View Full Version : Scrappers

1 Bad Merc
10-31-2011, 07:52 AM
So let me tell you about a very interesting early evening last night that I had. I left my custom made firepit (Truck rim with rebar/legs-brother in law made for me) on my patio in the backyard in front of my garage. I had a fire with some friends on Saturday night and since it was raining today I left it sitting out where it was at. You could see it from the street but I have a chain link fence with a padlock on it.

Now I live in a typical Chicago suburban neighborhood with neighbors' houses close to me and we all have unattached garages set back from our houses on the side with driveways that run up to them. I have a dog so my backyard and front of the garage is fenced in. We have had robberies in the past and thankfully my house has been spared.

Needless to say I took off this afternoon to take a friend of mine to Midway airport and as I am driving up to my house I see this old 80's chevy pick-up truck pulled up in front of my house and blocking my driveaway. I look and there is this guy walking back to his' truck trying to aske me questions as I pull up. I rolled down the window and ask him what the F*** he is doing on my property and blocking my driveway? He said he is wondering if the pile of scrap in my backyard was available. He said he was going to knock on my front door to ask...(I never saw him at my front door-he just came out of nowhere) when I pulled up. I do proceed to tell him that what is behind my locked fence was none of his' business and to get the hell out of here.

He then continues to try and talk to me as I am looking in his' truck and do not see one piece of scrapmetal anywhere in the bed of it. Now today is Sunday and it is a typical garbage day for us on our end of town. We usually bring stuff to the curb and we do see people who are scrapping driving up and down the streets picking up metal. Usually these guys have alot of stuff in their trucks (we are miles from a scrapyard) but this guy had none.

I then went ballistic and told him to get the F*** gone as I am calling the police and went nuts screaming at him. He then proceeded to get into his' truck and left in a hurry.

I am still sitting here wondering if I did the right thing as I feel I handled this situation wrong and should of called the police right away. He could of really wanted the firepit and walked up my driveway and saw the padlock on the fence and went to the door to ask but I swear I never saw him at my front door. It sure seemed really funny what was going on and now I am worried he was casing my house and yard and I caught him.

I was so upset I did not get his' license plate number (I know -dumb ass) and was still shaking with anger from the encounter.

Hopefully I scared him enough that he wont come back but I guess I should probably call the police tomorrow anyway and report that I found a person snooping around my house -just worried about the wife and kids when I am not home.

10-31-2011, 08:03 AM
I would ask to talk directly to a Detective. Not just some desk officer.

10-31-2011, 08:52 AM
I would have blocked him in and then asked if he wanted to buy "my" truck.

1 Bad Merc
10-31-2011, 09:05 AM
I would have blocked him in and then asked if he wanted to buy "my" truck.

I was thinking that Casey but his truck was a piece of crap and I did not want my truck smashed up if he tried to get away. I was hoping to scare him enough that he wont come back but again I think I should of gotten his' plate number and called the police. You always think of the good stuff after crap happens!

My friend who is a police officer keeps telling me that alot of theives are getting pretty bold nowadays as the penalties for trespassing are almost non existent. Normally the police just let them go with a warning. That's what I am worried about that my house and garage where getting cased for later in the week.

10-31-2011, 09:14 AM
I was thinking that Casey but his truck was a piece of crap and I did not want my truck smashed up if he tried to get away. I was hoping to scare him enough that he wont come back but again I think I should of gotten his' plate number and called the police. You always think of the good stuff after crap happens!

My friend who is a police officer keeps telling me that alot of theives are getting pretty bold nowadays as the penalties for trespassing are almost non existent. Normally the police just let them go with a warning. That's what I am worried about that my house and garage where getting cased for later in the week.

It's a shame when criminals have no fear of home owners. I'm not saying dude was, but just in general. I told Amy last week, and I think MM2004 just the other day, if someone breaks in while I'm home and the dog is doing what it is supposed to do (latch onto your neckbone), but the person is still advancing, I will shoot thru the dog to drop the intruder. I love my dog, but I love my human family, too.
Two things not tolerated in the Navy while I was in: 1. A thief. 2. A liar. In that order. Man, I'm worked up and this happened to you not me. Have to go burn a cig and calm down, lol.

10-31-2011, 09:19 AM
Next time drag his ass in the house and shoot him in the heart. Problem solved.

- Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

10-31-2011, 09:28 AM
we have a huge problem with scrappers here where I live. I am a police officer on the night shift, and generally when we see a truck driving around at night with a load of scrap in the back we stop it and get thier info. I got a hedder stolen out of the passenger seat of my Maverick a couple months back. THe only thing I can think of is scrappers or some kid making an awesomely big pipe to smoke weed with. I also put a broken lawn mower on the curb where it sat for 3 weeks. I even put a FREE sign on it. No one took is so I moved it back up the the side of the house. Within two days it was gone.

10-31-2011, 09:33 AM
It's a shame when criminals have no fear of home owners. I'm not saying dude was, but just in general. I told Amy last week, and I think MM2004 just the other day, if someone breaks in while I'm home and the dog is doing what it is supposed to do (latch onto your neckbone), but the person is still advancing, I will shoot thru the dog to drop the intruder. I love my dog, but I love my human family, too.
Two things not tolerated in the Navy while I was in: 1. A thief. 2. A liar. In that order. Man, I'm worked up and this happened to you not me. Have to go burn a cig and calm down, lol.

We should head to his house and have a weapon cleaning party.

10-31-2011, 09:38 AM
We should head to his house and have a weapon cleaning party.

Hell yeah, and have a Windy City crew meet whilst there. Scrappers will be collecting LEAD! :gunfire:

1 Bad Merc
10-31-2011, 09:43 AM
Because of this incident I have been really thinking about going to my dad's house and retrieving a couple of my guns back. I put them at my dad's for safe keeping years ago when my kids where real little but my oldest is now 12 and my next guy is 8.

Not sure yet but it might be time for dad to teach them about gun safety and the finer points of shooting :)

1 Bad Merc
10-31-2011, 09:45 AM
Hell yeah, and have a Windy City crew meet whilst there. Scrappers will be collecting LEAD! :gunfire:

Now that sounds like one heck of a good Party! :party:

10-31-2011, 10:34 AM
Because of this incident I have been really thinking about going to my dad's house and retrieving a couple of my guns back. I put them at my dad's for safe keeping years ago when my kids where real little but my oldest is now 12 and my next guy is 8.

Not sure yet but it might be time for dad to teach them about gun safety and the finer points of shooting :)

Best to teach them if you are going to have them in the house. If for no other reason: If you have them and they are afraid of them, what good will it do if they ever have to use them. They will be more afraid of their own gun than the burgler. I do not advocate 8 year olds shooting at people, just throwing that out there, but if the reason ever presents itsself to have to defend yourself it would help if you knew how to flip the safety off.

Captain Dynball
10-31-2011, 10:57 AM
I have a huge smoker in my backyard and I have had scrappers knock on my door asking about it. I wouldn't be too worried.

10-31-2011, 10:58 AM
2 in the chest, 1 in the head, problem solved.

1 Bad Merc
10-31-2011, 10:59 AM
Best to teach them if you are going to have them in the house. If for no other reason: If you have them and they are afraid of them, what good will it do if they ever have to use them. They will be more afraid of their own gun than the burgler. I do not advocate 8 year olds shooting at people, just throwing that out there, but if the reason ever presents itsself to have to defend yourself it would help if you knew how to flip the safety off.

I was thinking my 8 year old is still a little too young to learn about guns right now. I will probably just leave them at Dad's house for awhile. I think I might break out the old .22 rifle and take my older son target shooting just to teach him the basics and some gun safety.

I am looking at putting a remote camera or two on the house with a monitor hooked up in my garage office so I can see who comes to the door or up my driveway. Should be able to hook up a computer to record and it cant be more expensive then a good security system. This way I figure I would not have to pay monthly security fees. I hope I can get a good system for less then a $1000 but we will see. If anyone has suggestions I am all ears.

10-31-2011, 11:02 AM
2 in the chest, 1 in the head, problem solved.

I thought it was 2 in the chest and 28 in the face.

10-31-2011, 01:28 PM
I would be more concerned w/the guy you didn't see.
His "talking" to you was a distraction. There may have been an accomplice elsewhere on or near your property that he was trying to distract you from seeing!

10-31-2011, 02:03 PM
I thought it was 2 in the chest and 28 in the face.

It would really depend upon your location.............. and witness's. :D

10-31-2011, 02:11 PM
The big discount houses (Costco, BJs) all advertise camera systems in the $3-400 range
Also check Bargain outfitters and sportsmans guide websites for camera systems.

My dad and older brothers started teaching me about guns and taking me out shooting when I was 6. I got my first gun at 8.

10-31-2011, 03:03 PM
I thought it was 2 in the chest and 28 in the face.

Goddam, son! Not everyone carries a ma duece around, lol.

I got my frist rifle at age 10, for Christmas. A Marlin .22, destroyed all my army men with it, then my model cars, sisters Barbies, etc. etc. :D

10-31-2011, 03:09 PM
Goddam, son! Not everyone carries a ma duece around, lol.

I got my frist rifle at age 10, for Christmas. A Marlin .22, destroyed all my army men with it, then my model cars, sisters Barbies, etc. etc. :D

No silly, for the 50 we have 100 round cans. And two to the chest with that thing won't leave a face in the vacinity to shoot at. On the tail gun it would be two 100 round cans linked together for the 240D.

10-31-2011, 03:19 PM
Because of this incident I have been really thinking about going to my dad's house and retrieving a couple of my guns back. I put them at my dad's for safe keeping years ago when my kids where real little but my oldest is now 12 and my next guy is 8.

Not sure yet but it might be time for dad to teach them about gun safety and the finer points of shooting :)

Heaven forbid if you so shoot someone then 10-1 they will arrest you and the perp will wind up taking you to Court. :mad:

10-31-2011, 03:20 PM
2 in the chest, 1 in the head, problem solved.
Gun control is hitting the target with just one shot:)

10-31-2011, 03:23 PM
I got my frist rifle at age 10, for Christmas. A Marlin .22, destroyed all my army men with it, then my model cars, sisters Barbies, etc. etc. :D

Do your sisters still speak to you?

10-31-2011, 03:45 PM
I have a Remington 12 gauge pump and have started to take my wife skeet shooting...All because you never know.

1 Bad Merc
10-31-2011, 04:13 PM
I would be more concerned w/the guy you didn't see.
His "talking" to you was a distraction. There may have been an accomplice elsewhere on or near your property that he was trying to distract you from seeing!

I never thought about that. Maybe that's why he was hanging around and not leaving right away. I had to get fairly aggresive before he started to get moving. This whole thing seems strange to me but like I said earlier, he just did not seem like a scrapper.

1 Bad Merc
10-31-2011, 04:18 PM
Heaven forbid if you so shoot someone then 10-1 they will arrest you and the perp will wind up taking you to Court. :mad:

I actually had a police officer (friend of mine) tell me that if I shoot someone make sure he is on your property and that you kill them 1. They dont tell any tales 2. You dont have to pay for the healthcare they are going to require 3. You dont have a injured person on the stand making everyone feel sorry for him while he is testifying against you.

Pretty rough advice but he told me that some of the things that actually happen in court would blow your mind.

1 Bad Merc
10-31-2011, 04:20 PM
Gun control is hitting the target with just one shot:)

I always remember the movie "One shot, One Kill"!

Who knows the movie I am referring too?

10-31-2011, 04:22 PM
I always remember the movie "One shot, One Kill"!

Who knows the movie I am referring too?

I read a book called one shot one kill, it was about carlos hathcock.

Da Dark Jedi
10-31-2011, 04:24 PM
Heaven forbid if you so shoot someone then 10-1 they will arrest you and the perp will wind up taking you to Court. :mad:

That happen 10-15 years ago in Illinois. There werer break-ins in the North west burbs in Illinois, where the criminal would take the Metra RR out to the areas in daylight. Well he broke into one house and took what he could even the SUV keys. The next evening he returned to the same house, but this time the father od two girls were putting them to bed when he heard the noise. He grab his 45 cal and went to see, well he walked up on the guy and shot him. The perk took him to court and sued for medical damage, Illinois charged the guy with unlawfull use of weapon.

At least the laws here have changed.... just bearly!

1 Bad Merc
10-31-2011, 04:55 PM
I read a book called one shot one kill, it was about carlos hathcock.

Wasnt he the legendary Marine Sniper? Not the movie I was thinking about ;)

10-31-2011, 05:16 PM
Wasnt he the legendary Marine Sniper? Not the movie I was thinking about ;)

Yeah but Chuck Malwhenie? actually had more kills. His rifle is at Quantico Museum.

