Law Enforcement Agencies now... :censor:

At what piont do you think your grandmother could have put the old cuff on Rodney deering that?
I wish you commanded some around here if you mean the second part.

Granddaddy Marq
10-27-2011, 07:34 PM
I saw what I beleived to be the full RK tape and I would not have convicted.

I also saw the whole Marion Barry tape and I would not have convicted.

I was in a jury pool for a man arrested for drug in his "possesion" and for owning a firearm that was not in his possesion. An empty pill bottle in the car and a 22 rifle in his house. I would not have convicted him.

Sending him to prison for 2 years while the drug smuggler gets immunity shows the whole agenda of the DOJ.

This is the kind of law enforcement court cloging :bs: that exist here.

Granddaddy Marq
10-27-2011, 07:40 PM
why did this turn into a convo about Rodney king and where Grandaddy Marq wants to move?.....

the government is weak.. always trying to make the next man happy. f mexico

I think the politicians are weak, and the goverment is over baring. In the words of the imfulmis Rodney King "Can't we all just get along!"

Joe Walsh
10-27-2011, 08:12 PM
If only the real world was like a Dirty Harry movie:


I always liked how Clint Eastwood handled law breakers....

10-27-2011, 09:07 PM
The continued neutering of law enforcement agencies...as these storys continue to appear, I get less and less surprised. It's sad because a LEO is my career goal.

10-28-2011, 04:13 AM
It is time for the American citizen to stand up for themselves; read my sig!

10-28-2011, 04:25 AM
Here Ill cut and paste some too:

"Reporting from Del Rio, Texas — One by one, Border Patrol agents took the witness stand in the federal courthouse here last week to testify against a fellow officer, their faces creased with anguish.
By their accounts, Agent Jesus Enrique Diaz Jr., a husband and father with seven years on the job, tortured a 16-year-old drug smuggler two years ago by wrenching his handcuffed arms upward as he pressed a knee into his back. In an effort to make the boy reveal where he had hidden marijuana bundles near the Rio Grande, Diaz also kicked him and dropped him face-first on the ground, agents testified. No one stopped the alleged assault as the 110-pound juvenile screamed, but some agents talked afterward about the "disgust" they felt and reported it. "I knew that what he was doing was wrong," Agent Gabriel Lerma testified."

This clown was brought up on charges and was convicted by a jury of his peers. The case has nothing to do with the dirtbag drug smuggler, it has to do with an idiot that shouldnt be wearing a badge. His actions were so out of line his fellow officers had to report it and agree to act as witnesses against him. Not an easy thing. As a retired LEO Ill add the minute you start letting these morons go hog wild you risk the professionalism of the other 99% of good officers out there trying to do a damn near impossible job.

Good to see one post in this thread that has the facts and the best comments!


Granddaddy Marq
10-28-2011, 07:44 AM
The continued neutering of law enforcement agencies...as these storys continue to appear, I get less and less surprised. It's sad because a LEO is my career goal.
If you're a honest, lawabiding person, with morals don't lower your standards find something else to do. Don't expose yourself to that kind of corruption, the temptation may be to great. Good luck and thank you.

10-29-2011, 07:29 AM
NYSPIN away, I'm background checked all the time for my work. Me, my family, and my freinds all have had problems LEOs. The lies the deception, and the arrogance. As for your neighbor, you and your buddies make up something and raid the place once or twice a month and they'll go away.

No need to make anything up. One 10 year old daughter mauled by a vicious dog, one lawsuit, two arrests, one pending.... Your basic good guy next door POS neighbor. Oh, and I retired last year after doing 34 years so I'm no longer involved, although I do keep my skill set up on a regular basis.

10-29-2011, 09:19 AM
No need to make anything up. One 10 year old daughter mauled by a vicious dog, one lawsuit, two arrests, one pending.... Your basic good guy next door POS neighbor. Oh, and I retired last year after doing 34 years so I'm no longer involved, although I do keep my skill set up on a regular basis.

Yeeeeeeaaaaah, boyeeeeeeeee! :uzi:

10-29-2011, 08:07 PM
The continued neutering of law enforcement agencies...as these storys continue to appear, I get less and less surprised. It's sad because an honest LEO and role model to my family and community is my career goal.
Fixed it for ya! Don't throw in the towel and certainly dont let the nay-sayers ruin it for you. Every profession has bad apples. If it wasn't for the other 99%, we'd all be in trouble. Who are you gonna call at 3 am when the pos perp is coming thru the window? Your biker buddies? Yea, they're on patrol and will be there in 5 minutes or less. :lol:

Granddaddy Marq
10-30-2011, 07:14 AM
Fixed it for ya! Don't throw in the towel and certainly dont let the nay-sayers ruin it for you. Every profession has bad apples. If it wasn't for the other 99%, we'd all be in trouble. Who are you gonna call at 3 am when the pos perp is coming thru the window? Your biker buddies? Yea, they're on patrol and will be there in 5 minutes or less. :lol:

I'm going to call a cleaning serves to sponge up the mess. The only thing the cops or the bikers are going to do is say "good shot". I'll already know that. Unless the wife shoots them, then they'll say "d@#* good shot". Some dumbazz tought her how to shoot and now he sleeps with one eye open. :lol:

10-30-2011, 09:07 AM
I'm going to call a cleaning serves to sponge up the mess. The only thing the cops or the bikers are going to do is say "good shot". I'll already know that. Unless the wife shoots them, then they'll say "d@#* good shot". Some dumbazz tought her how to shoot and now he sleeps with one eye open. :lol:

Well, I see we agree on something. -and- I did the same with my wife and daughter. My daughter received her 1st rifle from Santa at 8 years old. My wife is a "natural", shoots better bulls than I do by a mile.

FWIW, most of the LEOs I know are pro citizens 2nd Amendment Rights, but the "Bosses" have to be politcally correct or risk their job. :rolleyes: