View Full Version : Vicious Pitbull Attack

10-27-2011, 03:50 PM
This terrible breed of dog needs to be abolished before theyhttp://youtu.be/78k2x1J03XI cause more harm to innocent animals like the chihuahua puppy in this video(<< sarcasm)


10-27-2011, 04:14 PM
This terrible breed of dog needs to be abolished before theyhttp://youtu.be/78k2x1J03XI cause more harm to innocent animals like the chihuahua puppy in this video


I did not look at the video, but I will say that the breed is not the problem. Each dog breed has tendancies........Owners are responsible for managing them properly so that those tendancies are controled/restricted where need be. If an animal owner does not, then unfortunate things occur and certain animals get the bad rap they have.

It has been my experience that pitbulls + the different varieties of bulls are great dogs. Unfortunatly they have characteristics that appeal to a segment of society that is not as responsible from a pet ownership perspective as owners of other breeds, hence the reputation......

Did you know that Labradors bite more ppl yearly, than any other breed of dog? True...... It is also true that there are more Labs than any other breed of dog..... Just trying to show that things are not always as they appear.:o

10-27-2011, 04:17 PM
I did not look at the video, but I will say that the breed is not the problem. Each dog breed has tendancies........Owners are responsible for managing them properly so that those tendancies are controled/restricted where need be. If an animal owner does not, then unfortunate things occur and certain animals get the bad rap they have.

It has been my experience that pitbulls + the different varieties of bulls are great dogs. Unfortunatly they have characteristics that appeal to a segment of society that is not as responsible from a pet ownership perspective as owners of other breeds, hence the reputation......

Did you know that Labradors bite more ppl yearly, than any other breed of dog? True...... It is also true that there are more Labs than any other breed of dog..... Just trying to show that things are not always as they appear.:o

I strongly concur!

10-27-2011, 04:25 PM
We are not talking about biting we are talking about killing and maiming. You cannot command out what has been bred in.

When you look at the number of pitts as a % of the dog population and the number of people pitts have killed or maimed there is only one conclusion.

A good friend of mine used to take pitts in as a rescue from the SPCA. They were not pets in any sense. He took them on trial and some even he could not keep.

10-27-2011, 04:31 PM
Responsible ownership is the key, with any breed. My daughter will forever be scarred physically and mentally from a pitbull attack. I don't blame the dog, I blame the mutt owner... :mad2:We have always owned Rotts, another breed with a undeserved bad rap. My male is a big dog, that thinks he is lap dog and sleeps with his buddies, our 2 cats.

10-27-2011, 04:32 PM
I watched the video;):lol:

10-27-2011, 04:53 PM
you really should watch the video;). I love my Pits this vid shows the true nature of a well socialized and well trained bull type dog, a dedicated family dog.

10-27-2011, 05:13 PM
am i only one who watched the video or wut the pitbull was very freindly and nice to the little cute puppy watch the video before you talk its all howe there raised my pitbull is scrary muscular looking but the most loving dog

10-27-2011, 05:23 PM
I watched the video and that chihuahua was visious and should be contained. ;)

10-27-2011, 05:51 PM
After being off the "job" for more than 14 months now, I find my taste for gore to be greatly diminished and took the title as literal. I didn't watch the little girl from China being road pizza'd either...

10-27-2011, 06:01 PM
Wow. This video really goes to show the "viciousness" of a pit :rolleyes:.

I COULD JUST DIIIIEEEEE!!!!! I'd like one of each puppy please thanks.

10-27-2011, 06:01 PM
ntd - the way your first posts reads leads one to think the video shows violence, which is likely why some said they wouldn't watch it. That was my reaction too. I hope you didn't post this thread just to stir the pot.

My brother's pitbull is so docile and friendly. I agree the breed gets a bad rap because of the ill intent some owners promote and it's a shame.

10-27-2011, 06:07 PM
lol'd at 51 second mark :P

10-27-2011, 06:17 PM
ntd - the way your first posts reads leads one to think the video shows violence, which is likely why some said they wouldn't watch it. That was my reaction too. I hope you didn't post this thread just to stir the pot.

My brother's pitbull is so docile and friendly. I agree the breed gets a bad rap because of the ill intent some owners promote and it's a shame.

What is with you all and a witch hunt for "pot stirrers" yes I made this post to get people to look at the video, could there have been more sarcasm in my post yes but emotion and humor are hard to type out. I love the breed(I made this clear in my 2nd post) and have personally fostered and placed 4 Pitbulls in there forever homes. There is a social belief the every pitbull is an evil monster out for blood and carnage. A few bad apples is the exception not a trend

10-27-2011, 06:35 PM
What is with you all and a witch hunt for "pot stirrers" yes I made this post to get people to look at the video, could there have been more sarcasm in my post yes but emotion and humor are hard to type out. I love the breed(I made this clear in my 2nd post) and have personally fostered and placed 4 Pitbulls in there forever homes. There is a social belief the every pitbull is an evil monster out for blood and carnage. A few bad apples is the exception not a trend

Seriously, witch hunt?


I agree with Mary and I didn't click on the link. For a while.

First thing that came to mind was rayjay's daughter.

The video is cute, but the whole time I was watching, was also waiting for something bad to happen to the puppy.

Your point is proven, and I too have been around Pits that were very well behaved.

Bad wrap on the breed? Yes.

In all cases? No.



10-27-2011, 06:45 PM
Seriously, witch hunt?


I agree with Mary and I didn't click on the link. For a while.

First thing that came to mind was rayjay's daughter.

The video is cute, but the whole time I was watching, was also waiting for something bad to happen to the puppy.

Your point is proven, and I too have been around Pits that were very well behaved.

Bad wrap on the breed? Yes.

In all cases? No.



Yes seriously then why insinuate that I was pot stirring especially after my 2nd post. I'll admit my in my 1st post the sarcasm my not have slapped you in the face hence my 2nd post should have filled the gap:rolleyes:.

Crown Vicman
10-27-2011, 06:51 PM
I hate to be the great balloon popper but thats the must funniest looking pitbull I've ever seen. Now either its not a real pit bull or its mixed with something. But there is definitely something fishy about that dog. I know its young but even our pit at 3months never had a snout that slim looking. If you asked me I say someone slipped him a mickey LOL

10-27-2011, 07:18 PM
lol'd at 51 second mark :P
now thats how you fail with balls

10-27-2011, 08:25 PM
Sorry guys......... I am as much to blame here as anyone. I did not watch the video....... Hate seeing what I thought was being offered up..... On me 100%.

Sail.... I have been in rescue for over 10 years here in GA, and I have seen all manner of animals in all kinds of condition.

Any dog subject to abuse or neglect is going to lose it....... Just like most people in prison for long sentences lose it..... The difference is, the animals don't deserve what they get at the hands of irresponsible negligent or uninformed owners.

Pitts need an envirornment and care that is different........ There are some breeds that require similar. If a Pitt is raised in that envirornment of love excersise, attention and nutrition, most will be the biggest wimps going.... What it bred into dogs, can be commanded out if you understand the nuance of the breed of dog under your care.

Sure their are exceptions to every rule, but its up to us humans to do our part when we take responsibility for a domesticated animal. I have had Doberman's and Rhodesian's who as breeds have pretty bad raps.... I can tell you my Affinpincher, and snauser mix (RIP Fifi) are/were way tougher then those two.

So many of us comment on breeds and conditions from the sidelines. I encourage all of you to get involved with saving animals in your communities. At times it is really painful, but others it is one of the most rewarding things a regular individual (joe avg. like me) can do.:beer:
Again, sorry to send this thread in the wrong direction guys.

10-27-2011, 08:27 PM
I have a ChowChow/Pit mix. Sweet and lazy then suddenly he becomes sweet and hyper.