10-31-2011, 05:18 PM


10-31-2011, 07:12 PM
Next time drag his ass in the house and shoot him in the heart. Problem solved.

- Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

WhoaAAA Joey... So beautiful you are but s0 ugly is your heart!

Lol, I'm sure if he could have gotten it without you knowing he would've I wouldn't fret too much about it my friend!

10-31-2011, 08:07 PM
Are you guys as dangerous as you sound?

1 Bad Merc
10-31-2011, 08:21 PM
I dont know but I cant believe no one got the DEER HUNTER -one shot one kill!

C'mon Just bob or Pony -thought for sure one of you would get it!

I must either be getting that slow or just that old :)

10-31-2011, 08:30 PM
Are you guys as dangerous as you sound?

One word................worse:P

10-31-2011, 09:32 PM
I never thought about that. Maybe that's why he was hanging around and not leaving right away. I had to get fairly aggresive before he started to get moving. This whole thing seems strange to me but like I said earlier, he just did not seem like a scrapper.

You were being cased. 1st impression instinct, empty p/u bed, his stalling attitude distracted you long enough for partner(s) to flee the other way. Your agressive attitude & not backing down probably scared them off to greener pastures. :flamer:

11-01-2011, 03:36 AM
Are you guys as dangerous as you sound?

Clark (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000331/): Bend over and I'll show you.

11-02-2011, 01:34 PM
Are you guys as dangerous as you sound?

No, we just refuse to be victims.

1 Bad Merc
02-15-2012, 11:34 PM
UPDATE -forgot to tell everyone that back around the 2nd week of December, when I had to fly to New York for the annual company meetings/Christmas Party, some rat bastards tried to break into my garage!

It was the day after I left so I know they were watching my house and must have seen me leave in the cab. I work in the office in my garage so they knew my schedule.

They showed up around 1:30 PM and pulled their pick-up truck into my neighbors driveway (I usually lock my gate at the driveway), kicked in his' garage door and stole most of his' stuff (jukebox, power tools, bar arcade machine), broke into his' house and stole more of their stuff. They then hopped the fences (all 4 of our backyards connect and are seperated by fences) and stole my other neighbors snowblower and some things out of her garage. They jumped our fence and tried with a crowbar to jam open my garage door but that didnt work (steel fire door -bent but did not break :)) , they then tried to jimmy my locks and snapped something off inside and then worked their way to the back of my garage and put pieces of duck tape in a X on both my back windows (obviously getting ready to punch them out).

Around this time, my aunt came over to let my dog out into the back yard and she heard him barking alot. After about 5-10 minutes she went out to investigate but did not see anything. My neighbor came home around 5 and called me and told me he got robbed. I called my wife and when she came home found the damage to the door and called the police. The police came and found the crowbar in the neighbors yard that they used on my garage.

Police theorized that the rat-bastards where professionals and had been casing out our houses. When they saw the car come and get me they realized it was their chance. So they waited till the next day and made their move. My dog must have scared the guys away as they did not have the time to punch the garage windows out and must have hopped the fence when my dog showed up.

I spoke to the police officer and told him about the black pickup truck and he told me that he was 90% sure that this was one of the guys. He said these guys know all the tricks and he probably had a buddy casing my house/garage which is why he stalled me. He advised me that I should have called the police immediately.

All scrappers in our city need to have a permit and are not allowed on your property. If I had gotten the license plate number (coulda/shoulda snapped a pic with my phone) they could have tracked this guy down and arrested him. I probably would have prevented the robberies from happening.

Just wanted to post this as a warning to people to be very watchful and dont hesitate to call the police if you notice something unusual. The police will figure out if what is happening is okay or not.

Since this has happened, my wife is afraid to go out to our garage at night because people could be watching! I think that is the worst thing-feeling/knowing that people are watching you.. I am also going to do some other things to prevent any future happenings and I pity them if they come back!

I just want everyone to be careful out their and dont hesitate to call the police if you feel something is not right !!! You might even be surprised at what is going on in your neighborhood !!!!

02-15-2012, 11:52 PM
Wow, read the whole thread. Sorry to hear what happened. Sounds like it's time to look into greener pastures. I know they'll be kick back from some on here about that statement. But, the truth is, why go through the hassel of going to court etc, after you end up shooting the Bastig who was trying to rob you again. Just sayin. ;)