Pits are a great breed of dog.

First it was German Shepherds.

Then Dobberman Pincers.

Now Pit Bulls.

The worst part is, most people don't even know how many breeds are considered "Pit Bulls" by the un-educated masses of canine hate-mongers.

Da Dark Jedi
10-27-2011, 09:38 PM
Back in the mid 90s here in Chicago (Englewood area), a 19 yr old was using his pitbull as a means to rape young girls. He would force them into allyways and use the dog to make them strip and lay down. The police finally caught the up with this human waste and the judge gave the guy 15 years. This was the only time I thought the law should let "street justice" have at him.

10-28-2011, 01:21 AM
This terrible breed of dog needs to be abolished before theyhttp://youtu.be/78k2x1J03XI cause more harm to innocent animals like the chihuahua puppy in this video


You should go read/learn perhaps own a pitbull a real one too not some mix before you go making such comments. My family use to be all anti pitbulls due to b.s aka the news channel until we actually owned one now we own many and my sister who use to be like Hitler when it came to pitbulls owns 2 which live inside her condo with my niece and nephew who are 4 and 2 yrs of age. NOW... Last week we lost one of our family members aka a white small maltese named coco who I love dearly when he decided to act like a mad dog on our male chico who would not tolerate the disrespect. Either way I let chico HAVE IT and buried poor coco who went out like a gangster that he was but I still love chico.

10-28-2011, 01:30 AM
What is with you all and a witch hunt for "pot stirrers" yes I made this post to get people to look at the video, could there have been more sarcasm in my post yes but emotion and humor are hard to type out. I love the breed(I made this clear in my 2nd post) and have personally fostered and placed 4 Pitbulls in there forever homes. There is a social belief the every pitbull is an evil monster out for blood and carnage. A few bad apples is the exception not a trend

That's what I get for not watching the video :beer:

10-28-2011, 01:31 AM
What is with you all and a witch hunt for "pot stirrers" yes I made this post to get people to look at the video, could there have been more sarcasm in my post yes but emotion and humor are hard to type out. I love the breed(I made this clear in my 2nd post) and have personally fostered and placed 4 Pitbulls in there forever homes. There is a social belief the every pitbull is an evil monster out for blood and carnage. A few bad apples is the exception not a trend

That's what I get for not watching the video :beer:

10-28-2011, 02:17 AM
I think all owners of a dog over a certain weight should be required to attend mandatory training on dog control and the dog should go through obedience training and temperament review every three years or so as well.

Sorry, if you want to own an animal that has a history and capability of killing people I think it's necessary for that animal to be trained and for the owner to know how to control it. Hopefully these "pre-requisites" of ownership would help to keep the trash for getting them just so they can look badass.

The alternative to mandatory training is what they're doing now. Banning the breed.

All animals are susceptible to misinterpreting the body language of a human and reacting by biting. The difference is that a cat or Yorkshire terrier won't kill someone in that mistake.

10-28-2011, 05:14 AM
I hate to be the great balloon popper but thats the must funniest looking pitbull I've ever seen. Now either its not a real pit bull or its mixed with something. But there is definitely something fishy about that dog. I know its young but even our pit at 3months never had a snout that slim looking. If you asked me I say someone slipped him a mickey LOL

If I'm not mistaken, the pit in the video is a red nose pitbull.

And here's a little insight on the myths of Pits: http://www.realpitbull.com/myths.html

10-28-2011, 05:37 AM
The question is who would you pick to have your three year old attacked by a Lab, a Yorky or a Pitt?

I have broken up dog fights on several occasions. I grab the dog that is winning by the hind legs and throw it. Like what you see on the WWWF.

10-28-2011, 06:20 AM
Pits are always sweet and never "Acted like that until it ripped my (baby's, toddler's, other dog's) face off". Travis the chimp never did anything like that until he ripped that lady's face off. That doesn't make her any less of a moron for messing with him.

10-28-2011, 06:51 AM
Your first post was worded so the reader would think its one of those ultra violent gore videos out there (though Im assuming its not). I refuse to watch that crapola. No witchhunt; I guess its a generational thing.

10-28-2011, 07:04 AM
Edited my 1st post in an attempt to overcome the my generational gap issues, My apologies

10-28-2011, 07:15 AM
Edited my 1st post in an attempt to overcome the my generational gap issues, My apologies

lol Maybe we need a facetious smilie. Or do a "If you are not old caution this is a gory video"...."If you are old this is a cute puppy video..."

10-28-2011, 07:20 AM
Your first post was worded so the reader would think its one of those ultra violent gore videos out there (though Im assuming its not). I refuse to watch that crapola. No witchhunt; I guess its a generational thing.

Same here. The title and the wording really missed the mark to the actual point he was trying to get across. :rolleyes:

10-28-2011, 08:44 AM
I watched the video and was also waiting for the big dog to just crush the little one in it's jaws. Your title is way off base, more would watch had you been straight forward with the title.

Cute video once I did watch it, I think at one time point in time the little one it going to the ***** kicked out of him by the cat:)

10-28-2011, 09:50 AM
Absolutely GREAT video! It is now circulating my work and we are all enjoying it.

As for vicious, I think the cat was most violent slapping that poor little dog around.

10-28-2011, 11:31 AM
Last week we lost one of our family members aka a white small maltese named coco who I love dearly when he decided to act like a mad dog on our male chico who would not tolerate the disrespect. Either way I let chico HAVE IT and buried poor coco who went out like a gangster that he was but I still love chico.

That's horrible, would you let 2 little kids fight to the death?

I did watch the video and was just waiting for something to happen without reading past the first post.

I had pit/boxer mix who was the biggest baby ever. That was my baby boy and he wouldn't have hurt a fly. Our sheltie used to harass the crap out of him and he always just took it until he had enough. He would then just jump up and come lie by either me or the wife.

Love pits but know that like any other dog you need to train them right.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk

10-28-2011, 12:22 PM
I did not look at the video, but I will say that the breed is not the problem. Each dog breed has tendancies........Owners are responsible for managing them properly so that those tendancies are controled/restricted where need be. If an animal owner does not, then unfortunate things occur and certain animals get the bad rap they have.

It has been my experience that pitbulls + the different varieties of bulls are great dogs. Unfortunatly they have characteristics that appeal to a segment of society that is not as responsible from a pet ownership perspective as owners of other breeds, hence the reputation......

Did you know that Labradors bite more ppl yearly, than any other breed of dog? True...... It is also true that there are more Labs than any other breed of dog..... Just trying to show that things are not always as they appear.:o

Watch the video - he was being sarcastic. It's adorable!

10-31-2011, 08:22 AM
We are not talking about biting we are talking about killing and maiming. You cannot command out what has been bred in.

When you look at the number of pitts as a % of the dog population and the number of people pitts have killed or maimed there is only one conclusion.

A good friend of mine used to take pitts in as a rescue from the SPCA. They were not pets in any sense. He took them on trial and some even he could not keep.

As the owner of a "dangerous" dog, I tend to agree. Yes, you can have aggression problems with any dog that's mis-trained or mis-treated. And yes, all dogs will snap if provoked. However, pitbulls have been bred for certain traits and one of those will show if/when they do snap. That being, they won't just nip or bite once and let go. No, they will go all out.

That is the main problem with them; I'm sure you'll find more "attacks" by cats , or shihtsu's (don't get me started on how many ill tempered small dogs are out there), but most of the time those are a claw or a nip/bite and then the cat/small dog backs off. Compare that to a pitbull latched on to your arm or leg, and it's not even a contest.

My parents did once have a cat that to this day I believe was posessed by Satan. I just wish I had my Malinois back then... I would not do a damn thing to stop him if he ever got a hold of it, for all the gallons of blood I've lost due to that stupid cat.